Eternal Life

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1,500

Fang Han seized the backbone of the “World Tree” and was accepting the power, a huge body, and coming out of the eternal unknown.

The ancestor of the Protoss, the Holy King.

The ancestor of the ancestors, the face of the knife, cut axe, at first glance, rough, wild, but then felt soft, delicate, such changes, so that people can not remember what he looks like, but the only feeling This is the face, the true face of Great Dao.

The body of the ancestor’s sacred king was filled with many voids. Everywhere, the land where he arrived was derived from a piece of the planet. On the planet, hundreds of millions of protoss were born. He was the ancestor of the Protoss, the creation of the Protoss. Those born before.

The tall body, like the pillar of heaven, gives an unparalleled oppression. Fang Han’s mind has an indescribable suffocation. With his Cultural Base, he feels that he has reached the suffocation, only the king.


The appearance of the ancestor holy king, the eyes locked Fang Han, there is no Magic Force fluctuations, and some are only the shaking of Great Dao.

Fang Han’s void in the body, burning and burning, and even the flame penetrated the crystal gods in his body, and the large time and space of the whole body was evaporated, showing a bare vacuum.

When the first ancestor of the sacred king appeared, with a single look, it evaporated the time and space, Magic Force is simply incredible.


In the face of such a powerful stimulus, Fang Han is not afraid of it. There is no trace of horror in his heart. Instead, he is excited. It is like a peerless swordsman who saw a peerless sword.

He screamed and grabbed the World Tree, and traversed the heavens and the whole age, sweeping toward the ancestral holy king: “But it is the dead spirit, even if it is resurrected, it is called to wake up, it is only Only the soul of the remnant, I will fight you, eventually devour you, and give me the power to reach the realm of the king!”

The backbone of the World Tree is in the hands of Fang Han, and is motivated by life. It sweeps over the past and slams into the ancestor of the ancestor. The power of this is enough to sweep away the thousands of worlds. The edge of the crash.

The ancestor holy king saw the tree sweeping, and the silk did not move. He suddenly shot, and the big hand grabbed it, and he actually took it on the trunk.

Above the trunk, the tens of billions of worlds exploding against each other, and even the simple palm of the ancestor of the ancestors, countered all the power of Fang Han.

Kā chā !

Fang Han’s tiger’s mouth is cracked, the whole body crystal gods blast each other, and the power between the ancestors and the princes is almost destroyed with all the magical treasures in the body.

“The ancestor of the ancestors! The supremacy of the overlord, the birth of the world, the burst of the universe…”

One palm broke the impact of the main arm of Fang Han World Tree. The ancestral sacred face was expressionless. It seemed to be an eternal war machine. It was killing, not having its own thoughts, tall body, stepping on, black pressing shadow, completely Covering the light, under his body, there is only the darkness that suffocates to the extreme.

He punched it in a fist. In Fang Han’s eyes, everything was absorbed into the fist of the ancestor’s sacred king. The whole world was constantly falling, deriving, reincarnation, decaying, and dying….

The ancestral sacred king punched the world of tens of billions of dollars and destroyed the tens of billions of worlds. Even in an instant, many brilliant and splendid civilizations were born in those worlds.

Fang Han was completely deposited in the long river of history when he punched the other side. He felt that he had reached the past and present, the past, the present, the life, all the reincarnation and the birth and death, each country, completely in his mind. In the midst of the ups and downs, he felt the great horror between life and death.

Time began with the enthusiasm of the ancestral sacred king.

“Good! The ancestor holy king, this fist is not overbearing the world! Extinguish the universe!” Fang Han mentioned all his strength, the body is running continuously, several pieces of the gods work, his body is expanding violently, the whole gods are Under his power, it began to burst.

He poured all of his Magic Force into the backbone of World Tree and suddenly lifted it up and slammed it down.

“Open the sky!”

On the backbone of the World Tree, thousands of billions of worlds, every world, reflects the shadow of the ancestor’s holy king. Fang Han actually disfigured the bombardment power of the ancestor’s sacred king, but used it to quench the form.

The cracked tiger’s mouth, once again grow back, the body is broken, and the body is repaired one by one. The body is not only without things, but more tyrannical.


World Tree once again collided with the fist of the ancestor of the ancestor, bursting out strong waves and ripples, kā chā kā chā … the crystal wall system of the gods, cracked everywhere, even the scorpio Umo, the seven The ancient gods, who have retreated back and forth, are almost unable to get close to the battlefield.

Fang Han meteor was generally shot and slid in the air for hundreds of millions of miles to stay, the whole body ruptured everywhere, but a flash of light flickered and recovered again. Scorpio Umo felt it in the process of the ancestral sacred bombardment. Fang Han’s crystal god country structure is more perfect and more compact. Some arrays of gods and gods begin to combine. Originally, the celestial burial, the altar of the Zen, the ancient sacred temple, the door of the celestial being, are independent individuals. It contains extremely arrogant will, and it does everything, but now, under the bombardment of the power of the ancestral lord, it has actually begun to be truly merged and melted in Fang Han.

