Eternal Life

Chapter 1407

Chapter 1 407

Huangpu’s shore is not in a hurry. In this angry atmosphere, he knows that Fang Han can’t escape.

Fang Han Now, there is no trend to escape.

He turned around and adjusted his strength in his body, preparing for a full-scale battle.

On this road, he was chased by the emperor, and he fled while fighting. Although he was repeatedly in distress, he escaped from the next day. If the record on this road is passed out, I am afraid that many people will be shocked to die directly. Scared to death.

Can escape life under the full force of Heavenly Monarch. And there is no injury, this is a feat that shocked the world, something that has never happened before.

Of course, Fang Han really felt the power of Heavenly Monarch in the process of being chased.

This is very beneficial to his Culture Base. In the course of the battle, he almost felt that after he practiced Insight’s combat experience in the future, he will have a greater grasp of the promotion of Heavenly Monarch.

In the face of the emperor, he learned a lot of things, really fighting Heavenly Monarch, this valuable experience is very rare, it can be said that no one has the direct experience of facing Heavenly Monarch, only his ability, This metamorphosis can withstand an angry Heavenly Monarch not being killed.

“Fang Han, do you want to fight a battle? I heard that there is chaos behind you, Heavenly Monarch, but he seems to have something to do with you.”

The emperor and the other side forced him to come up. His face showed the look of everything he was mastering. He was the Heavenly Monarch on the top. He was already in the face of Fang Han. If he didn’t come, he would pass it out. I’m afraid there would be no more face. Heavenly Monarch is based on it.

“Divine Fist on the other side, step by step…”

He raised his palm and once again played the Divine Fist he created.

Between the palms, the entire atmosphere of Hongmeng began to divide into turbidity, open up the world, evolve the earth, the sky, the sun, the stars, the ocean, the mountains, the river.


This punch is a sudden killing of the heart, to kill Fang Han.

Fang Han put his hands together and used the epoch to show the Martial art that he had realized. His body was tall and burly. He even went up and down with the emperor, and the momentum was not weak. The huge life was burning, and Lesser Karma Technique came. The key to the moment, once again reinvigorated thousands of glare, and the blood of the sacred king was once again revealed. The body of Fang Han, after a period of Insight, practice, has been upgraded again. And more and more Spirit.

Two major Experts, once again in the impact of this anger.

Every time I played, Fang Han was beaten by the emperor’s bank, but the next moment, Fang Han’s broken body was repaired by himself, almost immortal, not grinding.

“I see how much energy you consume, there is always a limit to your strength.” Huangfu’s face is cold, and while he is blocking the surrounding, he gradually lifts his strength. He will slowly extinguish Fang Han, not making him There is any supplement, and he is preparing for the lore, blocking the perimeter, and then hitting the effect, not letting Fang Han have another chance to escape.

With the strength of his Heavenly Monarch, although he can defeat Fang Han, Fang Han is very resilient. If he is not good, he will run away. Once he escapes, he will waste a lot of hands and feet, so he is prepared to show his lore despite his dignity. Dashu, Fang Han was killed in one fell swoop, and he knew that the chaotic Heavenly Monarch was the guardian of Fang Han, so before the pursuit, he had long arranged various means to block the news.

This time, he will never let go of Fang Han.


On the other side of the emperor, after Fist Arts completely suppressed Fang Han, a pair of True Qi spurted out and immediately burned the other side of the True Fire. This is the essence of the condense. Once it is sprayed, it can be refining. The same level of Heavenly Monarch.

Nourish, nourish and nourish…

When the flame was contaminated with Fang Han’s Mortal Body, it burned and the crystal gods began to melt.

“Don’t resist, this side of the True Fire is my killing trick.” The emperor’s hands are intertwined with complex French seals, suppressed and shrouded.

“The burial of heaven!”

Fang Han was wrapped in flames, but he did not panic. He suddenly waved his hands and shot an inexplicable Aura. The condense became a coffin of Zhu Rainbow, traversing the heavens and the earth, the coffin opened, dark and heavy, a strong suction. From which it flew out, actually swallowed all the other side of the True Fire.

Fang Han This is in the midst of the battle, and once again promoted, the essence of the burial of the heavenly burial that Hua Tiandu exhibited is evolved and buried the heavens.

“This is… how can you evolve this kind of thing! You have seen this!” Huangfu saw this coffin on the other side of the bank. It seemed to be scared. The roots were erect, flying and becoming more powerful. This is where the shackles are created.

Fang Han was hidden in the evolving “the burial of the celestial burial”, once again breaking through the bondage and slamming outward.

“Looking for death!” Finally, the emperor was furious, Fang Han was not Heavenly Monarch, a small cockroach ant, but escaped from his hands three times and five times, he finally couldn’t stand it, to display a peerless means, to completely kill Fang Han, “Heavenly Monarch斩Dao technique !Great Dao will be annihilated!”

