Eternal Life

Chapter 1498

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-eight chapters

Fang Han is really determined to kill.

Anyway, he is a lot of debts. This Protoss actually wants him to surrender the gods. It seems that he can’t be tolerated. He has already been so heart-wrenching. Anyway, he is one person, and the Culture Base adds one point. Kill the Quartet and swallow the Protoss Heavenly Monarch into the body and say

Especially in Buddhism, the “Lord of the Ancient Buddha”, the Dragon Race’s “Cultivation Base” is not under the Spring and Autumn Master of Demon Sect. After swallowing and refining, it is almost possible to increase the Culture Base again. The peak of the era, the extent to which the true and the end of the sacred king

Moreover, Fang Han is still in the midst of chaos, capturing the backbone of the World Tree.

Once it is captured, his strength will increase again. The more than ten eras are said to be unnecessary, to the extent of the “war master” and “mother” in the rumor.

Originally, he came to the realm of the gods this time, and they all formed a good alliance. They were all happy, but these people were short-sighted and aggressive. Fang Han also naturally had a corresponding policy, and he did not make the world of the gods ups and downs.

How intelligent is he, will you not know that the gods will extort him? He had long thought of the corresponding strategy, so in the bottomless abyss, when he destroyed the plane of the desperate plain, he displayed the Divine Ability of the Great, and collected countless abyss, deeply hidden in his crystal god. Among the countries

Those abyss hearts, each one, can destroy the existence of Heavenly Monarch, and even some of the Culture Base’s shallow Heavenly Monarch, close to the abyss, will be decayed, giving the feeling of heaven and earth

These abyss hearts, full of millions, were ingested by Fang Han with infinite Magic Force, deep into the crystal gods, sacrificial refining, is the twilight of the gods into the protoss, it is unparalleled, can be directly Let the ancient gods fall for it

Millions of abyss hearts, explosions, all of the Pantheon, all are decaying abyss, several Heavenly Monarch of the Protoss, the five people are declining, the whole body is decaying, and the Lord of the Ancient Buddha “The Lord of the Dragon” is a change of face, and it is back and forth again, propping up the Buddha’s light for a day, the dragon scale rune

“Fang Han, I have already calculated that you will have such an outbreak, but unfortunately I have prepared for the rain of eternal life. I have collected countless eternal qi, and consolidate into rain, which can lift the fall of the gods. Let the gods restore the glory again. In the eyes of Umno Umo, it is incomparably wise. She waved her hands, three thousand white hairs, fluttering in the air, and immediately all the pantheons were pouring rain.

In these torrential rains, Aura, which is filled with the eternal breath, washes the heart of the abyss, and the entire decaying power is transformed into a sacred radiance.

The wisdom of Scorpio Umo is not the same, but it is calculated that Fang Han will come to this hand.

This raindrop is her eternal temperament, mixed with the elixir ejected from Gate to Eternity, refining

“Scorpio Umo, you counted this hand, my calculations, deeper than you, the thief first smashed the king, I completely destroyed you today.”

Fang Han was expressionless. At the moment when the raindrops fell, he moved, and in his eyes, he showed the word “empty”. His own crystal god was turned into a taiji god figure. When it was smashed, it came to Tianzhuwu. In front of Mo, the peerless fight, turned out

Fang Han is also counted, and Umno is not easy to provoke. This person is highly intelligent and is not in his own right. His total calculations are probably in the expectation of the other party.

However, he also has the absolute means of directly coming up, killing the Umbrellas, breaking the obstacles, and trying to prove that all the techniques are broken.

The word “empty” is in the hands of the Heavenly Monarch of Lei Di. I don’t know how many times the tyrannical tyranny. The truth is completely mastered by Fang Han.

The Heavenly Monarch of the Divine Realm, the Buddha World, and the Dragon World have not yet reacted. Fang Han has already reached the front of the Umno Umo, holding the Divine Fist in the palm of his hand, and bombarded it with a fist, a mighty long river of destiny. Appearance, the burial of the celestial burial, the altar of the meditation, the ancient temples have appeared

This is pure power. Without a little trick, Fang Han slammed into the three thousand feet of white hair that hit the Umno, and then spread it out. Many hairs flew out.

Scorpio Umo looks very dignified, facing the opponent of Fang Han, she dare not take a glimpse of it.

Her heart is very clear, once it can’t resist it, it will definitely end.

“White hair is three thousand feet, and the fate is like a long…” The hands of Tianzhu Umo, the rapid changes in the air, have changed tens of thousands of symbols in an instant, and there is a great “margin” in the air.

She actually mastered the “edge”, which is the true meaning of the fate that has been passed down from Gate to Eternity. One of the words, the power is incredible, everything is due to the fate, and finally the condense is formed.

The power of this “margin” word, just one word, has been more than five lines of ancient characters, six-word mantra

Fang Han bombarded the word “缘”, and the word “缘” exploded in a row, sending out a shock that broke the ages. The huge gas spurt out and actually blocked all the attacks of Fang Han.

The power of the two men’s fights, in a twinkling of an eye, tears the entire Pantheon, and the gas bursts out, making the seven ancient gods unable to get close.


