Eternal Life

Chapter 1319

Chapter 139

“Give a reward? But he killed the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciple?”

One person hurriedly said: “It should be arrested and detained waiting for the death of Reddy Heavenly Monarch!”

“Noisy, today is the long-awaited battle of heaven genius. Everything has to be disciplined. Who is not dead in the heavens and the earth? The rule of the heavens is to directly provoke the majesty of the king.” He died in Heavenly Monarch in ancient times, and the death of the discipline is as simple as it is.”

Several ancient emperors were silently screaming, and looked at the person who made the opinion. Now it is the emperor. I can’t help but sigh: “You don’t want to be a singer, if you break the rules today, the disaster Heavenly Monarch protects you. Live with you.”

Emperor Huang said: “Yu Huang, I don’t care what you have any grievances, but everything has to be solved outside the heavens, destroying the plan of the heavenly genius battle, I will kill you now. The son of the disaster Heavenly Monarch Quite a lot, in my relationship with Heavenly Monarch Lord, killing him is not a big deal.”

When Emperor Huang said this, there was no scruples.

The style of the first person under Heavenly Monarch appeared to the fullest.

Yan Huang’s face changed, but he did not dare to be violent. If he was a normal person, he would have been roaring for a long time, but he did not dare to face the emperor, because the emperor was too strong, and for the heavenly The degree of mastery is simply the same as the “Chief Manager” role, winning the thunder, eternal, disaster, killing, the trust of the four Heavenly Monarch, is not what he can match.

The four Heavenly Monarchs are generally Closed door meditation. Many of the things in the heavens are taken care of by the emperor. This emperor was born at the beginning of the world. It is not human. The rumor is a sigh of the beginning.

It can be said that if the Emperor Huang violated the Emperor, the other party killed him, no one would protect him, and the majesty of the Emperor had already penetrated the hearts of the people.

“Yu Huang, you dare to talk to 1uan, I will imprison you forever.” The Emperor stepped forward and swung the big sleeves, and a piece of Xiaguang sealed the Emperor, for fear that he would anger the Emperor. Killed on the spot.

“Lord Lord, my brother is spoiled, and he is too fond of him. I will blame him this time.” The Emperor said to the Emperor.

“This is fine.” There is no expression on the face of the emperor. “The genius battle in heaven is the rule that the four Heavenly Monarch personally developed. It inherits the inheritance of the ancient kings, rewards genius, and prospers Immortal Dao. It has an unusual meaning. As long as this Emperor is no longer noisy, taking care of the overall situation, I will not kill him.”

“Yes, yes…” Shenghuang answered again and again.

When Emperor Huang waved his hand, the Emperor returned to the back with the Emperor.

In the seal, the Emperor gnawed his teeth, and the hatred of Fang Han could not be washed even if the water of the river was exhausted.


In the battlefield of the heavens and the earth, Fang Han just refining the prisoner of the prison, and the void is a dang, and a reward is on it.

Fang Han’s eyes moved, and his heart secretly surprised. Although he knew that every time he won, he was rewarded, but this time the reward was too rich.

There is a set of 108 pieces of magical treasure composed of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact flying sword, every flying sword, all Guanghua 1uan shot, enough to hurt the saint, apart from this, ten gordd King Grade Immortal Pill, each There are thousands of gourd, among which Dan Yaoyao is strong and strong. It is a esoteric esoteric “Great Emperor Ninth Layer” which is a healing sacred, life-increasing, clear-minded, and elevated realm.

In addition, the twisted king of the ten dragon snakes also danced in a yu 。.

“Good reward!” Fang Han grabbed the big hands and grabbed all the treasures, then strode out of the heavens and the earth and returned to the throne of the sect.

“Big Senior Brother is back.”

“Big Senior Brother is really invincible, and it’s a good enemy.”

“This group of heavenly prison law enforcement disciples is a good lesson, oh! Otherwise it is really lawless, I see how they will fight against Big Senior Brother in the future.”……….I saw the return of Fang Han, the Son of Ascension Sect Celebrity cheers. Not only did the sacred son return, but also met Fang Han.

“How did the Son of Ascension Sect become so tyrannical?”

“Look, that’s the cloud!”


In a fierce battle between the heavens and the earth, the imaginary cloud is fighting with a semi-san level Expert, and the Expert has fully transformed the 18th external body incarnation. It seems to be a cultivation of some kind of great Dao secret. Surgery.

But in the battle, the illusory cloud suddenly swayed, and the power of the saints was played. A holy light was oppressed, and countless runes were dancing in 1uan. There was a demon in the back of San Human Grade, and the big hand grabbed it. Just let the Expert directly catch the soul, all the vitality into True Dragon, inhaled the body, get rewards, and win back.

At the same time, Sun Poetry also killed a Powerhouse.

Ascension Sect’s discipline wins again and again.

This has changed the face of many martial art emperors.

“What’s going on? Ascension Sect disciple hasn’t failed so far? It’s so strong, that vain cloud was just a golden fairy, how can it be so violent for months?”