His hands are like a knife, and they are slain in the void in a row. Every hand knife must cut off the road and divide the heavens into two.

Pūchī !

The evolution of Fang Han is divided into two. After all, it is not the real “the burial of the celestial burial” but evolved, not so tyrannical.

“Heavenly Monarch 斩Dao technique !”

Fang Han saw this horrible hand knife cutting, and he was shocked. He knew that this was the other side of the emperor who used his own Heavenly Monarch to attack. He did not stifle himself. The rumor that Heavenly Monarch could annihilate Great Dao. .

However, Heavenly Monarch is not the existence of Heavenly Monarch, and will never use its own source, because it is too shameful, even if it kills the other party and passes it out, it is also a ridiculous thing for many Heavenly Monarch.

But now, it’s no longer a good idea for the emperor to kill Fang Han.

In an instant, Fang Han is extremely dangerous.

Wū wū wū ,wū wū wū ……. At this moment, the ghosts and gods screamed, in the depths of Hongmeng’s gas, they were actually fought fiercely by the two men, and they were alarmed by what happened. The shadow of a huge palace was looming, and suddenly a sound was heard. Get up, “When I have to live forever, everything is annihilated….”

The power of the stalwart was transmitted from the shadow of the huge palace in the depths of Hongmeng, and it was directly bombed to the other side of the emperor.


The emperor’s counter-hands grabbed his hand and suddenly the power of the stalwart was smashed: “Great Desire Technique? Hong Meng Da wishes? Divine Ability that has long been lost.”

Between the speeches, he suppressed Fang Han, and his eyes spurt out the infinite flames, burning all the anger, and suddenly opened up a Great Dao, directly seeing the depths of Hongmeng, a palace. Floating in the air, the glory of the whole void is scattered from the palace.

“This is?” The emperor screamed at the other side: “Hong Meng secret! In the rumor, the treasure house left by Hongmen Daoist! Actually will appear here, take it!”

His body climbed up, his strength increased again, his hands grabbed, and he overwhelmed it and grabbed the palace.

Heavenly Monarch, the power of the ruin, the end of the ancient, any treasure house is difficult to resist his power, the destruction of the heavens and the earth can not hurt him. When he shot, the palace began to shake.

But between the shaking, a woman’s illusion rushed out of it. The woman was long and fluttering, wrapped in the atmosphere of Hongmeng. It seemed to be one with the whole palace. The palace burst into an unbeatable forbidden. The power of art, the temperament of the scent of the scent of the scent of a scent of a singularity, is a rune similar to the creation of an artifact, and then gathers among the phantom fingers of a woman. Finally, condense became a small point.

Pūchī !

This day, Yuanyuan, highly concentrated, the hole passed through to the future, killing the other side of the emperor.

“Heaven Origin Strike! Hongmen Daoist’s school!”

The emperor’s body moved, his hands moved, his fingers turned up, and he pointed to the past.

boom! Two fingers collided, and the other side of the emperor’s body was shaken. He was shocked by the Heaven Origin Strike. His eyes were calculated and his insights into all the causes and effects: “Hey! Another group of ants, got the secrets of Hongmeng, snuggle Can this secret forbidden art compete with Heavenly Monarch? The king of heaven, is this group of ants able to contend?”

Between the words, he hugged his hands and suddenly succumbed to a black hole. In the black hole, he rushed out of a big ship. It was the boat on the other side, his own body, and it was attacking the secrets of Hongmeng.

“good chance!”

Fang Han finally caught the opportunity. He jumped up and jumped again. He once again evolved into the coffin. He rushed to the sky and broke the blockade of the emperor’s bank. The palace in the depths rushed over.

“My calculations are not wrong. I actually escaped here. I met Immortal Venerable and others who got the secrets of Hongmeng. They also rose from the lower bounds! And they can resist the Heavenly Monarch by the forbidden art of Hong Meng’s secrets. The attack! The old man meets!” Fang Han is full of joy, he never had this moment, there is such a joy, since he flew up, he has not met the old man, the only Hua Tiandu encountered, is also the enemy, now finally met When I got to a friend, how happy it was, and his hometown was known.

“Fang Han, come in, how come you will encounter Heavenly Monarch.”

A voice passed into Fang Han’s mind.

It is the familiar Immortal Venerable in the secular, who now knows the secrets of Hongmeng.

Fang Han said: “There are people on the other side of the emperor, Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the boat on the other side, the Heavenly Monarch, the other is a small one. I am entering the secret, and then against the enemy.”

His voice just fell, and a forbidden art touched his body and pulled him into the secret of Hongmeng. g

[… The first thousand four hundred and seventy-seven chapters encountered the fastest update of the novels of the old people…] a! !

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