Eternal Life

Chapter 1401

On the top of the Danjie’s key, there is the blood of the sacred king, but it is hidden, but now it is triggered by Hua Tiandu’s “powerlessness”.

That blood stain, the Heavenly Monarch rou body is worn out, and Aura is released a little. The light breaks through the dark clouds, and the day is full of blood. This blood is sacred, with imposing majesty, so that all living creatures must kneel down. .

Fang Han’s body immediately felt a huge threat, and the whole body was in a state of trepidation. Between the flashes of calculations, hundreds of millions of times were unsolvable.

Hua Tiandu smiled.

He knows that this spear, Fang Han will be seriously injured.

The blood of the sacred king is rare in the world, even if it is Heavenly Monarch, it is difficult to refine, let alone resist. Fang Han is not Heavenly Monarch, how can it resist?

“Fang Han, you steal the creation, condense the 33 Skies into the treasure, capture a lot of artifacts and make the Divine Fist cultivation reach the realm of Dacheng, but today, you will lose everything, the Divine Fist, I also Yes, I won the 33 Skies, and I will be able to display the Divine Fist, sweeping the world, replacing the king of heaven and regaining the heavens. I am the true master of heaven.”

Hua Tiandu’s thoughts bombarded Fang Han, causing him to lose his will and smash his hands.

The spear is stained with blood, and the blood of the fairy king is made.

Fang Han faced the sneer of Hua Tiandu, and did not move. Suddenly, the prosperity of a huge dangdang was forced, and 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist and 33 Skies were all motivated. Lesser Karma Technique was flourishing. The soul of Gate to Eternity is coming, and the air of eternal life turns.


Three hundred times more powerful, Fang Han punched out.

At the moment when the boxing style was shot, Hua Tiandu’s face suddenly changed, and it felt like an unprecedented lethality. Even the Heavenly Monarch body began to linger.

He didn’t have the ability to devour the artifacts, and he didn’t have the ability to refine 33 Skies. Even 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist couldn’t improve so many times.

In an instant, Fang Han punched the spear and shook the spear. At the same time, the enormous power of Divine Fist suppressed the blood, and the punches entered the body of Hua Tiandu through the spears.


Hua Tiandu’s body stepped back and forth, gliding in the air, and was shaken back by Fang Han. But it did not receive any harm. Fang Han’s three hundred times of the power of Divine Fist, can not hurt the body of Hua Tiandu, showing the hardness of the wreckage of Heavenly Monarch from China.

Heavenly Monarch, rumored to have survived many times, and every time the body is solid, Fang Han is not really Heavenly Monarch, and naturally can’t hurt this Heavenly Monarch body, if Lei Di Heavenly Monarch fights King Heavenly Monarch This Heavenly Monarch, which has not yet passed the ruin of the world, is not good.


Fang Han blasted out with a fist, did not stop, breathed again, a large number of days and moments of vitality, bombarded Hua Tiandu dozens of punches, fists are three hundred times the strength, playing Hua Tiandu back and forth, hands The spears of the singer were completely banned, and the blood of the sacred king was concealed.

“The six derivatives, the heavens are in charge.”

Hua Tiandu screamed, the spear in his hand exploded again, and his body began to burst out of strength. His body was strong, but the attacking power was not thrown out. Now, I don’t know what the secret technique of the ancient heaven is. Fighting power is actually climbing.

When the spear was shocked, the spear had reached the point where the 10,000 yuan was returned to the sect. The blood of the sacred king was once again revealed, and the light was more bright. The shadow of the heavens appeared from above.

Heaven, people, hungry ghosts, beasts, Asura, Hell…. All kinds of Great Dao, all around the heavens.

Under the spear, with absolute rule, it is necessary to break the three hundred times of Fang Han’s strength and create Divine Fist.

Fang Han’s palm fist and the spear collide, and the rou body is hard to shake the invincible “Danjie key”. Every time you feel hard, you will feel the blood of the ancient Dan and the king of the immortal king is endless, implied The secret of the highest in the heavens and the earth.

The two men turned over the great war, and Fang Han’s look became clearer and clearer. For the spoons of the ancient Dan, and the blood of the sacred king, it was more accurate. In the body, the ecstasy was trying hard to calculate. It consumes a lot of energy every moment, but it gives him the information that is closer to Heavenly Monarch.

Even in the body of Hua Tiandu, the secret of China Heavenly Monarch, he gradually grasped.

“Can you still clean up you?”

Hua Tiandu’s look is getting more and more dignified. He feels that the opposite Fang Han is really a great enemy. He thought that he had merged the body of China Heavenly Monarch, and he must swept invincible, but now he is wrong. For Fang Han, he has a taste that can’t be knocked down.

