Eternal Life

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

“World Tree is planted in the realm of the Yuan Dynasty. Our safety is one more layer. The many cultivators in the heavens will come and have to make him suffer a big loss!”

Feng Baiyu looked at World Tree and praised it.

This kind of gods, outstanding status has countless epochs, everyone knows, and now finally belongs to the era gate.

“Ten, you will come! The Holy Land of Truth! The origin of the dynasty! Come, what the ghost world, the legal world, the martial arts, the book world… are also coming.” Linglong Immortal Venerable with both hands, hair flying in the air: “Just come attack In the realm of our Yuan, everything will be annihilated and vanished.”

“Fang Han, your Culture Base ….”

When everyone slowly explored the World Tree’s integration into the mystery of the world, Feng Ayu finally discovered that Fang Han’s Aura is very different from the past. He is the reincarnation of the Buddhaly Monarch, and naturally can detect the arrival of all kinds of mysteries.

“I have cultivated to reach the summit of the ten eras of Culture Base, and it is a coincidence that it has killed the weaknesses of the previous life. Since then, there has been no weakness in the long river, and the realm has reached the level that Xian Wang can comprehend. A mystery.”

Fang Han spoke out everything he had in the realm of the gods, and at the same time, all kinds of scenes were suspended in the Yuan Dynasty.

Everyone was shocked again, watching Fang Han in the realm of the gods, squatting, devour the door of the celestial beings, killing the Lord of the Ancient Buddha, the Lord of the Dragon, the Heavenly Monarch, all killed, almost heart-warming, Everyone is almost happy to reach the extreme.

“Well, I have all plundered the treasures of the accumulation of the Protoss in the 20th era. Now I have become the treasure of my epoch, and I will take these treasures out and see what is important to help me. At the same time, I have to pick out the vast mysteries of the heavens and concise my 33 Skies.”

Between the words, Fang Han waved his hand, and immediately a huge treasure house equivalent to heaven, appeared in the center of the Yuan Dynasty, almost covering the sky.

The entire Yuan Dynasty, vast and vast, was created by Fang Han as the spring season, and there are many different Spaces, raising Heavenly Demon, different beasts, and other magic caves for the younger brother to cultivation and challenge.

The Yuan Dynasty has now been divided into many planes. Each plane has separate mountains and rivers, grass rivers, and even secular countries. Among the Jiyuanmen, the young and old brothers have now developed. I don’t know how many trillions of trillion.

Moreover, Feng Baiyu, Linglong, Mibao, Yuhuang has listened to the orders of Fang Han, and collected the “poisonous world”, “fire world”, “quake world”, “tangjie” and “viewland”.

When Fang Han came back, the four Heavenly Monarchs had already collected all the cultivators of the Five Realms, all the Space and World Crystal Wall Systems, and then condensed into the Yuan Dynasty, making several more in the Yuan Dynasty. In the plane, there are many cultivators among the five worlds. They are the apprentices of several Heavenly Monarchs. Now they are collected and become slaves of the era gate.

The power of the five worlds has been integrated into the realm, making the realm more solid, almost no less than some old worlds that have been in business for a long time.

“The gods of heaven….”

“So many treasures, the treasures of the entire gods, have fallen into the hands of our era gates. This is the protoss that have accumulated twenty eras of treasures. The strong Aura of the heavens is full of fifteen heavens. My God, how is the Protoss so many days.”

“There are so many Heavenly Monarchs that can be born so many Heavenly Monarchs? The injection of each era of Gate to Eternity, there are not many days.”

“Yeah, as long as you collect a Tianmai, you can establish Supreme Mastery in the next era, a heavenly existence. Now that there are fifteen, we can truly carry forward and rule in the next era. The heavens.”

“Go, let’s go into it and see what treasures there are.” Fang Han waved his sleeves and flew up into the treasure.

This treasury of the Protoss, expanded, the normal form, is the size of the heavens, suspended in the sky above the Yuan, Fang Han and everyone into it, came to a vast hall, in the hall, full of dazzling, all are treasures, A warehouse of a warehouse of fetishes.

Originally, the Protoss treasure house contained a very powerful forbidden art, but after being charged by Fang Han, Magic Force flowed, and all the treasures forbidden art were erased.

Fang Han has defeated the ancestors of the ancestral king, still care about the forbidden art of the treasure house?

“Ah, this is a warehouse god, Rune Shengjin.”

Suddenly, the exquisite Immortal Venerable was amazed, she saw a huge warehouse, full of planet-sized warehouse Space, stacked all the Rune Sands. Each golden sand is a small rune, sparkling, indestructible, and the faint eternal gas floats out of it, revealing a sleek, secular glow.

