Eternal Life

Chapter 1477

The first thousand four hundred and seventy seven chapters

Seven Heavenly Monarch, kill one, the owner of the grave, all are swallowed

Fang Han, no one can resist

Even if it is the power of the “spring of the Spring and Autumn”, it is not the opponent of Fang Han. It was directly shocked by the Spring and Autumn History pen, and the body was injured.


On the face of the Lord of the Blood River, the look of horror appeared. The shadow of Fang Han’s body completely obscured his sight. Now he is like a baby with no hands and no support for Fang Han. I met the feeling of a nightmare demon. At this moment, he seems to be a person himself, and Fang Han is a demon master, Demon King.

This feeling, he knows, is a dangerous signal that the mind has collapsed.

He is the supreme demon master, masters the blood river, has experienced several times of destruction of the heavens and the earth, and his spiritual will is firmly eternal in the long river of history, but now, he is completely defeated by Fang Han.

“The blood of the river, the magic of the devil” at this critical juncture, he finally showed the style of the supreme magic, the body changed, actually showed his original shape, a bloody river, in the blood There are countless whirlpools, every vortex, sitting on one of his bodies, these bodies are making a spell

“The blood river countercurrent big curse”

The bloody river has withstood all the attacks of Fang Han, and the blood river has the function of faintly absorbing Essence Blood.

“Give me a break” Fang Han screamed, his palms open, and the earth was pressed directly into the blood river. The blood river began to explode immediately, and the Lord of the Blood River sent out the sinking sputum, the huge The blood river changes again into a human form, fleeing outwards

Fang Han’s body is stalwart, the big hand covers the square, the ten fingers are vibrating again and again, and each finger is blooming and shining, like a stalwart pillar, blocking in front of the Lord of the Blood River.

“Fang Han, I am fighting with you.” The Lord of Blood River is arrogant: “Blood wash the world” suddenly, the bloody condense of the road became a thunder, turned into a robbery, a fierce counterattack, everywhere between heaven and earth a piece of blood

Fang Han’s body rises out in the blood, playing the nine-character secret, six-character mantra, the Buddha and the Tao, and sweeping the world, countless syllables erupt together, like Tiangu, Tianzhong is ringing, this trick “blood wash the world” Cracked clean

The Lord of the Blood River screamed again, fell down, turned into a lot of bloody shadows and fled again in all directions. Fang Han seemed to have anticipated this all the time, a big mouth, violently sucking the celestial burial of the gods, the altar of the Zen The composition of the Taiji god figure works, the tyrannical suction sucks all the blood shadows directly, falls into the mouth of Fang Han, and swallows the abdomen.

Fang Han’s body became crystal clear, all of them are crystal gods, and everyone can see that countless blood shadows have once again become the owner of the blood river, shuttled through the body of Fang Han, but always Can’t escape, then the raging era of True Fire wrapped the Lord of the Blood River and began refining

The screams of the Lord of the Blood River, earth-shattering, hysterical

However, just after three moments, the screams of the Lord of the Blood River will come to an abrupt end.

Everyone saw a bloody river prototype, with a strong Heavenly Monarch origin, slowly digested by Fang Han, did not have two or three rounds, and killed and killed a Heavenly Monarch, the supreme lord of Yuanshi Mozong. The Lord of the Blood River fell like this and became the food of Fang Han.

Seven Heavenly Monarch, two dead, only five

“Come on, go fast, don’t go to the ancient church, you should be innate, Su Xiuyi, Meng Shaobai, you follow me to resist this demon, he can’t kill me.” Spring and Autumn Lord’s eyes spurt, but also know the situation is urgent, He immediately greeted him. He knew that Fang Han couldn’t kill him, so he had to go with Fang Han great war and drag on, so that Meng Shaobai should wait for the innate to escape.

It should be innate and the whole body is angry, and the lungs are almost suffocated. He repeatedly provoked the ancient sanctuary several times, only to find that the sanctuary was suppressed by Fang Han’s death, and his master could not be motivated to be plundered.

“Want to go? You can’t run one.”

Fang Han has long seen through the behavior of the Spring and Autumn Lord. He swallowed the Lord of the Blood River, and the power once again flourished. The source of the whole body was working, and it was earth-shaking, and the bottomless abyss could be stirred up.

His body has disappeared

The face of the Spring and Autumn Period changed, and immediately running the Spring and Autumn History pen to guard the body. His history pen was condensed and succeeded under his tyrannical power. It was cast together, but it was only a little damaged.

“The Lord of the Ancients is careful”

However, he just guarded himself and felt a huge shadow. He appeared in the head of the ancient master and was shocked and screamed again and again.

The owner of the ancient times also used the magical treasure to protect himself. Unfortunately, Fang Han appeared from the top of his head and descended directly. Taishan pressed the top and his body was crushed like a giant mountain. He even shot the most. Desirable Divine Ability, unfortunately can not resist, was replaced by Fang Han, into the meat

Nothing wrong, it is meat

The Lord of the Ancients, the supreme demon of the Yuanshi Mozong, was killed by Fang Han, and he was crushed by his body.

