Eternal Life

Chapter 1331

Chapter 1,331

“Yu Huang, how are you…”

A distant wilderness is a different space.

There are ten barbaric emperors Supreme Immortal, and two “Life as Heaven and Earth” Powerhouses at this moment, trapped by the “totem cans”, the feathers are reborn to refine them, with their help The law, tempering the “Sword of the Church.”

Because the Emperor’s recent killing was so powerful, he finally alerted some Barbarian and Alien Experts to deal with this amazing Ascension Sect Headmaster.

Thus, the encirclement of the encirclement of the Ten Emperor Barbarian Maharajah and two “Life as Heaven and Earth” experts appeared, and used the ten gods to trap the Yuhuang, but was feathered. Emperor Shi’s exhibition of the lore in the faith of the Bible broke, and the totem’s pot sacrificed, but instead trapped these Experts for refining.

The imperial power of the emperor is now quite different from that of the past. The body is steady, the spine is like the pillar of heaven, supporting the sky, the big hand holds the can of the totem, and the sword of the temple is held, and there is a road of Sword. Light ji shot out, these Sword light condensed and not scattered, actually in the air into an ancient sanctuary, the virtual shadow is more and more clear, suppressing the universe, the constant rivers and the likes of time and space.


A screaming of the emperor, refining by the “Yuhuang”, income into the cans of the totem, completely turned into a wild god of a stock, and then fed back into the body of the emperor, making the body of the emperor It looks even taller.

“Giggle, giggling…” The Sword of the Church also got a lot of benefits. It was a happy laughter. It was very charming: “The Emperor, this totem can not be the quality of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, if I do this again After picking it up, it is very likely that the gun of the trial will become the first King Grade Immortal Artifact.”

“The gun of judgment is not so good. It is no longer a magical treasure of ordinary meaning. It is the birth of the power of heaven and earth, and the existence of the Emperor. If there is someone in this world who may be a Heavenly Monarch, then Emperor Huang and him.”

Yu Huang shook his head and said: “Of course, my Junior brother is also possible.”

“What? You rated Fang Han so high?” The sword of the Church was amazed.

“Now the heavenly genius battle should have reached the last few rounds. I don’t know if my Junior brother can win the championship?” Yuhuang did not answer, and looked faintly into the distance, in his eyes, the distant sky. On top of it, suddenly a stalwart rises into the sky, showing a faint Aura of Heavenly Monarch.

At the same time, in front of his eyes, there is the shadow of heaven, and the situation in the world.

“Jun Cangsheng… actually he is, as the opponent of the Junior brother.” Yu Huang said: “This is the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch.”

“Which is the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation?”

“I don’t know, but fortunately, the Junior brother did not enter the world, I will display the magic of the supreme totem, return the totem can to him, these days I don’t know how many different degrees of killing. Powerhouse, the supreme of the barbarian. The totem pot cultivation reached the peak and was able to set the final victory for the Junior brother.”

Yu Huang suddenly turned his totem in the handle, hehe! The cans of the entire totem disappeared out of nowhere, without a trace.

“What? There is no totem can, how do we deal with so many barbarian Experts.” The sword of the church is awkward.

“I am going to hone. These days, you have saved a lot of strength. I will fight side by side and digest these forces.” Yu Huang looked indifferent: “The Junior brother did not enter the world, the totem can only reach him. If you enter it, you can’t do anything about it.”

Between the words, he slammed the sword, and the whole person turned into a streamer, and the ji shot into the great array.

“The pressure of the totem cans is gone! Let’s kill!” A barbarian’s emperor was struggling to support, but suddenly, the pressure disappeared. He was overjoyed and saw that there was no totem can in the hands of the emperor. Just arrogantly to fight back, a Sword light ji shot, the whole person has been torn by sharp Sword Qi……….

At this moment, Fang Han heard the drums and stood up from the throne, but did not enter the world battlefield. It seemed to be waiting quietly.

The other party, Jun Cangsheng has already entered it, looking at Fang Han.

This is a highly anticipated battle, who wins and who bears, marking who is the first genius of the heavens, and at the same time received a generous reward, and since then, the future is bright.

At this time, millions of Supreme Masters Experts looked at Fang Han and Jun Cangsheng. Many people watched Jun Cangsheng enter the scene, but Fang Han was not nervous. He thought that Fang Han was hesitating and retired. .

“Cut! When the wind began, I vowed to say that I wanted to marry Jun Cangsheng, but when I was on the scene, I hesitated and didn’t dare to enter it. When the momentum was compared, it fell, and I was disappointed.”

“I can’t say that. After all, this battle is no different. It should be prudent to be cautious. We will definitely hesitate if we change the position of the wind.”

