Eternal Life

Chapter 1291

Chapter 1,291

The guardian and the disciple, the meaning of the son is very different.

A discipline, the son is dead, maybe the Master will only take revenge afterwards. The guardian, however, pays attention to you all the time, not letting you be hurt by others.

A Heavenly Monarch who has crossed many hun verses, personally guards Fang Han, what is Fang Han?

“Impossible! How is it possible!” The Emperor shook his head again and again: “I don’t believe it. I don’t believe that your backstage is hun1uanHeavenly Monarch. In Heavenly Monarch of Heaven, except for Heavenly Monarch, which was born in this era, Eternal Heavenly Monarch has gone through five eras, the disaster, hun chaotic Heavenly Monarch has also gone through five eras, killing Heavenly Monarch through four eras, and hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, has survived six eras! Experienced six times The great destruction, the universe is ruined. So the five Heavenly Monarch can’t hurt him! You personally got his guardian, are you the reincarnation of the sacred king.”

“Do you not believe it? I tell you the truth!” Fang Han sneered again and again, “When the original love of the South Palace was troublesome, I was stopped by the idea of ​​hun1uanHeavenly Monarch. Later, hun1uanHeavenly Monarch charged him for the name of the discipline, so that he would be promoted. Arrived at the realm of the emperor, and soon after, it will be Life as Heaven and Earth. What do you think? This is not the power of Heavenly Monarch?”

“It turns out that you are a rebellious heaven, a disaster of Heavenly Monarch! You want to harm me Ascension Sect! Feather, kill him, grab him, jiao to heaven, that is our Ascension Sect!”

Hua Wenchang suddenly roared, and his heart had the only hope.

“哎………” Yu Huang looked at Hua Wenchang and felt very funny. There was a ridiculous feeling in his heart: “Hua Wenchang, China Heavenly Monarch has such a descendant, it is indeed a mistake, you The existence is to humiliate China Heavenly Monarch. I was originally not prepared to treat you, now I have to choose all the rules of you, turn you into ordinary people, and then clean up the Ascension Sect’s home. The existence of Heavenly Monarch is a illusory legend, and hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, the real existence, our Ascension Sect got the guardian of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, and it will surely prosper.”

“These Chinese people are out of heart.”

Fang Han sighed and looked at the five old Chinese, especially Hua Wenchang, with a kind of pity. Although these people reached the Supreme Immortal emperor, they were extremely stupid, and they were so good for themselves. In the end of the miserable, how can you take it by yourself.

“Yu Huang, you want to peak our Asension Sect Hua’s Dao Lineage.”

Hua Wenchang is still very strong. “You know, I don’t know. In the near future, China Heavenly Monarch will come back. How much will it be if you see the people who cleaned up the Chinese family? Will you know nothing?”

“Huahualy Monarch? Can he help me?” Fang Han screamed: “In the near future, the gdaoist, the mother, the Heavenly Monarch, and even the end of the Holy King will return, gathered in the Ascension Sect, Hua Heavenly Monarch Come here is a pinch of death! Don’t say it is China Heavenly Monarch, even if it is the creation of the king, it will be pinched.”

When Yu Huang heard the words of Fang Han, he was quiet.

However, the Chinese five old people are so angry that they almost vomit blood: “Yu Huang, look at it, you see, what is this obstacle, even the opening of our Ascension Sect is not in the eyes? Is it to die? ? The bully destroys the ancestors, the real bully destroys the ancestors, you are the real sinner of my Ascension Sect.”

“When time passes, the majesty of Heavenly Monarch has disappeared.” Fang Han said faintly: “The bloodline he left behind has become a cancer of the sect, Ascension Sect is Ascension Sect, and Chinese Heavenly Monarch is Hua Heavenly Monarch. Let’s talk about it. It is like the creation of the king of heaven, but the heaven is still his? Isn’t it, Jiangshan has talented people, and each leader has been sao for hundreds of years. Since the family has become a cancer, it must be cleaned up. The Emperor Senior Brother, I am now starting to choose the Essence Blood in the body of the Chinese family, the law, and you help me, I must make the eight-level float slaughter into King Grade before the genius battle. Immortal Artifact, when it is time to be truly invincible.”

“Good! Chinese five old, my intention is to imprison them, but their Magic Force is still a day, there is a danger of rebellion, there are still a few days from the beginning of the battle of heaven genius, I first assist you Take the rule of the five old Chinese, you will be stronger, you can refine the four great emperors. In this, I have to go out.”

The feathers of the emperor are slow and reasonable.

“Go out? Go out and do something?”

Fang Han was taken aback.

“Our totem cans, although it absorbed the power of the three emperors, but I have just run, there are still some power shortages. At the moment, the barbarian army is attacking the 100,000 states of the heavens. Everywhere is the fire, but it can bring me Come to the endless opportunity. I am able to display the totem cans, wander around, kill all directions, collect the barbarian army, kill the royals and saints in the barbarian. Into the cans, make this holy instrument more powerful Big, and finally become King Grade Immortal Artifact first! By the time, you have his bodyguard, Life as Heaven and Earth’s Powerhouse can’t help you, you can also become the first treasure of my Ascension Sect, and get a strong chance in the future. It can be restored to its original form. Once it becomes Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, then our Ascension Sect is considered to have a Heavenly Monarch.”

