Eternal Life

Chapter 1408

Chapter 1400

Fang Han did not think that he had encountered the emperor’s all the way to pursue the killing, and he was able to encounter the secrets of Hongmeng, seeing the old man, and exquisite Immortal Venerable.

However, this is also the result of his pursuit of killing all the way. In his calculations, he is constantly escaping from the place where he has a living path, and now he has found his own way of life.

In the palace battle between the emperor’s bank and the secret of Hongmeng, Fang Han escaped between the moments and entered the secret. Wherever he went, it was a gorgeous palace, showing ancient, atmospheric and splendid everywhere.

The whole palace is very large, just like a heavenly court, stacked on top of each other, looking at the past and not seeing the edge.

In this palace, there are many places, there are tyrannical Aura, obviously many experts are practicing, and at the moment when Fang Han came in, it seems that these powerful existences have been alarmed, and hundreds of millions of brilliances have risen to the sky. Projected the gods here.

Hong Meng Temple.

The place where Fang Han landed was a square in front of the main hall. In front of the square, it was a huge Chinese watch. The Chinese watch was engraved with three inscriptions that could be born when the world was first opened.

A woman, slowly coming out from the Chinese watch of Hongmeng Temple, White robed wins snow, blue silk is like a waterfall, masters all the graces of the world, the descendants of Hongmeng, the great desire to let all sentient beings, all women who have eternal life, appear in Fang In front of Han.

“Exquisite Immortal Venerable !”

Fang Han shouted and couldn’t help but feel excited.

“Fang Han !”

In the exquisite Immortal Venerable tone, he was also very excited. He met his native knowledge and met his friends in the world in the heavens. There is still no excitement.

The eyes of the two are quickly seen together.

In an instant, they almost understood each other’s experiences. With the Human Base, they didn’t need to talk, they could understand each other’s previous experiences and ideas.

“I finally met.”

Fang Han quickly calmed down, because the entire Hongmeng Hall, outside the flaming fire, is the dying of the emperor, and is urging the supreme spell.

A Heavenly Monarch offense is no different.

Fang Han has also seen it. The Culture Base of Immortal Venerable is not Heavenly Monarch, but it has reached the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth. It is very powerful, almost completely more than Wanyang Heavenly Lord, even reaching only Second to myself, the extent of Hua Tiandu.

In the hall of Hongmeng, everything is filled with the spirit of the heavens, and this kind of heavenly vitality is a tight structure, even more pure and clearer than the heavenly veins of the heavenly court. Fang Han is free to breathe. Seeing the pure and transparent immortality, the snow falls down, there is no Impurities, and even the whole body can be completely washed.

This is the heavenly vein that has been refining by the king, which is more suitable for practice.

It is conceivable that this exquisite Immortal Venerable reached the heavens and was taken over by the secrets of Hongmeng, and then entered into it. At the beginning, it was the spirit of the heavens. This is the son of Heavenly Monarch, which is difficult to enjoy. Kind of treatment.

Fang Han thinks about himself, flying up to the heavens, can only draw the simplest qi of the beginning of the Yuan, the difference is really makes people feel unfair.

If he starts to ascend to heaven, he will become Heavenly Monarch if he takes advantage of it.

The exquisite Immortal Venerable’s practice can reach this level, and it is a matter of course.

“Xing Yun Baobao, Ascension Sect, Connecting Heaven Sword School, Sun and Moon Sword Sect… All the Experts of the Gates came out to meet the doorkeeper, and your doorkeeper, Fang Han, came.”

Looking at Fang Han, all of a sudden, the exquisite Immortal Venerable shouted, and the sound layers were layered and stacked out. This is a world of heaven, the depths of Hongmeng Temple, and the strong Aura skyrocketed.

When Fang Han swept his eyes, he saw many Experts in the cultivation of his own cultivation in the secular.

Xing Yun Baobao, Little Fox, Long Xuan, Crane Fairy, Jia Lan, Star Master ……… These people, as well as some of Demon Sect’s Expert, apart from this, have their own surrender of the ancient demon temple , waiting for a group of people, almost the entire elite of the door, are here.

Of course, Fang Han did not see a few important people, such as Feng Baiyu, Mi Bao, and the most important Fang Qingxue…

“Fang Han brother, you finally appeared. After we ascended, we entered the secret of this sacred secret. In addition, we fought with some weird races in the heavens. Killing, the Culture Base is too monotonous. In the current world of change, Linglong’s sister is sure that you will appear, you finally appeared…….”

Xing Yun Baobao flew over, Magic Force 澎湃, actually the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, the Culture Base is the ancient emperor, and I don’t know how it is cultivation.

Fang Han grabbed the big hand and immediately grabbed Xing Yun Baobao. The power of the epoch broke into his body. Immediately, Xing Yun Baobao’s Cultural Base was strong, strong, and experienced, and the body was vague. About the shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, the unpredictable heavenly Aura, seems to have received medicine pill to transform the body.

