Eternal Life

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1,324

King Grade Immortal Artifact is actually a trick in Fang Han’s hand!

One stroke hits the flat and falls to the ground. The Artifact Spirit of Wu Yi Ding is 呻in, struggling in the sinking, thoroughly knowing the majesty of Fang Han, and dare not have any resistance.

At this moment, all the people were shocked and stunned, a King Grade Immortal Artifact, but the ancient Wuyi Ding, just like the dough, in the hands of Fang Han, the destruction of the ruin, how strong is Fang Han?

“When it is over, the Emperor Wu Ba has flew completely and finished.”

An ancient king of heaven sighed: “It is a pity that Huang Fufei is also a peerless genius. For the understanding of Martial Dao, some emperors can’t compare with him, but they fall here. No one can save him. The emperor family lost. An elite.”

“The Emperor’s family has never respected heaven, and relying on the strength of their ancestors, so that the guardians of our heavens and the law enforcement disciples are not able to enter it. It is not bad to give them a lesson now.”

“I am afraid that after the rise of the wind, it is a big problem compared to the Shenzhou Net Earth Emperor.”

“Yes, Ascension Sect does have some wolf ambitions.” Some of the emperors have been talking about the future trends of the heavens.

“What are you fighting now? At the moment, the barbarians, the aliens and the military, have already entered the heavens. They are ready to challenge the majesty of our heavens. Many ancient secrets have been born one after another. Now is the era of the heroes.” The road: “Even if this wind rises, it will also fight against the barbarian, the alien expert, the protoss army, let the Ascension Sect in front, the pressure on our heaven is much smaller.”

“The Emperor said that the Ascension Sect’s feathers are so powerful that many of the Barbarian’s Experts are dead in his hands. He holds the totem’s cans and is invincible. In the rumor, the totem can kills a barbarian. Will be transformed into wild power, and finally condense into a wild god in the body, the whole body is transformed into the general genus of the Ganges, and if these genus gypsums are transformed into worms, each spit The legendary glory of geng, then you can be promoted to Heavenly Monarch.”

“Yes, Yuhuang is on the road to attack Heavenly Monarch.”

The virtual emperor nodded.

He and the Emperor of the United States jointly calculated the Emperor of the Feather, and now the other party is not under them.

“Heavenly Monarch’s way?” Yan Huang smiled: “Where it is so easy, with a magical treasure, you can promote a few more people to kill, that is full of Heaven is the Heavenly Monarch. I am the beginning of the gas, Close to the Great Dao, but still do not understand the key to the world, the essence of Great Dao, promotion to the Heavenly Monarch realm, not by personal ability, but closely related to the fate of the underworld.”


Huang Fufei’s body was broken by Fang Han’s punch.

He was complaining and roaring, struggling to fight, and playing all kinds of Great Divine Ability, but unfortunately it didn’t help. In the eyes of the public, his whole body was caught by Fang Han, and the volley mentioned that the raging dragon and dragon fire burned on him, Fang Han Actually began to recring him on the spot.


The emperor’s emperor’s king of the emperor’s family screamed again, spurting a black blood, and there was a raging flame on his head. He wanted to rush into the battlefield and rescue the emperor, but no matter how close he was to the sky. The field will be bounced back by a force.

Once the Heaven and Earth battlefield begins, it is not over, even if Heavenly Monarch can’t enter it.

Therefore, the people of the emperor family can only blink and watch the emperor fly refining.

There are many disciples of the emperor family, and even look at the Ascension Sect side, the hate of the seed has begun to take root, all Experts know that the hatred of the Emperor family and Ascension Sect has really been settled, the two factions will be true in the future Undead endless tragic end.

There are many sects who are secretly happy in their hearts. They figure out how to take advantage of them when they are in the future.

Ascension Sect’s discipline is a secret vigilance.

“Sun Senior Brother, this time Big Senior Brother killed Huangpu Fei, if the future Huangfu family came to attack our Ascension Sect?” Some discipline asked Sun Shi painting.

“Afraid of what, the soldiers will block, the water comes to the bandits, his royal family Shenzhou Pure Land has Heavenly Monarch sitting, the wind behind the Senior Brother, there is no Heavenly Monarch, the background is harder than him, and Heavenly Monarch does not shoot, we Disciple is killing, and the Senior Brother can kill a group of them.”

Sun Shi painting is very confident about Fang Han at this moment. As long as Fang Han is still there, there is no such thing as Ascension Sect can’t do between heaven and earth.

“Ah! Miserable!”

Among the heavens and the earth, only the body of Huangpufei began to explode, and the blood roushed into a piece of blood in the flame and decomposed into a pure dragon, and Wuyi Ding was also arrested by Fang Han, among which King Grade Immortal Artifact’s unique king rule, all melted into the Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact wing of freedom.


