Eternal Life

Chapter 1276

Fang Han and Ascension Sect Headmaster “Huang Huang” talked for a long time, and both sides eliminated the mustard in their hearts. {}

When Fang Han was the supreme Scen Headmaster of the lower bound, the Emperor Huang sighed and appreciated the final flourishing exhibition of Ascension Sect.

Fang Han not only described these facts, but also evolved various kinds of figures, depicting the various exhibitions of Ascension Sect in the Protoss robbery, and even showing the “Heaven Origin Strike” of the gdaoist.

This completely thoroughly made the feathers believe in the facts.

Do not say anything else, just the relationship with the gengeng gDaoist’s descendants, the value of Fang Han is immeasurable, Yu Huang knows that after the inheritance of gDaoist, it will definitely enter the mysterious treasure of heaven. The secret of the door g secret, will be earth-shattering when it is born in the future.

The end of the Holy King will eventually get out of trouble. Once it comes out, sweeping the heavens, no one can be enemies.

At the moment, in this hall, Fang Han first passed the cultivation secret of “Supreme Wanbao Dashengzheng” to “Yuhuang”.

“Yuhuang” is not the “Life as Heaven and Earth” Powerhouse. After getting this law, a little move, immediately cultivation success, the condense on the palm of the hand, a singularity, above the symbol, the shadow of the treasure world Appeared, the huge treasures of the volcano dang, tumbling, like a sea.

“It’s really amazing. Is this the strength of Life as Heaven and Earth? I haven’t gotten more than one tenth of it.” Fang Han was shocked and knew that the gap between him and Yuhuang was too big. .

However, the Emperor of the Emperor caught a group of sturdy treasures and did not fit into the body of the King Grade Immortal Artifact.

“Duobao Heavenly Monarch is worthy of the Heavenly Monarch, the establishment of the treasure world, the secret of this secret, the purpose is actually to make the magical treasure soar.”

“Is the magical treasure soaring?” Fang Han was shocked.

“Yes, this Dao technique, directly taking advantage of the treasures of the treasure world to replace any material that condenses the magical treasure, can be said to capture the creation of the heavens and the earth, acting against the sky. So there must be defects, that is, you take more treasure, that magical The treasure is contaminated with the Aura of the treasure world. It is getting stronger and stronger, and finally it will be attracted by the treasure world. You will eventually lose this magical treasure.”

The word of the feathers of the emperor: “Duobao Heavenly Monarch is really a good calculation. No wonder the ancient era, many of the expert’s treasure are missing.”

“This is actually the case!” Fang Han immediately warned: “There is no way to crack.”

In his mind, he quickly calculated, and he really saw the “wing of freedom” and “the legendary shackles”…. These magical treasures that have been condensed by “petal” are contaminated with Aura in the treasure world, seemingly gradually, and The connection between the treasures is getting closer and closer. After being strong to a certain extent, it will surely break through and enter the treasure world and become a part of the magical treasure army.

Even my own body has encountered such a situation.

His body has been trained to resemble the existence of a magical treasure, and it has also absorbed the glory. If it is strong again, it may be lifted by the traction of the treasure world.

“Fang Han, you cultivated this Dao technique. I think it is difficult to promote the saint.” Yu Huang shook his head again and again: “With your current savings, once you are promoted to a saint, the power is amazing, and the earth-shattering is not enough to describe it. The power of traction in the treasure world will definitely make you soar. From then on, you will never be able to come out in the treasure world. You know, in the treasure world, there is Saint Grade Immortal Artifact equivalent to Heavenly Monarch. Sitting in the town, whoever can enter it can do nothing, the treasure world can compete against heaven, otherwise, Heavenly Monarch of Heaven, has long joined forces to encircle the treasure world.”

“This is true, the treasure world does not know how much magical treasure, King Grade Immortal Artifact, if it can be incorporated into the control of the heavens, the strength will be greatly enhanced.” Fang Han heard that he was promoted to a saint and more First Layer difficulties, suddenly a little vigilant, I kept running Zhou Tianyi’s calculations to see if I could resolve this obstacle.

33 Skies does not absorb the treasure, perhaps from this aspect can find a way to get rid of the arrogance, or else to promote the saints, it is necessary to fly to the treasure world, it is not tolerable.

“This problem is very tricky.” Yuhuang had some embarrassment and shook his head: “I just built this sincerity and pushed the treasure. Now the fact is that the treasure is forged by Heavenly Monarch, this Heavenly Monarch was the first Heavenly Monarch of the original King of the Year, and the means is far from what we can match. Right, you are not getting too much of the Heavenly Monarch’s Dao Lineage?”

“That’s just to talk about it. My real identity is Fang Han. I said everything is a stopgap measure.” Fang Han smiled and said: “But I have a magical treasure on my body, which is not affected by the treasure, but I am Dao technique. Still shallow, can’t figure it out, you can give Senior Brother Insight Insight.”

After thinking for a long time, Fang Han whole body moved, and there were thirty-three pieces of magical treasure behind it.

“this is!”

The Emperor, the Artifact Spirit woman of the Sword of the Temple, has a big eye: “This is an artifact, 33 Skies.”

