Eternal Life

Chapter 1497

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-seven chapters

“So to say? The alliance is not discussed?”

Fang Han heard the conditions of Heavenly Monarch, one after another, and Aura became calmer, calmer, peaceful and calm. It seems that these conditions have nothing to do with himself -_)

“The bottom line of our Protoss, a god of the heavens, can be assist the era gate, against the heavens, otherwise they can help.” Tianyi Umo finally, a hammered sound: “As for the last, you and the dragon world, the Buddha world, still It depends on whether you can get enough price for the two gates. The Dragon Kingdom, the two messengers of the Buddha world, the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Buddha, the Dragon Lord of the Dragon World also came here, deep in the Protoss. As a guest, please go to the Pantheon together and discuss with the Era Gate about the alliance.”

Between the talks, Scorpio Umo gave a look to the emperor’s angel.

“The Emperor’s Day” stood up and shouted: “The Lord of the Ancient Buddha, the Lord of the Dragon, both of you, come to the Pantheon, visit Fang Hanmen, discuss the big things, you also come See you first, discuss the offensive and defensive together.”

The voice of the emperor’s release of the sky spread out, and it lasted for a long time. In a short time, the sound of the Buddha was conveyed in the air. Then a powerful Buddha came to reach the throne of the Pantheon, and the dragon walked, the void was born, Aura was extraordinary. Magic Force is enough to match the Lord of Spring and Autumn

This is an important figure in the Buddhism, the Lord of the Ancient Buddha.

Apart from this, a strong dragon’s breath is passed, a dragon race Heavenly Monarch, descending here is the dragon race Heavenly Monarch, the eyes are like gold, all of the scorpions are all light, breathe, and the air is in the air. The dragon scale rune has almost a feeling of transforming the void

This is the “Lord of the Dragon”

Buddhism, the messengers of the Dragon World, all come together

The scene of this negotiation is extremely vast.

God, dragon, and Buddha are all gathered together to divide the era

“The Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Buddha, the Lord of the Dragon, now the Lord of the Era is here, and the Eight Buddhism is on him. You can ask him.” The Emperor Shi Tian pointed to Fang Han Road.

“The world is free….” The owner of the ancient Buddha of the heavens looked at Fang Han, his hands folded together, and the Buddha’s number of the Buddha’s Buddha was declared. They are all four words of “freedom in the world”, representing the respect of the worldly Buddha.

“The lord of the era, I heard that the Heavenly Monarch has awakened the Yuanling, is in your era door? Can this be?”

“Yes, this is the case? Why, do you want to welcome him back to the Buddha, is it the Lord Buddha?” Fang Han turned his eyes

“Sakyamia Heavenly Monarch is my Buddha’s rebellious, sinful and wicked. The good and evil King Buddha is because of him and he is mad and loses himself. He is still suppressing himself in the prison. So we also want to put the Buddha’s Heavenly Monarch. The scum is back to trial, hope that Heavenly Monarch, you can surrender this scum scum, otherwise, don’t blame us, the buddha must also be angry, attacking the epoch. “The voice of the Lord of the Ancient Buddha is like a gryphon, majestic, surrender. Beast

Male lion for Buddha

“Yes, Fang Han, our dragon race is also very dissatisfied with you. The eight floats are the taboo of our dragon race. No one can sacrificial refining. You are not only sacrificial refining, but also daring, and made it into Saint. Grade Immortal Artifact, this is the supreme leader of our dragon race, the supreme leader of the Eight Lords. The face of the dragon is also very strict: “Hand over the eight floats, my dragon race immediately left, no matter If you and the heavens are otherwise, we will attack you together and kill your relationship directly. You must be very clear about it. I hope that you will do it yourself.”

“So, in the Buddha world, the dragon world is to fight the autumn wind? Even the cooperation does not say a word, just want to take the wind white feathers, the eight floats are taken away?” Fang Han took a long breath, “also Don’t you resist the heavens for me?”

“The Eighth Buddhism, the reincarnation of the Heavenly Monarch of Sakyamuni, was originally my Buddhist temple, the dragon world, and it was an obligation to return this reason. Also, we did not attack the era gate, which is already the biggest aid to the era gate.” The main road of the ancient heaven and Buddha: “Fang Han, you want us to fight against Heavenly Monarch for you, and this is not impossible, but this is another business. You have gods on the body, we also have to One, the Protoss wants the Hongmeng Hall, and the Buddha Gate wants to seal the altar of the Zen. How about the Dragon World?

“Yes, Fang Han, this is the condition of the inheritor of your empire.” The Lord of the Dragon is said with a serious tone: “Hand over the eight floats, we can not attack you, send us dragon race, burial, or Any of the gods, our dragon race will be able to assist you”

“Fang Han, staying in the green hills, not afraid of not burning wood, this reason does not know if you understand?” Tianmu Umo voice wisdom: “You can still live many times, as long as you do not die, always have the opportunity to surrender In exchange for our friendship, in every great destruction of the heavens and the earth, Gate to Eternity will appear, you can also get a lot of gods, and once again create a masculine magical treasure, why bother to love these gods and lead yourself In a dangerous situation?”

