Eternal Life

Chapter 1505

The first thousand five hundred and five chapters

Back in time, chasing the youth of the tyrannical character is still weak, causing a causal cycle, causing the current powerful existence to die directly, or seriously hurt.

This kind of means is simply unheard of and unseen.

Heavenly Monarch can’t show it.

This is simply a violation of the law of cause and effect, the law of the three births. Among the rumors, only the most fascinating of the three sacred stones in the heavens can be used to attack and attack the ontology of the tyrannical character of the past.

However, it is obvious that the ancestor of the sacred king, the scorpio Umo, the means of the seven ancient gods, not the three sacred stones, but the mystery of the heavens that the three sacred stones of Insight.

If Sanshengshi, the strongest object, Fang Han has long turned and walked, how far is it to run.

“Three lives! Kill.”

The voice of Scorpio Umo resounded again. On the Yuanling of the first ancestor, there was a marginal word, which turned into three illusions, and then suddenly, turned into a rolling river, endless scenes, Now in front of Fang Han.

Fang Han was in the depths of the long river, and saw the past and the weak youth.

The great hand of the ancestor’s sacred king, violently grasped, went deep into the endless hours, and stifled to the weak Youth era of the past Han Han.


The whole time has been shaken for a long time, and the force of the huge explosion caused the crystal wall system of the gods to rupture again. This is completely a force to distort the law.


Fang Han Suddenly, the body movement seems to be distorted by the huge force. A little bit of blood is ejected. His blood is the crystal god country. Every one can be turned into a plane, a world, a loss, and both. It is a big loss of vitality.

He saw it, and in the long river of light, the body of yourself, almost to be wiped out.

If you are completely killed, you will not be degraded, but you will also suffer from Magic Force. No one can think of it. The Umno of Umbrella awakens the spirit of the ancestor of the ancestors, and can actually display this wonderful method to reverse the most mysterious three-life rule between heaven and earth, attacking the ontology of the young age, and causing people to be countered by the law of cause and effect. .

This is no longer a pure Magic Force, but a complete reversal of the law of high and deep, creating the realm of Great Dao.

At this moment, Great Dao was purely shackled by him and born for him. At this moment, Great Dao became a slave and no longer a supreme being.

Take the Tao as a slave.

亵渎Great Dao.

The ancestor of the Holy King, Scorpio Umo launched a ruthless killing of Fang Han.

Bang! Bang! Every attack, when the light of the past, was penetrated by tremendous power, Great Dao suffered awkwardness, and the anti-phagment of the law led to endless catastrophe, all of which fell on the body of the ancestor, but unfortunately These Great Dao’s counter-attacks have no effect on the ancestral holy king.

The Culture Base of the ancestor’s sacred king has been thoroughly ruined, even if it is a glimpse of the spirit, it is not the Great Dao can compete.

With the power of Yuan Ling, Scorpio Umo finally displayed the Assassin section.

Fang Han’s body suddenly couldn’t move. The crystal god country of his whole body was blasted one after another. Every time he blasted the crystal god country, he was almost injurious.

However, his mind is getting more and more quiet. In the face of this kind of attack, suddenly, the Lesser Karma Technique is running wildly, almost reaching an unprecedented limit. He faces this kind of killing technique and crosses the time. The long river, the means of killing its own weak body, not only did not have the slightest fear, but gradually became excited from the shock of the beginning.

“I am not dead, my fate will last forever, killing my destiny, surpassing Great Dao!

Suddenly, under the mad sacred ancestor of the ancestors, the sacred attack of Fang Han, the body of Fang Han was shocked, and the mighty power of destiny also poured into the long river of time in the emptiness, endless The power of destiny, the attack has turned to the body of its own young age.

The body of the young age was blessed by the power of destiny, and it grew rapidly in the long river of time.

Suddenly, the young body exploded.

Fang Han whole body A shock, big bang again and again: “The way of fate, the mystery of fate, killing three lives, getting eternal life, no life is eternal life!”


Countless fate blew up on Fang Han’s body, and the young body disappeared after it exploded. Fang Han’s body was not traumatized, but instead felt an unprecedented ease.

This is the martyrdom! Kill the predecessors. Since then, Fang Han is a person who has no previous life! Without pre-existence, it means that there is no cause and effect, there is no law without cause and effect, and no law has already surpassed Great Dao! In this moment, he annihilated the predecessors and detached the cause and effect. Although Magic Force did not improve, the realm of the real world was completely detached from the secular Great Dao.

The moment before the birth was killed, the cause and effect, but the life and death of life before the end of everything. Fang Han is relieved, and the whole body is in a peak state.

