Eternal Life

Chapter 1400

Chapter 1400

Fang Han spurred the thousands of maps of the entire Hongmeng Hall in one breath. Immediately in the hall of Hongmeng, the size of the heavenly court, the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the sacred sacred sacred The cultivator, all of the body has a piece of armor with a rune condense.

Hong Meng battle!

This is the blessing force in the “Hongmeng Temple”.

When the heavens are attacked by many races such as Protoss, Barbarian, and Haizu, the forbidden art begins, and everyone in the heavens will get a huge blessing ability. The realm is higher than before. For example, the saint can sway the power of the Supreme Immortal, and the Supreme Immortal can reach Life as Heaven and Earth.

However, Hongmeng Temple is more wonderful.

After a forbidden art spurt, between the operation of the array, Hongmeng condense into the ancient rune leaves and condense for everyone to become a tragedy.

The power of this trench, each of them passed the King Grade Immortal Artifact of the Emperor. Even far away, apart from this, each person’s hand, there is a more shotgun, is a “gun of the broken gun”, can break the turbidity, separate the world of the gun.

Fang Han’s body is also one more, very tall, and the pieces of the skirt skirt protect the body tightly, and the ancient and mysterious power flows through the body.

With this blessing, the strength of Fang Han’s body has once again increased. The crystal god country in the body even has a dragon-like snake like a dragon. It is endless, free to breathe, and combined with the Hongmeng Hall. They all have the power of Heavenly Monarch.

And his artifacts, 33 Skies, constantly turbulent, under the scouring of Hongmen Rune, some of the original Impurities have swayed out, leaving only the structure of the most complete artifacts, even Heavenly Monarch can not be destroyed .

“This is the great war of the great war, and it has been urged by you.” Exquisite Immortal Venerable shocked: “This map is spurred, and there will be runes in the hall of Hongmeng, turning into armor, making every The Magic Force of a warrior in the temple has increased greatly, and it can tear the ancient emperor. I have been urging it for a long time.”

“Well, I can motivate, I have gradually calculated it. This 100,000 map of Hongmeng Temple is more subtle than one. I can only motivate some of the simplest, and some other deep maps have no power at all. To motivate, otherwise it is not such a simple power, for example, if you look at the map, the “Sword Qi map”, once mobilized, immediately billions of Sword light, turn the dusty land into a wild universe, the Three Realms Among them are dream bubbles. There is also the ‘life and death illusion of the Ming dynasty’, once evolved, Heavenly Monarch will fall into it.”

Fang Han is between the stimuli and points to some of the planet’s size maps in this universe.

These arrays, he could not be motivated at all.

In addition, there are deep circles in the universe, a star field, and a map of the size of the plane. It is already impossible for him to watch. The ordinary emperor has a glance at his head and can’t accept such huge information. I can barely watch it, but I can’t afford to calculate it, let alone use it.

Despite this, thousands of maps are all motivated, and the magic is endless. The blessings of blessings have fallen on everyone’s body. Even the lowest level of the Culture Base is the Essence of Dragon Tiger’s Ferocity, comparable to the saints, and has improved several. Realm, because there is also a “great array” in these gods, let the low-level disciples feel the power of several realms than themselves, so that the discipline is better cultivation.

Hongmeng Hall, different from Xiaoke, Fang Han has never seen such a magical magical treasure, even Saint Grade Immortal Artifact can not match, heaven has not so much mystery.

The temple that Hongmen Daoist personally forged, even the Heavenly Monarch must be amazed.

“Toast, don’t eat fine wine, Fang Han, then you will die.”

On the other side of the emperor, the above-mentioned Heavenly Monarch was completely furious, and his hands were combined. The black holes in the group ejected a stronger and more intense True fire. At the same time, the Heavenly Monarch originated and bombarded. Out, the sacrificial refining was carried out against the Hongmeng Hall.

“The emperor of the emperor is the best of the world, and the king is in the world. The whole party is Wanfang. Zhubao is back to the Yuan.”

He attempted to refining the entire hall of honor.

But at this time, in the hall of Hongmeng, a huge figure rushed out, wearing a trench, showing the majesty of the gods. It was the Han Han who wore the trenches of Hongmeng, his own vitality and the hall of Hongmeng. Combine it into one, and raise your hand, and really have the power of Heavenly Monarch.

“Huangfu, the other side, do you think that you can really sacrificial refining Hongmeng? I don’t care, although you are Heavenly Monarch, but also a dead end.” Fang Han rose up, punched out, and all the vitality was stable at all. More pervasive, and the ascension of the road, turned into the shadow of Hongmeng Daoist.

“Not Heavenly Monarch, it’s all ants!”

On the other side of the emperor, the big step walked in the void, the five fingers opened, and the fingertips came out of the shape of the Shenzhou Astral Qi. Where the impact arrived, where the glory of the moon turned into the sky, the earth, the ocean, the mountains, the river, the planet, he was constantly Open up to the ground.

Kā chā !

