Eternal Life

Chapter 1432

The first thousand four hundred and thirty two chapters

Fang Han actually appeared in the most dangerous moment, in front of the wind white feather, the wind Yan Guang, Xiao Huang three people, a force is like a broken bamboo, the sky in the “Da Luo Tian Net” cracked clean.

Unbeaten Heavenly Lord, the unbeaten of the grandson, is the descendant of the “original dynasty”, “floating Heavenly Monarch”, Magic Force Gao Qiang, once swallowed the fallen Heavenly Monarch corpse, Magic Force is not under Hua Tiandu.

Moreover, he has the function of hiding his own fate, Aura, and does not appear on the Heavenly Monarch candidate list.

The martial arts is the most mysterious world among the Myriad Heavenly Domains. It was created by the martial arts master Wu Zu, and is as mysterious and powerful as the “French World”.

Unbeaten by the grandson of the “Wujie” Heavenly Monarch corpse, known as “Unbeaten Heavenly Lord” is absolutely Magic Force, and is invincible. I don鈥檛 know how many Experts have been defeated in my life, and I have never failed.

Feng Bai Yu is not an opponent. After all, the other person is comparable to Hua Tiandu. But when Fang Han appeared, all the Dao techniques of this unbeaten Heavenly Lord could not be powerful.

“who are you?”

Unbeaten Heavenly Lord Gongsun unbeaten, Chunsheng son, and the unbelievable son, led the top ten gods, body stay in the air, no longer hands, coldly looked at Fang Han, his eyes showed a dignified.

Fang Han did not answer them, but a fierce rush into the body of the wind white feathers. Immediately, the injury in the wind white feathers completely recovered, and in the depths of his body, a drop of dark gold, Fist sized blood, collapsed The enormous energy of this blood, in an instant, spread throughout the limbs of his body.

This drop of Fist sized gold blood is the end of the blood of the Holy King. The white feathers remain in the body. They have not been able to refine, but now they have the aid of Fang Han, and they are bombarded. The whole body has encountered to shed one’s. Changes in mortal body and exchange one’s bones.

“Fang Han, you really…”

Feng Baiyu still doesn’t know where the person is Fang Han. The heart is shocked and happy. He has mixed feelings. No one has thought that Fang Han will meet at this time.

“I have already met with Linglong and others, created the Jiyuan Gate, mastered the ancient Danjie, the self-contained system, the majesty of the post-Yuanmen Gate, the more heavenly, the holy place of truth, the origin of the dynasty….” A thought bombardment entered the wind white feather In my mind, Fang Han was promoted to Heavenly Monarch, and defeated the king of Heavenly Monarch, the emperor, the Heavenly Monarch, and the Heavenly Monarch. All of them appeared in the minds of three people. It is equal to being there.

The wind white feathers were shocked by this vast, magnificent and majestic picture. “Even the Heavenly Monarch was killed…. Even Heavenly Monarch was killed…”

The wind, Yan Guang, was shocked. A pair of eyes looked at Fang Han. It seemed to be a change in the appearance of Fang Han and the current appearance in the secular.

She is now, the fat Han Han, although strong, brave, fearless, but there is still a touch of green, young Aura, but now Fang Han, with a good gesture, you can destroy the Myriad Heavenly Domain, a word Among them, we can distort the rules and create civilization. In one step, we can take off the era, break the heavens and the earth, use chaos as a brick, and construct an immortal civilization of Aura, which is thoroughly revealed on him.

“This is Fang Han in my mind, and it has finally become…” Yan Guang Guang silently said.

“Kid, who are you?” Chunsheng鈥檚 look was a bit annoyed. He also saw that the sudden appearance of Fang Han was very powerful, but he could not see that the other party was Heavenly Monarch. He did not act rashly, but the other party was long. Without answering his own question, he finally couldn’t stand it.

“Friends, who are you? Speaking out, certainly not a nameless generation, and what relationship do you have with these three people? But this time, I am going to fix these three people. If you are good at it, if you know the current affairs, you will leave immediately. Otherwise, I will not kill more than one person.”

Unbeaten Heavenly Lord Gongsun unbeaten, starting two sentences, but there is some kindness, but below, immediately showed a sharp fang.

“Unbeaten Heavenly Lord, and what he said, kill him directly, take the three away, or even take this kid who doesn’t know the heights of the sky. The origin of the dynasty, Heavenly Monarch can’t be wild, too. Is this person?” The unbelievable son is already impatient.

“Who am I? You don’t have to know, because it is useless to know.” Fang Han said: “Mibao is in the origin of the dynasty, you actually want to deal with her? This is even more evil, today three people are all left Come down, what are the end words, say it, I can still satisfy you a wish!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha … …” heard the words of Fang Han, unbeaten Heavenly Lord Gongsun unbeaten seems to have heard the best jokes in the world, “arrogant, enough arrogant, so to speak, you are also Mibao Friends, it seems that she is still very important to her? Is it her wild man? Yeah, I am going to grab some of his friends, it can be said that it is not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes. You say this arrogant words. Do you think that you are Heavenly Monarch? Even if you are Heavenly Monarch, you may not be able to win my grandson!”

