Eternal Life

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1 388

Once the “Wan Ming Lei Pool” entered the body and defeated the will left by the Lei Di Heavenly Monarch, Fang Han’s epoch was expanded four times in an instant. This thunder pool was suspended in the gods and turned into a line of sight. , and 33 Skies is comparable to the treasure, but also has an unparalleled power of thunder and smashing in the gods.

Fang Han stood up and waved his hand.

A thunder wave swayed out and turned into a big banner, rolling the world.

Wan Ming Lei Chi is in the body, forging the body, suppressing the eyes, while Fang Han is still using the technique of fate, washing the most original idea of ​​the deep pool.

Breaking the fate of the Thunder Pool, it is impossible to get back even if it meets the owner of the Leichi, the Heavenly Monarch.

“My heart now, I really feel the absolute power, breaking a kind of willfulness and feat of the heavens and the earth.” Fang Han clenched his fist, almost one kind of immediately rushed Heavenly Monarch, then punched and promoted to The realm of Heavenly Monarch.

However, he knew in his heart that there is only 50% of the grasp, and it is still surrounded by enemies. Once it fails, it will die immediately. His current confidence and savings are insufficient.

Without absolute certainty, he would not go to Heavenly Monarch.

He is different from others. He has too many enemies. Once Heavenly Monarch is robbed, he is afraid to encounter the siege of everyone! Heavenly Five Great Heavenly Monarch, Protoss Emperor, Heavenly Monarch…. These people will not let him go.

“Millions of Thunder Pools, really a masculine magical treasure, now completely integrated into my epoch, become part of my epoch, my power… I am afraid it is already under the Heavenly Monarch. Once again, even some old antiques that failed to die in Heavenly Monarch have not died, nor are they my opponents.”

Fang Han feels his own strength, calculated over and over again, familiar, some of the original Aura of Heavenly Monarch, all of which are rebuilt in the body, all the power water ru.jiao melt.

His strength has increased by at least three times, the solid body of the crystal god country, the number, the number, also greatly increased, blowing a breath, can be separated by hundreds of millions of different Space, injured the Emerald Heavenly Lord, Yuanjin Heavenly Lord Such an Expert.

Even he really felt the barrier between heaven and world.

When he was torn apart, suddenly the layers of Space mi mist spread out, and the secular Space below the heavens was revealed. The vastness of the universe, the lack of aura, one after another, the big world, suspended in the secular starry sky.

Fang Han even feels that he has exhausted the power of whole body, can break the obstacle and escape from the heavens to the secular.

Moreover, Fang Han saw the mysterious world of the world.

At this time, the Xuanhuang big world, dead and lonely, suspended in the starry sky, without the slightest vitality, even without the stellar sun shining, there is no life above.

Fang Han looked at him again and again: “Xuanhuangda world, now there is no cultivator, I don’t know what year and month, can I regain my vitality and evolve Dao technique? Although I said that Heaven is one day, underground one year, but I have experienced the Protoss. The black world of robbery has been completely ruined.”

Secular, now for the heavens, is the exile, there is no gas at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, let alone the spirit, even the most inferior nine-level spirit of the heavens can create a batch of Heavenly Immortal Expert.

Magic Force received, Fang Han has no nostalgia for the secular, the heavens are the battlefield of the final battle.

“In this heavenly prison, it is the dungeon, which is held in the rumor. The Taikoo devil, the defeat of the red sea, the death of the red sea demon? Do not know the relationship between the Red Sea Devil and the Red Devil? The enchanted lord is just a glimpse of the idea. In the past, it was able to challenge the world’s free king Buddha. At the very least, the red sacred demon should also be the Heavenly Monarch-level Expert. Or is the current Red Devil, the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation?”

Fang Han is thinking about it.

Between walking, the crystal wall of this piece of prison is broken everywhere.

Then, those crystal walls were melted into a hun, and the whole prison was completely ruined. From then on, the heavens no longer have the body of the prison, and the disciples of the scorpion are all destroyed. Going out, don’t know how many people are cheering?

Of course, there are some prisoner law enforcement disciples, fighting outside the heavens, but there are some small shrimps, small fish, irrelevant to the overall situation.

Fang Han destroyed the entire prison and stepped into the prison of the deepest part of the heavens.

This is the “Tianqiang.”

The real “Tianjie”, the important prisoners were detained, and the prisoners were guarded by the prisoner’s law enforcement disciples, and there were some prisoners Elder, the three thunder ancestors. But now these people are all killed by Fang Han, so there is no guard in Tianqiang.

“Fang Han, your courage, it can be a godsend. The heavenly prison is destroyed in your hands. I am now convinced that you can truly become Heavenly Monarch. It is not impossible to resurrect me in the future.”

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven and Heaven resounded.

It was Fang Han who summoned him again.

In fact, now, the strength of the Zen Emperor has not caused any aid to Fang Han. To the emperor like him, between Fang Han, you can kill ten.