“If I don’t agree?”

Fang Han faintly speaking, the tone is calm, insignificant

“Don’t you promise? If you don’t agree, let you die without a place of burial. Today is completely fallen here.” The lonely Heavenly Monarch suddenly spoke, the voice was cold, and the voice was screaming, and the momentum was humiliating. It was simply humiliating in language: “Fang Han, you don’t agree, all the gods of the heavens are ours. Of course you promised. This is because our people have to bow their heads under the roof. Moreover, if you have been disrespectful to our Protoss, you must kneel down and apologize. Let the people of Buddhism and Dragons testify, and then go up and down the gates of the era and become the vassals and slaves of our Protoss before they can survive completely.”

“Nothing wrong” Another young protoss Heavenly Monarch nodded: “The mistake of Ji Yuanmen must be eternal life as a slave to make up, no second choice”

“The evil spirit of Heavenly Monarch is that my chaotic Protoss tribe completely agrees with all the disciplines of the eclipse. From the secular, we don’t know how many Protoss we killed, sinful and wicked, not killing the anger that can’t calm the gods according to me. Look, don’t be a slave, all the protoss discipline, must be refining and expelling by our Protoss Expert, swallowing, leaving Fang Han alone, we can barely redeem him.”

“This idea is good, we have the gods and gods agree”…

Many of the protoss of Heavenly Monarch, once again talking about the humiliation of Fang Han, now they understand that Fang Han’s era gate is already an enemy of the heavens, and he can’t bow his head, so many people can enjoy it. Coming to shame

“The Lord of the Ancient Buddha” and “The Lord of the Dragon” all smiled slightly and watched Fang Han’s reaction.

Scorpio Umo is a brow that is slightly wrinkled. She is also watching her change. With her wisdom, she naturally knows that Fang Han is accumulating anger at this time, but asking Fang Han for the gods, this is the interest of the entire Protoss. She naturally wants to grasp this.

She is the sacred king of the Protoss, and everything must be based on the interests of the Protoss. This is also the reason for pressing the seven ancient gods of the Protoss.


Just when everyone wants to ruin all the eternal life, to be a eternal slave, and when he humiliates, Fang Han suddenly stands up. This stands, the whole Pantheon is shaken, and Fang Han looks away: “So? Protoss, Bumen, Dragon World does not want to cooperate with Jiyuanmen, want to burn jade?”

“Hey?” Emperor Shitian looked at Fang Han and stood up, and stood fiercely. The seven ancient gods of the Protoss looked at Fang Han with a good intention: “How? Fang Han, do you want to shoot? Our goddom is not you.” Say the place, sit down for me”

“Jade is burning? You also have this qualification? I think it should be done with the egg.” The dragon master scornfully looked at Fang Han: “My dragon and the gods formed an alliance, and Fang Han, you dare to scatter in the realm of the gods.” Is the enemy of our dragon world, I will shoot to suppress you, let you know, what is called the supreme mystery of the dragon world”

“Yes, sit down, my Buddha world will also use your eclipse as a demon to annihilate.” The face of the Lord of the Ancient Buddha shows a sardonic look.

“Sit down” a group of protoss young Heavenly Monarch headed by Heavenly Monarch, all of them stand up: “Fang Han, do you really think that you are the lord of the era? Heavenly Monarch, born in this era, It’s just a joke. Don’t sit down yet, let’s hand over the gods and wait for you to hand it over.”

“Let him kneel now.” Another young protoss, Heavenly Monarch, also called it very powerful. His face flashed out of a burst of jealousy and juggling: “When you enter the Longtan Tiger Cave, he still doesn’t know the situation, ignorance, since toasting If you don’t eat and drink fine wine, then we will be welcome, smashing his head and hanging above the gods.”

“His body, dried up and made into a corpse, let all people know, against the end of our Protoss”…

Protoss young Heavenly Monarch, all of them will immediately start killing Fang Han

“Fang Han, I count three times, you still don’t sit down, I have to kill you with the crime of messing up the outside temple.” The emperor spoke out the words: “One or two………”

“Well, well…” Just when the three words of the emperor’s release were just about to be exported, Fang Han suddenly shouted: “Your god, Buddha, dragon is really tired, and I am desperate to kill the Quartet.” All the people today are dead, all of them become part of my body, swallowing you, I will still reach the invincible Culture Base and give me the power to destroy the abyss.”

In an instant, the crystal gods in the body of Fang Han violently turned, and the heart of the abyss of thousands of giant planets ejected from his body. These feet can make Heavenly Monarch fall into the abyss of the heart. When it came out, it was a very arrogant Aura. The young Heavenly Monarch of several protoss changed their face and started to age.

“Give me a burst”

Fang Han moves, thousands of abyss, while exploding

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