Eternal Life

Chapter 1431

Chapter 1, 431

Feng Baiyu, Feng Yan Guang, where they lived, was actually in the region of the originating dynasty.

The three tyrannical strengths of the heavens, the creation of the king of heaven is the heavenly court, the holy place of truth, the dynasty of origin, the dynasty king of truth, the king of truth, the immortal dynasty created by the king of immortals.

Three Great Dynasties, I don’t know how far apart, only the Heavenly Monarch level Expert can fly. The general ancient Emperor Powerhouse has to fly for millions of years to arrive.

The origins of the dynasty, the vast territory, countless forces, the situation is chaotic, including Heavenly Monarch, more than the heavens, several ancient Heavenly Monarch, not under the disaster, eternal and other Heavenly Monarch.

Think about it, the once Duobao Heavenly Monarch is also a ruler of the origin dynasty, knowing how powerful this dynasty is.

Feng Baiyu, the wind Yan Guang was practicing in the origin of the dynasty, did not go to the heavens 100,000 states, because the heavens are too chaotic, relatively speaking, the origin dynasty is the pure land of one cultivation.

However, now Feng Baiyu got the message to end the holy king, saying that Fang Han cultivation became Heavenly Monarch, and that he mastered Danjie, he would go to the meeting immediately.

Fang Han is the person they believe most. And the news of the Heavenly Monarch was made, which made the two people shocked, but it was also reasonable. In the secular, Fang Han was shocked, and stood out early, leading everyone to cross the Protoss robbery. Now it is the heavens, it is the dragon to the sea, the invincible, and the promotion of Heavenly Monarch is taken for granted.

The wind Yan Guang has an inexplicable worship of Fang Han.

Although Mibao is the inheritor of the origin dynasty, mastering the treasure rock, it was once the reward of Heavenly Monarch from the origin of the king of the king, but the origin of the dynasty is complex, no tyrannical strength, and Mibao is also a weak force. Of course, she did not dare to move her, but as a friend of hers, it may be attacked by other forces as an object of trapping Mi Bao.”

Feng Baiyu and Yan Guang talked: “The people of the origin dynasty, one of them believes, but the only thing we can believe is Fang Han. His cultivation has reached Heavenly Monarch and can better shelter us.”

“Father, you got the Essence Blood that came out of the end of the King, and then refining, don’t know how to grasp the Heavenly Monarch Great Dao?”

Wind Yan Guang suddenly asked.

“50%, there is a 50% chance, there is no chance in the previous 10%. Ending the blood of the Holy King is almost equivalent to the blood of the King of the Kings. It is very useful for the promotion of Magic Force, but you combine the Emperor Mirror, cultivation Grandmist Heavenly Dao, In the hall of Hongmeng, washing the whole body with the glory of the moon, Magic Force is more than me, and now there are several opportunities to impact Heavenly Monarch Great Dao?” Feng Baiyu asked.

“I only have 10%, I have to refine the Heavenly Monarch body to be able to increase the chance.” Feng Yan Guang shook his head.

Just between the conversation between the two people, suddenly a shrill scream, passed in from outside the cave.

Hearing this sound, the face of the wind white feather and the wind Yan Guang suddenly changed, both of them skyrocketed from the beautiful mountain of the mountain, and reached the sky, they saw the white clouds, the mountains and rivers, the Qiankun The mountains and rivers are all in the eyes, but both of them saw a red-hot figure flying in, behind the clouds, countless Lord objects, tracking the shadow of this red, flying fiercely.

“Little Phoenix!”


Wind white feathers, wind Yan Guang also made a sound at the same time, facing the red-hot figure, hit the light of the lead, while playing a sky, blocking behind.


This fiery red figure fell into the arms of Feng Baiyu, showing a woman’s appearance, a handsome face, somewhat similar to the wind Yan Guang, pale face, a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth, but his eyes are very fierce: “Go Feng Baiyu, Yan Guang, we left here, behind us are the life of Heavenly Monarch, the undefeated Heavenly Lord, and the top ten loaf guards! They are going to take us to threaten Mi Bao.”

“Damn! Floating Heavenly Monarch’s majesty discipline!”

The wind white feathers were shocked, and an Essence Qi entered the body of Xiao Huang, and he immediately healed the injury.

But in an instant, there was a loud noise. The skylights arranged by the wind white feathers were shattered by the unmatched Magic Force.

A tall and young body, it seems that the ancient god of war came out of the smoke, coldly watching the wind white feathers, the wind Yan Guang, Xiao Huang the three.

Behind him, ten silent, wearing armor, as if the ancient warrior stood.

Apart from this, next to this tall and young figure, there are two sons who seem to be of the same identity. Aura has a strong Heavenly Monarch Aura, which seems to be a child of Heavenly Monarch.

“I took these medicines outside and I met these people. I will take me when I meet. Fortunately, I have a Spirit Talisman that can withstand the attack and can support it until now, but it is still not hurt.”

Xiao Huang’s eyes are very cold.

“Haha! This is a mother and daughter.” One hand took the folding fan, and Aura, who was already Heavenly Lord Cultivation Base, came forward and looked up at the wind Yan Guang, Xiao Huang, and suddenly looked up. It shows a sinister smile: “very good, very good, temperament dust, and it is the best of the lower bound, so amazing, such a woman, but also a mother and daughter, very taste, very taste Unbeaten Heavenly Lord, what do you think?”