This is the “rune holy gold” ejected from Gate to Eternity. It is a kind of metal, but it is not in formless. Before many epochs, Expert used this St. Jinsha to cast a sword of rune. I don’t know how much Heavenly killed. Monarch, later annihilated in the long river of history.

This sands is a natural rune.

“It’s not bad. This rune holy gold is one of the materials forging 33 Skies to Baotong Tianding. I took it.” Fang Han grabbed a big space, and the space Bible of the size of Space has been “swallowed up”. in.

Later, everyone walked toward the depths of this treasure, and while walking, visiting, all kinds of warehouses, the gods appeared in front of the people. Everyone seems to be a single beggar, suddenly entered the center of a treasure exhibition, the treasure of each exhibition, is the existence of value.

“Ah! That’s the two instruments. In the rumor, as long as you wear it on your chest, you can always protect your soul. After a secular person gets it, you can become a fairy with almost no effort. There is actually a plane here. “The people were shocked again and found out that among the huge planes, all of them are black and white gods. The god stone is the two ceremonial stones in the rumor, and it is also a god.

Fang Han waved his sleeve and charged again.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a “magic object” with a plane and a plane. There are Xuanhuang Shenjing, there are Jiugong Shentie, there are eight-character maps… There are some weird gods that no one has ever seen.

Fang Han walks in it and encounters the gods that are suitable for sacrificial refining 33 Skies. It is directly collected. The gods in the protoss treasure house are not only many kinds, but also many, and often a kind of god is a plane of storage. A variety of bizarre materials have made Fang Han eye-opener, and even through these materials, Fang Han has almost seen what the specific look of Gate to Eternity looks like.

“That is, Heavenly Monarch skeleton! The Heavenly Monarch skeleton of the fallen of the Protoss is in it, developed, and there are more than 30!” Mi Bao shocked and pointed to a plane.

The plane was surrounded by a dead air, solemn and solemn, and several Protoss appeared on the crystal wall of this plane, which read: “The cemetery of the gods” four characters.

In this cemetery of the gods, Fang Han saw a full thirty-five graves. Among the huge tombs, there were some dead Heavenly Monarch bodies, and the Heavenly Monarch bodies were all protoss in the twenty epochs. Among the fallen Heavenly Monarch.

Heavenly Monarch has fallen, but the body is not decaying. The Protoss gave birth to many Heavenly Monarchs in the 20th era. Unfortunately, no matter what Heavenly Monarch, lifespan can live for twenty epochs, but after they fall, The body was preserved and left in the cemetery of the gods for the attention of many protoss, but unfortunately it was plundered by Fang Han.

“Okay, thirty-five Protoss bodies, very good, are ancient Heavenly Monarch, my God, and there is an old skeleton near the ten eras of Culture Base. These skeletons, if one by one, are integrated into the body of the younger brother. In addition, with the medicine pill, all kinds of gods, we will definitely have a few more Heavenly Monarchs.”

Fang Han counted the treasures in this protoss treasure house, and finally found a pool, all of which are rich in eternal life.

This eternal life is not as high as the quality of the beginning of the Yuan, and it is an essential element of Heavenly Monarch’s promotion to the king.

A lot of gods were collected in the 33 Skies, and Fang Han sat down in the treasure trove, and greeted the four Heavenly Monarchs: “You put the wind Yan Guang, Xing Yun Baobao, Jia Lan, Long Xuan, these people who follow me in the secular are summoned to this treasure house. I assist them to scrub the protoss Heavenly Monarch’s skeleton with World Tree, and then let the skeleton and their bodies merge into one. The realm of Heavenly Monarch. At the same time, immediately start all cultivation, quickly improve the strength, and strive to quickly digest the protoss treasure house, all of which make the next generation of brothers into strength! great war soon, there are many worlds in heaven, will come to attack, you must Completely resisted.”

When Fang Han sat down at the cross-legged end, the whole Yuan Dynasty, time began to accelerate, and there was an hour outside, and there were millions of years inside. Under such a fast time, there were gods and various medicine pills. With the help of Tianmai, the brother of Jiyuanmen will advance with leaps and bounds.

He is now starting to train and, in a very short time, upgrade the strength of the era gate to a new level.

If it is another sect, the resources are not enough, it can not be such a luxury reversal time cultivation, but the era of the different gates, an hour past a million years, some brothers are directly dead, but among the protoss treasures, countless life pill medicine pill Enhance Life essence, you can live for thousands of years.

When Jiyuanmen robbed the treasures of the origin dynasty, he could be rich and rich, and now he has the treasures of the Protoss, all of them are super rich. It is equal to a casual Jin Xiandi, who is much richer than the original giant of the heavens, the emperor, and the gun of judgment.

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