Eternal Life

Chapter 1483

“The skin of the heavens is also the best material for the refining of 33 Skies. The best material for the skyless umbrella is the true meaning of the sky. It is to peel off the skin of God to make an umbrella. Unfortunately, this skin is too little and too little. Otherwise, I can try the heavenly umbrella to make a Saint Grade Immortal Artifact.”

Fang Han held a big hand and a huge umbrella was on top of his head.

This umbrella, no sky, flying, everyone sees, is a kind of arrogance, overbearing, tyrannical Aura, blowing face. No one can counter the power of this umbrella. The will of this umbrella is to resist everything and not let anyone trample on the head.

The skyless umbrella is one of the 33 Skies treasures, second only to the Heavenly Gate, it has an incredible magical effect, and it is the most artifact of Fang Han’s appetite, so he is also warmer to this treasure. There are many more treasures, and so many Heavenly Monarch elements, as well as the gods, the skyless umbrella has long been on the verge of transformation.

Almost, you can change to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact.

The “clear skin” in the handle slowly covered the umbrella surface, and the skyless umbrella once again bloomed brilliantly. The word “no” on the top, looming, almost broke the umbrella.

It is a pity that, as Fang Han said, this “the skin of the heavens” is too small, far enough for the power of the paradise to be promoted, otherwise the skyless umbrella will be promoted to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, and his power will increase a lot. .

“I have completely awakened the idea of ​​the Lord of Arbitration, and there are some memories.” Yu Huang said with meditation: “For the 33 Skies in memory, I have learned a lot about the secrets. Because that year, the ancient church is It is equivalent to the ancient heavenly court, and later fallen, replaced by the new heavenly court, replaced by the new heavenly court, which is the heavenly court led by the sacred king. The fall of the ancient sacred church and the inseparable relationship with the heavenly court, my last layer of arbitration The Lord’s thoughts have not yet awakened, so I don’t know the specific things of the year, but I also know that 33 Skies has bombarded ancient heavens.

“so what?”

Fang Han is slowly refining and refining many of the gods that have just been acquired, and my heart is also calculating in detail. If it is not time, then he really wants to practice in this bottomless abyss for a while. Many gods of the heavens are armed to arm themselves.

“Fang Han, you have to take 33 Skies to the highest level, refining to the highest realm, to reach the realm of creation, in addition to refining the realm of heaven and earth, but also to find the lost thirty-three ancient characters. In the rumor, The creation of 33 Skies is the result of the lost thirty-three ancient characters from Gate to Eternity, all forged, and finally condense becomes an artifact sweeping the sky.”

Yuhuang is a word and a word.

“What? Lost thirty-three ancient characters. No wonder, no wonder, no sky umbrella, is a wordless, and to Heavenly Gate, is a ‘to’ word, Zhou Tianyi, is a week word…” Fang Han, how is Culture Base ? In the blink of an eye, I understand that in addition to finding fragments of artifacts, I have to find thirty-three ancient scriptures. Unfortunately, these thirty-three ancient scriptures now don’t know where they are, maybe heaven. The five Heavenly Monarchs are not in their hands, or they are only part of it.

At this point, Fang Han can’t figure it out.

Unless he is quiet in Insight, the calculation of several days and nights, can be derived from some clues.

Slowly digesting the fetish, Fang Han re-enters! The dense heart of the abyss is like a group of stars. During his shuttle, the outer gods of the city flew into his body. The power of Fang Han became more and more tyrannical, and the crystal gods of the whole body became stronger. Horizontally, as the number of objects integrated into the heavens increases, 33 Skies is also undergoing a qualitative change.

Below, the abyss is getting stronger and stronger.

Even the Yuhuang has some can’t stand it.

Once again, there were thousands of planes. The feathers were snorted and pale. It seemed that because of the bad energy, the skin of the abyss was affected by the powerful power of the abyss. The skin became wrinkled and the hair began to pale. Chicken skin, actually began the symptoms of the five people of the day!

Fang Han saw this situation, a palm of the hand, soft force perfusion into the body of the Emperor, the body of the erosion of the abyss of the power were all expelled, and then burned by the era of True fire.

Yu Huang once again restored his youth, and his heart was full of sorrow: “Fang Han, and then deeper, the power of the abyss is getting stronger and stronger. I am afraid I can’t stand it. I can’t help you any more. I don’t know how the Heavenly Monarch is. Down?”

“They must have special artifacts to resist erosion.” Fang Han’s body moved, and the king’s robe flew out, temporarily wearing the body of the feathers, and it resisted the erosion of the power of the abyss.