Suddenly, Fang Han’s face showed a smile on the chest. The left hand turned and there was a picture on the hand. It was the shadow of the epoch of the epoch: “Hua Tiandu, today’s battle, so far. I made the blood of Xian Wang and deprived me of it!”

Wū wū wū !

The array was running high, and the blood of the sacred king above the spear suddenly shook, and flew out of the air, turning into a little blood, and fell into the picture.


The blood of the sacred king was actually mobilized by the Fang Han dynasty and flew up! This is an unprecedented event that makes Hua Tiandu feel awkward and doesn’t know what happened, but he is now the body of Heavenly Monarch. It is not 1uan, the spear is shaking, the body changes continuously, and the head is rushing out. There is no Huashen light, and there is no light in the sun and the moon. The whole void, the big thousand, the universe, have completely lost Guanghua.

“Hua Tiandu, my understanding of the Divine Fist is much deeper than you. Even Divine Fist has surrendered to my epoch, and made the blood of the king, as my tonic, for me. The era of the era, adding a new glory.” Fang Han faint voice, facing Hua Tiandu.

Between his words, the blood was completely integrated into the eclipse of the era. Immediately, the entire epoch of the gods burst into a raging fire. It was like a sea of ​​oil, throwing a torch and completely igniting the fire of heaven and earth. This flame is sacred, not tolerated, it is the flame of the burning of the blood of creation.

The era of the gods burst out of the fire, Fang Han bathed in the flames, the whole body was calcined, crystal clear, the crystals of the gods were destroyed and reborn, re-created the Qiang Kun, the blood of the immortal king, almost made him fully realized the creation The way, 33 Skies in the blood flame, actually produced a huge breath of breath, every breath, every breath, faintly resonate with the world, actually the same as Fang Han’s own world.

The realm of heaven and earth.

The realm of the creation of the gods.

33 Skies, this set of King Grade Immortal Artifact, actually understands the realm of heaven and earth, and has the potential to create artifacts. In other words, now Fang Han’s King Grade Immortal Artifact is the real orthodoxy.

The set of heaven, even the cultivation became Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, comparable to Heavenly Monarch, without comprehending the integration of heaven and earth, nor is it orthodox, it is a fake.

“The blood of the sacred king is really different, but this is why I have learned the path of the epoch and used the technique of fate to break the cause and effect.” Fang Han saw that 33 Skies also realized the realm of heaven and earth, and he was very pleased. Divine Fist, the three hundred times of combat power immediately and ethereal, free and easy.

The body flickering, Fang Han in the strong flame, attacking and killing again to Hua Tiandu, grabbing the big hand, stealing the claws, kicking the sky, crashing into the sky… repeatedly bombing.

“Fang Han, I will show you the real 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist.” Hua Tiandu spears and also displays the 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, which collides with Fang Han.

“The Secret of the Dan… The Gate of the Dan…”

At the moment of the collision, there was a portal behind Fang Han, which seemed to be the gateway to the Dan world. The huge Dan yaoAura, the infinite attraction is calling, this is his way of calculating the eternal era. The mystery of the ancient Dan was unrecognizable and re-emerged.


As soon as the door of the Danjie appeared, the key to the Danjie in the hands of Hua Tiandu could no longer be grasped. In order to become a Dan yao, it is directly projected into the Danjie portal that Fang Han evolved.

“How could this be!”

Hua Tiandu hates yu, eyes red, the key to the ancient Dan, actually was taken away by Fang Han. How much is this loss? No one can make it clear that if Fang Han got the key, he entered the Dan world and got a sleepy Divine Pill? Who can stop him between this world?

“Do not!”

Hua Tiandu went all out to even burn the Heavenly Monarch’s body and killed Fang Han in an attempt to recapture the key to the ancient Dan, but to no avail.

Fang Han’s evolution of the door of the Dan world, disappeared instantly, the key disappeared without a trace.

His body flickered, walked, and the world was free. Hua Tiandu’s attacks all killed less than his body. Even if there was an occasional bombardment that reached his body, it did not help, and he did not move.

Hua Tiandu displayed seven killing tricks in a row. Even Fang Han’s half-point clothes were not touched. I saw Fang Han’s hand, and the Dan Keys kept changing in various forms.

Or a gun, or a spear, or a sword… It seems that this key can be changed into an infinite shape. Fang Han squirts a squirt, and a stock of Dan has injected it into the key. On the key, two people are revealed. Know the text.

This is the Danish god.

It is the word “emergency”.

“The original name of this key is called the key of the moment.” Fang Han shouted: “Great Dao, Hua Tiandu, the owner of the Danish world. It seems that you have not yet awakened the true will of Heavenly Monarch, that is, the limbs are up, the mind is simple, Even the magical effect of this instant key is not revealed by Insight, but it has been calculated by me. Now, the key to this Danjie has fallen into my hands. See how you and me are today?”

Ancient loneliness.

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