At this moment, all of his Culture Base, all of them are prosperous, and once again raised, the ancestor of the Holy King, Umbrella, and other people, want to kill him, but succeeded the assist, he killed his predecessor, making the realm of Fang Han Improve again.

“not good!”

“We not only did not attack to reach his young body, but instead let him kill the previous life and jump out of causality. This is the realm that Xian Wang can understand and reach!”

“Who is he in the end, can actually kill the cause and effect so fast! Not dead. If there is no previous life, it means that he is tyrannical in his life, all of them are peaks, how can this be?”

“Impossible, impossible, only the kind of supreme king, can understand the mystery of the predecessors in the deep realm, killing the predecessors, no weaknesses.”

“Picture! This Fang Han is a demon, a complete demon, not a human being, a cancer that was born in the heavens.”

The emperor released the heavens, the Litian, the seven gods of the Protoss were shocked and unable to add.

“You are finally waking up, I know so, why should I be at the beginning?” Fang Han thoroughly realized that he had killed the realm of his predecessor, took a deep breath, and felt that he had never reached this moment. The whole person is really to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, the real invincible in the world.

The feeling of invincibility in the world, from the depths of his heart, came to life, he felt, and since then, no longer jealous of anyone. Because he has no weaknesses, no weakest time, a person who has no weaknesses, who can still get him? Victory won him?


Fang Han holds the World Tree, and a tree sweeps past and directly hits the spirit of the ancestor.

The spirit of the ancestor’s sacred king also seems to have reached the limit. The means of destroying the weak body of the fate of the fate of the ancestors has been displayed, and it has been swept away by the Great Dao rule.

After all, this is only a spirit, not an ontology. If it is an ontology, then Fang Han is definitely not an opponent. However, he knows that now that the heavens and the earth have changed, the king of the king has disappeared for some reason, and the ancestral holy king is no exception.

Unless you find the legendary Gate to Eternity, it is possible to find those disappearing kings.

The Yuan spirit of the ancestor of the ancestors completely collapsed, and the seven ancient gods such as the Heavenly Umbrella and the Emperor Shi Tian were scattered from it.

Fang Han held the backbone of World Tree, grabbed it with a big hand, and landed a huge scorpio. He surrounded all eight people. He arranged forbidden art, and he wanted to destroy the ultimate backbone of the Protoss.

“Fang Han! Are you really going to kill us?”

Scorpio Umo mouth squirting blood, face tragic, extremely regretful, she now knows that the Protoss has gone, Fang Han will definitely devour them, re-encourage 33 Skies, she and the power of the seven ancient gods, if by Fang Han If you devour it, 33 Skies will definitely make more than half of it into Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, even more.

“Don’t kill you? Is it still a scourge?” Fang Han secretly accumulates strength and prepares for a Thunder strike. At the same time, he is more prepared to prevent these mermaids from dying. “But I see it on the face of the end of the Holy King.” Don’t kill you, but you must give me slaves, the whole godland, become my slave, the slave of the era gate, now, the emperor releases the heavens, and the heavens… you all give me your knees.”

“Don’t think! I am an ancient god, I don’t know how many times I have experienced the existence of the earth, I will give you a bow down? Fang Han, I admit that you won this time, we summon the spirit of the ancestor of the ancestors, why not you? Even let you get rid of the previous life, there is no weakness, but our ancestor holy king did not die, he has entered the Gate to Eternity, and one day, he will return, to that time, is your death.” The gods calmed down.

“仞利天,化育天, what do you say? Really want to die?” Fang Han’s eyes looked at another ancient god, these ancient gods seem to have some heart shake, and there is no such death as the emperor .

仞利天, 养育天 did not speak, just looked at it, his eyes were complicated, and it seemed to be eager to try, better like a fish to die.

“About you also know that I am so powerful, don’t think about rebellion. Now I want to live. The only thing I have to do is to kneel down and surrender to me. Let the gods integrate into the realm. The Protoss become my slave, and I will continue to suffer. Otherwise, The whole godland, I have to erase it today, and then, to kill the Buddha world, the many Experts of the Dragon World, destroy the Three Realms, and establish the highest peak of the civilization of my era. I will give it to you when you die, and you will die. Only you can be fulfilled. If you want to be born, you have to endure shame.”

Fang Han’s eyes are getting more and more fierce. The killing of his body is earth-shaking. He almost always wants to shoot. Any god who sees Fang Han’s eyes feels that as long as Fang Han starts, he will definitely become ashes, without any suspense. .

The successful killing of the former Fang Han has exceeded their imagination.

“How could this be the case, how could this be… When he came to the realm of the gods, it was less than half an hour. The power has changed dramatically. Our protoss has completely fulfilled him…” Very complicated.

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