The screams of the heartbreaker of the ancient lord make the heart scream

Finally, there was another vicious curse, and the Lord of the Ancients disappeared. All the vitality was once again incorporated into the body of Fang Han, swallowed again by Fang Han, refining, a Culture Base, Divine Ability Magic Force, all They have been given to others, the demon of the Yuanshi Mozong, the Lord of the Devil, the Lord of the Blood River, the Lord of the Grave, the Lord of the Ancients, all buried in the hands of Fang Han.

The power of Yuanshi Mozong can be said to have lost 80%.

The four immortal Heavenly Monarch, just died and became the food of Fang Han.

Every time I swallow a Heavenly Monarch, the strength of Fang Han is a strong one. 33 Skies has almost reached the edge of promotion, only one step, as long as I can find enough artifacts again, this 33 Skies , can be re-formed as Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the same as the refining of heaven, sweeping the sky

Fang Han has so far swallowed “Miao Li Heavenly Monarch”, “Wing Heavenly Monarch”, “Floating”, “River”, “Lord of Poison”, “Lord of Fire”, “Lord of Tang”, “Lord of the Earth” “The Lord of the Scenery” has the heads of the four major Demon Sects. The 13th Heavenly Monarch died in his hands. The huge Heavenly Monarch origin is almost integrated into the era of the era. Among the crystal gods, nourishing various magical treasures, and Fang Han is now focusing on quenching 33 Skies.

Even the top five giants in the heavens can’t kill the 13 heavenly Monarchs to sacrificial refining magical treasure, especially some of them, Heavenly Monarch, which is an old antique that has been practiced for several eras.

Fang Han is getting more and more powerful, he keeps running, the thirteenth Heavenly Monarch devours all the power to digest, concentrates on one point, plus his own gods, and the gods, the Lord of the Wolf, The Lord of Time, the Lord of Shadows, every move, can make a tyrannical antique level Heavenly Monarch completely degenerate

“Su Xiuyi” “should be congenital” “Meng Shaobai” was completely shocked and stunned. They were promoted to the realm of Heavenly Monarch. They deeply understood the horror of Heavenly Monarch and the grave. Lord, the Lord of the Blood River, how strong and powerful these people are, but between Fang Han’s three strokes, they all kill and devour

This horrible picture makes their Spirit will finally be unbearable

“Fang Han, you see, one day, I will take revenge.” Su Xiuyi flew up and fled.

Meng Shaobai bit his teeth, and the tyrannical thoughts passed: “No matter what, Fang Han, I will kill you, I will be a king.”

“Fang Han, I haven’t completely digested the body of the Lord’s Church. When I digested it, it was your death.” It should fly in time. Three people are like lightning. They are all in one with the Spring and Autumn Lord. fly

The master of the Spring and Autumn Period walked the dragon snake, writing an article in the imaginary dragon, blocking Fang Han, his Heavenly Monarch origin was consumed.

“I said it, I have to stay here.”

Fang Han screamed, shaking the ground, everything sprouted, such as the king of Heavenly Monarch, the left hand holding the moon bow, the right hand like a sword, killing the thorn, Beginning Era Divine Fist really began to complete, a roar, Hundreds of thousands of civilizations are shattered, a long shout, and the birth of hundreds of millions of civilizations


The fate of the river, the embarrassing, all the articles of the Spring and Autumn Lord, all were killed, the Spring and Autumn History pen, once again cut off

“This history pen, I saw it, brought it.” Fang Han changed his left hand and took the phantom. He even took it directly. The Spring and Autumn History pen has changed his master and fell to Fang Han’s hand. Burning, this history is like a candle melting

The “detestable” Spring and Autumn Lord changed his body again and again, showing Demon Sect and Confucianism in an attempt to escape. But in a circle of Fang Han, a Taiji figure came down violently, not only wrapping the owner of the Spring and Autumn Period, but even attempting The escape should be congenital, Su Xiuyi, Meng Shaobai are all wrapped

“Two pieces of gods evolved into tai chi, Yin and Yang two points, irreversible” Fang Han fully urged, force crushing, such as the world’s large grinding disc, actually in the moment, the spring and autumn of the main life refining

The Lord of Spring and Autumn, I am afraid to be tyrannical to all the Heavenly Monarch that he swallowed up. As long as he swallowed this person, after cultivation digestion, Fang Han even felt that he could reach the Cultivation Base of the end of the Holy King, truly standing in the heavens. Peak, under the king of the king, no one can get himself


At this moment, suddenly, in the sky, an unparalleled force swept down, and it was a vast expanse of Magic Force, which was directly blown on the Hanji-made Taiji map. Is far beyond the Spring and Autumn Lord

Fang Han’s Tai Chi figure splits open

The Lord of Spring and Autumn seized the opportunity and jumped out

Fang Han’s mind is moving. When I look into the distance, I see a huge body. I attacked myself in the air. It is the true body of the Lord of the Fa.

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