Eternal Life

Chapter 1404

Chapter 1,400

One palm, with the pure color of the sky, move towards the entire ancient city of Zhongzhou, the power seems to be to break the ancient city of Zhongzhou into the ground, the ancient times, the ancient city of Zhongzhou, all the creatures are To destroy all, destroy one Supreme Master.

In the ancient city of Zhongzhou, many people have felt the anger of Heavenly Monarch. Everyone is as earthy, almost scared to death.

The owner of the Pure Land of Shenzhou, Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the boat on the other side. The other side of the emperor, finally shot.

It is unbearable for Fang Han.

Fang Han actually killed their Patriarch, the Emperor Great Dao, plundered the sand of time, and swallowed all the pure land of the Shenzhou, even the fortuitous encounter of the Great Dao, I don鈥檛 know how many eras before the Martial art. All of the Qiankun Supreme Powers were plundered by Fang Han. Everything in the Pure Land of Shenzhou has no secrets for Fang Han.

How can this be the end of the emperor?

Going out in advance, with the thunder and the temptation, to obliterate the entire Zhongzhou, to control his epoch, Ascension Sect, all annihilated, no longer exist, he wants to let the world know, how horrible Heavenly Monarch’s anger is.

The plume’s whole body was shocked and screamed. “Feathering up, Heavenly Monarch forbidden art, fully open!”

Throughout the ancient city of Zhongzhou, the invincible Shenghui was everywhere, and the huge condense became a huge eggshell-shaped hood. The ancient city was guarded in it. The eggshell-shaped hood was dark gold. It was actually The powerlessness of China Heavenly Monarch rushes to the sky, making the sun and the moon dull and the world without power.

This forbidden art completely resisted the palm of the sky.

However, the entire interior of the ancient city of Zhongzhou was violently shocked. I don鈥檛 know how many streets were destroyed. What high-rise buildings and Guangyu temples were everywhere, and they were on the verge of destruction.

Although the forbidden art of the ancient city of Zhongzhou can withstand the attack of Heavenly Monarch for seven days and seven nights, it is far less sturdy than the forbidden art of the heavens, but the building inside is unprotected.

After some buildings were broken, they were actually shaken into the most elementary spirit.

Fortunately, Fang Han has been preparing for a moment, almost sensing the moment of Heavenly Monarch Aura. All the people in the ancient city of Zhongzhou have transferred to the kingdom of heaven. Not subject to any harm.

Among heaven, is already in a forbidden art Fang Han blessing, more peerless Expert, red sea Mozun, Yu Huang sits there, these two Expert, are Heavenly Monarch exist can not be easily killed, hiding in the forbidden Among the art, it is impossible to shake them.

“Junior brother, what do you do now? Huangpu鈥檚 other side is really attacking. We have a crisis at the age of life and death. No one can withstand the power of this violent Heavenly Monarch. After seven days, the ancient city of Zhongzhou will be wiped out. “Yuhuang also felt a huge crisis.”

“There is nothing! I will go out and fight with the emperor!” Fang Han said with no expression. “This will be my first time with Heavenly Monarch jiao, the real Heavenly Monarch, what is it. I am.” I have long wanted to see it. This is a very valuable experience for me.”

“Junior brother!”

“Senior Brother don’t worry, I can’t fight it, but I can take the emperor’s bank away. It’s not an easy thing, or it can’t be done!”

Fang Han suddenly skyrocketed.

At the moment of skyrocketing, a dark golden, undulating light burst out of him and blessed in the forbidden art of the ancient city of Zhongzhou, making this forbidden art stronger and able to support longer.

“Huahualy Monarch’s unique powerlessness!” Yu Huang shocked.

“Yes, Junior brother I got the blood of China Heavenly Monarch, and I have already reached the realm of Dacheng. I have blessed this forbidden art and can support it for a long time. I used to support seven days and seven nights, and now I can support it for one month. “Fang Han’s voice rising from the sky passed.

At the same time, his huge Dan gas filled the ancient city of Zhongzhou, is the absorption of the Danjie spirit, all of which spewed out in an instant, let all the emperors, saints, yuan, ancestors, gold …. and other discipline cultivation.

Now he wants to rise to the sky, great war Heavenly Monarch.

No one has ever, Powerhouse under the Heavenly Monarch, capable of great war Heavenly Monarch alone, Fang Han is now the first person to do that. He is already the number one on the list of Heavenly Monarch’s alternate list. After defeating Hua Tiandu, no one can challenge his position.

However, he has never appeared on the Heavenly Monarch waiting list.

He flew into the sky.

Came to the high sky.


I don’t know how many Spaces broke down, and a giant palm, once again suppressed by the town, appeared on the other side of the giant palm face, and a large ship took the wind to break 1ang, sailed out to sea and crossed the other side.

“I am creating, reversing the origins, and expounding the truth!”

Fang Han hands together, the moment between good fortune Divine Fist, Beginning Divine Fist, Truth Divine Fist of the three Divine Fist repeated changing, eternal life of the gas wound between the Divine Fist, real magic, move towards the sky that larger hands to play The past.