After hundreds of collisions, Fang Han’s body has begun to rupture. The emperor’s other side recruits Shen Xiong, which truly shows the power of Heavenly Monarch. Every hit makes the sky collapse, the mountains and rivers recreate, and the twists and turns are twisted. When the moon sinks, Fang Han, if he relies on the power of Hongmeng, can only compete and cannot win.

However, the more fighting, the more happy Han Han feels, the more I feel the power of Heavenly Monarch, and the Supreme Immortal is a realm, but it is the difference between ants and dragons.

However, relying on Hongmeng Hall, he can stand up against Heavenly Monarch, unlike the previous one, it is a great progress, fighting with Heavenly Monarch. Every time he fights, he can get huge experience and information in the body. Estimate, evolve, and turn into savings for the promotion of Heavenly Monarch.

The other side of the emperor was burned in anger. The more he became more and more shocked, the more he felt, the more he couldn’t help himself in Fang Han in the hall of Hongmeng. He could almost clearly feel that Fang Han’s freak became more powerful and breathe. In between, there is a taste of leaving the heavens and the earth, and you can hit the realm of Heavenly Monarch anytime and anywhere.

“This kid, too much, has a great grasp of the promotion of Heavenly Monarch. There are a lot of treasures in the rumor, there are many treasures, and there are many Divine Pill. If you let the Heavenly Monarch directly impact, then I will be in danger. situation!”

At this moment, the other side of the emperor has already retired.

However, his dignity made him unable to retreat and fight. After all, a Heavenly Monarch, chasing a ants who did not promote Heavenly Monarch, was unsuccessful, and fled, escaping, and shy and died. Lifted up in the Heavenly Monarch.

“This emperor’s bank is estimated to want to go, knowing why I can’t, but dignity makes him support the dead, I am not willing to entangle with this person too much, it is better to motivate Hong Mengdian to go, then arrive at Zhongzhou, put Yuhuang, and all the doormen took over and entered the Hongmeng Temple together. Then they waited for the opportunity to open the Danjie.”

Fang Han now feels that Hongmeng Hall is a very good mountain gate, where it is preserved, at least in it, not afraid of being attacked by Heavenly Monarch.

“Haha, the emperor, I will not fight here with you, take a step first, wait for me to advance to the Heavenly Monarch, and come to kill you, you wash your neck and wait for me to kill.” Between talking, Fang Han’s body sinks into the interior of the Hongmeng Hall, and then spurs a piece of Hongmeng to change the secrets of the sky. The void suddenly becomes unreal and then disappears.

There is no trace.


The other side of the emperor broke the phantom of the water, and all the Magic Force fluctuations were attributed to the silence. No more ambiguity and the shadow of the hall of Hongmeng could be seen. He continuously calculated that the big hand grabbed hundreds of millions of parallels in the void. Space, huge planes, and the extension of the mind to all directions, can not find any idea of ​​ignorance.

This is a mystery, and Heavenly Monarch can’t track it.

“Damn.” The other side of the emperor, the Heavenly Monarch, stood quietly in the air, burning in anger, but did not come out of the fire: “Damn, this child has endless potential, and in the future it will be a big enemy, and it will be even more powerful.” Once the promotion reaches Heavenly Monarch… No, he must now go to the ancient Danjie, enter it, and then get the Divine Pill in it, then there is a 10% chance to advance to the Heavenly Monarch. No, can’t He entered the ancient Danjie world, and I contacted a few Heavenly Monarch friends to guard the portal of the ancient Dan. Or, by chance, we can also enter the Dan world….”

The more I think about it, the more I feel that things are pressing, and the other side of the emperor is disappearing.

Originally, he also wanted to return to the 100,000-strong state of the heavens, and to vent his anger at Ascension Sect, but to change his mind, to greet Heavenly Monarch friends, to guard the gateway to the ancient Dan, and to take the opportunity to enter it, the right way, the rest of the ants Things can be destroyed at any time.

“Hongmeng Hall” stayed in a quiet, unmanned void, and immediately turned a plane into a state of ignorance. Fang Han sat in the center of the hall, and the airflow on the top of the head was rotated. In order to make many scenes, countless eras are brewing in it. He suddenly opened his eyes: “This time I played against Heavenly Monarch, I have benefited a lot. I can’t beat him on the other side of the emperor. It is impossible even to hurt him. Heavenly Monarch is Heavenly Monarch. After all, exquisite, let’s go to Zhongyuan Jiyuanmen, connect all the people to the hall of Hongmeng, and then use the key of my ancient Danjie to enter the Danjie and find the Divine Pill. You may also be promoted to the opportunity of Heavenly Monarch. Of course, you are best to summon Feng Baiyu, Mi Bao, Fang Qingxue to come together and enter Danjie. Benefit everyone to share, this trip to the ancient Dan, I I feel that it was time for me to promote Heavenly Monarch…”g

[… The first thousand four hundred and ten chapters were promoted to Heavenly Monarch. The preparation for the novel is the fastest update…] a! !

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