Behind Fang Han, the wing of freedom appears, the light blue wings, the feathers blow, each piece of mao is composed of a crystal god country, exactly the same as his body.

Now, this wing of freedom is still Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, a step away from King Grade Immortal Artifact, but Fang Han sacrificial refining for so many days, there is only one film that has not been broken, now he will On the spot, I merged with Essence Blood and the power of Wu Yiding to refining the wing of freedom into a real King Grade.

His technique is subtle, and the sacrificial refining magical treasure is simply reaching a state of perfection.

Everyone looked at his tactics and showed them. They flowed in the water and matched the sounds of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. There is a unique aftertaste that is a kind of enjoyment. Even the ancient Emperor of Heaven, the “Refining Emperor” who is best at sacrificial refining magical treasure, nodded to Fang Han’s tactics, and wished to go up and discuss the general discussion of how to sacrificial refining magical treasure.

Wū wū wū 呜呜…….King Grade Immortal Artifact The 戌 戌 戌 , , , , , , , , , , Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Inhalation.

“Wind, I will not be willing to give up with you in my next life.”

Huang Fufei finally screamed.

“Where is there any next life? I will cut off all your fate. From then on, there will be no you in the heavens and the earth. There is no such thing as the Emperor Wu of the Emperor.”

Fang Han’s last hand, volley slamming, exploding the head of Huangpu Fei, the final spiritual knowledge is all absorbed, and even the essence of the ancestors left by the emperor’s ancestors, are also integrated into the wing of freedom.

The wing of freedom absorbs so many essences, the Great Dao rule, the king’s gas finally began to change.

Two wings fluttered out, and there was a free Aura between the heavens and the earth. There was no bondage to lock Fang Han. He got a real big moment at this moment. free.

The robes were formed from the condense above the wing of freedom, and they descended. The roads of the road, the thunder and the road map, all descended, but they were easily resolved by Fang Han.

The strong king’s temperament, conveyed from the wing of freedom, this magical treasure finally changed into King Grade.

“Okay, good! Thanks to the emperor of the emperor, the ancestors of my ancestors, otherwise my wing of freedom is not so fast condense into King Grade.”

Although the wing of freedom does not require the blood sacrifice of the Ten Kings of the Eight Floats, the law of necessity is definitely not a royal and a King Grade Immortal Artifact can be promoted.

But the other side of the emperor’s bank is different. It contains the strength of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the will, and the magical treasure texture. The true power of a symbol is much stronger than the King Grade Immortal Artifact.

This symbol was originally used to calculate Fang Han, but was escaped by Fang Han, and became a supplement.

The ancestors of the Emperor’s family, the emperor’s bank is Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, which is equivalent to the existence of Heavenly Monarch. The symbol is refining by Fang Han, and the essence is calculated. Even Fang Han gets a touch of the technique of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. Used to forge King Grade Immortal Artifact, it’s almost overkill.

“It’s finally, I’m afraid that even the first person under the Heavenly Monarch will kill me, I’m afraid it’s not that easy.” Fang Han felt the power of the whole body, the power of freedom, and the comfort. Over and over again, the wing of freedom is getting more and more complete.

Roll up the Ninth Layer days.

Fang Han knows that the Freedom Wings are made into King Grade Immortal Artifact, and their ability to escape is greatly enhanced. Apart from Heavenly Monarch, there are very few who can kill themselves in this world.

The Aura of Emperor Feifei disappeared completely, and the famous Geshi Xiongcai, so disappeared in the world, completely destroyed.

“Huangfu flies to death, completely ruined, and there is no life any more. Unfortunately, it is a pity that Wu Ba will continue to cultivate. As long as it does not die, one day, it will make Life as Heaven and Earth’s Powerhouse.”

“Yeah, a Lifehouse of Life as Heaven and Earth is the foundation of the martial art, because it will never die, and the emperor will die. After the loss of life, the oil will be dry.”

“The extra King of Life as Heaven and Earth is of great significance to the martial art, and it is a pity that it is rumored that Huangfufei has a Heavenly Monarch.”

“The fall of a genius must call for the rise of another genius. It seems that this wind is sure to win this time. Once won, get the brilliant edge of King Grade Immortal Artifact, then Saint Grade Immortal Pill, Heavenly Monarch Dan was also given by him, and then entered the Tianmai practice, entered Insight in the book world, immediately to advance with leaps and bounds, I do not know how advanced it will be.”

“Winning the championship? That is not necessarily the case. Although the winds are eye-catching, there are not many people who are equally eye-catching. There are several people who don’t show the 1u water. You have seen it. I suspect they are the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation.”

“Heavenly Monarch reincarnation?”

“After you reminded me, I can see that there are really a few Experts in this game. Every time I beat the opponent with an understatement, there is no big bo澜, but this is the magical decay. the power of.”

“I will wait and see, this time there are a lot of enemies in this wind, he can not go to the end and still said that it is not necessarily.”

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