Eternal Life

Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280

The two ancestors of the “Baojie”, the Wings of Liberty, and the legendary staff are all equivalent to the Heavenly Monarch level. Using the means of calculation, it is impossible to calculate the existence of a person. Then the person must be sheltered by the ancient Heavenly Monarch. .

“Since stealing the treasure of the treasure world, then this rule can not be broken, we can dispatch Expert, take the person over?”

Dong’s eye suddenly opened.

“Alright, we have to guard the treasure world, can not shake, dong look at the eyes, you send a few powerful King Grade Immortal Artifact to go.” The sound of the legendary stick sounded.


Dong’s eye is about to stand up.

“Freedom, legend, do you have to deal with the people I guard?” Suddenly, an extremely tyranny thought runs directly through the treasure world, condense enters the hall, and then forms a tall and stalwart form, carrying a mixed 1uan Will, come here to arrive.

“Mix 1uanHeavenly Monarch!”

Two great magical treasures were taken aback.

At the same time, the body appears, the wing of freedom is a man wearing blue clothes, and the legendary stick is the brocade suit, embroidered with an epic chapter on the clothes.

“Freedom, legend, you know, your treasure is extremely dangerous? Heaven has prepared a plan to collect the treasure world, that disaster, eternal, chaos, killing, the five great Heavenly Monarch, is preparing to join forces to destroy the treasure ?”

The idea of ​​mixing 1uanHeavenly Monarch appeared and immediately made a rolling sound.

“Mix 1uanHeavenly Monarch, what you said is true? Heaven is now being besieged by the barbarian army. If you don’t care, you will still care about our treasure.” The wing of freedom is slow and succinct: “I know that you were many years ago, anti Out of heaven, now come back, want to use our treasure to fight against heaven?”

“Baojie? What is the best use? Are you two big.magical treasure? Although it is also the Heavenly Monarch realm, but it can’t compete with heaven. If it is still, the Heavenly Monarch is still there, but it has enough deterrent to heaven, but Duobaodao has long disappeared with the origin of the immortal king.”

Mixed 1uanHeavenly Monarch’s body is still very stalwart: “Barbarians and aliens, it is a dying struggle, can not shake the heavens a half sweat mao. Disaster, eternal, chaotic, killing, Lei Di has become a reality, difficult to shake. You treasure The only thing waiting for the world is perdition. Moreover, I tell you that the other side of the emperor has been wooed by the heavens. He is coveted by your treasure. If the whole treasure is not sealed by the forbidden art of Duobaodao, he has long been Come in and plunder the treasure. Even swallow the entire treasure.”

“The emperor’s bank, the bank of the other side of the Pure Land of China, Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, is a long time longer than us. It has already moved to our treasure world! Really has joined forces with Heaven?”

The face of Artifact Spirit, the avatar of the legend, flashed a smudge.

“Yes, and the disaster of Heavenly Monarch’s Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, redemption has been great, eternal Heavenly Monarch, chaos, killing their Saint Grade Immortal Artifact has also been completely condense, they are waiting, waiting for the best time. Sweeping Myriad Heavenly Domain, don’t say your treasure world, and ‘Danjie’, the spirit world… have to face the disaster.”

“Danjie was actually found by the heavens?” The two Saint Grade Immortal Artifacts were all very shocking.

Danjie is a world composed of many Dan yao, a great man of ancient times. It has been hidden so deeply, but it has been found by Heaven.

“Mix 1uanHeavenly Monarch, are you coming to work with us?”

“Yes, if Tian Ting is going to deal with your treasure, I can come forward and shock the heavens.” Mix 1uanHeavenly Monarch.

“What are the conditions? I don’t believe you have such kindness.” The two Saint Grade Immortal Artifacts said at the same time.

“The condition is, do you tell me where the treasure of Heavenly Monarch and the origin of the fairy king went?” 1uanHeavenly Monarch said: “And, the young man I guarded, Fang Han, he is now taking the treasure, you give him Providing enough convenience, although I guarded him, but now the strength of heaven is getting stronger and stronger, sometimes I can’t be separated, I have to let him grow up. From now on, as long as it is not Heavenly Monarch, he will deal with him. I have to deal with it myself.”

“The young man, who is the reincarnation of the people, is it the creation of the king?”

“The creation of the king may still exist, perhaps into the Gate to Eternity, perhaps reincarnation, maybe this young man.” Mixed 1uanHeavenly Monarch said: “However, this time the era of the collapse of the era, getting closer, Heaven will sweep the Dang Myriad Heavenly Domain, plunder all things, and rob the catastrophe. You will never be able to escape. If you can cooperate with me, you two major .magical treasures, there may be another era.”

“Mix 1uanHeavenly Monarch, you have already passed through many eras. If you can teach us how to escape the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth, everything is fine.”

Two major Saint Grade Immortal Artifact roads.