“Did you notice that there is no such? The reason why these disciplines are so tyrannical is that some people have made the holy life into a symbol, and they are integrated into their bodies, making them strong, not a true sage, and can not kill him!”

“What? Make the sages a symbol? Yes, look carefully, it is true. Whenever it reaches danger, these fragments will really explode the power that the sage can have, it is terrible! But where is Ascension Sect? There are so many saints, and Headmaster is not crazy, and the saints are made into a sage. The sage is a martial-level decision-making executive, unless the Headmaster is enchanted, 1uan is innocent, but this way, a martial art does not exist. .”

A depressing road of the emperor.

He can’t figure out how to kill him.

Kill the saints to complete some of the Primordial Immortal, Ancestral Immortal’s discipline? How can this be? Headmaster is enchanted, something that madness will have.

“The emperor is not such a person, and the feather emperor is now fighting against the barbarian. He has got a magical treasure, the totem can, and with this magical treasure cultivation, he will not do such a thing, you Did you notice that? The leader of this Ascension Sect, the Chinese family did not come.”

“Yeah, according to the truth, the founder of Ascension Sect is China Heavenly Monarch, and none of them came, which is very unreasonable. Is it?”

Some of the emperor’s thoughts flashed, and suddenly there was a surprising thought: “Is this the wind that has killed all the Ascension Sect’s homes? Are they made into a symbol?”

“Most of it!”

“The more you think about it, the more you think about how his eight bas-reliefs were made. For example, if you want the blood sacrifice of the emperor, it is not the blood soul rule of the royal family that may not be used. killed!”

“Where is he so capable? And in the rumors, Ascension Sect has suffered a crisis, and the Yuan Ling, who is left by the Heavenly Monarch, will be shot. No one can resist it.”

“You forgot? There is also Heavenly Monarch behind this wind. From this point of view, he really has the ability to kill all the homes of Ascension Sect.”

“That way, Ascension Sect Huazhen really may have been wiped out, and Ascension Sect is not surnamed.”

A huge god of mind, as this discussion spread out, the farther and farther away, many Powerhouses, the leader of the team Supreme Immortal knows this news, all the whole body cold, far Looking at Fang Han, the poor emperor did not dare to face it. The rumors were mostly true. Fang Han cleaned the entire family of Ascension Sect, killing the Chinese five, and sacrificial refining to make eight floats.

Fang Han’s means at the moment is really making some people afraid.

At this time, the second round of the battle of the heavenly genius battle has come close to the end of the sporadic, Ascension Sect’s discipline has come back, are alive, and killed the opponent.

Among them, there were several serious injuries, which were close to the oil-deficient discipline, and were all restored by Fang Han.

Fang Han smiled and gave himself a reward of one hundred and eight Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact flying sword. The son was called Wang Yin. This battle was excellent and it broke the usual strength. Kill the outstanding Son of Extreme Unity Sect. Fang Han saw it. This Wang Yin is also a body called the Da Luo Fa Yin. The Meridians in the body seem to be innate.

“More thanks Big Senior Brother.” This Wang Yin Shengzi trembled and took over the flying sword of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. This son is a genius, still above the imaginary cloud, even the talented grandchildren. Poetry and painting, but unfortunately in the Ascension Sect, was suppressed by the Chinese family, has not received the resources of cultivation.

Now Fang Han promoted the genius sons one by one.

Fang Han This set of flying sword is called “Mr. Meridian Light Sword”. It is arranged as a great array. It can be surrounded by saints, and is obtained by Wang Yinshengzi. Later, it is the magical treasure of enlightenment.

“Senior Brother, every round of battle, our Ascension Sect will be able to grow. After this genius battle, I am afraid that it will completely make up for the loss of the Chinese family.” Wang Yinshengzi Road.

“Now my Ascension Sect sage is far from enough to compete with some Supreme Masters. Only when you break through the realm in this battle, you can recover.” Fang Han nodded.

All the Sons are surrounded and listen to the teachings of Fang Han.

Fang Han also watched the battles of these saints, pointing out their mistakes in the battle one by one, and sharpening the guns. His experience of Martial Dao can be said that even some ancient emperors can’t match, inheriting the Zen Zen Buddhism. Hua’s Dao Lineage, a few words at random, it makes people slap the top, and the huts are open.

Some of the Sons who have a great understanding of Xing, have begun to realize, the light of the body flashing and enlightening, and comprehending the realm of one after another.

At this moment, the brilliance of the third round of trials flashed again.

Fang Han, a vibrating suit, stepped on, and reached the heaven and earth battlefield. This time, the enemy was a child who was wearing white clothes and a white long Sword in his hand.

This killing son is obviously killing the Expert under the Heavenly Monarch. It is unfathomable and the eyes are very calm.

“Not Meng Shaobai.” Fang Han stared at the son of the killing and shook his head.

“You are the wind?”


The son of the killer is out of the sheath and points to Fang Han.


His sword had just been squirted, and a big hand was photographed. He was photographed as a rou sauce, and the voice was still shaking in the air.

“Take the sword to me? Do you have this qualification?” Fang Han looked at the murderous son of the rou sauce and began refining. Never be arrogant.

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