“Chunsheng son, these three are friends of Mibao, I personally came to arrest them, just to deal with Mi Bao, and now I can not play for you.”

In the middle, the tall, god-like young man glanced at the sinister spring son: “When I surrender the Mibao woman, how do you play with these three people?”

“Hey! I only need this pair of mother and daughter, the man, killing and swallowing, and condensing a King Grade Immortal Artifact for me.” Chunsheng’s son smiled coldly and said: “Mibao slut, the status is gradually higher now. It has received the attention of many Heavenly Monarchs and has the qualification to practice in the place of origin. In time, I am afraid that it will impact Heavenly Monarch Great Dao. Once successful, it will be completely trampled on our heads to deal with this small slut. It is also my wish. When I have the chance, I will definitely play this little slut forever. I can’t turn over, and then I have to do it well. Get her some time and let her live forever. I know what is called true sinking.”

“Yes, my unrequited son will not let her go. This woman is just a foreign slut. She has climbed to a high position. She is also rude to the children of Heavenly Monarch. Now I want to climb to our heads. How is it possible?” Another expert called the Unexpected Teacher.

The “Cultivation Base” of this “Spring Son” and “The Uncle” is almost an Expert that can reach the realm of the Streamer Heavenly Lord.

The central Heavenly Lord, the unbeaten Heavenly Lord, the Culture Base is as heavy as the heavens, and the Aura on the body is almost unmatched and can rival Hua Tiandu! At first glance, it belongs to the kind of invincible war god!

Aura is dignified, and the origin of Heavenly Monarch is flowing through the body, apparently also the person who merged the Heavenly Monarch corpse.

“You are called Fengbaiyu? Is it not in vain? You will not be my opponent.” Unbeate Heavenly Lord Looking at the wind and white feathers: “Your Majesty, I am waiting for me to fall, obey my arrangements, deal with Mi Bao, you There is still a line of life, if not, you only have a dead end, of course, in front of me, suicide is impossible.”

“is it?”

Feng Baiyu came up. “Unbeaten Heavenly Lord, I also heard your name in the originating dynasty. In the rumor, you and the people are fighting, never defeated, even if Heavenly Monarch can’t hurt you, you can Take it easy, in your body, merged with a fallen Heavenly Monarch corpse in the martial arts, but I want to fight you and see how your Culture Base is.”

“Self-seeking dead end, actually want to challenge the undefeated Heavenly Lord, the grandson is unbeaten?” That spring son looked at the wind white feathers, as if watching the jumping clowns, “Well, keep you, no use, I will replace the grandson Lose to deal with you, kill you, or let these two beautiful. Mother look at how their men are useless.”


Chunsheng Gongzi walked up and folded his hand in the hand, and immediately Aura climbed up and banged! A palm, no one can see how it broke out, one foot can wipe out the gods of the sky, killing the past against the wind white feathers.

“The light of life!”

Unbeaten Heavenly Lord was slightly moved and nodded.

But in the next moment, the wind white feathers moved, the palms were supported, and a portal appeared in front of them, and the light of the floating life that wiped out the sky fell into the portal. The door to the end!

“Not good, back!”

Unbeaten Heavenly Lord immediately shocked, grabbed the big hand, and smothered the wind white feathers, and let Chunsheng son retreat immediately, but late, Feng Baiyu played the highest school of the end of the holy king, Dusk of the Gods, directly approaching Chunsheng The son, slap in the palm of his hand, bombarded the body of the spring son.


Chunsheng Gongzi had a screaming scream, and the whole body immediately began to decay, decaying, and the young face, actually showing the old, crane skin, the vitality seems to be directly lost in the moment: “How can this be, my face My vitality, this is the scene where the heavens and the earth are shattered, and the five people will be born, why will it appear on me!”

“This is Dusk of the Gods, the end of the road!” Unbeaten Heavenly Lord Gongsun unbeaten in disregard of the rules, once again a trick to save the spring son. Two consecutive moves, like the waves of the Yangtze River, wave after wave, keep on hitting.

Hey! The door to the end of Feng Baiyu was destroyed by his palm, and then the spring son was taken away by him.

“Go!” Feng Baiyu knows that this undefeated Heavenly Lord is strong, and now it is not what he can contend with, and immediately screams and flies away.

“Are you gone?”

Unbeaten Heavenly Lord looks at the sky, a big net, slowly falling, surrounded by wind white feathers, wind Yan Guang, Xiao Huang.

“Da Luo Tian Net!” Feng Baiyu quickly came out of the evening light, supporting the big net.


Unbeaten Heavenly Lord came to the front of Feng Baiyu in one step, punched it with a punch, and hit a white blood with a bloody spray.

Then, his palm, grabbed the neck of the wind white feather, “You dare to resist me, I see who can save you?”

“is it?”

Just then, a faint sound came out, and Fang Han appeared next to Feng Baiyu and others. g

[… The first thousand four hundred and thirty-one chapter unbeaten Heavenly Lord text update is the fastest…] a! !

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