Eternal Life

Chapter 1318: One palm for the mud

Chapter 1318 is a palm

"Give a reward? But he killed the Heavenly Prison law enforcement disciple?"

One person hurriedly said: "It should be arrested and detained waiting for the release of Lei Di Tianjun!"

"Noisy, today is the long-awaited genius battle of heaven, everything has to be disciplined. Who is not dead in the heavens and the earth? The rule of the heavens is to directly provoke the majesty of the king." In ancient times, I have died of Heavenly Kings, and my death is like a disciple."

Several ancient emperors screamed and sneered at the person who made the comments. They found that they were emperors, and they could not help but sigh: "Yu Huang, you must not be foolish. If today destroys the rules, the disaster will be protected." Can't live with you."

Emperor Huang said: "Yu Huang, I don't care what you have, but everything has to be solved outside the heavens, destroying the plan of this genius battle in heaven. I will kill you now. The son of the disaster Tianjun There are so many, in my relationship with Tianjun, killing him is not a big deal."

When Emperor Huang said this, there was no scruples.

The style of the first person under Tianjun appeared to the fullest.

Yan Huang’s face changed, but he did not dare to be violent. If he was a normal person, he would have been roaring for a long time, but he did not dare to face the emperor, because the emperor was too strong, and for the heavenly The degree of mastery is simply equivalent to the general role of the "big manager", won the thunder, eternal, disaster, killing, the trust of the four heavenly kings, is not what he can match.

The four great kings are generally retreats in time. Many things in the heavens are taken care of by the emperor. This emperor was born at the beginning of the heavens and the earth. It is not human. The rumor is a sigh of the beginning.

It can be said that if the emperor violated the emperor, the other party killed him, no one would protect him, and the majesty of the emperor had already penetrated the hearts of the people.

"Yu Huang, you dare to talk indiscriminately, I will imprison you forever." The Emperor stepped forward and swung the big sleeves, and a piece of Xiaguang sealed the Emperor, for fear that he would anger the Emperor and be on the spot. Kill.

"Yu Huang Daren, my younger brother is spoiled and spoiled, and he is too petal. I will blame him this time." The Emperor said to the Emperor.

"This is good." There is no expression on the face of the emperor. "The genius war of heaven is the rule that the four great monarchs personally formulated. It inherits the inheritance of the ancient kings, rewards genius, and prosperous fairy tales. It has an unusual meaning. As long as this emperor is no longer noisy and takes care of the overall situation, I will not kill him."

"Yes, yes." Shenghuang answered again and again.

When Emperor Huang waved his hand, the Emperor returned to the back with the Emperor.

In the seal, the emperor gnawed his teeth, and the cold hatred of the other party could not be washed even if the water of the river was exhausted.


Among the heavens and the earth, Fang Han just reorganized the **** prisoner, Chen Zhendong, and the void was a shock. There was a reward on the sign.

Fang Han's eyes moved, and his heart secretly surprised. Although he knew that every victory had rewards, this time the reward was too rich.

There is a set of one hundred and eight pieces of magic weapons composed of the unique fairy flying sword sword array, each flying sword, all Guanghua shot, enough to hurt the saint, in addition, the ten gourd king Pinxian, each gourd There are thousands of pieces, among which the medicinal medicinal power is strong and sturdy. It is a secret esoteric of the ancient empire that "healing the wounds, increasing the life, clearing the road, and improving the realm."

In addition, the twisted king of the ten dragon snakes also danced in a jade.

"Good reward!" Fang Han grabbed the big hand and grabbed all the treasures, then strode out of the heavens and the earth and returned to the throne of the sect.

"Master is coming back."

"Master brothers are invincible, and they are enemies."

"This group of heavenly prisoners and prisoners are good lessons, hehe! Otherwise, it is really lawless. I see how they will fight against the masters in the future." Seeing the return of Fang Han, the son of Yuhuamen cheered. Not only did the sacred son return, but he met Fang Han.

"How did the sacred son of Yuhuamen become so tyrannical?"

"Look, that's the cloud!"


In a fierce battle in the battlefield of the heavens and the earth, the imaginary cloud is fighting with a master of a semi-san level. The master has turned out to be the incarnation of the 18th body. It seems to have cultivated some kind of esoteric esoteric.

But in the battle, the illusory cloud suddenly swayed, and the power of the saint was played. A holy light was oppressed, and countless runes were dancing. There was a sage-level demon behind the scene. The master directly caught the soul and scattered, and the vitality was turned into a real dragon. He inhaled his body, received rewards, and returned with victory.

At the same time, Sun Shihua also killed a strong man.

The disciples of Yuhuamen won again and again.

This has changed the face of many martial art emperors.

"What is going on here? The feathers disciple has not failed until now. It is so strong and strong, that vain cloud was just a disciple of Jinxian. How can it be so violent for a few months?"

"Did you notice that there is no such? The reason why these disciples are so tyrannical is that some people have made the life of the Holy Life into a symbol, and they are integrated into their bodies, which makes them strong, not a true sage, and cannot kill him!"