Mixed 1uanHeavenly Monarch cross-legged sat down: “Through you have learned from the experience of the world, our cooperation has officially begun. My idea is to come to Danjie and discuss with Danao. “…………..


At this point, Ascension Sect.

Among the mysterious halls, Fang Han is constantly absorbing the spirit of the “Holy Spiritual Spirit”. The more he sucks, the more and more violent, and the number of crystal gods in the body is not only growing.

The vitality of the Holy Spirit is different, and once it is captured, the blood rou of the whole body will become sacred.

This time, if he did not show his identity and received the ultimate trust of the Emperor, the Emperor Huang would never open the Holy Spirit to let him directly.

“Swallow the world!”

Finally, this time, Fang Han almost completely let go of his body and mind, not only the self-crystal gods, but also the major .magical treasure are swallowed up, even some of the barbarian army charged in the totem tank, It also infiltrates into the vitality of the Holy Spirit, allowing them to grow rapidly and then increase the power of the totem pot.

At the end of the day, Fang Han’s whole body is almost one with the Holy Spirit, regardless of each other.

“Yu Huang, his degree of seizure is more horrible than a hundred saints! Let him take it down like this. This holy order must be restored to at least tens of thousands of years. This dramatic reduction Enthusiastically, the group of Chinese people is afraid to impeach you again, and even take the opportunity to make a big slogan.”

Artifact Spirit is worried, her mouth is wide open, watching Fang Han such a fierce swallow, can’t believe his gaze.

Fang Han is now swallowing up the energy needed for more than a hundred saints to advance. Still consuming.

“This time it is bleeding.” Yuhuang also had some unbelievable, but his eyes were calm: “Fang Han this child, once promoted, it is almost invincible, it is a great help for me, I use the Bible of faith, just calculated For a moment, it seems that there is a danger to be close to me.”

“What is the danger?” The sword of the Church is a shackle.

“I don’t know, I can’t figure it out, it’s the telepathy in the dark.” Yu Huang shook his head. “But this danger is not the same. I never figured it out before, but I got the cultivation of Divine Fist by Fang Han.” The method, which counts all the Bibles of faith, finally begins to understand the secret of faith in the underworld. Thanks to Fang Han.”

“He started to rob.”

The sacred sword just had to talk, and suddenly saw a robbery shrouded. These robbery clouds are not ordinary black clouds, black clouds, but a chaotic gas.

“Oops, this is actually the most powerful catastrophe. It contains the power of the universe. According to the truth, this robbery can only be met when it is promoted to Heavenly Monarch. How can it appear when it is promoted to the saint?”

Yuhuang was shocked and he did not have such a robbery.

At this moment, he looked at it, in the midst of it, the void was shattered, and the power of the killing was passed over, all of which concentrated on the top of Fang Han, condense into a chaotic ancient god.

The lower body of this chaotic ancient god is unclear, and the upper body can be seen in a vague way. It is a long-shoulder man, a whole body chaotic armor, a big hand, and the vast force of the world is pouring into the body of Fang Han. Immediately, Fang Han’s crystal gods exploded in the body, and the Eucharist ruined more than half.

But in the next moment, a patch of sky crystals rose and his body recovered again.

In the treasure house of the Heavenly Zen Emperor, he got the best of the eighteen cylinders of Buddha, all of which turned into a crystal fog, almost endless regenerative capacity.

At this moment, he also knew that the situation was very dangerous. The chaos that appeared on his head robbed the clouds. The majesty that Chaos God gave him seemed to be Heavenly Monarch directly attacking him with his thoughts, killing him, but now his heart is like water, a little bit Not fluctuating.

Entered a sacred realm.

Among all his ideas, a heavenly sanctuary, is slowly condensing the shaped body.

The robbery was changed again. The chaotic ancient god ruined Fang Han nine times in a row, and Fang Han reborn nine times. The chaotic ancient god suddenly turned into a Mongolian god, with a spell, wrapped Fang Han all in it and wiped it out. .

Every spell seems to be a ruin of heaven and earth, breaking into the body of Fang Han, and then exploding, and Fang Han is torn apart, and the core of the gods collapses.

However, no matter how it breaks, Fang Han will recover in the next moment. He seems to have grasped an eternal context.

The number of robbers in the same way, turned into sky marks, the sky track, and then gathered into a ripple of the road, flocking to Fang Han.

“Tianbo robbed!” Yuhuang once again was shocked. The wave of the day was extremely powerful. It was composed of countless days of marks and heavenly tracks. The giant array of daring, a wave of surging, and strong characters, must be devastated.

However, Fang Han seems to be getting stronger and stronger in the day of the robbery. Asking to stand in the sky wave, become a nongchao child, punching and punching in a row, punching all the waves, then making a big mouth, and turning the sky wave all They are all inhaled.

All the sky waves were swept away, and the day robbers gradually dispersed.

Fang Han physically, there is a very rich sacred Aura.

The Emperor looked at the past with amazement, and the power on him is almost the combined strength of more than a hundred saints.

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