Eternal Life

Chapter 1389

Chapter 1 389


Fang Han barely moved his body, and looked at the claws with his eyes. Devil Qi in the air, under his eyes, flew away. Like a breeze, his body even shines brightly, illuminating the dark dungeon.

Rolling Devil Qi was all dispelled by the light, and the sacred Aura was dang in the whole dungeon. Everywhere, the ground was golden and magnificent.

The dark and sinister dungeons became a pure gold country in an instant.

Various decaying Aura, swept away, converted to the truth of Divine Immortal blessed land, free and unfettered dong days. At the very center of this Divine Immortal blessed land, the Demon Soul looked surprised and looked at Fang Han. His face showed an incredible look: “Who are you? How can there be such a tyrannical power, you are not Heavenly Monarch … is clearly the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, but your power…”

“Red Sea Demon, I am not a Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Discipline. I am entering it this time to rescue you.”

Fang Han smiled a little, facing the most central part of the Tianzhu, the sturdy and sturdy Red Sea.

“Save me…”

Chihai Devil Shen sinked yin for a while, the atmosphere was dignified, and suddenly, haha ​​laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” Fang Han asked quietly.

“Young people, your Magic Force is powerful, but it can’t help me. Want to save me, what is it for me to do, or to be your slave? The appetite is not ordinary.” A trace of disdain comes: “The place where you are imprisoned is the prison prison, you are secretly lurking in, outside the prison, the Expert is like a cloud, and there is a eternal thunder suppression, even if you rescue me, I am afraid can not go out.”

“Is it? I don’t bother to sneak in, the prison is gone, down to the Jinxian discipline, up to the ancient emperor, and even the thunder’s three ancestors are killed by me. Wan Ming Lei Chi? has become a part of my body. ”

Fang Han waved his hand and unwrapped a picture with his hands. He was tearing his own prison and killing many ancient emperors. At the same time, the scene of the prisoner’s prison for hun and chaos was also opened, letting the Red Sea Devil Zun directly sees.

“What…this, this…this…” The Red Sea Demon stunned and stunned. The method used by Fang Han to reflect the time was very clear. It was a real scene to trace back the things that had just happened.

His eyes are like bronze bells. “You are alone, killing the whole prison, and the Thunder Pool is swallowed by you! Who are you? You are daring, are you really afraid of Heavenly Monarch to kill you? The Thunder Pool is the lifeblood of the Heavenly Monarch, and he will definitely come to you for revenge.”

“Let me find revenge and be afraid of him? He can’t kill me.”

Fang Han’s face was always calm. He didn’t kill him. He didn’t kill him. He couldn’t kill him. He could escape with ease. Now, after swallowing the life-threatening pool, the Radian Heavenly Monarch can’t kill him.

He used the unparalleled mystery calculation to know that he is definitely the first person under Heavenly Monarch. No one except Heavenly Monarch is stronger than himself!

This is a self-confidence from the bones, a belief that is invincible.

“Well, the Red Sea Devils, not much nonsense, give you two choices, first, surrender to me, let me cross, become the supreme guardian of my Ascension Sect. Second, die immediately, I I don’t mind killing you and refining, to enrich my Demon Dao civilization history. In your rumor, it is a monster that has failed but has not died. I have refining your savings.”

Fang Han’s hand is gone, everything is gone.

“Submission to you? You finally showed the true face.” Red Sea Devil’s eyes calmed down, staring at Fang Han for a while: “Young people, you are strong, very tyrannical, but to kill me, refining I still have some fires. I have already practiced the invincible technique in the Yuanshi ancient magical scriptures. The body has been blessed by Heavenly Monarch. Even if the Heavenly Monarch can’t refine me, you can be tyrannical. Have you ever had Heavenly Monarch?”

“Is it?”

Fang Han had a ray of light in his eyes. After counting the gigabytes in a moment, he figured it out. In the body of the Red Sea, there seems to be a group of immortal magic, fighting with a thunder. At least for hundreds of millions of years.

This is very likely, the original ancestor of Demon Dao, the idea of ​​Heavenly Monarch and the idea of ​​Heavenly Monarch.

The Heavenly Monarch planted a kind of thunder in the Red Sea Demon, and the Heavenly Monarch planted a demon in the body of the Red Sea. The two seeds continued to confront each other. In the end, it was the whimsy of the Red Sea Devils. With the power of these two Heavenly Monarchs, they perfectly blended the battles and opened up the wonders, which made their own power constantly enhanced.

Because of this, some gods and prisoners who do not know the high-pitched law enforcement come in and want to refine the Red Sea Demon, but they are killed.

And some of the ancient emperors in the prison of God, not to provoke this demon.

“Yes, very good, Chihai Devil, you can use the power of the two Heavenly Monarch battles to make yourself stronger, it is really powerful.” Fang Han nodded. “It seems that the monster that did not die but did not die, really Everyone has an unpredictable opportunity.”

“Young people, do you still have the idea of ​​crossing me now?”

