Eternal Life

Chapter 1349

Chapter 1 149

Yu Huang actually faced so many Experts, actually took the lead, directly killing, all the Experts between Sword light and all the waves.

“A sword destroys the century, the second sword breaks the heavens, the three swords wash the world, and the four swords smash the future…”

Countless Sword light collapsed, gathered together, the army of angels torrents, no advantage.

what! First, a king of the Five Sacred Gods, swept by Sword light, has not burst out of his magical treasure, and it has suffered a disaster. The whole body magical treasure ruptured and was strangled by Sword Qi, but it could not resist a move.

The “Yuehuang” burst out of unprecedented potential, and suddenly sacrificed a five-mountain mountain. When the air repressed the past, the Wuyue Shenshan met Sword Qi, and even without the slightest resistance, it was directly smashed and turned into Powder, the huge five-line Essence Qi spreads out.


The blood of the Yue Emperor spurted out, and he was smashed out of his own treasure by Essence Qi. I knew that I knew the power of the Emperor, and the power of God was inviolable.

“Walk, this person has been cultivation and reached the level of terrifying. It is even more powerful than the ancient emperors of the heavens. The disciples of my five gods are obeying, and immediately follow me. I am not in a hurry.”


The Yue Emperor flew up first and hurriedly.

However, suddenly, a Sword light emerged from nothingness, and the body of the Emperor鈥檚 body appeared on the top of the Yue Emperor鈥檚 head, with no expression on his face. 鈥淭he way to see the heavens, the punishment of the heavens… Yue Huang, the next life, don鈥檛 make a mistake. Have a baby, don’t pair with my Ascension Sect.”

Sword light collapsed, actually turned into a portal, the portal passed on the vast faith Aura, actually the door of faith, the portal violently rotated, collapsed, is a grind, the emperor has a fierce cry, whole body Immediately turned into ashes, the vitality of the soul imprinted in a fierce scream.

“Yu Huang, let me go, let me go! After that, my Wuyue Shenzong will never be against Ascension Sect, and even our Wuyue Shenzong will become a vassal of Ascension Sect!”

The Yue Emperor cried fiercely.

“If you go wrong in one step, there is no turning back, so you die.” Yu Huang grabbed the hand and took all the Essence Qi of the Emperor, and then turned back. Suddenly, a sword, like a dragon snake, flicked through the void and entered directly. In the body of the emperor’s emperor, immediately the emperor’s country burst into a terrible cry, and the experience of a life as Heaven and Earth fell.

Yu Huangwei, in the twinkling of an eye, actually killed two equivalents of the rank of the Supreme Master, the fierceness of the Emperor, the hot, the decision, and the strength, it is simply horrifying.

“No, run! The Yuehuang and the Emperor are killed by a sword? How strong is this emperor? Heavenly Monarch does not come, he is invincible.”

Some emperors, saints are simply at this moment, scared the courage, no one expected, the feather emperor is so powerful, killing two experts in the same realm, almost effortless, suddenly between these people Be a bird and beast.

“The world of heaven and earth, collapse!”

The Emperor Yu seems to be a God of the ancient sanctuary, standing in the air, suddenly said six words. Bang!

The world of this side, all time and space, all turned into nothingness, all kinds of laws reversed, 1uan flow stopped, black dong came one after another, countless rules squeezed each other, resulting in the ghun chaos of the door.

what! The Expert of Wuyue Shenzong just rushed to the edge, and the heavens and the earth on this side were destroyed. They also screamed. Everyone blew open, and even the soul did not escape. The magical treasure on the body was completely shattered and turned into nothingness.

Then, the Powerhouse of Extreme Unity Sect, as well as the Emperor’s family, the Ouyang family, and other Powerhouses that have not been taught, have all been turned into dust, and none of them have been preserved.

Between the destruction of the heavens and the earth, many tyrannical Auras came out from the heavens, and they arrived here, but the Aura that was shattered by the heavens and the earth dissipated, the feathers of the emperor had disappeared, and some of the sons of Ascension Sect were also It disappeared, apparently back to the martial art.

“How is this going?”

The first one appeared here, and the whole body shivered.

“Don’t look at it, it is the feathers of the Emperor, killing all the people, I have already said that the feathers have unmeasurable power, master the mystery of the ancient church, you always do not listen, now his Strength, almost the more ancient kings of heaven, the masters of the guns and the guns of the trial, as long as they go further, they can become myths and become the existence that Heavenly Monarch can’t easily kill.”

The emperor also appeared.

“Damn…” 鐙?鐙?寰?绐?绐?: : : : : : : : : : : 鈥?鈥?鈥?鈥?鈥?鈥?鈥?鈥?: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 瀹″垽 瀹″垽 瀹″垽 瀹″垽 瀹″垽

“Yes, you are all self-satisfied, then, I see how you are to those Expert jiao generation. Especially the Extreme Unity Sect’s lord of the disaster.” Shenghuang looked coldly at the Emperor.

“Lord father…” The Emperor was a little hesitant.