“Fang Han, you finally appeared…”

Jia Lan slowly came over and was overjoyed, apart from this, Star Master, and some of Ascension Sect’s original Experts, such as Yuhua Sansheng, Wu Mingkong, Zhao Shenyang, etc., watching Fang Han play a decisive role, actually able to I caught Xing Yun Baobao and saw that Fang Han was outside. I was able to fight Heavenly Monarch. I knew that my Sectmaster Magic Force had arrived at Celestial Realm and would have to take off and go down.

“The doorkeeper is invincible in the world, and when he returns, he will be able to lead me, wait for everything, and establish the supreme majesty in heaven.”

Star Master went forward and congratulated.

He also cultivated to reach the ancient realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, but the Culture Base is far worse than his son Xing Yun Baobao. I don’t know what kind of fortuitous encounter Xing Yun Baobao got.

“Okay, very good. I did establish the majesty in the realm of heaven. I have unified the Ascension Sect of Heaven, and pushed down the image of Heavenly Monarch of China. At the same time, I grew up the martial art and created the era gate. I have also created my own era. The way, now Ascension Sect, renamed as Jiyuanmen, when I am a Heavenly Monarch, it is called Heavenly Monarch.” Fang Han’s voice spread throughout the hall of Hongmeng.

“Is this our former doorkeeper? Open the founder?”

“Good tyrannical strength… I have always heard that how strong we are to send our ancestors, we finally saw it today, and actually want to cultivate to reach the realm of Heavenly Monarch, Heavenly Monarch, that is Heavenly Monarch!”

“Our ancestor, called Fang Han, you see that momentum…”

“After we made the door, would we rename it to the era gate?”…

A lot of voices, transmitted from a distance, were the originalization of the Fang Han exhibition. In the secular, Fang Han surrendered all kinds of people, demons, demons, and even protoss, and formed the gates of the building. When they were ascended by the exquisite Immortal Venerable, they brought them up and entered the cultivation of Hongmeng.

After a long period of exhibitions, more and more people are almost equal to the sum of hundreds of Supreme Masters in the 100,000-strong state of heaven.

The emperor, the saint, Primordial Immortal, Ancestral Immortal, Jin Xian looked at the past, dense, and many of the ancient level of Expert.

“Fang Han, that protoss robbery, the world changed, I directly led this group of people to ascend, and once they reached the heavens, they were taken over by the secrets of Hongmeng, entered into them, and then began to arrange cultivation, this secret Among them, countless medicine pill, magical treasure, and six heavenly veins, was the legacy of Hongmen Daoist, and various Taoist books, Martial Arts, and cultivated Dao sentiment, we have been protected by the secrets of Hongmeng, even if It is Heavenly Monarch that can’t be broken, it’s very safe, and our sacred secrets can wander around, drifting through the boundless world of heaven, the discipline in the door and countless alien experts fighting, and there is no lack of actual combat experience, but unfortunately, No one can advance to the realm of Heavenly Monarch, even if it is me, I am still unable to practice to reach Heavenly Monarch.”

Exquisite Immortal Venerable looks regrettable.

“What? Six Ways! There are a total of six Tianmai in this secret hall of the Hongmeng!” Rao is calm and calm, and can’t help but startled: “There is only one heaven in the heavens. There are so many places here.” How many Experts can be produced, and cultivate the discipline, it is too luxurious.”

Using Tianmai to directly cultivate the discipline, this behavior is indeed extravagant.

At least Fang Zhongmen, now founded by Fang Han, does not have this strength.

Fang Han looked at the past, there are many King Grade Immortal Artifacts, hundreds of pieces, nearly a thousand pieces, in many Expert hands, has been sacrificial refining.

This is obviously the treasure in the secret of Hongmeng. Hongmen Daoist is one of the most Powerhouses in ancient times. The huge treasure house left behind can be compared with the treasure house of heaven, but it is not a fragment of artifacts.

Because Fang Han is now very sensitive to the artifacts.

“And, Fang Han, Feng Baiyu was also cultivation here, but unfortunately, not long ago, suddenly left, the end of the body seal is to seal the seal, but unfortunately you come late, otherwise you can see He, of course, Mibao was also in this cultivation, and she practiced very fast, and soon realized the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, but unfortunately not long ago, suddenly disappeared, is going out and outside the Expert I was missing when I was fighting, but I used the mystery of mystery to calculate it. She was not in danger, but got a fortuitous encounter. She might go to the originating dynasty at the end of the distant world. As for Fang Qingxue, I don’t know where she went. Did not appear.”

Linglong Immortal Venerable explained.

“It’s fine, as long as I have grown to reach the realm of Heavenly Monarch, it is very easy to see anyone.” Fang Han waved his hand. “I don’t think that there is so much in the secret of this glory, enough for me to promote Heavenly Monarch. I originally had a cultivation and it took a lot of energy to reach Heavenly Monarch. Now everything is a solution.”

“How much do you know about cultivation heavenly Monarch? I don’t even know what I have! I recently hit the realm of Heavenly Monarch, but it was a pity that I almost died. Fortunately, I was in the secret of Hongmeng. Hongmen Daoist’s legacy is a symbol of the soul, otherwise it will die immediately.” Linglong Immortal Venerable has a lingering fear. g

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