Eternal Life

Chapter 1325

Chapter 1,325

“This round, the victory, killing the opponent Huang Fufei, the heavenly symbol is rewarded as follows……….”

All of Aura’s life, Aura, disappeared, and a majestic voice rang out. In the unique Space of Heaven and Earth, a heavenly token was slowly coming down. bubble-(

When Fang Han heard it, he knew that it was a reward for every battle. It was also used to it. It didn’t wait for the old voice to finish, and the big hand grabbed it and went straight out of the heavens and the earth to return to the place where the martial art was stationed. And then heal the sect of the discipline.

At this time, the genius battle of the heavens has already reached the middle stage. After several rounds of bloody elimination, many crime bases with low culture base have abstained, or have been killed, and some have been seriously injured.

Some of the sons of Ascension Sect also chose not to go into battle, and the damage was small.

This is the result of Fang Han’s calculation.

Now fighting, some Jinxian has long been eliminated, and Ancestral Immortal, the Primordial Immortal level of the discipline, basically chose to evade. The rest are the essence of the essence, some “half-sacred” Powerhouse, and “sage” discipline.

Fang Han stunned his eyes, and several people he was familiar with, Xiaoxu Huangxuan smashed, Xiao Yu Huang Xiaqiu……… These people have not been eliminated and continue to fight.

These two major Experts, do not know who got the empowerment, actually cultivation to reach the realm of the saints, and all the way to win, got a lot of good gifts in the heavens.

“Big Senior Brother, congratulations on killing the tyrants of the tyrants of the tyrants, and making a name for themselves. The people of the imperial family are hateful to us.” An Ascension Sect came up and complimented.

All the saints also praised one after another, and they were flattering.

“Senior Brother, you have made a King Grade Immortal Artifact, the wing of freedom, I see who can compare with you?”

“Senior Brother, the next battle is getting harder and harder, I am afraid that our Ascension Sect’s discipline will not appear again, and will not be rewarded by Heaven.”

“Unfortunately, if we can have half of the strength of Big Senior Brother, we can sweep the audience.”

“I miss you, how is Big Senior Brother? With half the strength, you become the peerless Supreme Immortal.”

“Big Senior Brother, what is the reward for this heaven? Can you show us?” A female son in a fine voice.

“Oh?” Fang Han made a slight move. The rewards just now have not been liquidated, so the big hand waved, the light screamed, the spirits rose and fell, and appeared in front of everyone.


After everyone saw it clearly, the netbsp; the reward of this heaven, there are more than two hundred pieces of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact magical treasure, including axe, wheel, 戟, 戈, spear, flag, 幡, altar, tripod, furnace … a variety of treasures, each of which exudes a tyrannical treasure, and on top there is a unique rune and imprint of the master of heaven.

Apart from this, Dan yao is also full of tens of thousands of King Grade Immortal Pill, which is a sacred force. The ordinary Expert can swiftly improve life and skill, even in the realm of impact. Used when.

The most incredible thing is that a spiritual spirit, like the heavens, oppresses all the magical treasures. In this spiritual spirit, the invincible Tianfu is constantly falling and flashing.

This is a vitality, precious and precious. If you take it to the auction outside, I am afraid that it will be madly robbed by countless Experts.

This heavenly vitality is equivalent to the sum of thousands of king-level spiritual veins, and the unique natural meaning of the Great Dao is not the king’s spiritual veins, and even the Holy Spirit can be compared.

“In addition to this vitality, the rest of the magical treasure, Dan yao everyone is divided.”

Fang Han shocked, these magical treasure Dan yao on the average distribution into the body of each discipline, and the distribution is very reasonable, for each of the characteristics of the discipline practice, have received the corresponding Dan yao and magical treasure.

This is what he directly calculated.

Now, his whole person is like the light brain of the “mysterious technology civilization” that the Heavenly Zen Emperor said. Every moment can be calculated billions of times, and the horror is scary.

After every son gets magical treasure and Dan yao, he is full of admiration for Fang Han.

In the eyes of the present, Fang Han is invincible, omnipotent, and omnipotent.

“Senior Brother, the little stone emperor Song Sengfei also Cultivation Base refined, is now playing a mysterious Expert, difficult to understand, you do not know if you beat it? Do not be hurt by the counterattack when he was dying.”

Just as Ascension Sect Expert was happy, Sun Shi painting opened and gestured to Fang Han to see the battle in the battlefield.

At this time, some of the battles in the world are still going on. Some Experts are hard to beat, and the more they fight, the longer they will fight.

Fang Han saw that there is a familiar Xiaoshihuang Song Tengfei, Extreme Unity Sect’s peerless Powerhouse, which has not been killed by himself. Now it is making a comeback, completely integrating the Fengshen stone monument, reaching the sage, and only one step can break through. The realm of the emperor.

