Eternal Life

Chapter 1476

Although the “Lord of the Devil” was killed by Fang Han, the avatar of the Lord of the Faith was also annihilated by him, but the remaining enemies were also very tyrannical.

Should be congenital, Su Xiuyi, Meng Shaobai, these three people are genius with a big fortuitous encounter, almost the same role as the wind white feather, once the promotion reaches the realm of Heavenly Monarch, compared to the ordinary Heavenly Monarch There are too many tyrannical. Together, it is far beyond the master of the devil.

Now these three people, plus the Spring and Autumn Lord, the grave, the blood river, the ancient four, is equal to the seven Heavenly Monarch.

All shot, besieged Fang Han alone.

Among them, there is the ancient sanctuary as an assist.

However, Fang Han was not afraid. He was invincible, and now he sacrificed the plane, breaking the light, and the devouring lord of the ruling gradually revealed the supreme majesty of invincibility.

Although the Lord of the French world is a avatar, after being refining and consuming it, he thoroughly integrated the “Faithless Law” and “Falunal Law” and “The Unable Way”, and realized the essence of the law. Law is the rule, transcending the rules of heaven and earth. Every era has new rules, rules flow, and people change.

He grasped the eternal mystery.

When all the attacks hit him, Fang Han’s body, a group of fine light rose up, absorbed all the Magic Force, he is simply a timeless immortal body in the long river of time, If you wash it, it won’t be destroyed, it will only be as strong as a reef.


Fang Han pointed out that a sword mang, all destroyed Su Xingyi’s ten-finger bones, and at the same time he was separated by a palm, the wind raging, the Jin Ge iron horse killed, destroying the dead and destroying all the Magic Force of Su Xiuyi Off, hit a punch on his sternum.


Su Xiuyi’s whole body was blown, and a blood spurted out. The Yellow Springs beads on the top of the head and the mysterious crystal stone were all cracked. On his chest, the white bones of the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty flew out, playing him as a human treasure.


Huge Sword Qi smashed into the head of Fang Han and reached the middle of it, but Fang Han’s head was motionless and jumped directly.

Fang Han’s eyes stabbed Meng Shaobai, and the palm of his hand was rotated. A group of dragons broke out and turned into dragon claws. The slap was shot on the long Sword. Long Sword shocks, the sound of kā chā, the shocking cracks appear on it, and then continue to extend, and finally blast.

Fang Han’s big sleeves waved, sleeves like iron plates, all the long Sword shattered swordsman back all back, but attacked Meng Shaobai.

what! what! what! Meng Shaobai was caught off guard, and the whole body was shot by his own long Sword shards. He was hit into a horse’s nest, and countless blood fountains were ejected from the body, screaming and screaming, he was absolutely Unexpectedly, Fang Han defeated and injured.

when! The sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu’s general sound is complete, Fang Han’s palm and the “Spring and Autumn Lord” spring and autumn history pen collided together, the church swayed and jumped, the main body of the Spring and Autumn retreat, can not stand Fang Han’s boundless power.

“The sacred angel, the wrath of the Lord.” Should be high in the sky, overlooking Fang Han, the whole person and the sanctuary are almost one, in the void, the torrent of thousands of angels, mixed with the wrath of the Lord With Fang Han performing the siege trampling, the impact of this angel torrent, even a Heavenly Monarch, has to be crushed into meat.

Fang Han didn’t even look at it, his hands were together, and the whole body immediately flew out of the crystal gods of the Ganges River. Every crystal god country flew out of the dense warrior, and these time warrior formed more troops. It is even more vast, into the Space, and collided with the angels.

The two civilizations collided and fought hard and turned out.

噼 啪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Cracked open, showing the body of the ** and the blood marks of the road.

The congenital skin should be clean and radiant, and it has the grace of the Supreme Lord. Unfortunately, Fang Han’s counterattack shattered all the angels, leaving blood marks on his body. The blood marks kept flowing out of blood. Essence Qi lost a lot.

“Fang Han, how are you!” should be screamed innately, using the Heavenly Monarch source, shaking off countless time warriors.

“The ants are the ants, and they are also worthy of being compared with me? Just now you are not arrogant, arrogant and arrogant? Even the calculations of the Lord of the French world have been lost, but I can’t, you think you can turn up the big waves? One by one is here.” Han’s body movement, those time warrior, all received the body, his body shocked, stepping on the foot, violently trampling the land of the church, the rumbling hall has exploded everywhere, the milky white spirits are rolling Entering his body, it seems that he is refining the sanctuary and depriving him of the innate control of the entire ancient church.