This moment, the royal robe was originally a squad of the Fang Han dynasty, where it was tempered, suppressed, and forged. Especially now, the power of Fang Han has reached the horror Culture Base of nine eras, which is much more powerful than the original Dan.

The Culture Base of the Lord of Denmark, which is the equivalent of the Spring and Autumn Period, is not comparable to the current Fang Han, so the forging of his royal robes in the eyes of Fang Han also shows a lot of flaws. In the process of tempering, Fang Han used the power of no-predictive calculations to gradually perfect this robes, adding a lot of power and mysteriousness, making it firmer and more magical than ever before. It was twice as good, and it was worn by Yu Huang, giving him the strongest protection.

“Fang Han, look at the front, like an abyss!”

Suddenly, a huge indiscriminate abyss appeared, which is equivalent to dozens of times of normal, one share, and the strong abyss is almost completely heavy.

“The big abyss heart, no wonder I just couldn’t resist the power, the vitality is exhausted, the heavens and the five are declining.” Yu Huang exclaimed.

“There is definitely no good treasure in this place!” Fang Han moved his mind, grabbed it with a big hand, grabbed it out, and went straight into the heart of the abyss. Suddenly, many of the gods were caught. The most striking of them is a huge “the skin of the heavens.”

This piece of “the skin of the heavens” is much bigger than the one just harvested. It is almost as large as a continent. The whole paving is coming. The condense becomes a plane, the strong Aura, God. Aura tumbling over it, almost to make the Heavenly Monarch tremble and unrelenting.

“Haha, it’s really helping me. I broke the cause and effect and cleaned up Su Xiuyi. It should be congenital, Meng Shaobai, and it really plundered the gas of the three of them.” Fang Han laughed: “With such a large piece of the skin of the gods, you can truly change the skyless umbrella to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. The Heavenly Monarch power of the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact can be changed from the Heavenly Monarch. Know how many times!”


Fang Han felt his fate jump, and when life reached the most intense moment, he grabbed the skin of a continent-sized sky and directly entered the umbrella. The umbrella violently rotated. Immediately began to change, a ghost of the evolution of the heavens above, tall and sly, no face, overlooking the world, turning the heavens.

The skyless umbrella was slightly rotated on the top of Fang Han’s head, and the days were accompanied by the umbrella.

Aura, a catastrophe, appeared on the skyless umbrella. Countless vitality poured down. The robbery appeared. A treasure was promoted to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. It must go through a robbery, just like Supreme Immortal. The emperor was promoted to Heavenly Monarch, and the Aura of Heavenly Monarch was Aura of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact.


Robbery clouds, the devastating power of the gods illuminate, and the violent shots are shot on the skyless umbrella. The umbrella is finally destroyed. Unfortunately, the power of this umbrella has reached a peak. It is not a catastrophe that can be destroyed. The roads of the heavens were robbed on the umbrellas and eventually absorbed, and the inscriptions became the runes and words that represented the heavens.

After a full hour, the robbery finally disappeared, and a large number of Essence Qi poured into the skyless umbrella. This umbrella changed. The Aura of Heavenly Monarch originated, expanded, expanded and expanded, and actually put some abyss. The heart is contained in it.

No sky!

The skyless umbrella has finally changed. For Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, Fang Han feels that the absolute power of a stock is flowing in the body, and the way of his own era, Crystal God is once again washed, baptized, for that Among the ways of the fairy king, I feel very profound.

“This 33 Skies is really endless. Every time I am promoted, I am equal to a day of robbery, thirty-three days of robbery, and finally one, and a terrible catastrophe, and finally the number of robbers.” Han smiled and the power continued to rise.

Originally, his Culture Base broke through the horror of nine eras, and it was impossible to grow, but the promotion of this skyless umbrella made his stagnant power rise again.

If 33 Skies is all cultivated, his Culture Base will be able to directly break through the horror of reaching ten epochs, beyond the limits of Heavenly Monarch.

Ten years of the Culture Base, that is the Cultural Base that ended the level of the Holy King. Killing countless ancient Heavenly Monarchs is a breeze. In the Heavenly Monarch, the king is not the king. Can anyone be enemies?

Fang Han felt that his gas was strong, and he almost thought about it. He knew in his heart that it was the result of killing the innate, Meng Shaobai and Su Xiuyi. These three people were originally fateful. The enemy, the stumbling block of their own advancement, creates many resistances for their promotion, that is, the so-called “human robbery” in their own destiny.

The three Lords were killed and the road to fate was naturally a smooth road.

Of course, Fang Han knows that he still has one of the biggest people, that is, “Hua Tiandu”. If this person can completely kill, it will probably be smoother.

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