Eternal Life

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1,400

“What? The first place on the Heavenly Monarch waiting list was changed? Is it a man named Hua Tiandu?” Wing Tai was shocked: “It also killed all Heavenly Lords of the Holy Land.”

“Not bad.” Fang Han said in a positive tone: “This magic combines the broken body of China Heavenly Monarch, gets all the Culture Base, and is terrible. It is normal to be able to rank first on the Heavenly Monarch waiting list. ”

“This is really a different matter. I have to leave immediately, go to our wing, and report to Heavenly Monarch Lord, let Heavenly Monarch Lord use the wisdom of the supreme wisdom to calculate the pros and cons. As for the alliance between our wing and the era gate, Fang Han, look at you…”

Wing Ting murmured.

“Aligned, I am accurate. It is not impossible to attack the heavens together. You have Heavenly Monarch in the wing world, and there is a mixture of 1uanHeavenly Monarch in my back, and even the end of the Protoss support of the Protoss, allied up, is equal existence.” Fang Han said faintly: “Take a covenant and treat it with a brotherly alliance. Mutual attack and defense, but I will give you another message, that is, the five Heavenly Monarch of Heaven, refining 33 Skies, Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, will succeed. Once refining is successful, it will be equivalent to thirty-three Heavenly Monarchs, sweeping through the Myriad Heavenly Domain, and the king will not be able to fight. No one can fight for it. You have to find a preparation.”

“Yes? This is a big news.” Wing Emperor’s face changed again. “The end of the Protoss is also out of trouble. It is good news. This holy king is the deadly enemy of heaven. I can’t think of the expert behind Fang Han. Some of the concerns that came to me were superfluous. Mixing 1uanHeavenly Monarch is also the guardian of Fang Han’s brother. I also heard some news on this point. It is now confirmed by Fang Han’s brother, which is obviously a fact.”

“What are some of your concerns?” Fang Han grabbed the words of Wing Tai.

“Oh, there is nothing, just heard some news, saying that it is the ancestor of the Emperor of the Pure Land of Shenzhou, the Heavenly Monarch of Saint Bill Immortal Artifact, the other side of the emperor, because Fang Han brother killed the Great Dao. The thing that has nothing to do with the Lord has already broken through in advance, and I have to come in person and kill Fang Han.”

Wing Emperor faintly said: “Since the brothers have mixed 1uanHeavenly Monarch, even the end of the Holy King, then the emperor is not even what the other side. I dare not come to Fang Han brother, mixed 1uanHeavenly Monarch was in the heavens, only time In the powerhouse of Heavenly Monarch, the powerhouse of the mother, far from the emperor.”

“Our covenant is officially finalized.”

Fang Han heard the news, and immediately thought of it.

“Farewell, Fang Han brother, congratulations on your glory.” Wing Fei flew up in a hurry, led his subordinates, and rose to the sky, reporting to the wing of Heavenly Monarch.

Once Fang Han was a heavenly man, in the heavens, against the alien army, now he has become an ally of the outside world, to unite together, against the heavens, this camp has been converted so fast that people can hardly understand.

However, Fang Han knew that it was the gun of judgment in heaven, and deliberately framed himself. Otherwise, I might still contribute to the heavens. Since the heavens are framed, then I will overthrow the heavens.

“Junior brother, the emperor, the other side, actually to go out to kill you, this thing is not the same thing, the other party is a generation of Heavenly Monarch, do not know how many years, the outstanding status, the strength of the Junior brother, can compete Heavenly Monarch? Still trying to inform the mixed 1uanHeavenly Monarch?”

Yuhuang worried: “And, the Junior brother, that Hua Tiandu was killed by you? You said that Hua Tiandu killed Wanyang Heavenly Lord and others, but I don’t believe it. The Junior brother is not serious. There is such a clear leak, or the Junior brother kills the Expert of the Holy Land and blames it on Hua Tiandu.”

“Haha!” Fang Han laughed. “Know me, the Emperor’s Senior Brother. The clowns of the Holy Land, killing, killing, and there is nothing to be scrupulous. I have swallowed the top ten Heavenly Lord. Refining, Culture Base, Nourishing, Magic Force, and even the Hua Tiandu, defeated him and took a good thing from him.”

“What good thing?”

Yuhuang hurriedly asked.

Fang Han turned over the palm of his hand and added a key. He kept jumping and changing his body. The Dan text appeared, line by line and beautiful, and the melody of the heavenly notes.

“The key to the moment! The key to the ancient Danjie, the treasures that countless people dream of!” Yuhuang was shocked and stood up, almost excited to be self-sustaining: “Really, it is really this treasure, rumored, this one Treasure is the lost artifact in the battle between the ancient Dan and the king of the ancient kings. The artifact is broken, but it has the function of opening the door of the Danish world. As long as it can enter the Dan world, our era gate can be truly reshaped. A new heaven! Even me, I hope to be promoted to Heavenly Monarch. The Junior brother is not to mention.”

“Not bad.”

Fang Han said, his eyes are bright and ambitious. “I started the era gate, and I must have a mountain gate. This Zhongzhou ancient city was created by China Heavenly Monarch. Even if there is Heavenly Monarch forbidden art, it can only be guarded for a while, if one Heavenly Monarch is coming to deal with our attack for seven days, the forbidden art is broken, and many more characters, also the earth jiwa dog, are arbitrarily slaughtered. If there is a forbidden art defense of the heavenly court, then it can be vigorously exhibited and derived. The ancient Danjie is One of the best mountain gates!”

