Eternal Life

Chapter 1274

First thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters

“The wind has been completely enchanted by this person. In the near future, it will definitely become a big devil. We can’t compete with him for the time being. Go back and report this matter to the ancestors and let him do it. decision.”

Hua Zhentian’s heart is about to burst into tears by Fang Han.

He was in a hurry to Wan Xi’an, Zhu Chongyang Road.

At this time, Zhu Chongyang, Wan Xi’an is no longer reluctant, all horrified, and will leave immediately.

Even the three ancient saints swallowed up, and the three of them were in the eyes of Fang Han.

“The ancestor of the Chinese ancestor, Hua Wenchang, has gone to heaven, and he met with the Emperor, and he had a good fruit to eat.”

“We will avoid it first.”

The three men flew in secret.

“Hey! Even if Hua Wenchang went to see the Emperor, what happened? The Emperor did not cultivate the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth. I dared to come to me for trouble. I must have defeated him by the Zen Emperor and let him kneel down. Go back and tell Hua Wenchang that he is targeting me. I will one day let him know what is called a dead place.”

It was the voice of Fang Han, back to dang in the ears of three people.

The three-person whole body was shocked, such as being thundered, knowing that the voyeur had been made, and all of them immediately hugged their heads and did not dare to look back.

The rat squatted for a long time, leaving here, sure that Fang Han did not catch up, three talents stayed in the air, one by one, unable to tell the distortion and anger.

“It’s too arrogant. Let’s just let us pass the sound and say that let Hua Wenchang’s ancestors have a little bit of heart. Once upon a time, did our Ascension Sect have such a rebellion?”

Hua Zhentian’s hysterical screams to the sky: “God, why don’t you land the next day and kill this arrogant?”

Hua Heavenly Monarch, you see, the Chinese discipline, in such a humiliation, even the ancestors are threatened by evil spirits. ”

“Be sure to go back and put the threat of this person, the original person who told the Chinese family.”

“Yes, let him be the target of criticism.”

“So arrogant, he can’t live for a long time. If Heavenly Monarch returns, he will die immediately.”

After a couple of hysterics, they flew again.

“It’s really three things that don’t know how to live.” Fang Han is still on the battlefield of the Giant Drum Mountains, but he perceives everything. He did not kill the three people.

He is now in the refinement of the body, the Divine Ability of the three saints, the Martial Dao experience, the practice memory, all incorporated into the history of the Immortal Dao civilization.

The Essence Blood rules of these three ancient saints are not the same. If it wasn’t for Fang Han to comprehend the vast technique of the Book of Era, if it wasn’t for him to transform himself into a crystal god country, if it wasn’t for the Zen Emperor’s empowerment, he would greatly expand his body’s capacity, he must To be directly blasted by the laws of the three great saints, Divine Ability.

But now, it is hard to accommodate.


Fang Han stood up and took a hand. The “totem can” caught the hand. The Aura on his body carried the power of the three great saints. It shocked the past and the whole body was shocked. Looking at Fang Han tall. The body is almost going to worship. The prisoner’s law enforcement disciples in that group of heavens are all as earthy and scared to speak.

“You roll! I won’t kill you, but you have to remember that you won’t be able to make a fortune on the site of Ascension Sect in Zhongzhou in the future, otherwise I will see you once, so you can’t ask for survival.”

Fang Han was majestic and unparalleled, directly shocked, and shocked these heavenly prison law enforcement disciples.


A law enforcement discipline will be smashed, but it will be stopped by several leaders. One of the leaders said: “The wind, the green hills are not changing, the green water is flowing, and today we will always remember that there will always be meeting in the future. I hope that you will be so tyrannical forever.”

“That is natural. I am promoted to Heavenly Monarch in the coming day, which is your death.” Fang Han is not welcome: “Give me a roll!”

This group of heavenly prisons law enforcement disciples quickly flew up, the head did not return, disappeared without a trace.

“it is good!”

“Wind Senior Brother is invincible, long life, Life as Heaven and Earth!”

“Wind Senior Brother lives with Tianqi, refining saints. Since then, I see who dare to shoot us Ascension Sect?”……….

After a long time, many disciplines, many cultivators have come back to the world, even the Shengzhou’s saints Expert came to see, “Wind brother, you are a rare peerless experience of billions of years, 300 million years ago, Only one person can stand with you, like you, in the semi-Cultivation Base, you can kill the saint and hurt the emperor, that person is the wilderness, the king of Heavenly Monarch.”

“The prize has been won. This time, you have made a lot of efforts to resist the barbarian army.” Fang Han waved his hand, some Middle Grade Immortal Artifact and several High Grade Immortal Artifact, Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact flew out: “I I just killed the Bao Sheng Wei Zong, and I got a lot of treasure from him. You have been ruined by this person and these treasures are taken.”

“This is really embarrassing.”