The Emperor of the Emperor urged the can of the totem in his hand. For this magical treasure, he loved it.

The reason is because the quality of this magical treasure is itself a Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. It is a great catastrophe and hopefully restored. As for the sword of the sacred church, it is very difficult to further improve. The potential is far less than that of the totem can. .

Ascension Sect has a lot of treasures, but now there is no one that can match the totem.

“Also, with the ability of Senior Brother, we will be able to promote this totem pot to a new level.” Fang Han also agrees with the plan of the Emperor, this totem tank is his, incorporating his Essence Blood Every time he absorbs the barbarians, he will bring him some brute force, which makes him powerful, and the ruth of the crystal god dong wears the universe and destroys the ages.

“Huajia five old! Dead!”

Fang Han opened his mouth, and the ghost Wu Shengtu flew out. He took the Chinese family’s five old wives in it. Then the Zen Zen Emperor appeared, and when he took a big shot, he took the body of the Chinese Five. The bloody fog of the group. The powerful Supreme Immortal rule is overwhelming.

“Eight Buddhism!”

Fang Han once again opened his mouth and sprayed it. The eight parts flew out and came out with a blazing flame. The sacrificial refining was the blood rou of the five old men.

Many rules have been directly entered into the eight floating sects. At the same time, Fang Han has repeatedly played the “Supreme Wanbao Dashengzheng”, and a long river-like “poetry” has descended from the sky to eight On the floating squad, it became the most pure material, which made the four great emperors face a very shocked look.

“What is going on here? Is he communicating in the treasure world?” The emperor struggled desperately, and he talked about the secret emperor, the emperor, and the emperor.

“He actually borrowed the treasure from the treasure world. These treasures can be evolved into any magical treasure forged material. Even Saint Grade Immortal Artifact needs these treasures. It was refining the Heavenly Monarch. Yes, but there is a limit to the absorption of the treasure, and finally the magical treasure will be pulled by the treasure world, even the giants such as the disaster Heavenly Monarch, will not be easily absorbed, who knows that Duobao Heavenly Monarch has a move?”

“How can he absorb this unscrupulously?”

“Did he get the support of the treasure world?”

“In this way, he really has the possibility to make the eight-level floats into King Grade Immortal Artifact.”

“This magical treasure, once refining is successful, earth-shattering, the tower body can kill the Supreme Immortal emperor alive, this child is very arrogant, strong, once the eight floats are made King Grade Immortal Artifact, the Lifehouse of Life as Heaven and Earth can’t kill him!”

“He is now refining the Chinese family, and waiting for a while, will refine us! We must resist and escape from birth!”

“It’s awful! This xiao beast believes in betrayal. I know this before. We don’t deal with the five old people at all, but with the five old people, it is hard, even if it is a heavy loss, it will not fall to the present.”

The four emperors, hysterical, roaring again and again, want to struggle to escape from birth.

“After our Ascension Sect, I can suppress you with the power of the entire Ascension Sect forbidden art, not to mention that you are now just the ordinary Supreme Immortal, even if you are a Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth, in Ascension Sect Internal, not my opponent. Suppress me!”

The Emperor Huang saw the four emperors who were restless and uneasi, smiled coldly, and took a hand from the air. A huge force and direct oppression, they put the four emperors in the void, presenting a “big” shape.

This is the power of Ascension Sect’s internal forbidden art.

The entire feathered kingdom is the Chinese Heavenly Monarch forging, especially in the deepest core, with invincible defensive power, even if Heavenly Monarch is attacked, it can also support the seven genius can be broken.

Between this speech, Yu Huang’s right hand was again grasped. The power of the five old emperors and the five great emperors began to lose a lot of Essence Qi. The law was absorbed ten times, and in a short time, a lot of effort. The Supreme Immortal rule, Essence Blood, all flooded into the eight floats.

The power of the entire eight floating sects is simply indescribable. On the top of the eight magical treasures, hundreds of millions of dragons shrink into xiao, forming a dragon-shaped symbol. Fang Han once again spit out the book of the epoch, so that the civilization of the dragon race echoes with the eight sacred sects. In the twinkling of an eye, there is a picture in the void. The picture is recorded step by step, and the dragon race is innumerable. Before the era, prosperous, decaying scenes.

After the eight bas-reliefs absorbed so much power, they began to make changes in the end, becoming more and more tyrannical, and actually reappearing the memory of the ancient dragon race civilization history from the air.

In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Han’s mind got a lot of information and knowledge. Before he saw countless epochs, the dragon race was born in the void, hegemony, and all kinds of Taikoo beasts, cultivate Dao people, witches, Buddha, the battle of the devil, and finally the establishment of the dragon world, formed the present appearance.

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