The entire sky, all tears, the power of the giant palm and Fang Han collided directly to tear the scorpion out of a deep gap.

Fang Han was in the explosion, rolling in and out, rolling over a hundred times, only to calm down in the sky, not staying, but a string of outward, gliding outward, almost a flash, it is far away Zhongzhou, even far away from the 100,000 states of the heavens.

He wanted to take the emperor’s bank away, and the heavens were so vast that he was free and unfettered to avoid the Heavenly Monarch anger attack.

“The other side of the law…”

An old voice was passed from the void, and suddenly Fang Han just fled the place and there was a solid array after another, and it was also derived outward.

Fang Han has just pulled out 396 million parallel spaces and reached the remote wilderness area, but the other side of the law is shrouded and enveloped in all directions.

The bitter sea, the Fang Han is trapped, the bitter sea is boundless, and there is no shore back.

An old man wearing a yellow robe with a high forehead and a tall body, who is taller than Fang Han, appeared in the sea of 鈥嬧€媌itterness and walked over to Fang Han step by step.

This old man, referring to the heavens and the earth, the only god, has completely taken off the heavens and the earth, and shows the majesty in full. It is not excessive to praise the old man with any gorgeous words, because he is totally worthy of praise, and the heavens and the earth destroy him. Can be destroyed.

This is Heavenly Monarch.

Real Heavenly Monarch!

The ancestors of the Emperor’s family, the emperor’s ancestors, finally appeared in front of Fang Han, this is the real body, not the avatar. Fang Han finally faced the Heavenly Monarch for the first time.

Heavenly Monarch, the king of heaven, masters the master of this heaven and earth, a realm that can only be looked up and cannot reach, and has become the enemy of Fang Han.

“You are Fang Han? Killed the Patriarch of my imperial family, the people of the Great Dao?” The old man with a very high forehead, the emperor’s bank stopped in front of Fang Han, condescending and questioning.

As the pressure of the mountains and the sea collapsed, the blood-stained clothes on Fang Han suddenly flew backwards, seemingly to be broken into pieces of butterflies.

Fang Han has a combination of hands and a solemn expression. Everything has settled down, and the blood-stained clothes have recovered calm.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu鈥檚 face showed a hint of surprise. He did not expect himself to be the pressure of Heavenly Monarch. Fang Han actually did not move.

“Say! Why did you kill the Imperial Da Dao.”

He again questioned the anger.

“It’s a ruin era, there is not a level of Monarch Heavenly, to be destroyed, death, Huang Fu Great Dao is no exception, you are Heavenly Monarch, do still care about these? Heavenly Monarch high above, watching Wan boundary of birth and death, Insight fairy king Great Dao, on the road of eternal life, still care about these jimao garlic skins? The emperor’s bank, the heart is not indifferent, has given birth to mourning. This era of annihilation, I am afraid it is difficult to hide.”

Fang Han At this moment, it is like the world-famous Wang Buddha in his youth, who is persuading a supreme devil.

I can use this tone to persuade Heavenly Monarch, I am afraid that he will be alone in the sky.


Emperor Huangbi鈥檚 eyebrows open and take a step forward: 鈥淔ang Han, don鈥檛 you want to live? I will give you two choices now. First, kneel down, swear allegiance to me, become my pure land in China. The guardian, I put your town in the tower of the pure land until the heavens and the earth are destroyed. Second, die now.”

“Huangfu, the other side, let me see the power of Heavenly Monarch.” Fang Han’s eyes suddenly violent, glaring, the power of the whole body has reached the maximum, Aura climbs up, and the top of the head is endless. Permeated, then the article fell, washed his body, and finally condensed into a black mine Blood Mine, exploding in his body, among the crystal gods, the Xuanhuang Blood Mine is exploding Dang makes Fang Han’s body seem to be a mysterious body.

“Well? Xuanhuang Blood Mine! You actually reached such a realm, you promoted Heavenly Monarch, you already have 80% of the grasp! Under Heavenly Monarch, there are actually such a horrible character, if you don’t die, the future achievements may not be limited, but unfortunately Unfortunately, since I have your potential, I will not let you go. Since you killed the Great Dao, I will take your body and shape a great Dao.”

The other side of the emperor, facing the Han Han, was in the palm of his hand.

Rumble, bitter sea shock dang up, grasping the situation has actually blocked all changes in Fang Han, forced to move, simple tricks, in the hands of Heavenly Monarch, have captured the world, stealing the universe power.

Fang Han felt that the other side of the emperor was a troll ancient god that could never be defeated. The power is so strong.

“Is this the power of Heavenly Monarch? I am not an opponent….” Fang Han faced Heavenly Monarch, the unprecedented willingness to fight, almost repeated a big change, he again showed signs of breakthrough, “but to Killing me is still impossible, I will hone myself with Heavenly Monarch!”


His three hundred times of explosive power exploded, and a punch hit the momentum.

Ancient loneliness.

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