Of course, there is also a Powerhouse of the Makino family, Chichi Makino. A pair of eyes, flashing out the magical skills. Every time the eyes open, the heavens and the earth are incomparably bright, and the eyes are closed. The heavens and the earth seem to be dark. Every eye has three thousand pairs of compound eyes, but horror has mystery.

“This is…” Sun Shi’s painting shocked: “The king of 10,000 eyes, the singer of the Chinese, this is the god of the ancestors of the Makino family, how was he born on him? Is it true that the Emperor abandoned the body and put the eyeball Give him? That’s horrible.”

“Heavy China?”

Fang Han looked at the past, and it is true that the Zhiquan Mu Mak is really the pair of pupils. It is very strange. Every time you blink, you will see a time-spaced mi palace in front of you. There is a vast expanse of stars and thousands of rounds of sun and moon. The ups and downs, his opponent is also a supreme saint, is the brain of a heavenly prisoner law enforcement disciplinary, roaring again and again, but under the time and space mi palace made by this pair of eyes, it is inaccessible, all Dao techniques are not attacking. Go to the wisdom fist Makino really.

Makino really underestimated, everyone knows that his victory is only a matter of time.

However, Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei and the people’s battle, but in a state of stalemate, according to the truth, with the strength of Xiao Shihuang, but also pastoralism, but he is entangled with the opponent.

His opponent is a person who has never been known. He looks young, about twenty years old, looks ordinary, has no look on his face, but his mouth always has a hint of smile, no matter what danger. The situation, the smile is always the same, let people have a feeling of light and windy, leisurely walking.

With intuition, Fang Han knows that this person is a top-level Expert, at least not weaker than Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei.

Fang Han’s binocular ji shot in the past, staring at this young man, trying to calculate all his past and present, the Dao technique, the specific strength.

“Senior Brother, this man is called Jun Cangsheng, a genius under the eternal Heavenly Monarch. There is no fame, it is a silent practice, but this time it suddenly bursts, and even a few good hands, now actually and Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei Both can be difficult to understand, showing that his strength has reached a certain level.”

Sun Shi’s painting looks dignified.

“No matter how powerful, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of Xiao Shihuang. The little stone emperor is the reincarnation of the stone monument, which is equivalent to the King Grade Immortal Artifact of the gun of judgment. It is more powerful than the Emperor of Life as Heaven and Earth.”

“You see, that Jun Cangsheng is a simple one-man-one sword. I will plot the stone, stone soldiers, stone mines and stone maps of Xiao Shihuang. I am afraid there are other means that have not been displayed.”

“The little stone emperor also has a powerful means to not display.”……….

Not only Ascension Sect disciple, but even thousands of people who are absolutely superbly educated, they also watch this crucial battle. It can be said that the name of Little Rock Emperor is not under Fang Han, even before. Far beyond Fang Han.

Everyone knows that Xiao Shihuang has returned to the martial art since he suffered from the bloody trials. He has been diligently trained and trained. He has obtained the guidance of many of the experts, and finally he has completely integrated the Fengshen stone and digested it inside the body. The sage, who is full of talents, is thousands of times more powerful than the ordinary saints, comparable to the Supreme Immortal.

So in this battle, everyone thinks that he is the enemy of Fang Han, revenge and hate.

Who knows, but was blocked by an unknown black horse that was killed halfway, and many people were stunned. At the same time, all the forces were stunned by the dark horse called “Jun Cangsheng”, and they speculated that it was the way.

Eternal Heavenly Monarch is good at collecting genius, but the unknown genius cannot be compared with the character of Little Rock.


Just between Fang Han’s calculations, another scream in the battlefield was the end of the battle between Zhiquan Makino and a heavenly prisoner’s law enforcement disciplinary, and Makino was at the last minute, rushing Out, one stroke and one trick, such as the tiger down the mountain, the dragon to the sea, the last move, actually hit the Seven Styles of Ruling no one eternal life, between the punches, the prison law enforcement disciplinary, all Magic Force Divine Ability all by him Absorb, seal in the magical treasure, waiting to go back and refine.

At the same time, the heavens also rewarded a generous reward.

Makino really came back. Some heavenly prisoner law enforcement disciples also shot his hateful eyes, but behind him there was the king of Heavenly Monarch, and he was not afraid.

He returned to his seat and his eyes were fixed on the field. He saw that Xiao Shihuang and Jun Cang, who had no prestigious reputation, couldn’t help but find a strange expression on his face. He knew the little stone emperor. It is unbelievable that a nameless black horse has been killed and it is comparable to Xiao Shihuang.

“Look, Xiao Shihuang can’t wait any longer, and he has to show his demise.”

“Yes, he made up his mind to kill the opponent in one fell swoop, no longer spending time with 1ang.”

The crowd suddenly became nervous. The little stone emperor in the field suddenly shouted, the whole body was full of stone, numerous road maps, stone maps of the ten thousand states of the heavens, and even the heavens that the stones were shaped into, the sun, the stone and the moon. Appeared.

“Petrochemical hun chaos, Fengshen world!”

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