The Red Sea Demon statue has a pair of magic eyes, deeply penetrated into the pupil of Fang Han, and launched the peerless Demonic art, in an attempt to control Fang Han’s Spirit.

“Yushu.” Fang Han’s eyes moved, and immediately cut out with a fine light. The eyes of the two collided in the air and exploded a burst of earthquake.


The body of the Red Sea Devils swayed again and again, while Fang Han was motionless.

High judgment.

Fang Han’s Magic Force has now reached the invincible realm. The first person under the real Heavenly Monarch, the Red Sea Demon is very strong. If it is a heavenly person, at least it can be ranked in the top three on the Heavenly Monarch waiting list. Unfortunately, compared to Fang Han, it is still a little worse.

“There is nothing in the air.” Fang Han’s eyes defeated the Spirit control of the Red Sea Demon, and his face suddenly became cold: “Red Sea Demon, I am not immediately sacrificial refining you, because you and my friend Red Devil Respected relationship, now that you are so stubborn, then I have no choice but to completely suppress you.”

Between the words, on Fang Han’s body, there was an imposing manner. The whole body was swollen, and the Magic Force was ten times, fifty times, one hundred times, three hundred times more!

He wants to display the 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, three hundred times the strength of the battle, and the Red Sea Magic is a fist.

“What? This is…” The Red Sea Devils were shocked: “33 Skies Creation Divine Fist? Three hundred times the strength! You… your strength. How could it be so terrible.”

Fang Han has already exhibited three hundred times of combat power, and it has already been earth-shattering. Now he has swallowed the Magic Force of the “Millions of Thunder Pool” itself. It is more tyrannical, and the expansion of the 300-fold force is almost the same as that of Heavenly Monarch. Fighting against it.

“Wait! Wait!” The Red Sea Devil hurriedly whispered again and again, “What is your relationship with the Chiyuan Senior Brother? Is the Abyssal Senior Brother not killed by the world’s free King Buddha? Is the reincarnation appearing?”

“There is nothing waiting for you. You started to resist me. It is sinful. You are trying to use Spirit to control my thinking. I have already committed a sin. I will not punish you. You think that I am weak and can be bullied. Give you a chance, you take my record of Divine Fist and die, I will not kill you, accept you as a slave. If you can’t get it, then you will be blamed for your incompetence and your life.”

Fang Han looks solemn and solemn. It seems to be a supremely sacred king of the Great Dao. He does not give any explanation to the Red Sea Demon, and the Divine Fist works and punches out.

There is the power of heaven, the essence of creation.

Since the Red Sea Demon Respect has rejected him first, he will punish him. Even if he kills, it does not matter. Those who resist his will must die. This is the way of 1uo’s Heavenly Monarch.

King of Heaven.

Heaven will surrender to the feet of the king. This is the way of Heavenly Monarch. If you dissatisfy you, you will destroy everything and open up the invincible Great Dao with great will.

If you follow me, Chang will die.


The red body of the Red Sea is also bursting, the chain of the chain that has blocked itself collapses straight, and all the seals of the road are exploding, turning into dust, and he is completely relieved. Suddenly a call: “outer space,” The outer space of the day, the magic of the magic! Fight.”

An outer space, the real environment, Qionglou Yuyu, suddenly coming, the strange shape of the devil, from the outer space of the day, these devils and ancient devils are very different, is the magic of the magic, the outer space of the day comes down I don’t know what to do, I don’t know where I’m going, I can’t control it, and I can’t resist it.

However, just outside the outer space, outside space, the moment of the devil’s demon, Fang Han’s Divine Fist has a Buddha light, combined with the creation of Divine Fist, when the air is fired.

All the magical environments, outer space days, all the magic outer magic disappeared.

A Divine Fist, which is comparable to Heavenly Monarch’s real hit, is a solid bombardment on the body of the Red Sea.

At the moment when Divine Fist hit the body, the whole sky was instantaneously turned into nothing. All the chains, cells, stone gates, and stone pillars disappeared and steamed.

The Red Sea Devils screamed out of heartbreaking lungs. The whole body exploded, and finally there were two pronuclei, one original is the magic, and the other is the Thunder planted by the Heavenly Monarch.

Apart from this, the weak Aura of the Red Sea Demon, entangled in the two original nucleus, may be extinct anytime and anywhere. At this time, as long as a small golden fairy is born, it is possible to destroy this famous ancient demon. Respect.

“Don’t kill me!” Aura, who is weak in the Red Sea, passed away from the original nucleus: “I am willing to surrender, your strength is far above me, don’t destroy my original nucleus, otherwise I will be destroyed in the Culture Base. .”

“As you wish.” Fang Han’s face is unchanged, his hand is lost, and a huge mass of energy is brewing in his hands. In this huge vitality, the Xuanhuang Blood Mine composed of the blood of Xuanhuang is in the dang.

This is the vitality of the body of the Red Sea Devil, which was directly broken by Fang Han.

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