If the real thing is melted in a furnace, then Fang Han is the moment to truly promote the king.

Just now, Fang Han swallowed the 12-year-old Heavenly Monarch of the Protoss, killing the Lord of the Ancient Buddha, the Lord of the Dragon, the Gate of the Immortal, and swallowing the body together. Although the strength is enhanced, there are some different kinds of vitality. Without refining, it still remains in the Crystal God Kingdom. It takes a long time to work hard to be refining one by one.

But now, the power of the ancestor of the sacred king, the bombardment into his body, equivalent to the assist he tempered the body, each punch is almost asassist he saved half of the time of the world to cultivation.

Fang Han swallowed up a lot of gods, could not melt in a furnace, but under the strong forging of the ancestor of the ancestors, the mysteries of the gods of the heavens gradually played, and he was as strong as the refined steel. Every time I condense, I almost reached the glorious peak.

Bang! Bang! . . . Continuous collision, the aftermath of each punch, can completely kill Heavenly Monarch, Fang Han holds the backbone of World Tree, together with the great ancestor of the Protoss.

The shape of the ancestor’s sacred king seems to be true and true. It is like a illusion. It is an inspired spirit. It is not a real body, but it is powerful. Every punch can destroy an invincible Heavenly Monarch.

Fang Han has been smashing and smashing, and every shot is stronger than the previous one. Great war The ancestor of the ancestor, between the Magic Force bombardment, the ancestor of the ancestor of the sacred king, has repeatedly entered his body, every time he enters, his crystal god country is to be split, the gods even fly out of the body .

But in the next moment, his body was completely repaired, and the connection of the gods was closer, almost completely integrated with his body.

This is where Fang Han is not afraid of anyone.

Even if it is as strong as the first ancestor, he can’t kill him. He can only temper his body in battle, making him more and more tyrannical, and Aura is more and more pure.

A straight sacred man, rising from the top of Fang Han’s head, Fang Han seems to be baptized, his Magic Force is purely crystal, without the slightest Impurities, a shout, a hole in the stone, countless The history of civilization and handwriting are flying in it. Fang Han seems to have begun to change again, and the Vietnam War is more and more brave.

“The tree of God is shaking, and it is vomiting.”

Fang Han’s World Tree trunk, a stick and a stick, more and more Movement, fierce, strong and heavy, between a stick, the dragon snake changes, the murder is boiling, the battle moves, and once again collide with the ancestral holy king.

This time, the ancestral sacred king did not move, and Fang Han did not move, the two were in the same place, the huge force, condense became a black hole in the black hole, spinning around, putting the two All the power of the aftermath has swallowed into it.

“Actually, the ancestors of the Holy King are equally divided!”

Scorpio Umo is really terrified.

The seven ancient gods, the emperor Shi Tian and other people are also stunned, almost can not believe that the scene is real, Fang Han’s realm Magic Force, all the way soaring, smashing the Buddha, more and more strong, they never have I have seen such a person, even if I have lived so many times, I have never seen the same monster as Fang Han, metamorphosis. Almost beyond their imagination, this is the miracle that was born in the long river of time and history.

“In preparation for the last move, we all invested in the spirit of the ancestor of the ancestors, urging the destiny of the gods, from the long river of fate, killing the weak Fang Han! Attacking him still in a weak time.”

Scorpio Umo suddenly made a move and issued an order to the seven great emperors.

Shuā shuā shuā ! The seven great emperors were once again turned into a halo, and they were rotated behind the scorpio Umo, making her sacred, colorful light, and brushing the heavens.

Under this, the body of Umbrella Umo is projected.

Entering the Yuanling of the ancestor’s sacred king, the ancestral sacred king suddenly stopped still, and the mouth sang like the Lesser Karma Technique.

Bang! On the body of the ancestral sacred king, Aura, which radiated a stock, fell to the sea, his fingers were lifted up, and a huge “God” was written in the air.

“Time back, fate back! Return to the source, attack and kill itself!”

The voice of the scorpio Umo resounded among the spirits of the first ancestor. Suddenly the gods exploded and the heavens and the earth rotated and changed.

In an instant, Fang Han felt it. He seemed to be under this bombing. When he changed back to his youth, the time was constantly flowing. When he arrived at Heavenly Immortal, he returned to Divine Ability Mysteries. At the time of Realm, he finally reached the slave in the secular, Fang Family horse rearing.

“It’s actually going back to time, turning fate, attacking me when I was young! What is this Dao technique! There is such a magical ability!”

Fang Han was shocked. g




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