"What? Make the sages a symbol? Yes, look carefully, it is true. Whenever it reaches danger, these disciples will truly explode the power that the sage can have. It is terrible! But where is the feather gate? There are so many saints coming, and the teachings will not go mad, and the saints will be made into a sage. The saint is a high-level decision-making sect. Unless it is taught to enter the devil, killing innocent people, but in this way, a martial art will not There is."

A depressing road of the emperor.

He can't figure out **** him.

Kill the saints to complete some Yuanxian, the disciples of the ancestors? How can this be? I will teach you how to get into the madness.

"The emperor is not such a person, and the feather emperor is now fighting against the barbarian. He has got a magic weapon, the can of the totem, and in this magic weapon, he has never done such a thing, you noticed it. No? The leader of this feathering door, the Chinese family did not come."

"Yeah, according to the truth, the founder of Yuhuamen is Hua Tianjun. Actually, none of them came. This is very unreasonable. Is it?"

Some of the emperor’s thoughts flashed, and suddenly there was a surprising thought: “Is it the wind that has killed all the Huajia’s homes? Are they made into a symbol?”

"Most of it!"

"The more you think about it, the more you think about how his eight basques were made. For example, if you want the blood sacrifice of the emperor, it is not the blood soul rule of the royal family that may not be used. The five old men may all be him. killed!"

"Where is he so capable? And in the rumors, the Yuhuamen Chinese family is in crisis. It is true that the Yuanling left by Huatianjun will be shot and no one can resist it."

"You forgot? There is also a heavenly king behind this wind. From this point of view, he really has the ability to kill all the homes of Yuhuamen."

"That way, the Yuhuamen Chinese family may indeed be completely annihilated, and the feather gate is no longer surnamed China."

A huge wave of thoughts and volatility, as this discussion spreads out, the farther and farther away, the many powerful sects of the sects, the leader of the team, the celestial beings know the news, all of them chilling, far away Looking at the party cold, the poor emperor did not dare to face up, the rumor is mostly true, Fang Han cleaned the entire Huajia door, killing the five old Chinese, blood sacrifice to make eight floats.

Fang Han’s means at the moment is really making some people fear.

At this time, the second round of the battle of the genius of Heaven was close to the end of the sporadic, and the disciples of Yuhuamen came back and lived, and killed the opponent.

Among them, there were several serious injuries, and the disciples who were close to the oil-burning lights were all irradiated by Fang Hanbu Tianjing, and all recovered.

Fang Han smiled slightly and gave himself the reward. One hundred and eight pieces of the famous fairy flying sword were given to a saint. The saint was called Wang Yin. This battle was excellent, and it broke out with extraordinary power. Kill an outstanding son who is too one. Fang Han saw it. This Wang Yin is also a kind of body. It is called the Da Luo Fa Yin. The meridians in the body seem to be innately imprinted.

"Thank you, Master." This Wang Yin Shengzi trembled and took over the flying sword of 108 unique pieces. This saint is a genius, still above the imaginary cloud, and even surpasses Sun Poetry. It is a pity that in the Yuhuamen, it was suppressed by the Chinese family and there was no resource for cultivation.

Now Fang Han has promoted those genius sons one by one.

Fang Han’s set of flying swords is called “Mr. Meridian Light Sword”. It is arranged in a large array. It can almost be surrounded by saints. It is obtained by Wang Yinshengzi, and later is the magic weapon for enlightenment.

"Brothers, every round of battle, we will be able to grow the door. After this genius war, I am afraid that the loss of the Huajia will be completely compensated." Wang Yinshengzi.

"Now the sage of my feathering door is far from enough. I can't compete with some Supreme Masters. Only when you break through the realm in this battle, you can recover your vitality." Fang Han nodded.

All the Sons are surrounded and listen to the teachings of Fang Han.

Fang Han also watched the battles of these saints, pointing out their mistakes in the battle one by one, and smashing the guns. The experience of his martial arts can be said that even some ancient emperors could not match, inheriting the Zen Buddhism of the Buddha. Daotong, a few words at random, it will make people squatting and squatting.

Some of the sacred sons who have great understanding have begun to realize, and the light of the body is fascinating and realizes the realm of one after another.

At this moment, the brilliance of the third round of trials flashed again.

Fang Hanyi, the clothes, stepped on, and arrived in the battlefield of heaven and earth. This time, the enemy was a child who was wearing white clothes and a white long sword in his hand.

This killing son is obviously a master of killing Tianjun, and it is unfathomable. His eyes are very calm.

"Not Meng Shaobai." Fang Han stared at the son of the killing, shaking his head.

"You are the wind?"


This killing son sword is out of the sheath and points to Fang Han.


His sword had just been squirted, and a big hand was photographed, and he was photographed as a bolognese, and the voice was still shaking in the air.

"Take the sword to me? Do you have this qualification?" Fang Han looked at the son of the meat sauce and began to refine. Never be arrogant.

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