“Yes, kid, wait for your cultivation to reach Heavenly Monarch, and then say this.”

Unrequited son, Chunsheng son murderous, forced to come up.

“Heavenly Monarch? Nothing wrong, I am Heavenly Monarch…”

Suddenly, Fang Han released his own Aura, a piece of heaven and earth, all darkened. Among the dark Aura, suddenly there was a burst of infinite Minghui, a song of glory, rising to the sky.

When Fang Han Aura moved, he completely controlled this piece of heaven and earth, and surrounded the undefeated Heavenly Lord, the spring son, the unrequited son, and the top ten guards behind him.

Hey! The sorrowful three-person face changed. “Heavenly Monarch! is actually Heavenly Monarch? How is it possible, how could you be the Celebration Base of Heavenly Monarch? I obviously didn’t feel any Aura of Heavenly Monarch….”

“Not good, retreat, he is actually Heavenly Monarch, the real king of heaven. How can this be? Behind the Mibao, there is Heavenly Monarch support, this is a big news, to report it to the top.”

“Well? It really is Heavenly Monarch.” The grandson was unbeaten initially confused, but the next moment was completely calmed down, and there was an endless fighting idea in his eyes: “Even if you are Heavenly Monarch, I have to When you fight, you come to the name, Wuzu great war fights the way!”

It鈥檚 awkward! The earth-shattering Aura rises from his body, and Aura, Heavenly Monarch, a peerless Martial Dao, blew from his body.


He flew in one step and punched directly, breaking the Scorpio and killing Fang Han. This punch, with five lines upside down, reverses Yin and Yang, and participates in the performance of Seven Stars.

Fly the head of Fang Han.

“Not self-reliant.”

Fang Han said four words, and they didn’t shoot. The eyes burst into a vast era of glory, and the impact turned to the group, rolling and torrent, like history, like fate, unstoppable, in an instant, Gongsun Unbeaten is simply a torch, the whole person is ignited, all the power of a punch disappears, and then screaming and struggling in the air.

Can be compared to Heavenly Monarch’s peerless force, actually looked at by Fang Han, the whole body caught fire, on the verge of gray smoke.

“Master!” The ten great gods behind the undefeated Heavenly Lord were mobilized, one by one with the ruined Aura, smothered, horrified, and everywhere appeared to destroy the heavens, the broken Aura, each The power of human beings is equivalent to Heavenly Lord, and it is also connected to become a great array.

The ten great gods, turned into a peerless god, pointing to the sky, rolling in, and attacking Fang Han.


Fang Han cold snort sighed, suddenly, a sound wave, shocked out, the peerless attack of the great array of the operation stopped, the top ten screams all screamed, all Essence Qi flew up, condense Into the spheres of one by one, they fall into the hands of Fang Han, and there is a piece of human skin Impurities left in the air.

The ten great gods and guards, all died in one fell swoop, turned into human skin.

“I am fighting with you, Martial Dao is invincible, the door of Martial Dao!” by Fang Han’s eyes, the whole body is burning unbeaten Heavenly Lord, making the final struggle! The whole body, turned into a portal, reveals the endless Marri of the Martial Dao, and communicates with the Martial Dao world, extracting the power of the peerless Martial Dao.

But Fang Han shook his head, a finger, a big catastrophe from the meteor, and the bombardment entered the portal. Immediately the portal exploded, the unbeaten Heavenly Lord screamed, and the whole person鈥檚 will and soul were shattered. For a faint soul, flying up into the sky, and he transformed into the body of the portal, is constantly condensed in the glory, gradually turned into a tall and large skeleton, this skeleton has the invincible Martial Dao will It is actually the will of Heavenly Monarch.

This skeleton is the body of the unfettered Heavenly Lord’s fusion of Heavenly Monarch. Fang Han slams the undefeated Heavenly Lord’s will, stripping his body and soul, and refining the Impurities in his body. Returning to the source, reinventing it to the body.

“Yan Guang, this is the skeleton of the Heavenly Monarch of the martial arts. It has the power of peerless invincibility. I am now integrated into your body and let you have the origin of Heavenly Monarch.” Fang Han looked at the skeleton, waved his hand, and immediately narrowed down. , cross-legged and sit, in the void of the air for a seven-inch high bones, white bones, sparkling, Heavenly Monarch origin Aura, skyrocketing, unyielding Martial Dao will, can penetrate the future.


This seven-inch white bone servant directly entered the eyebrow of the wind Yan Guang.

The wind Yan Guang changed his face, and the long whistle spurred his own will to suppress the will of the Heavenly Monarch’s Martial Dao, and fell into a deep cultivation.

Fang Han did not care, once again caught, the unbeaten Heavenly Lord’s will soul, caught in his own hands.


Chunsheng Gongzi, the unrequited son went down and smashed his head again and again: “Heavenly Monarch Lord, we don’t know Taishan, we spared us…”

Hey! The voice just fell, and the bodies of the two were fried into powder.

Fang Han bounced two fingers. g

[… The first thousand four hundred and thirty-two chapters of the martial arts Xuan Gong text update is the fastest…] a! !

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