Eternal Life

Chapter 1290

Chapter 1 290

{Today, because of eleven, there are many things that I got up early in the morning. This chapter is still written late at night, and the two chapters are in the afternoon at 7:00 in the evening. }


Yu Huang looked at Fang Han deeply, and he was shocked. He unexpectedly did not expect that his Junior brother had such a strong ambition and actually wanted to control the heaven.

However, according to what he said, find the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch, find the wind white feathers, the descendants of the gdaoist, all concentrated in the Ascension Sect, releasing the final holy king, plus hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, the two giants united, true It is possible to overthrow the heavens and build a new force.

Not to mention anything else, the end of the Holy King alone is infinitely close to the existence of the King of the Kings. Many Heavenly Monarchs besieged him, and many of them were killed by him, and then they were passed by many avengers of Heavenly Monarch. Together with the seal, some Heavenly Monarch paid the price of life in order to seal him.

If the descendant of Hongmen gDaoist calls out the gdaoist, it is simply invincible. Even if the heavenly king of the heavens is still there, it will be overthrown.

Of course, the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch is sure to be able to make the Heavenly Monarch. She has become a legend in many Heavenly Monarchs. If she does not die, she will be able to restore her glory again.

Think about how these people get together and what does Ascension Sect look like?

Yu Huang’s heart is very excited.

“Senior Brother, no more hands, it’s too late, you see! These four emperors, and the Chinese five old fights are in full swing!” Fang Han’s gods are flashing, killing and concise.

“Good! Junior brother! Just listen to you, these people do not pay attention to the rules, we do not pay attention to it. In the past, my Ascension Sect was too disciplined.” There is no discomfort in the heart of Yuhuang, Yanhuang, killing the emperor, the emperor These people, the Dark Emperor, are shameless, assassinated him, and want to retreat from the whole body. It is difficult to calm the anger in the heart, but it is a hindrance to the practice. It is the king.

Shuā shuā shuā 唰!

Yuhuang shot.

Four consecutive swords! Every sword is earth-shattering, killing the four emperors, urging all the blood and blood, Spirit condense, on the top of the feathers, there is a belief in the light, in the light, a Bible is ups and downs .

At the same time, the totem pot in his hand was rotated in the air, and the sacrifice was in the void. The cans were aimed at the four emperors, and the five old men who fell into the great array.

The power of the totem can is now at the level of a King Grade Immortal Artifact, much more powerful than the Sword of the Church. A little bit appeared, the power has already shrouded the sky, even if these emperors change to Space dust can not escape.

“Yu Huang! You turned your back on the truth!”

The strong Magic Force Bo made everyone of the four great emperors shocked. They also gave enough power to maintain their own safety. When they saw the Emperor Huang, they immediately alerted them, and they vomited and flew out their treasures. Everyone burns their life and resists a blow.

“Trust and trust? And you guys, pay attention to what kind of faith, don’t think that I don’t know what you think in your heart. Once I let you go, you will go back and collude with the emperor. It is not good for me. You think that I I don’t know the conspiracy and deceit?” Fang Han yelled and pushed hard. The Zen Emperor Buddha came out. When he grabbed it, he broke the Astral Qi, the bodyguard of the four emperors, and vomited them.

“Eight Buddhism, Ghost Vulture! Give me all the time! 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, thirty-three times!”

Fang Han At this time, there is already a murderous heart. I can’t control it so much. I took a deep breath and breathe a sigh of relief. The whole body is like a slap in the air. Times, and then a fist burst, appeared thirty-three shadows, bursting thirty-three times the power, attacked against the four great emperors.


Fang Han’s own strength is already equivalent to the strength of the five hundred saints. Thirty-three times the strength of the battle, how terrible? It is the power of five hundred saints multiplied by thirty-three, equivalent to 10,000 saints, and at the same time, the killing of the Holy Spirit.

Kā chā ,kā chā !

Fang Han is the urging, the king of the body, the burning of one after another, the consumption of energy, can simply scare people to life!

In his body, there were more than 80 king-level spiritual veins. There was already fifty king-level spiritual veins between the fists, all of which were consumed.

This level of horrible consumption shocked him.

“No, this way, I need too much energy. It is not a good thing to be too strong!” Fang Han was shocked, even if it was Ascension Sect, he would be poor. After a punch, it is the fifty kings of the spirit, which is still there?

However, although the spiritual pulse is much more expensive, the power is apparent in the blink of an eye.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! !

After four consecutive explosions, the four emperors were attacked by the body of Fang Han, and they were blown into pieces. Only the core of the life was left, and the Emperor of the Heavenly Zen Emperor grabbed it. The Sword Qi of the Emperor swept through, directly forced, all rolled up. Into the can of the totem.

Although the four great emperors are powerful, but under the joint killing of Yuhuang, Fang Han, Tianzen Buddha, and Totem’s cans, it is impossible to have resistance and directly sealed up.

