Eternal Life

Chapter 1507

Chapter 1 509

Fang Han left, leaving a debilitated god.

The realm of the gods can be described as bleak, the crystal wall system is broken everywhere, and the purple stars are broken one after another. I don’t know how many Protoss populations died, even the Yuanshen did not keep it. An invincible big world is extremely weak.

Originally, with the advantage of the Protoss, among the Myriad Heavenly Domain, except for the heavens, it is the first. Although the ancestor of the ancestor disappeared, but it is still at the forefront, there is nothing to die of these Protoss. After more than 100 million years of Cultivate Vitality, it will be derived again, what the emperor, Supreme Immortal, and even Life as Heaven and Earth Powerhouse, and Heavenly Lord, will be born one after another.

But Heavenly Monarch can’t be born.

The king of heaven, transcending the heavens and the earth, the earth and the earth, and my immortal existence. Can not be catalyzed to raise, we must know that the Protoss experienced 20 eras, accumulating the Tongtian Tianmu Umo, the seven ancient gods including the Heavenly Monarch. With these twenty Heavenly Monarchs, among the Myriad Heavenly Domains, the Protoss can also stand at the pinnacle of the world.

It is a pity that now Fang Han has a killing, and there are twelve Heavenly Monarchs, all of which he swallowed and killed. When the essence is lost, the loss of the gods cannot be tolerated.

In particular, the whole sacred world has accumulated a treasure trove of twenty epochs, all of which have been taken away by Fang Han. The protoss can be said to be so bellied, even after the mouse climbed into it, it was tearful.

Without a lot of resources and artifacts, it is impossible for the younger brothers of the gods to promote to Heavenly Monarch. Comprehend Heavenly Monarch on your own qualifications, and then impact? Such people have not appeared since ancient times.

“It’s awful and hateful. There are fifteen heavenly veins in our treasure house, all stored in it, and the more eternal gas that is absorbed, so we are plundered away. Our brother of the Protoss, after that, how Promotion? Improve Cultivation Base, and how to cultivate.”

After the emperor looked at Fang Han and left, he was silent for a while and suddenly thundered.

“Tianmai! Lingmai, medicine pill, fetish, material, magical treasure……. All will be charged away.” 仞利天suffering shaking his head.

“What to do? What about our gods now? The loss is so heavy. In the event of a dragon, the people of the Buddha world will know that they will come to peek. After the heavens know, they will definitely attack us.”

Huayutian has almost a feeling of wanting to die. Fang Han took away the treasure house of the Protoss accumulated for 20 years. Among them, there are many epics, and the Protoss collected a total of fifteen. They were all plundered by Fang Han. Now they have no days, how can they practice? How to promote Heavenly Monarch?

Promote Heavenly Monarch without relying on the spirit? That is impossible.

“There is no green fire in the green hills.” Tianzhu Umo quickly calmed down: “Now we quickly repair the crystal wall system of the gods, shrink the whole gods, then close the door, save power, wait When the world is shattered, Gate to Eternity will spray a large number of artifacts again. Tianmai, when we collect it, we can make a comeback.”

“The Buddha and the Dragon World…….” The emperor Shi Tian looked at the Umbrella, waiting for his wife to take the idea. He is the number one Powerhouse of the Seven Ancient Emperors, and has lived eight chaotic times. It is similar to the Heavenly Monarch. The status is lofty, but in front of Tianzhu Umo, it is still only a subordinate.

Scorpio Umo is nominally his wife, but in fact it is the holy king of the Protoss, the protoss leader appointed by the ancestors. In front of Scorpio Umo, he can’t lift his head. Anything can only be settled by the other party.

“The Buddha world, after knowing the embarrassment of my protoss, the dragon community will certainly be uneasy, but I will send a letter now, saying that the Lord of the Ancient Buddha, the Lord of the Dragon has been killed by Fang Han, and our gods Now, in order to protect the end of the Holy King, the Great Dao, the Temporary King will not come out. Even if their messengers come, we will refuse them in the martial art.” Umbrella Umo has already thought very clearly.

“Right, our Protoss also has the end of the Holy King. As long as the end of the Holy King is not extinguished, we can have the opportunity to retain our vitality.”

“What about Fang Han?”

When the seven ancient gods mentioned Fang Han, they hated their teeth, but they were terrified and helpless. They really were completely afraid of Fang Han. I am afraid that they will retaliate now.

“Fang Han, this person, don’t think about revenge him first. What we have to do now is wait, wait for him and Tian Ting, the Buddha world, the last battle of the dragon world. At that time, it is our greatest opportunity. After that, the opportunity is waiting.” Tianzhu Umo began to direct the action.

The seven ancient gods immediately acted, narrowed the gods, repaired the crystal wall system, and divided the many protoss who were injured and killed.