“This is human nature. It is a pity that this is the genius battle. Everyone is a peerless genius. The existence of a male talent is not a general cultivator Immortal. This is a fearful thing. After all, it falls, I am not optimistic about the wind. It is very likely that Jun Cangsheng will kill him under the sword.”

“It is true that Jun Cangsheng is fearless, and the winds are shrinking. There is no comparison. The two have already made a high judgment.”

“This time the champion of the genius war, it seems that Jun Cangsheng won, he received a lot of rewards, in the painstaking, do not know whether to restore the former skill, regain the kingdom, to the glory of Heavenly Monarch?”

“Not necessarily, even if Heavenly Monarch is reincarnation, it is not an easy task to re-cultivate to Heavenly Monarch. It even loses a big chance and can no longer be built. It is more difficult than ordinary people, because God gave him once. Opportunity has become the king of heaven, but he has fallen. Will God give you a chance to come back again? Since ancient times, the Heavenly Monarch of the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch has been rebuilt, and there are very few.”

“There are few and no less.”

“Jun Cangsheng can not become Heavenly Monarch again, but I don’t know yet, but this battle, he won. I will definitely get all this.”

“If the wind chooses to quit?”

“Choose to quit, then this person will stop here. The more cultivate Dao goes to the highest level, the more he must be determined. If he chooses to quit at the beginning, it is wise to protect himself, and his faith is not extinguished. When the words are released, but they choose to quit, it seems that they are indecisive and half-hearted. What kind of achievements can such people achieve?

Some Experts who have no great education are talking about it.

Some of the most high-ranking emperors in the heavens, the old antiques are also beginning to talk about: “Hey, how is this wind? The drums have been ringing three times, still stagnant? Is it necessary to cancel his qualifications?”

“His confidence has been lost. Even if the battle is to go through the game. Unfortunately, it was a pity that it was a life and death contest, and the dragon struggled, but now it seems to be a soft egg. It seems that the wind is still a lucky person. However, the heart xing is too bad.”

“Yu Huang, cancel his qualifications.”

“Wait again, according to the rules, the drums will not be allowed to enter the game nine times, and they will be deprived of their qualifications. They will be deemed to be automatically abstained. Everything will be done in accordance with the rules of heaven.” The emperor’s face did not move, but also looked at Fang Han. .


After the drums resounded five times, Fang Han, who had been moving for a long time, began to move. He stretched his muscles and walked in the void and strode into the heavens and the earth.

It turned out that suddenly, in the midst of it, there was a power of nowhere, from the void of formless, directly into his body, and immediately he felt in the deepest crystal god of the body, More than one can, the totem can.

The invincible power, scattered from the totem’s can, spread over the whole body, spread in his body and limbs, he can’t calculate far, how powerful the totem can is now.

“Senior Brother is not a Senior Brother. It didn’t disappoint me. At the last moment, I sent a totem pot for me. These days’ killings, how many barbarian experts are killed, the power of the totem can reach this. degree!”

It turned out that the reason why Fang Han did not enter the market was to wait for the return of the totem can.

Yuhuang killed the barbarian, saved the life of the totem tank, waiting for the last moment, sent to Fang Han. Ding Ding’s final victory.

Totem’s cans have now undergone multiple transformations. When sent by the Emperor, there is no formform, and no one can feel it. Only Fang Han feels that the strength of the body begins to expand indefinitely. The power to calculate the various strength structures of the totem cans and their close integration.


In one step, I stepped into the interior of the world.

At this time, many countries in the world, all disappeared, the entire battlefield empty dangdang, there are two people left, Jun Cangsheng, Fang Han.

“Wind, I thought you would abstain, I don’t think you will finally be sure, enter the heavens and the battlefield, and face me.” Jun Cangsheng looked at Fang Han and smiled: “It seems that you have defeated your own Heart Demon.”

“It’s ignorant and ignorant. I don’t know that I am waiting for the last power savings, but I think I am hesitant. It’s a joke.” Fang Han sneered, his palms in the air, and a secret totem appeared.

This totem is a barbarian civilization. As soon as it emerges, countless barbarian Experts are surging among them. A full of tattoos, a horrible face is changing, and the whole world is in a battlefield. The environment changes in an instant, and the barbaric Aura is blowing. However, it seems to have entered the era of ancient times.

“The wild god?” Jun Cangsheng’s face changed slightly. “You have just waited for the return of the totem’s can. It’s a good plan, a good conspiracy. You will kill the totem of the totem pot, save the power, and wait for the last moment to return. .”

“Yes, it’s a reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch.” Fang Han didn’t change his face.

“Haha! This is the best, this is the best. Originally I thought that you will be defeated. I don’t think things have changed. It is even more exciting. However, I still have full control and will kill you.”

Jun Cangsheng was excited and warfare.

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