“Yuhuang, Fengyuan, you are not a good person!”

In the totem of the pot, the four emperors cursed.

The feathers of the emperor did not change. The totem of the totem was turned over, and the Chinese family, who was trapped in the great array, immediately swept a ray of light in the can, and the Chinese family struggled in it, but it did not help. It was sealed directly in the can.

“Go! Let’s go back to Ascension Sect!”

A hand grabbed Fang Han, and the Emperor’s sword smashed into the void. In a short while, he returned to the Ascension Sect. He opened the seal of Ascension Sect and entered the core of the heavens, then reached the deepest place. This stays.

“Okay.” The Emperor looked around and all had strong seals: “Fang Han Junior brother, these seals were left by the ancient Chinese Heavenly Monarch, even if Heavenly Monarch would attack our Ascension Sect within seven days. It is absolutely impossible to break open. It is the safest place.”

“That’s good, Senior Brother, we teamed up to dispose of these emperors.” Fang Han was moved, and he couldn’t help but slammed it. Using his heart, he calmed down and his temperament was completely calm.

“Totem pot, give me a free!”

Yuhuang opened the lid of the totem pot. Immediately, nine figures were rushed out. It was the nine emperors who were sealed, the five old masters, the dark emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor!

The nine great emperors were sucked by the totem’s cans. Everyone was sealed in the barb’s totem. They struggled and cursed three times and five times to struggle out of the totem’s can. Unfortunately, they were all continuously input by the emperor. True Qi, the suppression is dead.

“Unfortunately, my Magic Force is not enough. If you don’t rely on the Emperor Senior Brother, you can’t suppress the nine emperors. This time it’s up, it’s really!” Fang Han’s mind felt from the totem’s can. The power of the earth-shattering of the nine emperors is not something that they can suppress. If it were not the power of the life as Heaven and Earth, they would have fled and fled, or took away the totem cans and defeated them.

Although Fang Han can now compete against a king, but in the face of the nine emperors, there is only one way to die! Even if it is to worship the Heavenly Zen Buddha, it is useless.

After all, the Heavenly Zen Buddha is the power of others, not his own. When he is summoned by power, he is empty and easy to be killed. This time, under the protection of the Emperor, it is very safe.

“Yuhuang, Fengyuan xiao beast, you are a bully ancestors, China Heavenly Monarch will not let you go.”

Hua Wenchang was sealed and kept cursing.

“You must not die, China Heavenly Monarch is coming soon, you are waiting to die.”

“Yes, we have received the information of China Heavenly Monarch! He will return in the near future. You will only have a dead end, you know?”

The five ancestors of the Chinese family, each cursing, are in hysteria. They also know that this action has completely failed, but they do not believe that the Emperor dare to kill himself and dare not clean himself.

“What? What is the use of Heavenly Monarch returning? And he can’t return.” Fang Han sneered, adjusting his strength and reaching the best condition. The eight floats have risen to the top of the head, and they have shot hundreds of millions. The fire has completely the essence of the fire of the Emperor.

The origin of the Emperor’s life is integrated into it, and it is not the same.

“Wind, Yuhuang? You really have the next poisonous hand. The Yanhuang has no background in heaven. You can kill him, but you can’t kill us. Our dark emperor, the emperor’s palace, and the imperial court are all heavenly. Organization, do you dare to do it? Isn’t it looking for death? Kill us, Heaven is going to pursue it, I see how you lie!”

The killing king suddenly shouted.

His whole body, all murderous, resisting the totem, as long as a visit opportunity, you can boil for nine days, do the fish dragon change, escape the birth day.

“I am afraid to kill you, I am afraid of you?” Fang Han smiled coldly: “You think, I have such courage, why? The emperor has a backstage, I don’t have a background? Tell you, my backstage, No more than 狞皇xiao!”

“Who is your backstage?”

“hun1uanHeavenly Monarch!” Fang Han looked at the four emperors, as if looking at the dead: “hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is my guardian. You don’t know what the guardian means! It’s when I’m in danger, he’ll Appeared! And the Emperor’s Father, the disaster Heavenly Monarch, but this is not the case. The disaster Heavenly Monarch has too many sons, thousands of people, what is a dead son? He is willing to make a big move for the son of the Emperor? It is a joke .”

“What? hun1uanHeavenly Monarch!”

All the emperors were shocked and stunned.

This Heavenly Monarch is the forbidden language of all heavens, and no one dares to mention it. At that time, hun1uanHeavenly Monarch turned out to heaven, hun chaos, eternal, disaster, Lei Di, killing the five Heavenly Monarch are not able to help him! Let him escape the heavens! In front of this Heavenly Monarch, all the emperors are ants.

If hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is really the guardian of Fang Han, then the disaster Heavenly Monarch will not act rashly.

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