Eternal Life

Chapter 1484

First thousand four hundred and eighty-four chapters

“33 Skies, I finally made a paradise for Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. I don’t think that the big, parasitic umbrella of the thirty-three to the treasure is made into Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, and my Culture Base has increased. Many, if all the cultivation of the thirty-three to the treasure is successful, what level will it reach?”

Fang Han feels that reaching her own airpower reaches peak, deducing fate, gaining Meng Shaobai, should be congenital, Su Xiuyi’s air transport, after the three people’s fortuitous encounter, some things will get on the body of Fang Han

If it’s an average person, killing a person doesn’t know how to get the other’s air, but Fang Han is different. His Culture Base has reached the highest level of the void, able to peep into the fate of the world, and bless the fate on himself. physically

Meng Shaobai, should be congenital, although Su Xiuyi is not very strong, but the air transport is very strong. If you are alive, there will be many big fortuitous encounters in the future.

Fang Han is now forcibly cutting off their destiny and killing them. Otherwise, with their air, they can quickly reach the supreme realm and gain countless gods. In fact, Fang Han got this. A piece of land on the mainland, “the skin of the gods” also has a part of the air transport of Meng Shaobai and others.

The feathers of the emperor are watching

Fang Han refining the realm of “Paradise Umbrella” to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, Culture Base once again skyrocketed, equal to the direct addition of a tyrannical day in the body, the nine eras of the Culture Base, plus consolidation, if now encountered “The Lord of Spring and Autumn” and “Heavenly Monarch” may even kill them directly, so that they have no hope of surviving.

“Fang Han, where is the desperate plain plane?” Yuhuang flew for a long time, watching Fang Han get a piece of the god in the abyss, but never found any huge plane, could not help but secretly ask

“I have already felt the confusion of Aura of Heavenly Monarch and Aura of 33 Skies. The desperate plain is not far away.” Fang Han secretly calculated for a while, slamming his eyes open, his eyebrows, 33 Skies finally appeared, turned into artifacts of the heavens, sensing the existence of the same kind

However, Fang Han knows that his 33 Skies can feel the same people in heaven, and the five Heavenly Monarchs of that day can also feel the location of Fang Han.

The abyss of the stars is full of gods and is a good cultivation place.

Fang Han suddenly added, in the air of the abyss, the gods flew over, and he was centered on himself. At this moment, he seemed to be a huge magnet, and those gods, Gate to Eternity The material ejected in it is steel, which he has absorbed.

This makes his Magic Force more and more tyrannical, crystal gods more and more, 33 Skies also began to undergo a transformation

“The front is the desperate plain plane, the powerful Aura…” Fang Han suddenly stopped and looked at the front, and immediately saw it. In the distance of the infinite abyss, a huge plane, looming, this The plane is millions of times larger than the deep red plane. It is almost the boundless ocean of the heavens. All of them are desperate. The feathers are not close, they feel deep despair and deep into the bone marrow.

His own True Qi, Heavenly Monarch origin, inevitably want to be shaken by this plane

This is not the place where Heavenly Monarch comes, it is dangerous.

Even the heart of the abyss with a star field is not as strong as the abyss of the outside. It is huge, but in the heart of these abyss, there is no Aura of the gods. It seems that they are all plundered.

A star-like abyss heart, the number of the rivers in the Ganges, and the depth of the abyss that are ten times larger than the outside, how many gods are contained in each of them?

But now, the heart of every abyss is empty, and there are no magic objects in it.

“Unfortunately, unfortunately, the gods in these abyss are all collected by the Emperor, the eternal, the disaster, the chaos, and the killing of the five Heavenly Monarch. So many abyss, how many gods are contained, actually It’s abominable,” Yuhuang sighed.

“No problem, kill them, what gods are ours” Fang Han cold smile

Fang Han’s body once again approached the depths of the desperate plains. As soon as it fell, it suddenly came to a world of heaven and earth.

This world, a piece of yellow land, is desolate, no life, no animals, plants, and some are the loess of the sky, Huangshan, the barren land

Especially the loess on the ground, not ordinary land, seems to be the desperate land left by some kind of peerless demon, and will not give birth to any vitality.

“This land will plunder people’s vitality.”

As soon as Yu Huang fell into the land, he immediately felt that his Essence Qi was violently passing away. The Heavenly Monarch was shaking, but fortunately, the death of the royal robes prevented the passage of this source, otherwise he In a flash, it is possible to be taken away by this yellow land.

This is the “desperate plain plane”

Overbearing plane, Heavenly Monarch falls into it, and in the end it will be taken away from all Essence Qi, turned into the power of the depths of the land, completely degraded, desperate, and since then, there is no chance of survival.

