Eternal Life

Chapter 1348

Chapter 1148

Fang Han’s Culture Base, in a kind of to advance with leaps and bounds, is very stable, and the degree of solidity is increasing. Tianmai has thoroughly clarified the memory inheritance in the “Spirit of the Wild”, actually putting the “source” Daoist’s Martial art essence is interpreted.

If you know this, I am afraid that the “Rogue of Vengeance” will not give Fang Han cultivation the vitality.

The original Daoist, as the Heavenly Monarch, was in the same name as the reincarnation Daoist, Megatron, and Martial Arts, almost reached an unparalleled level that could be used by Wanwu. Even the “Emperor of the Emperor” is better than him.

Now, Fang Han is completely immersed in the Martial Dao Cultivation Base of the sneak peek of Daoist. The essence of the book, the chapter of the Martial Dao, is promoted step by step, almost instantly comparable to the “Jiandao” civilization.

The Martian art of the “Daoist” is very strange and all-encompassing. It seems to be based on the Martial art in Fang Han’s body. The 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist is deduced under the illusion of “Daoist”. Fang Han is a hundred times more exquisite. I saw that between the earthquakes, the original Daoist was transformed into thousands of shadows, and three thousand times of combat power were displayed.

33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, at the end of the day, with 30 days of treasure, definitely more than thirty-three times the fighting power, this point Fang Han also knows.

In the rumor, 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist arrives at the end, can burst 3,000 times the power to kill, destroy the Buddha, kill the devil, omnipotent, omnipotent, but unless it is 33 Skies cultivation arrives in Saint The level of Grade Immortal Artifact is the way to do this.

But so, Fang Han is more perfect for all his Martial Dao, Beginning Era Divine Fist.


The crystal body of the whole body is once again scattered. Every crystal god country is like the “Daoist” of the Taiji God Ball. It is the shadow of various Martial art, and it is a collection of thousands of Martial art.

Fortunately, at this time, the revenge spear has been completely immersed in his own practice. If you see this scene, I am afraid I will be scared and stop providing the spirit of Fang Han. If you go on like this, Fang Han’s Cultural Base will probably not be able to restrain him, and he has a tendency to be on an equal footing.

Fang Han is happy, and absorbs the vitality of the heavens. The revenge spear is one of the main masters of the heavenly court. The status is very high. It can absorb the heavens and spirits without limit, and the light of the revenge spear is absorbed. Fang Han is finally hurt. He practiced a lot of pains and he tried to swallow it. There are not many opportunities.

Countless days and vitality, the invincible Tianfu has entered the body, his body is stored endlessly, and the Taiji god ball is swallowed up, like the original Daoist and Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable. In it, keep sucking. The amount of swallowing is much larger than that of Fang Han itself.

After the Taiji Divine Ball absorbs enough Tianmai vitality, the whole ball is more and more clear except for the original Daoist and Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable. The sphere also has an essential change, a virtual shadow of a portal, in the Tai Chi Deep, looming. It is actually the legendary “gate of Tai Chi.”

Fang Han has passed the Supreme Immortal catastrophe, and the portals have all appeared. However, there is no “gate of Taiji”. In the rumor, this is the natural treasure, not human forging, which contains unique The origin of the ancient times, the original Daoist and the gate of Taiji are combined into one, and they have become the Heavenly Monarch, and they are directly pursuing the position of the king.

Now, among the Tai Chi gods, the virtual shadow of the portal is not the real door of Tai Chi, but it contains the true essence of the gate of Tai Chi. If you let Fang Han absorb it, it will benefit a lot. It will further consolidate the form and provide more solid savings for the promotion of the realm of Supreme Immortal.

Fang Han to advance with leaps and bounds, the time passed by the outside world for a while, but in this war castle, after going through the millennium, it is the revenge of the spear to adjust the time, practice quickly .

These thousands of years of practice, Fang Han’s Cultural Base, compared with the battle of Jun Cangsheng, has increased by three or five times! Thoroughly consolidating the realm of the Supreme Immortal, and the number of whole body crystal gods has increased by three or five times. Each crystal god country can be changed to the god of Martial Dao, performing Fist Arts, boxing. Broken the world.

It can be said that now, as long as Fang Han shakes, a crystal god country falls, reaches any place in the heavens, reincarnation, and immediately becomes a hegemon, a generation.

In particular, the magical treasure of the totem tank, Baoguang Yingying, the core of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact is a portal, which appears in the depths of the jar. Fang Han actually has all the functions and evolved a totem. The door, the restraint for the barbarian is even greater.

“Now, if I go out to fight the barbarian, as long as I don’t encounter the Expert of the Heavenly Monarch level, I am afraid that the ancient emperor of any barbarian will kill it…”

Fang Han practiced here, and the contest of the heavenly genius battle has gradually come to an end. This Ascension Sect is a great win, and Ascension Sect’s discipline has received many rewards and rewards.