Everything is going well in a well-organized way.

After a few hours, the realm of the gods restored the order, showing that the control of the scorpio Umo is unparalleled…

At this moment, Fang Han is already on his way back to the era gate.

His palm turned over, and a circle of light appeared in front of the eyes, showing the order of the gods, the orderly order, and the arrangement of the scorpio Umo, the eyes moving, the delicate operation of the mind: “Scorpio Umo governance The means of the martial art, it is indeed a good thing. If you can accept it as a slave, it would be better, oh! I still don’t surrender to me, but when I am one day, the strength is stronger, and the whole godland will be my bag sooner or later. .”

Although the realm of the gods is now a big kill, it is weak, but the comprehensive strength is still more tyrannical than the era gate. If you can merge the gods and the era gates, then the strength of the era gate will be advance with leaps and bounds, think about it. Every time the princes of the era go out, they are carrying a large group of protoss servants, and what is the scene?

“The realm of the gods has gradually begun to decline. If this is the case, I will look at the end of the holy king and let you be quiet for a while. I hope that you can figure out some things. Now my main strength is to fight against the Buddha. Above the Dragon World, these two circles are not a day for me, and they are not all the way to heaven, killing them, and condense my strength again, and then let Tianting be shocked.”

Fang Han has long planned, and Tian Ting is now recruiting troops, expanding allies everywhere, and destroying the era gates together. However, he is in a weak position and must regain his strength. At that time, all the people will be destroyed in one fell swoop. Weiming.

The Dragon World and the Buddha World are your preferred targets. After you go in, you can kill a pass and use the Heavenly Monarch source to refine it into 33 Skies. It is best to completely change the Buddha and Dragon circles into your own era. Slave and vassal.

However, he had to go back and digest the treasure house of the gods. At the same time, he planted the backbone of the World Tree in the Yuan Dynasty, and then deeply hid it. When he waited for the attack of the heavenly court, he broke out the power and made many of the heavens. Expert has a big loss.

The backbone of the World Tree is endless. After being refining and refining by Fang Han, the world can be crushed by a swept swept.


Fang Han returned directly to the Yuan Dynasty.

Now the entire Yuan Dynasty is running in an orderly manner. The aurora ocean around it is slowly rotating around the Yuan Dynasty and has become a long river of guardianship. Even if Heavenly Monarch comes in, it will be strangled.

When the Danjie was surrounded by the Aurora River, Heavenly Monarch entered it with difficulty. Now the whole aurora belt is windy white feather, feather emperor, exquisite, four Heavenly Monarch sacrificial refining, which is densely packed and does not know how much forbidden art is arranged. There is a unique killing power for Heavenly Monarch.

Fang Han stepped into the Yuan Dynasty, Linglong, Yuhuang and others returned to God, and overjoyed: “Fang Han, you are back, how is it going to go to the realm of the gods? Come back so soon, that thing is sure Very smooth?”

Fang Han didn’t answer, just a hand, a Divine tree, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, then slowly narrowed down, gave birth to a strong world power, filled the whole world, immediately the whole yuan Among the densely structured crystal wall systems, there is green light, like jade, green water, green and green.

The power of World Tree has completely begun to recover.

Everyone even saw it. In the long river of the past, an extremely powerful species was ejected from Gate to Eternity, and then grew, grew, and passed through many eras and grew into a towering tree.

This is the body of World Tree.

Throughout the Yuan Dynasty, in an instant, at the moment of the World Tree homing, it was extremely sturdy and sturdy, and the face of Feng Baiyu showed a different look, punching out, oh! His boxing wind hit the crystal wall system, and the entire crystal wall system did not move, seemingly ignoring his boxing style.

Moreover, he felt that his own power, when bombarded on the crystal wall system, was directly absorbed by the green color in the crystal wall system, and then ejected through the World Tree, and blessed on the body of many epochs. The younger brother seems to have gotten his own personal teaching of Magic Force, the power to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, the skyrocketing.

“Great, World Tree is so powerful, it turns out that World Tree is planted in the world, but unfortunately absorbs all external attacks, through the transformation of World Tree, blessing people in the world, that is, the protection of this World Tree World, the more the outsider attacks, the more people benefit from it.”

Yuhuang admired that he has gradually melted the body of the arbitrator, and the Magic Force is a thousand miles away.

“This is similar to the 33 Skies. But in the rumor, the 33 Skies is the treasure of the world. It is the mystery of World Tree, transforming power, supplementing itself, and always invincible.” Fang Han Nodded, he already knew the magical use of World Tree, secretly calculated, and then completely consolidate World Tree in the realm.

With the real World Tree, the Yuan world can be described as a solid soup.

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