Eternal Life

Chapter 1332

Chapter 1,323

Knowing the purpose of Fang Han, recalling the “Saint Grade Immortal Artifact” of the “Totem of the Totem”, but the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch is not afraid at all, but more and more excited, it seems that now Fang Han For him, he has a real challenge.

“It’s not bad. The totem tank used to be Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. Like me, it’s the Heavenly Monarch level. Unfortunately, it’s also lost the ability to become like this, but it’s only the equivalent of Heavenly Monarch. Only then can I be on an equal footing with me, but unfortunately, people like you are not worthy of holding this Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. It seems that it is destined that this Saint Grade Immortal Artifact will fall into my hands.”

Jun Cangsheng’s eyes were nothing, and he had a unique ability to see through Fang Han’s body and stare at the totem pot.

“Without possession, after the battle, I will say that there are more and more, and I will not shake my will. Jun Cangsheng, hands-on, between us, this battle, whoever loses, who will fall and gain all its essence.”

Fang Han’s hands are empty, there are no swords and no knives, no weapons, but his nails begin to grow, and the pieces of dragon scales are open and indestructible.

The wild gods in the totem’s cans also paid attention to entering the eight floats, making the eight floats more moist.

The completion of the Eight Floats into King Grade Immortal Artifact does not mean that it ends here.

King Grade Immortal Artifact There is still a lot to go, including constant condensing, practice, and daring the sacred Aura. More and more need for the treasures of the treasure, the various principles of the Supreme Immortal of the royal family for sacrificial refining, beating, can be powerful.

What’s even better is Life as Heaven and Earth’s rule of blood, and the god that is immortal.

The current eight-headed battalion is still at the beginning of King Grade Immortal Artifact, reaching the peak, and the height of the trial gun is still far apart.

The totem’s canister is in the hands of the emperor. I don’t know how many barbarian emperors have been killed. Among them, the emperors who have accumulated many barbarians from different kings, now wash the rules into the eight floating sects, complement each other, and the moment between the dragons Strong again.

As a result, Fang Han’s palm is comparable to any sharp weapon. This is the claw of the ruined dragon.

A wild, a wild, is a “far” Aura.

The meaning of “wildness” is ancient, ancient, far away.

“Alright, I will marry you.”

Jun Cangsheng stepped out, the long Sword in his hands was decayed into magic, and the force was broken down. The mountains and rivers were broken, turned into wind and fluttered, danced with the wind, under the sword, upside down, and the sea and the sea, all changing.

This sword is not any Movement, it is Jun Cangsheng’s understanding of Martial Dao. For the realm of swordsmanship, a simple glimpse, the emperor must directly kill.


Fang Han’s palm was up and down, and he grabbed it. He even resisted the sword. Then the dragon claws even shocked dang, and even traced the source, killing the sword, “Zhulong control!”

His trick is the dragon race Martial art, the most powerful means of using the dragons and dragons to shape the dragon world.

Under one claw, cao slanted the world, destroying the evil mist of the ancient era, and creating the supreme power of the world. On the spot, he caught the hand of Jun Cangsheng holding the sword.

“It’s really stupid to stick to the Movement. The realm of Martial art is lower.” Faced with the creation of Fang Han, Jun Cangsheng did not fear, but instead showed sarcasm in his eyes: “My Martial art It has reached the realm of decay and is not limited to the realm of Movement. Any simple blow is full of imperial power. You are not my opponent at all, give me a break.”

Suddenly, Sword Qi is full of stars. When night falls, the stars are twinkling, the sky is full of Sword light, every point of Sword light, turned into stars and sun, shrouded the sky, and suddenly Fang Han’s claws are broken. .

This sword smashes the wilderness and forces the wilderness. Actually above the power of the “wild”.


Sword, catch the collision.

Both Fang Han and Jun Cangsheng stepped back and separated.

This blow is actually equally divided.

“Do not stick to the Movement? You have a deviation from the understanding of Martial Dao, Movement is the law, Movement is Great Dao, Great Dao formless, but in the eyes of people, it is tangible, this changes to Movement, not to stick to Movement It is indeed the highest state. Unfortunately, your people are far from reaching the highest level. Even if it is a fairy king, it is not the highest realm. There is still a Movement. Only when you are eternal, will you create rules, create civilization, and create Epoch, you now think about this kind of detachment, not sticking to the realm of Movement, equal to eucalyptus, not self-sufficient, walking into Demon Dao, ridiculous and self-respecting, or I will give you an unforgettable lesson today. .”

Fang Han chilled and refuted, speaking one word and one tone, just like the mantra, this is actually the heart of the two people in the Jiao Feng, the two for Martial art, the understanding of Great Dao in Jiao Feng.

“Secret words make color.” What kind of characters are Jun Cangsheng? Naturally, it will not be moved by Fang Han’s words. In the face of Fang Han’s refutation, it is cold eyes, one step again, and one sword stabbing, still an ordinary Movement, but it contains legends.