However, just after the Ascension Sect’s discipline was rewarded, it flew out of heaven, and when it was transferred back to Ascension Sect, it was surrounded by people.

Surrounding the Ascension Sect disciple, it was the Emperor’s family, the Ouyang family, the Wuyue Shenzong, and some Powerhouses of the Extreme Unity Sect, which were actually provocative in the void outside the heavens.

“Wind edge kills our tyrants, genius characters, but also filthy ancestors of our emperor family. It is simply looking for death, our emperor family, has been with you Ascension Sect, not wearing the sky!”

The emperor family has added a few more emperors, all from the martial art. This time, the genius genius empire family has suffered a big loss, with the tyrannical strength of the pure land of Shenzhou, naturally it is necessary to retaliate back, not good in the heavens. But if you are out of heaven, you can launch a full-scale attack.

Expert in the family of Huangfu has already discussed it. Once he has gone out of heaven, he immediately mobilized the army and encircled the Ascension Sect, shattering the sect and reporting a revenge, not to mention the many sects with Ascension Sect. Also look at it.

“How to do?”

Sun Shi painting and others, also gathered together, face like earth. This time they got a lot of benefits in the genius battle, but they have time to digest, and their Culture Base is weak, comparable to the saint, but it is good, but Far from being able to compare with some emperors.

“National Emperor! Huangpu State! You are so guilty to report, are you not afraid that after I have come out of Senior Brother, will you kill you?” The imaginary cloud is facing the emperor’s kingdom of the emperor’s family.

“Hey!” A royal man of the Five Sacred Gods stood up. “Your wind, offended the gun of Lord, has been taken to the heavens to conquer the army. Do you think you can assist you?”

“What?” Sun Shihuan and others were shocked and looked at each other: “What is going on? Isn’t there a voice from Senior Brother?”

“You, these saints, are the elites in Ascension Sect. After killing, there are some old guys left in Ascension Sect. Let’s go up and destroy Ascension Sect, let this martial art disappear completely between heaven and earth, one The emperor of the Ouyang family said: “These children, I will kill them in one hand. ”

Between the words, he grabbed the big hand, and between the five fingers, he turned into a big hand and suppressed the many sons of Ascension Sect.


Suddenly, a Sword light descended from the distant sky, and the glory was brilliant, like the scorching sun, turned into a fire dragon, and between heaven and earth, all were sacred notes and brilliance, and praised poetry, at the same time, heaven and earth. The explosion between the beautiful white light, turned into an angel, these angels have four wings, some six wings, and some actually like the sword of the church, there are twelve wings.

Thousands of absolutely angels have gathered together into a torrent, integrated into the Sword light, and killed. This is a sword that breaks through the universe and tears the universe.


Sword light is so fast that it is almost impossible for people to react. The emperor of the Ouyang family was involved in it and turned into ashes. All the rules Essence Qi was plundered in an instant, and there was no bone.

Many people immediately quit.

The expert of the Ouyang family screamed like a sorrow.

Sword light passed away. In front of all Ascension Sect’s fragments, there was a person. This man was dressed in a white feather coat, standing indifferently, with a quiet temperament and a deep city.


“Ascension Sect Headmaster Extreme!”

All the people were shocked. The coming is the feather emperor.

“Who just wanted to kill my Ascension Sect’s discipline? When my Headmaster Supreme doesn’t exist? Huangfuguo, are you? Leading so many martial art, is it bad for my Ascension Sect?”

When Yu Huang appeared, long Sword’s one finger pointed to the Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth, which is equivalent to the existence of the Supreme Master.

When Yu Huang came out, he first smashed the people and directly killed a empire of the Ouyang family. Many people were chilly. Now that a sword points to Huangfu, the other party immediately takes a step back and looks up, but then resumes. Courage: “Yu Huang, are you looking for death? I am a pure land of God, a family of emperors. And you are the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, I am the same realm? How do you want to threaten me? You Ascension Sect wants and so Are more sects right? Is it really not afraid of demise?”

“Not bad.”, the supreme leader of the Five Sacred Emperor, the Yue Emperor came out: “Yu Huang, this time your squatting discipline, the wind has a big disaster, you as Sectmaster, it is hard to blame, I will give you a Opportunity, you kneel down to give us all the people here, all gimmicks and admit your Ascension Sect’s Foundation Holy Spirit, we can spare you Ascension Sect, otherwise, today is the time when Ascension Sect is destroyed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”… Many of the saints of the royal family are screaming.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Suddenly, the Emperor suddenly screamed in the sky, his eyes swept: “Since you want to destroy my Ascension Sect, then everyone here today will die! I just understand the ancient school, believe in the Bible. In the end of the century, take the sacrifices that you sacrificed to me first.”


On the feathers of the emperor, a vast white light rushed out, and when it was empty, it turned into countless angels.

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