“Yes, this is 33 Skies.” Fang Han said: “I know that this is stealing the creation, it is a matter of going against the sky, and the heavens know that I am afraid to pick up the Xuan **o, but this is for me. Ascension Sect thinks, it can’t be considered. I believe that Senior Brother can keep this secret. Of course, even if the secret violence 1u, I leave Ascension Sect at most, if Heaven sends an Expert to chase, then the Lord behind me will naturally come out to solve this matter.”

“Lord behind you, isn’t the end of the seal of the saint? Is there another person?”

Yu Huang seems to have heard some clues, waking up from the shock of 33 Skies.

“Behind me is an old Heavenly Monarch, and my guardian, who once turned out the existence of heaven.” Fang Han said with a serious tone: “So, Senior Brother don’t have to worry about Ascension Sect without Heavenly Monarch guardian, Heaven can’t help me.”

“Reversing the ancient Heavenly Monarch of Heaven, was once ……… hun1uanHeavenly Monarch.” The Emperor remembered a person and blurted out.

“Yes, it’s hun1uanHeavenly Monarch.” Fang Han smiled: “The last time I was saddened by the troubles of St. Nangong, it was hun1uanHeavenly Monarch’s idea, and he was surrendered. Later, he might have got the hun1uanHeavenly Monarch’s pointing Dao technique. In one fell swoop, he reached the realm of Supreme Immortal and became the emperor.”

“Unfortunately, if I can see this ancient Heavenly Monarch side, it is a great honor.” Yu Huang exclaimed: “But I want to improve the realm now, even if Heavenly Monarch is pointing, it is useless, you must understand yourself. Breaking the boundaries of the world and leaving the era. Only then can you enter the Heavenly Monarch position.”

“If I can improve the realm step by step, the hun1uanHeavenly Monarch’s induction will become more and more tyrannical. At that time, you can communicate with this predecessor. Well, the Emperor Senior Brother, what do you think about watching this 33 Skies? Can you? To figure out some clues? You know, this 33 Skies is not contaminated with treasure.”

Fang Han tried to motivate this set of qi, in the void, the unknown power of creation rolled down, and his whole body was rendered crystal clear.

“Sacred Church, fully cooperate with me, deduct the power of this creation, this is a great opportunity for you and me to be able to comprehend the creation. For my Ascension Sect Dao technique, there is a great assist, my Ascension Sect’s founder, Hua Heavenly Monarch got The favor of the immortal king, the gift of creation, but unfortunately Divine Fist has not been able to pass down, but our Foundation of Ascension Sect is the evolution of Divine Fist, if you can now get the true face of Divine Fist, then for me It’s really a big benefit.”

Yuhuang did not hesitate, shouting, holding a big hand, the sword of the temple was caught in the hand, swept to 33 Skies to the treasure, the long whale absorbed, and absorbed a lot of gasification from above.

“The feathers are flying, Great Dao Xuan Gong.”

Yuhuang got the power of these creations, immediately compressed, and concentrated into a plastic crystal of a fist big xiao, to be integrated into the blade, but unfortunately, the power of this creation is basically motionless, and it is really unbearable. .

The Emperor of the Emperor repeatedly displayed the swordsmanship, and even played a Divine Ability similar to the Divine Fist. It still couldn’t accommodate the power of creation. It seems that the power of creation is a unique means of Fang Han. No one except him can. Refinery.

“This is the secret of cultivation of Divine Fist.” Fang Han conveyed the past and passed on the past: “But the Emperor’s Senior Brother does not understand the realm of heaven and earth. It is difficult to refine the power of creation. And without 33 Skies, it is difficult. Take the gas of creation.”

“Enough! With the cultivation secret of 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, I will be able to comprehend the supreme truth. Although it is impossible to advance to the realm of Heavenly Monarch, the strength will multiply!” Yu Huangchang Xiaolian, Space shock dang, that made The force kept spinning, suddenly spread out and disappeared into the air, but his face, the sparkling crystal, the structure of the body seems to be undergoing a series of changes.

With his Culture Base, “Life as Heaven and Earth”, it is very difficult to break through, but once it breaks through, it is also very useful for the growth of strength.

“The sword of the church, once again promoted, deductive, and cast!”

He held the sword of the sacred church and stabbed it in the void. Every time he hit it, the void would split, and the Sword Qi led to a distant depth, unknown to many different spaces.

Every time the alien Space breaks, it sends a message and Aura.

Finally, the plume whole body is shaking, the huge force almost even Fang Han has flew out, a sword assassination, the past and the future all run through, faintly about Fang Han saw that the treasure world was once again opened, a long river The crystal clear treasure came out of the air, all of which were integrated into the sword of the Church of the Templar.

The sword of the church, the whole body of the sword creaked, it seems that the structure is changing.

“One sword breaks the cause and effect, the second sword smashes the fate, the three swords break the dust, and the four swords casts immortality!” The feathers of the emperor smashed out four swords against the void, and each sword was completely natural, and everything was broken, Fang Han only felt the emptiness of the sky, and the connection with the treasure world was actually cut off.

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