“The era is boundless, the path of eternal life! You guys who are stubborn and stubborn, in front of me, all fall.” Fang Han took a look at the palm of his hand, Magic Force showed it all, a huge “Gate to Eternity” appeared in the vagueness. In the air, the boundless suction makes the body of the seven Heavenly Monarchs shake and the Magic Force can’t show it.

“Oops! We all joined forces, and the seven people worked hard to break the Gate to Eternity that he showed. His Gate to Eternity is not complete. He has not seen the true Gate to Eternity. We can break it.” The owner of the Spring and Autumn Period is the most powerful one. I immediately know that Fang Han’s offensive is extremely fierce. If he is slightly careless, he will face a great disaster. His body is standing upright, and the spring and autumn history pens are unparalleled. Between the strokes, the Confucianism and the same spirit run through the crowd.


Fang Han’s power is getting stronger and stronger. Every time he shoots, he is more fierce than the previous attack, and his strength is rising. On this way, he swallowed the “drug master”, “the Lord of the Devil”, “The Lord of the Fire”, “The Lord of the Earthquake”, “The Lord of the Tang Dynasty”, “The Lord of the Scenery”, “The Lord of the Law” The avatars, each of these Heavenly Monarchs, are the Lord’s objects that have survived several eras, antiques, and heroes, standing on the peaks of the glory of the heavens.

So many Heavenly Monarch origins, together with the magical treasures of the body, are all swallowed up by Fang Han and integrated into the epoch of the epoch. For a time, they can’t be digested, only they can be settled, but now in this hand, Fang Han took the opportunity to melt all these forces perfectly, and because of this, his power is climbing more and more, and his invincibility is almost impossible to destroy the vast world of Scorpio, sweeping three thousand.

“The era of the road!”

Fang Han turned the palm of his hand and shot the loneliness of Beginning Era Divine Fist. Any change, the eternal condense, once again collided with the Spring and Autumn History pen, and the spring and autumn history pen was smashed.

“How could this be!” The Lord of Spring and Autumn sent out anger and retreated.

“I am coming!” The Lord of the Grave saw it, and the sharp voice rose to the sky: “The land of the tomb, buried in the grave.” A large piece of cemetery world appeared between the bangs, and it was dead and rushing. Buried Fang Han, trapped him in the country of the grave.

Fang Han doesn’t move, the knife is like an axe, it’s open to the sky, when it’s empty, oh! The country of the grave was divided, and then he punched out, the wind of the storm, swept the whole country, and it was dead all over the sky. The country of the grave was shattered.

The vomiting blood of the Lord’s mouth and mouth is going to retreat, but Fang Han is forced to come up and not give him a chance.

“Diving Divine Fist!” was once again killed, and for thirty-three punches, Fang Han seemed to be a sacred king, commanding many Heavenly Monarchs, and hitting them all over the body of the tomb.

This time, the Lord of the grave finally couldn’t stand it and exploded.

“Give it to me!” Fang Han fluctuated with a big hand, directly smashing the blast of the Lord of the Tomb, all sucked in, even wrapped the Heavenly Monarch source, various Divine Ability.

In an instant, the body of the Lord of the Grave exploded and turned into countless concussive notes. The two most powerful characters were the font, a “grave” and a “tomb”.

These two words are shocked from the Lord of the Grave. They are the essence of the Gate to Eternity. The Lord of the Grave is in an era. I got these two words and I became the invincible Divine Ability. It’s all shattered now, and it’s been rolled out by Fang Han.

“The word “grave” represents the ultimate meaning of the supreme practice, and finally, the home, how can it fall into the hands of your devils, all for me!” Fang Han just took a moment, the word grave was caught in the hand, the shock is not Interest, issued a rolling sound, followed by two words, completely into the body, the taste of a strand of rest, the taste of the home, passed from the depths of the heart, the whole body is screaming and spinning.

The meaning of the word grave is the destination, rest, and sleep.

For Fang Han’s epoch of the Culture Base, very big benefits.

“Fang Han, I curse you, curse you will never rest in peace…” The final idea of ​​the Lord of the Grave exudes an incomparable vicious curse, but these curses are of no use to Fang Han.

“Slaying!” Fang Han turned his hand, and the raging era of True Fire was pressed down. There was a strong flame on his body. It was a simple rotation. The Lord of the Tomb disappeared completely. Many magical bodies on his body. Treasure, collection, all plundered, the whole person was swallowed by birth.

Fang Han killed the Lord of the Grave and got the word “Tomb” and “Tomb” from Gate to Eternity. The power was even stronger. The Aura on his body was perfect. With a little movement, it was almost possible to rotate the heavens. The ancient church is moving with his will.

“Dead one, then, who is the second?” Fang Han rabbit fell, killing the owner of the grave, the voice is cold, directly attacking the Lord of the Blood River, the Lord of the Ancients.

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