“What? Junior brother, you are so ambition that you have to use the ancient Dan as the sect of the sect! How much peek?” It is impossible for the era gate to be guarded. Unless you and I are promoted to Heavenly Monarch, it is possible to defend one or two, but it is also very dangerous.” Yu Huang could not believe to look at Fang Han.

“There is nothing. The key to the Dan world is in our hands. The whole Danjie is ours. There is a forbidden art arranged by the Danish Lord in Danjie. No one can break through. We seize the opportunity to use this key. It is not impossible to enter the Danjie world and find all kinds of treasures. It is not impossible to cultivate Heavenly Monarch. However, Dan is peeped by many people, and there are many Heavenly Monarchs. Once we are discovered, we will fail, but will fail. Becoming someone else’s wedding dress, and Hua Tiandu, this person, will definitely not make me successful.”

Fang Han knows that even if there is a “brick key” in the ancient Dan world to get the treasure of the Dan world, it is not an easy task to enter the Dan world. Once Heavenly Monarch is present, the bamboo basket is immediately empty.

“The Junior brother is planning now.” Yu Huang quietly said: “Junior brother told me honestly, now if you hit the Heavenly Monarch road, how much is it?”

“70%, I have 70% confidence, but this is not enough. It must be 10% to be able to impact. This time I originally wanted to kill Hua Tiandu and swallow his body. That is not 10%. There is also a 90% grasp, but I did not expect this person to be able to sacrifice the burial of the celestial burial. Let him run, making my plan fall.” Fang Han shook his head. “It seems that the wise man must have lost.”

“The burial of the celestial burial!” Yu Huang said: “This is a god, Hua Tiandu has it, and it is a great threat to us.”

“No problem, he can’t use it freely. Sooner or later, this god is also mine. I am not in a hurry. Now, let’s wait and see. I use the key of the moment to provide all the disciplines of the eclipse, Fang Han, which provides cultivation. The key I have to use the fate of the fate, carefully scrub, Insight, to make the final preparation for the trip to Danjie to get the treasure.”

Fang Han cross-legged sat down and took a breath of water on the spoon of the Danjie. Immediately after a purple yu melted, the flowing liquid Dan flew out of it and penetrated into the air. The aroma filled the entire hall. When Yu Huang smelled this Dan yao, immediately the whole body was fluttering yuxian, it seems that the spirit is washing the soul, the soul, the rou body is comfortable everywhere, a little breath, at least equivalent to hundreds of thousands of years of Insight .

“Danjie vitality!cultivation sacred object! No wonder it is a good thing to be made by the sacred king.” The feather absorbing the Dan, the Magic Force growing again, seems to have broken through some kind of bottleneck, the belief in the top of the Bible reappears, Fang Han Almost without knowing it, I’m sure that Yu’s ranking is on the Heavenly Monarch waiting list.

Fang Han was also completely immersed in the Insight of the “Key of the Moment”.

“The key to the moment” is not a magical treasure. It is a kind of sand similar to the sand of time. I don’t know what the substance is condensing. It contains the supreme god of the ancient Dan, and there are various kinds of forbidden art. In the world, a large number of Danjie spirits entered the body of Fang Han and transformed into Magic Force. Among the crystal gods, one after another, the god of Dan Yao.

Fang Han spurred the Lesser Karma Technique, washing the key over and over again. The mind seems to have entered the rumored ancient Dan, and traveled in the infinite sea of ​​Dan yao in Dan, and felt the supreme civilization of Dan Dao. .

The era of the era, once again got promoted.

Fang Han’s body is more complete, and since he condense into a epoch, he has turned out one after another, and his body has become the body of the era. This is his own unique era. Tao, like some peerless Heavenly Monarch, realized his own things.

The “Daily Key” provides the Danjie Dan, which provides unparalleled strength and nourishment for the operation of the Fang Han dynasty. Under the moisture of Dan, the body of Fang Han is tempered over and over again. Re-calculation, change, and reorganization make the epoch of the epoch, its own soul consciousness, the sentiment of heaven, and the determination to break the bondage between heaven and earth, closer to Heavenly Monarch.


Suddenly, the “key of the moment” shocked, it seems to be out of a certain kind of awkward, the Aura above is perfectly blended with Fang Han, the spirit of the ancient Danjie, actually brought a glimpse of the Aura .

Fang Han This is the real master of the “key of the moment.”

Lesser Karma Technique, washing the key over and over again, finally broke the fate of this key.

At this moment, the huge Danjie energy, the top of the body, the Fang Han dynasty body is running with the rou eye can not see clearly, he felt that he promoted the Heavenly Monarch grasp, and promoted a layer, arrived 80% of the horror.

Just then, suddenly, the sky rumbling, the entire ancient city of Zhongzhou, trembled, seems to have encountered a huge attack. Fang Han opened his eyes fiercely and saw the high sky above, a big hand, the town was pressed down, it was Heavenly Monarch! With Aura on the other side, the ancestors of the Emperor’s family, the emperor and the other side of the bank personally shot, actually to kill themselves.

Ancient lonely upload

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