Among the vast expanse of the vast expanse, the Heavenly Five Great Heavenly Monarch practiced in this face, training 33 Skies to the treasure, but Fang Han looked around, but did not see a little heresy.

There are thousands of loess everywhere, and there is no end to the horizon.

This desperate plain plane is much overbearing than the place of origin. Many of the force fields are twisted and it is difficult to see the end. Originally, Fang Han is outside, able to sense 33 Skies, and the Aura of the Heavenly Monarch is in the desperate plain. Among them, but now I am entering the desperate plain, but I can’t feel it at all. It seems that I have entered a wilderness, and I have seen it.

This situation is very secretive

“Fang Han, do you now feel that Aura of 33 Skies is not? Aura of Heaven’s Five Heavenly Monarch?” asked the Emperor


Just then, Fang Han suddenly blinked, “be careful”

A slamming, deep in the deserted land of the desperate plains, a thunderous hand with the strongest killing force, fiercely grabbed the past

The whole earth collapses, and the emperor must fall into the earth.

That Thunder’s big hand, strong tyrannical, actually more than the Spring and Autumn Lord, which flashed the “innate Thunder” that came out of Gate to Eternity

Yuhuang, by the thunder and a big hand, the body of the king’s robe trembled

He repeatedly spurred the spell to resist, but he encountered the suppression of the desperate plain, or fell into it.

Kā chā, the original cracked land, once again healed the thunder and the big hand disappeared, and finally disappeared without a trace, actually took the Yu Huang took a photo

The power of the Thunder, the use reached the pole

Between heaven and earth, there is only one talent with the control of these Thunder, that is, the powerful existence of the birth of the Heavenly Monarch Heavenly Court. Although it is despised by many old antiques, it does not regard the Heavenly Monarch as one thing. However, Fang Han knows deeply that the power of this person is not so weak in the imagination of the outside world, but hidden in the air. In a sudden, it can break out with unparalleled tyranny.

Not even under some heavenly antiques at all.

Think of it, the character of Heavenly Monarch, the character of the Deathly Monarch, must be chased by the chaotic chaos of Heavenly Monarch.

Now, Lei Di Heavenly Monarch suddenly shot, actually took the “Yuhuang” and took it away.

Fang Han immediately turned his eyes and turned his body. He suddenly saw it. On the fallen ground, there were countless wormhole tunnels, deep, maze, and squatting in the depths of the desperate plain.

The Yuhuang seems to have been temporarily suppressed, and was dragged by a Thunder to a formation.

The land of the desperate plains, called “the land of ridiculousness”, is a kind of super-bearing overbearing than the heart of the abyss. Both the Emperor and Fang Han are greatly suppressed. If it is outside, the Emperor will not I will be taken down by this, but in the desperate plains, I have encountered a sneak attack, but it is a dark calculation.

Of course, the Thunder’s big hand is a good match with the “desert land” of the desperate plain. It can be seen that the Heavenly Monarch is ready to go, brewing for a long time, and in the plane of this desperate plain, he sacrificial Refining magical treasure I don’t know how many billions of years have been successfully combined with the entire plane, almost becoming the son of the plane.

You know, even if it is a simple plane, such as the slate sacred seven sons, after becoming the son of the plane, you can compete against Heavenly Monarch, not to mention the desperate plain plane.

The power of the desperate plains is more powerful than the lava plane, which is like the difference between a Heavenly Monarch and a Mortal Body Realm warrior.

Because of this, the power of the Thunder’s big hand can be said to mobilize the power of the entire desperate plain, and it is so lively under the eyes of Fang Han that the feathers are taken away and the concealed

“Leidi Heavenly Monarch”

Almost at the same time, Fang Han spit out four words, and he had already understood all the causal rhythms. Facing the yellow land deep in the desperate plain, the wormhole tunnel, he was loud and invincible. Divine Ability permeated from the body. Suddenly, the wormhole tunnel on the bottom of the desperate plains shattered, and the humans evaporated, turning into a yellow airflow, rising between the heavens and the earth, Fang Han hands directly out. A long river of destiny, smashing everything, smashing everything

a bang

The Thunder’s big hand that caught the Emperor’s feathers was stopped and there was a crack in it.

However, this thunder is a big hand, turning over the hand for the cloud to cover the rain, changing again and again, suddenly pointing a shot, hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning to generate electricity, the assassination to the fate of Fang Han

“Leidi Heavenly Monarch, even if you are hidden, it is not an opponent.” Fang Han is cold and proud, and his palms are turned over. The fate of the river has once again expanded by a hundredfold, directly immersing hundreds of millions of lightning.

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