Eternal Life

Chapter 1277

Chapter 1 277

“It’s a good life, it’s a Lifehouse of Life as Heaven and Earth.”

Fang Han saw the four swords of Yuhuang in succession, breaking the cause and effect, fate, dust, casting immortality, and secretly admiring that this person has already entered the realm of causation.

Heavenly Monarch is the result of separation from cause and effect, karma, karma, and heaven and earth.

The “Sword of the Church” now absorbs the treasure of the “Baojie”, but it has not been bound by the treasure world. This is obviously a method used by the Emperor to use the power of creation to derive a magical method.

“The temple, how do you feel?”

Standing with the sword, the Emperor threw the sword into the air and suspended it.

“Very good, the treasure of the treasure world has great benefits for my body. If I continue to do so for many years, I will definitely have the chance to reach the peak of King Grade Immortal Artifact, the more the gun of the trial.” The sacred sword smashed the twelve-wing woman road.

“Now the first King Grade Immortal Artifact in Heaven is the gun of judgment. It is infinitely close to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. Even if Heavenly Monarch can’t destroy it, its power is about several times that of you, and it is more and more me. “Yuhuangdao: “Now, with the help of Fang Han, you can break the attraction of the treasure world and seize its treasure. This can be described as stealing, but it cannot be captured on a large scale. Otherwise, it will cause the treasure world. At the attention of Powerhouse, by that time, stealing ji would not erode the rice.”

“Not bad.” Fang Han also understood this time, it is ok to take the treasure from the treasure world, because it will be pulled by the treasures in the future.

However, now I have gained the treasure of the treasure world, and with the secret method to cut off the traction of the treasure world, this is equivalent to stealing, let the powerful existence of the treasure world know, the scourge is not shallow.

But then again, the role of this kind of arrogance is really big, obviously knowing that it will cause trouble for the big day, still people want to steal.

“Fang Han, you are still in contact with the treasure world. I will use the Dao technique I just realized to kill these connections for you, but you will continue to learn from the treasures of the treasure world in the future, and the links will continue to flow?蚍蜉 Standing on the beach, there is no way to describe the boundlessness of this thread.

That starry sky, the sacred Aura, a bsp; “This is a holy thread of our Ascension Sect, and the only one, when the Chinese Heavenly Monarch was moved from the outer territory with the Supreme Divine Ability. A starry world, sealed. This holy thread can breed Ascension Sect countless saints, Supreme Immortal. With it, our Ascension Sect can last forever, without it, our Ascension Sect will decline, so To open it, very cautious, I originally wanted to test you. Let you have enough loyalty to my Ascension Sect, and finally let you cultivate, but now, since you are the Sectmaster of Ascension Sect, you are qualified to The Spirit has become a saint.”

Yuhuang pointed to the depths.

Fang Han breathed, the vitality of the sacred spirit of the emptiness, and the sacred poetry, into the body, immediately absorbed the three great saints Essence Blood, the body of the law began to appear thousands of black dong, Turned into a crystal long river.

He wants to absorb enough sacred spirits, and then burns in one fell swoop, screaming from the air, breaking through and proposing to a true saint.

As long as he is promoted to a saint, his life expectancy will increase greatly, and it will be more convenient to urge the Emperor of Heaven.

“Unexpectedly, my Ascension Sect actually appeared such a peerless spirit, it is really great.” Yu Huang looked at Fang Han, the crystal of the gods, and sighed.

“I may be tempted to devour the spirit of the Holy Spirit for a while, but I have a hunch that he is promoted to the realm of the saints, and the sacred robbery will be very terrible.” Artifact Spirit Twelve-wing woman.

“There is nothing. It is impossible to be more terrible than the Life as Heaven and Earth that I have spent. It is the place where I forged the sanctuary, the source of faith, and the number of robberies is easy to resolve.” Road.