A son of the son of Zhangzhou warmed up and looked at the treasures in Fang Han’s hand, and wanted to hold it, and he was embarrassed. As a “treasure saint”, Master Wei Zong, the magical treasure on his body is much more than the average saint, and the quality is very good, just as much as a treasure house.

Although he was unable to refine the King Grade Immortal Artifact, some Peerless Grade Immortal Artifacts have reached the state of the semi-King Grade.

These Immortal Artifacts fall into the hands of Primordial Immortal, and the strength that can be improved is not a little bit. Fang Han was generous and took out a few “half King Grade” gifts.

“What’s embarrassing, the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciple is so arrogant, today you offended him, I am afraid I will go to Chenzhou to find trouble later. More magical treasure, but also self-defense.”

“Zhuzhou is looking for us troubles? They want to die.” The sons of Zhangzhou were filled with indignation. “We will report to Heaven after we return this time.”

“Yeah.” Fang Han wants this sentence: “You, now the barbarian army has been eliminated, the saints of the barbarian are refining by me, you have to re-establish the mountain gate, I contributed some magical treasure, Dan Yao, material Come, imaginary clouds, you host and these cultivators re-establish the overall situation of the mountain gate, I have to go back to cultivation. Completely digest the Essence Blood of the three great saints.”

Between the words, he threw a magical treasure sac into the hands of the imaginary cloud, a shake, disappeared.

There was a tremor in the body of the imaginary cloud. In her heart, there was a heart-shaped magical treasure, which was actually a half-King Grade, which radiated the tyrannical power, which conveyed the consciousness of Fang Han: “This is Wei Zongshi. The strongest magical treasure in the body, called the celestial treasure, after your success, the strength will increase several times. Also, there are many Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact in the magical treasure sac, you pick the discrimination to my loyal minister, give them .”

The imaginary cloud feels the power of the treasures of the heavens, but there is a sudden tenderness in the heart.

“Wind, I will definitely help you build a powerful force….” She squeezed her fist.

Fang Han couldn’t wait to leave the battlefield and return to Ascension Sect because the harvest was too big. He has to go back to Closed door meditation, a good Insight, the secret of the “totem can”, and change all the things of the four saints into their own.

Even now, when I see the Emperor, I can’t get the Holy Spirit from his hands and be promoted directly to the saint.


His body, directly torn the void, a few breaths, arrived in the ancient city of Zhongzhou, Ascension Sect, and then entered the dong days of his own development.

The wing of freedom was refined into a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, which was greatly increased in power. Now he leapt to a big state, basically only a few breaths, faster than the ancient array.

He is imagining, what if the wing of freedom is made into King Grade Immortal Artifact? It is not impossible to have “Supreme Wanbao Dasheng Shinji” as long as he is promoted to a saint.

As soon as he landed in his own dong day, he began to sit down and prepare for Insight cultivation, trying to digest within a few days, and then participate in the genius battle in heaven, taking the first place.

Just at the moment he had just entered, a strong air raid, actually rolled him up, he was taken aback, was about to resist, and suddenly stopped, “Headmaster Supreme call me what?”

He has already felt it, and this power is the Emperor.

“Wind, you are a role.”

Magic Force stopped, Fang Han saw a temple in front, the center of the temple, sitting on the feathers, the King Grade Immortal Artifact “Sword of the Church” is in front of his knees, an Artifact Spirit 冉冉Dissipated, turned into a female pair of twelve pairs of light wings, sacred, seemingly talking to the Yuhuang.

Fang Han’s heart is moving, this female xing is actually higher than Hua Wenchang’s Cultural Base. It can be seen that the King Grade Immortal Artifact has been comparable to the ancient King Grade Immortal Artifact such as the “Judge of the Judge” and the “Sword of Loss”.

“What is the command of the Headmaster Supreme?” Fang Han is quiet.

“Sit down.” Yu Huang took a hand: “This is the place where I am cleaning up. No one can know. I am talking to your jiao now, and the gods and the gods are not able to know. Everything on the battlefield in the edge of Zhongzhou, I now know that even killing four saints and defeating the army with one person, I know that you have this ability, but I did not expect that you have a saint that has long since disappeared, the totem can.”

“The totem pot, Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, in the ages of the Pacific, comparable to Heavenly Monarch, outstanding status, but unfortunately destroyed by the artifact, comparable to the death of the Artifact Spirit of Heavenly Monarch, now the pot is not strong. But it is also shocking the world Treasure.” The twelve-winged woman was slow.

“I don’t know what the Headmaster Supreme wants to say?” Fang Han sat down and took time.

“I ask you, do you want to worship me as a teacher?” asked the Emperor.

“If I can make me promote the realm, I certainly want it.” Fang Han is getting the color.

“Oh? You are a real person, but the strong presence behind you, will you agree with this thing?” Yu Huangdao: “The reason why you are so unscrupulous, there must be a tyrannical figure behind, I don’t know if Tell me to listen?”

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