“Lord father will not go out for a while, because you have a big deal, do you know?” The Emperor looked at the Emperor with a contemptuous look: “The seal of the end of the Holy King has begun to loosen. It should have been out now. Lord’s father, and hun, eternal, killing, and Lei Di, together with their four pieces of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, also began to suppress the seal, otherwise once the seal broke, the end of the king appeared, the day will be big 1uan. So you Now be careful, Lord father will not come out to be the master of you. If you are killed, it will be white.”

“What? End the Seal of the Holy King…”

“Yes, the seal of the Holy King, I tell you the truth, now Lord father and many Heavenly Monarch, have already calculated the secrets of the door, while some people in the lower bounds are in the air, the return of the mother, Heavenly Monarch. Fang Qingxue, and the person named Linglongal Venerable, even the body white seal with the end of the holy king, are practicing in the secrets of Hongmeng. The secret of the door is the legacy of the gdaoist of Hongmen, which is not the same. There are countless magical treasures, Immortal Artifact, Dan yao, and even a few heavenly veins! These people are hidden in them, very terrifying, as long as they come out, they can smash the world and sweep one side. If the end of the holy king wakes up, then even more Horror… Heaven will destroy it.”

“That…. what to do.” The Emperor was so anxious to sweat.

“What are you anxious? Lord father has his own plan, first to prepare to reinforce the seal of the end of the king. Then find the secret of the door, destroy the existence inside, and capture a lot of treasure. At the same time take the electrician Heavenly Monarch and the wind white feathers Come, with the power of Heavenly Monarch, the refining and powering mother Heavenly Monarch and the end of the holy king, when one of them, it is possible to be promoted to the immortal king, the king of the world, returning to the time when the king of the king was born, heaven Majesty.” Shenghuang did not move the road.

“Hahaha, hahaha, I have known for a long time. Our heavens will definitely return to the ancient majesty. At that time, the Myriad Heavenly Domain is ours.” The emperor laughed haha.

“Go!” Shenghuang shook his head and flew away first: “Right, Emperor Huang, you are ready, Lord father has given the idea, let us explore the mystery of the ancient Dan, because the five Heavenly Monarch are quiet. Insight, the barbaric and the aliens of the Expert are looking for the mystery of the ancient Dan, and are about to open. If you let the Expert of the Outer find the mystery of the ancient Dan, find the many Saint Grade Immortal Pill, even the legend In the creation of Divine Pill, the pressure on our heavens has increased.”

“Is the ancient Dan real world really there? I was only used to deceive the Emperor…”

“Really exist, go, we plan this, and the gun of the trial Lord, Emperor Lord. At that time, go to Danjie together.”………

“Good! The civilization of my Martial Dao has finally reached the first page, and the more the kendo civilization.” In the war castle, Fang Han eyes open, the infinite Martial Dao sprouts from the body, he is the god of Martial Dao This series of cultivation makes him master the mystery of Martial art of Daoist and Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable.

The Emperor Feifei is called Wu Ba, but at this moment, Fang Han is the real Martial Dao overlord. Even one of the ancient emperors of the heavens, the Emperor Wu, I am afraid that the Martial Dao Cultivation Base is far worse than Fang Han.

“The martial arts era…….”

Fang Han stood up slowly, the whole body Aura ran for a while, and all the airflow was still. The vengeful spear opened his eyes and saw the appearance of Fang Han at this moment, and was suddenly shocked.

“How can you progress so fast!”

The vengeful spear feels the power of Fang Han, which is less than before the cultivation. His eyes flashed and suddenly a palm shrouded Fang Han, “The Revenge Palm!”

The huge palms explode the runes of the Ganges sands. Each rune has the power to destroy the saints. It has become a palm of strength, causing the void to collapse. The outer space is infinitely vigorous, and it is a blow to Fang Han. kill.


Fang Han stepped out, and between the whole body, Martial Dao will boil and scream: “The world is full of weapons!”

One palm hit the palm of the revenge spear, and the two hands collided together. The war castle immediately burst into the ground and the solid ground exploded.

“The revenge of the world!”

When the vengeful spear saw this palm, Fang Han actually hardened it. The body did not move, and it was steady, such as the mountain, could not help but change his face again, and the two palms were combined, pinched as Divine Fist, and suddenly venged. The endeavor, the insulting hatred of the world, rises to the sky, gathers millions of revenge Demon Soul, and evolved the kingdom of Demon Soul. At this moment, the revenge of the gods was turned into the king of the devil, the demon of the devil.

“Heroes are coming!”

Fang Han did not dodge, but also raised his fists. The body of Martial Dao was boiling, turning into the understanding of Martial Dao. The Martial Dao universe, the Martial Dao will be condensed into a star river, long dragon, hanging in the whole body, he is like a statue. Heroes of the world, meteors, cut through the sky, leaving eternal memories.


The war castle was worn by Dong, and the two forces fought together again. The figure flew up. At the top of the war castle, there were thousands of hands in a row.

The revenge spear was completely resisted by Fang Han.

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