Eternal Life

Chapter 1279

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-nine chapters

“Yes, this thing can’t have any effect on Lord’s father. You must know that my brothers are staring at me.” Huang said: “Now the heavens are very special, and the major sects must be closely united. I am instructing you to start with the Yuhuang XXXX. If there is no evidence, if there is evidence, the Emperor is still alive, come up to heaven, and eternal Heavenly Monarch, bsp; “This point, we have already discussed it. Now Hua Wenchang, it is necessary to make it clear to you that you must first start with your Chinese family, and you will take up the name of the righteousness. We can only secretly kill it. “The Emperor said again.

“This, we understand that you are acting on behalf of the heavenly court. If you kill the emperor, then it means that the heavens began to start with the major sects. The impact of this, even the Heavenly Monarch can not bear the consequences, pursue the responsibility. Come, you are afraid that you can’t escape.” Hua Wenchang said: “This matter is serious xing, I know deeply that there will be no mistakes. In fact, many of our Chinese Powerhouses have long planned to imprison the Emperor. I stepped down, but I didn’t think about killing him. After all, he is the highest force of our Ascension Sect.”

“What are you afraid of? Killing him, your Chinese family is truly in power, and the disaster is backed by Heavenly Monarch.”

Dark Emperor.

“That is natural.” The Emperor nodded: “Kill the Emperor, Ascension Sect and Extreme Unity Sect. From then on, there will be no more hostility. And I will give you a lot of magical treasures, practice materials, and even let you go to the book. Once in the world, watch the opportunity of the Emperor’s martial arts.”

“Is this true?”

“There is no vain.”

“That’s good, a word is fixed!”

Hua Wenchang said: “When are you going to kill the Emperor?”

“Nature is as fast as possible, and it is solved together with the wind. In ten days, because after ten days, it is the battle of heaven genius. The wind power is very strong, I am afraid it will destroy our plan and marry the eternal Heavenly Monarch. s plan.”

The emperor ordered the order.

“Well, I will go back, prepare for a day or two, discuss with many Chinese Powerhouses, and then find an excuse to lead the emperor. Enter your ambush circle and kill in one fell swoop, but this person has been cultivation to reach Life. The realm of as Heaven and Earth has a perception of any danger. No one can kill him with a little movement.”

“Oh, this thing, I have already thought of it, so I took out a redemption of the King of the King, and after the burning, the door is covered with the heavens.” The Emperor moved his hand. “This is Saint Grade Immortal Artifact Redeeming Heavenly Monarch refining You take it and integrate it into your body, not only to strengthen your own strength, but also to make you realize the redemption of the Holy Law. For this Spirit Talisman, I have made a blood.”

The redemption of Heavenly Monarch is the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact redemption. The disaster Heavenly Monarch took several epochs to refine. The strength is almost comparable to himself.

This level of magical treasure, the refinement of the symbol, the world, the power.

Hua Wenchang’s body was shocked. He naturally knew the benefits of this level of symbolicity. He took over the symbol and believed that the Emperor Huang was the real bleeding and wanted to kill the Emperor.

“Well, since the Emperor is so sincere, then I am not welcome, just leave a message and send a letter to you as soon as possible.” Between the words, he flew up and disappeared.

“Yu Huang, is this Hua Wenchang reliable?”

Seeing that Hua Wenchang was gone, the Dark Emperor suddenly said.

“Huajia has long wanted to be in the position. This time I finally got the opportunity. I saw that Hua Wenchang has already started.” Huang Huangdao: “So I bleed, and gave him the redemption symbol, which made him feel relieved.” Killing the feathers is not the same as Xiao, and all the antiques of the Chinese family must be used to pave the way for us. The counterattack of the Emperor must definitely kill many emperors, and the backs of these people are necessary.”

“Yu Huang, although the wind is a xiao character, but can not be ignored, the magical treasure on the body is stronger than a piece. Totem’s can, this is the world’s treasure, the ghost of the Buddha, the body of the Zen Emperor, all right We have a huge role, and the value is no less than that of the Emperor, but it must also be wiped out.”

“This xiaozi is a matter of air, but it is here. It is always a xiao character, and the Culture Base is his fatal flaw.”

“I came to solve this xiaozi personally, and burned him with the sun.” The lord of the Sun God Palace.

“Well, let’s prepare, that xiaozi can’t count anything. Yuhuang is the real enemy. Life as Heaven and Earth’s Supreme Powerhouse, we must be prepared to pay enough.”

“The King Grade Immortal Artifact on the feather king, the sword of the temple is a real good thing, this time you are sure to win.”