However, in the most difficult time of his own, the Zen Emperor was assist himself. Fang Han’s current Dao technique has reached a point where it doesn’t care about the passage of life, and the Lesser Karma Technique has reached a state of the highest realm. The brand of the evolutionary Gate to Eternity has turned into eternal life.

Therefore, he directly spent his life, summoned the Zen Emperor, and cultivated himself in his epoch, and later promoted to Heavenly Monarch, looking for an opportunity to resurrect the Zen Emperor.

“I am promoted to Heavenly Monarch. It is no longer a luxury. The Heavenly Monarch is not so far away.” Fang Han talked with the Emperor of Heaven, and every time he used the Lesser Karma Technique to resurrect the Zen Emperor, Fang Han had A lot of life was consumed, but he took a breath of Life as Heaven and Earth, and Essence Qi between the heavens and the earth rolled in to make up for the lost life.

This is that he is too strong.

The average Life as Heaven and Earth Powerhouse definitely has no such life as his life.

“This is the heavenly prison of heaven…”

On the side of the cultivation, the Zen Emperor watched the surrounding scenery and watched Fang Han step past the prison of hell. There was a darkness in the cellar with the **Aura, and he could not help but sigh: “The ancient Chinese Buddhism and the heavenly court The war, the sacred king is still there, I don’t know how many emperors of the Buddha world were captured and locked into this dungeon. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I am still there. The emperors of these Buddhist circles are still there. A decent person, but I think it may be taken to refine Buddha’s fat.”

Kā chā , Fang Han stepped into the dark dungeon and saw the decaying cell. The pillars of the tower stood on top of it, with iron chains and weathered bones.

Fang Han stepped directly on a bone. This bone is the bone of a royal man, but all the auras have been left by chou. It is a long time. At the end of the bone, the chain and the seal are sealed. The red blood is mottled. There are many such cells. Each cell is a chain of these chains. These bones are strange. There are Heavenly Dragons, Buddhas, Powerhouses with different origins, Protoss, and many more weird Devil’s Head, Powerhouse, Immortal.

In the rumor, one of the Experts of Ascension Sect was also captured into the heavenly prison prison, and tortured to death.

However, this is the thing before Yu Huang. Before the Emperor, there was also Ascension Sect Headmaster Expert.

Ascension Sect has existed since its inception.

Fang Han walked in this dark and dark prison, step by step, there is no living existence, some bodies, bloodstains, seems to have just died, apparently killed by the gods law enforcement disciples, chou take the law soul recring What magical treasure.

Almost in the entire dungeon, there is no living Aura.

Fang Han has a little calculation, and knows that this is the real tightness of heaven, the prison law enforcement disciples, a large number of prisoners in the dungeon, refining the magical treasure, and improving their own strength.

This day is not a big one. It is a long corridor. I don’t know where to go. The two rows are cells, chains, stone pillars, runes, and blood is the eternal color.

“Well? There is Aura.”

Fang Han looked like a move, stepping into the depths of the cell, deep into it, is the dark Devil Qi, rolling over, and some of the bodies of the heavenly prison law enforcement figures actually fell in Devil Qi.

The bodies of these prisoner law enforcement disciples were apparently peeping at the prisoners but were killed by the prisoners.

But that Devil Qi was suppressed by the forbidden art of heaven. Can’t spread out.

The friction inside the chain is constantly rubbing, and it has spread out the peerless fierceness. It is imprisoning an invincible devil.

“Fang Han, here is a scorpion demon, this Aura, seems to be really the legendary Red Sea Demon? This magical tribute to the Heavenly Monarch catastrophe failed, but it did not die, in the age of the ages Devil World is one of the devil’s devils, the king of Demon Soul, one of the strongest great wars of Heavenly Monarch.

The Heavenly Zen Buddha was shocked.

“No problem, I will rescue this demon statue, sitting in the Ascension Sect, it is also a big boost.” Fang Han blinked, his fingers smashed a Sword Qi, when the air was pulled, immediately Devil Qi rolled over and was Tearing open, any Devil Qi encountering this Sword Qi seems to be the snow that meets the sun and melts.

In the depths of Devil Qi, there is a faint Demon Soul, a tall body with a slight squint in his eyes. The skin of the whole body ** is shining with no stagnation, and seems to be in its heyday.

This person, faintly, has a kind of majesty that Heavenly Monarch does not destroy, and the destruction of heaven and earth can not damage him. Fang Han can even see the blood of this Demon Soul, which is actually a torrent of blood.

This is also a peerless expert after the baptism of the blood of Xuanhuang.

Red Sea Devil! The man who failed the robbery did not die.

“Kid? You actually broke my Devil Qi, I have a bit of a look, the prison law enforcement recognizes those wastes to refine me. I have killed a lot, you discipline, and want to refine me?”


The body of this Demon Soul moved, and a Devil Qi condense became a claw and caught it.

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