Fang Han screamed, the contemporaneous world fluctuated, centered on him, did not know how many stars split, countless Protoss soldiers, Expert, saints, all turned into ashes, his eyebrows, the power of the altar of the altar rotates, affecting The gods were in all directions, and all the Protoss warriors who were stunned by him smashed into the altar of the altar.

“Give me a burial.” He held the hand of the celestial burial in one hand. The vermillion coffin, which was thousands of miles long, was pressed down by the ancient gods. The three thousand pictures on the top flashed slightly, and the coffin was deep, a fairy king. The power has been transmitted, and it’s on the way, crushing the word “缘”


Scorpio Umo, retreating again and again, facing the mighty Fang Han, she did her best, using her body as a pen, and wrote a word “God” that is more tyranmic than the word “缘”.

This “God” word is the fundamental, the deepest fundamental force of the Protoss. In the rumor, the ancestor of the Protoss, the sacred king, got the word, and created the entire Protoss before the 20 epoch. As soon as it came out, the gods were shaking, the winds were surging, the scorpio Umowei was savage, violently counterattacked, and again confronted with Fang Han.

“God is also destroyed by me.” Fang Han is brewing with his left hand. It is like a dragon claw. The sky marks a sky mark, and his body, the dragon is swaying in the air, twisting and jumping in the air, releasing the road Aura , evolved into a huge map of the gods

The rumbling rumbling of his palms was cut horizontally and vertically, and the celestial condense was formed, scouring against the scorpion Umo. At the same time, a little light, condense shaped body at his fingertips.

The power of the ancient church, actually condense became a point of heaven

And the scorpio Umo, this is the whole body is tall, the hair grows again, every hair is turned into a taboo, to resist the attack of Fang Han

The two men’s hands are just a few blinks of effort, but the rabbits have fallen, the whites have passed, the power has spread, and the gods do not know how many faces are destroyed.

“Fang Han, I don’t believe it, you can break my defense line of the gods, Heavenly Monarch, arrange the great array of 诛仙, and offer the door of the celestial celestial beings, the gods of the gods, and the singer” Tianmu Umo and Fang Han have made such a few blinks, autumn colors. Evenly, her hand, suddenly, violently turned over, seems to be summoning what time is suddenly a bit of a moment of inactivity

Deep in the realm of the gods, a huge portal, the rumble of the rumble, this is the rumor, so that countless Immortal stunned the “gate of the immortal”, this “gate of the immortal” is the forgery of the ancestor of the Protoss The gods can almost be compared with the burial of the celestial burial. Facing the murder of Fang Han, the protoss of the sacred Umo and the protoss finally can’t stand it. They sacrificed the door of the ambush for a long time, and annihilated Fang Han here.

“Kill us together to push the door of Zhu Xian, killing Fang Han”

“Slaying and killing this little beast”

“When the door of the Immortal came out, Immortal retired from the house, and was completely killed and destroyed. I don’t believe that the small beast of Fang Han can escape our killing…”

Heavenly Monarch, all of the Protoss, realized that they were roaring at the same time, and Zhang mouth spurted out the Heavenly Monarch source, which made the door of the fairy door send out a big god.

The “Lord of the Ancient Buddha” and “The Lord of the Dragon” looked at each other and suddenly shot and attacked Fang Han.

Fang Han, who is attacked by the group, is the real enemy of the back, surrounded by all sides, his enemies are all enemies, and all are Heavenly Monarch, so many Heavenly Monarch, killing him alone, the situation is extremely difficult, even if it is changed the law Lord, I am afraid I have to die.

Just at this moment

He gave a shot

The sound of whistling, all the cover of Heavenly Monarch spells was overshadowed. At this moment, all Heavenly Monarchs, whether they are Protoss, Buddhism or Dragons, feel their suffocation. It seems that there is a kind of order. The power of all things trembled and bombarded

Everyone saw it, Fang Han’s finger, the ancient temple, actually turned into a “Tianyuan” point.

It is Heaven Origin Strike Fang Han who actually concentrated the ancient sanctuary to the extreme, and sacrificed the honor of the sacred king of the ancestors, Heaven Origin Strike.

All the time, Space, completely lost the meaning of existence, only a little bit of heaven, there is a eternal scream, almost all the protoss Heavenly Monarch, accompanied by seven ancient gods emperor Shi Tian and others, all spontaneously sprayed a blood

Heaven Origin Strike, which was transformed into the ancient temple, hit the door of “The Gate of Zhu Xian”

This “gate of Zhu Xian” was bombarded and aired, and the huge gates of the sacred, there was a trace of cracks on the top. The undulations transmitted by the collision of the two gods shocked all the gods of Heavenly Monarch. Backward, the entire god world has destroyed more than half

Scorpio Umo did not expect that Fang Han had such a hand, and her face was pale under the temper.

This is an opportunity, 唰

Fang Han has already reached the top of the door of the celestial being attacked by the treacherous, and the big hand grabs it. The epoch of the dynasty is in the sky, and directly devours the “gate of the celestial being” into it.

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