“Oh, of course, this woman I have been coveting for a long time, about you still don’t know, why I always wanted to plunder this woman, because this woman is the key to open the ancient church.” It’s up to you: “To tell you the truth, Yu Huang is the most promising to promote Heavenly Monarch’s Powerhouse since the pasture, so he must be killed in the hustle and bustle. Once promoted to Heavenly Monarch, no one can stop him. .”

“Is the ancient sanctuary really there?”

The Dark Emperor, the Emperor, the Yan Emperor, and the Emperor were shocked.

“Yes, the ancient sanctuary is the heavenly court of the previous generation. It has not been shattered. It just broke into the distant time and space. Even Heavenly Monarch can’t figure out the position. Only Xian Wang can see the clue, but unfortunately now The three great kings of the heavens, the creation, the origin, and the truth have disappeared. No one can find the ancient temple. However, if the sword of the temple in the hands of the emperor is forged to the highest level, you can feel the place of the church. The first treasure of the heavens is the ancient church.”

The emperor laughed happily, very gloomy and secret.

“Then we will start preparing.”

“Is the soul of the lords ready to go?”

“Already cao practiced purely, killing the feathers, it is bound to get.”……….

Many emperors are gearing up, ready to start, murderously rushing into the sky.

Heterogeneous Space.

In a wonderful world, everywhere is full of treasure, the thick treasure is like mercury, heavy, beautiful, slightly first-class, the air will ring the rumble of the sound.

This treasure is not knowing how many billions of years, countless magical treasures come together.

Every piece of luck is passed on, and it is a peerless material for exercising magical treasure.

Among these treasures, there are countless magical treasures of the constant number of constant river sands, all of which are Immortal Artifacts, swimming in the treasures, just like living in paradise.

What’s even more amazing is that Immortal Artifact and Immortal Artifact are combined, male Artifact Spirit, female Artifact Spirit double repair, with the help of qi, you can derive xiaomagical treasure, just like cultivate Dao students.

This is a magical treasure of the world.

“Bao Jie.”


In the depths of the treasure world, countless tyrannical Immortal Artifacts are wandering. Suddenly, a strangely shaped shape of the eyeball magical treasure appears. This magical treasure radiates tyrannical power, which makes many King Grade Immortal Artifacts look at it. .

“The eyes of the dong inspection appeared. Is it what it is? Are you going to report it?”

“He is responsible for monitoring the entire treasure world, and attracting many of the heavenly magical treasures to the treasure world. This is definitely what happened? Otherwise, I will not rush to the Duobao Hall to alarm the giants.”

“Cultivation Base of dong’s eye is getting higher and higher. He can already compete with the first King Grade Immortal Artifact in the heavens.

“I really hope that the two will come to a great war. Let’s see.”

“I hope that the gun of judgment, the sword of loss, the spear of revenge, all become members of our treasure. Our many magical treasures should be united and not enslaved by cultivators, we should enslave cultivator!”

Among the treasures, there are many powerful King Grade Immortal Artifacts, some Magic Force is equivalent to saints, and some are equivalent to Supreme Immortal, and they are all talking.

The eye of dong, the magical treasure of the state of the eye, suddenly changed into a sly man, walking in the treasure world, time flies, and soon, came to a wide hall, above the temple , written in three large characters, Duobao Temple. In the depths of the hall, several sturdy Auras are squatting on each other, seemingly Aura of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, equivalent to the great existence of Heavenly Monarch.

This is the real master of the whole treasure world.

It is precisely these masters who have not been destroyed by the heavens. Otherwise, such a masculine world of magical treasures is coveted by any powerful existence.

“Several ancestors, there is a strange thing.”

The man from the eyes of the dong inspection entered the hall and immediately began to call.

After a long time, a voice woke up: “What?”

“I now have Expert, cultivation to communicate the technology of the treasure world. But after those treasures are delivered, there is no slight feedback. It seems that someone steals the treasure, but it cuts off the connection to the treasure world. Grab the people who steal the arrogance and kill them directly?”

Dong looked at the eye.

“Is there such a thing? I am going to watch Sunday.” A great voice sounded up.

“The legend, you don’t have to look at it, that person, who do I know?” Another great sound is heard.

“Oh? Wings of Liberty? Who is that person? I have been in Insight for a few days, and I am traveling with Great Dao, but I have not been able to observe everything from the outside world.”

“The man, the lower bound has soared up, and my sense of him is also intermittent. This person and the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch have a lot of chances and air transport, and recently, this person has got an extreme I can’t sense his existence because of the tyrannical character shelter.”

“Which sheltered his tyrannical character, is Heavenly Monarch? I don’t know which Heavenly Monarch? Freedom Wing, with your Culture Base, can you cover the Lord’s perceived Lord? It must be a lot of people who have lived a lot of hun chaos. This kind of Heavenly Monarch level Expert, I am afraid it is not a nameless generation? Is it the number of people in the heavens, and some old antiques in the world?”…………

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