A skillful sword, no rules, antelope hanging corners, even led to the situation, move towards Fang Han assassination.

Fang Han’s face is not moving, the two palms are printed, and the wild god of one strand is cited from the inside of the body. Under the ass of the materialized dragon, it has evolved into various imprints to resist the sword.

Between the two people in a twinkling of an instant, the fight has been repeated thousands of times, once more than a bo movement, the sturdy swordsman is getting sharper, almost cutting all.

And Fang Han’s hands are getting stronger and stronger, and no matter how terrible the swordsman is, they can always resist.

In the battle, Fang Han did not counterattack, that is, the soldiers came to block the water, and each other Sword Qi was assassinated, and he was accommodated by him. Longhua, sent to the Eight Buddhism, 33 Skies to calculate, and income totem The tank is hidden, seemingly falling in the wind, in fact, he is accumulating strength, and then looking for opportunities, a blow will kill.

Fang Han just got the totem of the cans, in which the feathers killed the barbarian and got the strength of the majestic. They haven’t had time to use refining. Now fighting with Jun Cangsheng is a great opportunity. The sword technique Dao technique and Martial Arts have arrived. It is almost the realm of soaring ghosts and gods. Every move seems to be the king who dominates the heavens and the earth. It leads to the heavens, the heavens bo, the sky marks, the sky patterns… killing Fang Han.

And this is like a sledgehammer in steelmaking iron, knocking on Fang Han, in the constant tapping, with the help of Sword Qi, who is swaying his own Martial art, True Qi is in the body. Keep condense, change.

At this moment, Fang Han didn’t seem to be fighting. It seemed to be practicing, and it was easy to write. One stroke and one style was resisting Sword Qi. It was unspeakable and calm, and it seemed like a dragon and a cloud. Free and unfettered. .

At this time, anyone can see that Fang Han did not fall in the face of the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch, and the more he played, the more his potential appeared.

Many of the emperors’ faces were silent. They thought that Fang Han lost his confidence and went to the battlefield in the final battle. He couldn’t stop the three moves and he would die. He couldn’t think of it more and more.

“This child is really unfathomable. It will be a great thing in time.” The emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor and other old antiques talked to each other and widened their eyes. They thought they were two juniors fighting. In my heart, there is a point of mind, but now, every time the two men’s hands are almost innovated, they are all very open to them, and they can’t help but feel secretly shocked.

“The two are all peerless tyrants, and the talents are great. If you come to Japan, you will definitely have to show your glory and call the king a hegemony.”

“This is really a veritable battle of genius. I don’t know who will win?”

“Look! That’s awesome! It’s motivated.”

Everyone was in a tight heart, and their eyes were fixed on the field again, and they dared not relax.

Suddenly, on the field, Jun Cangsheng took the sword and stood upright, facing Fang Han coldly said: “You are using my Sword Qi to temper your True Qi magical treasure, and the wild god?”

“I don’t think you looked at it.” Fang Han said indifferently: “Unfortunately, you are alert so soon, I am still the last glimmer of fire, and immediately to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, suppress you in the palm of your hand between.”

“Jokes, even if you are a big success, it is not my opponent. Just the jiao hand, but it is simply warm-up, well, I will let you see my true school, Three Thousand Great Daos, all show up! Come out! ”


One after another, the vitality emerged from Jun Cangsheng. Suddenly, countless Great Dao emerged one after another in the sky, condensed into a piece of world in the sky, pieces of gods, gods of the heavens, all In it.

“Great Disaster Technique, Great Five Elements Technique ………”

Fang Han saw that there were 2,996 Great Dao flying out of the body, and only four Great Dao were missing. Great Destiny Technique, Great Karma Technique, Great Desire Technique, Great Samsara Technique ! That is to say, among the Three Thousand Great Daos, except for the four Great Dao, all of them have reached the realm of the fire.

There are even three Thousand Great Daos that have never been born, and they have all been learned by Jun Cangsheng.

“Wind, my Three Thousand Great Daos, there are still four perfect, no, in general, there are still three missing, because Great Destiny Technique has never appeared on this world, Great Dao is not complete, this is the truth, And I am in your body, I feel the cause and effect, Aura reincarnation, I got these two, my Great Dao will be more pure.”


Jun Cangsheng whole person, like Demon Soul, generally stands in the air, the whole body emits an ancient airflow, Three Thousand Great Daos rotates around him, suddenly, colliding with each other, evolved, two Great Dao jiao. Turned into a new kind of fairy, some three Great Dao jiao., some dozens of Great Dao jiao.

In an instant, between these two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Great Dao in the Jiao. He played the great immortality of the Ganges River. It seems that all the fairy tales in the world are in this evolution.

“this is…….”

The face of the emperor’s face changed. “This is the lawless kingdom! The king of the law, the king of law!”

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