“Look at how he has changed.”………

Just when Fang Han absorbed the holy thread and accumulated energy, in the extremely high heaven, the infinite heavenly palace, I don’t know how many billions of miles, standing on the heavenly palace, moving towards the earth below, you can see the whole The land of the heavens is divided into large states, with a population of 100,000, occupying the most fertile land and the most abundant center of heaven.

However, relative to the entire heaven, 100,000 big states are equal to a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning.

Outside the 100,000-odd state, there are endless oceans, Yuanshi forests, wild land, deserts, deserted ancient cities, and outer boundaries……… These areas are full of black air, filled with barbaric Aura.

The Ten Thousand Great States in Tianting is the land of cultivator. Outside the 100,000-strong state, it is the barbarian, the aliens, and some demon cultivators, Heavenly Demon, fierce beasts, and the beasts of the beasts.

Heaven! It is like the existence of a giant, guarding the general cultivator of the constant rivers in the 100,000-strong state of the heavens, and shocking the barbarians outside, the devil’s head, and the alien creatures do not invade.

Heaven! Suspended in the sky, it is constructed one after another, and it will last forever until the end of the void, the last moment of time.

At this moment, in a heavenly palace on the southeast side of the heavenly court, in front of the magnificent and magnificent residence, there is a memorial archway with three large characters “狞皇府”.

In the depths of the “Yuhuangfu”, on the throne of the throne, this emperor is carried. This emperor is cold and looks good, but it gives a feeling of insidious, poisonous, evil, and deceitful. He is no longer a human being, but an insidious embodiment.

This is what makes the Supreme Emperor, the sorrowful and sorrowful.

“Hua Wenchang, you came to see me today, but for Ascension Sect disciple to kill my son Zhao Fenghua pleaded.”

The emperor began to be silent, suddenly opening his mouth, and a sigh of anger filled the surrounding area. An old antique body sitting in front of him trembled.

“Hua Wenchang, this thing, although it was born in the bloody trial, according to the rules of the heavens, I can not find revenge, but everyone knows that I have never taken care of the rules, because in heaven, I am the rule. This matter has not been discussed. Unless you are killing Zhao Fenghua’s disciple jiao, you will also bring your Ascension Sect a female disciple with a special body of thirty-six. Send it to me and let the emperor be in front of you. Headmaster’s face is dead, this grievance can be resolved, I will not find the Ascension Sect disciple in the future.”

Between the Emperor and the Emperor, 1uo1uo is no one, and his request is actually in front of the Ascension Sect Sectmaster, and the female disciples in the martial art are killed!

This is already a metamorphosis, and the distortion of the mind reaches a limit before it can be done.

“This………the female democracy with a special body, thirty-six….Our Ascension Sect only has the yu bone ice muscle imaginary cloud that female disciple, there are several to the soft body, cartilage fat….” Hua Wenchang The face is embarrassed, and more than a dozen goddess figures are said: “These female disciples can be dedicated to you, but in the face of the feathers, there are some difficulties. After all, this is not a glorious Things have a big impact on the reputation of my Ascension Sect.”

“Yes? The reputation of Ascension Sect?”

The emperor smiled, but the smile was very evil, and it made people feel cold and trembled: “If the Dao Lineage of Ascension Sect is gone, what is the use of reputation? Hua Heavenly Monarch has disappeared, perished, fallen, this Heaven, many people don’t mind letting Ascension Sect disappear.”

“Yu Huang, this thing is really embarrassing. You also know that Yu Huang is the Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth. If he is angry, except for Heavenly Monarch, I am afraid…” Hua Wenchang’s face is very ugly.

“Life as Heaven and Earth? You mean, I don’t have cultivation to the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, so take him to pressure me?”

“No, no…” Hua Wenchang quickly said: “I don’t mean this. Don’t kill me. I have this courage to oppress the emperor.”

“Yes? I believe that you don’t have this courage.” Aura, the scarlet tongue bleeds Aura: “So, he can’t watch it, let him take King Grade Immortal Artifact, the sword of the church, lend me Play for two days. The Artifact Spirit of the Templar is also a great woman….”

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