Eternal Life

Chapter 1273

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-three chapters

“Supreme Wanbao Dasheng Zhenzhen” is able to communicate with the legendary treasure world, and extracts the magical treasure materials that “Pagoda” replaces, which makes Fang Han overjoyed.

He immediately ran this Divine Ability, and took a huge treasure from the “Baojie” and directly entered 33 Skies into the treasure.

Unfortunately, there is no effect at all.

This “treasure” can not be integrated into the 33 Skies, nor can it convert 33 Skies into Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. It seems that this set of treasures must be made into artifacts to be promoted.

He tried to infuse the “petality” into the “legendary”, and immediately this magical treasure changed. Under sufficient rules, he was promoted directly to Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. The killing technique is more perfect, and the power of the legend comes from the air. It is also from the “Baojie”.

Fang Han immediately knew that the legendary saga is probably a power of the “Baojie”, even a dominant figure. After all, this magical treasure is equivalent to the existence of the Heavenly Monarch level, even if it is a heavenly court.

This “legendary of the legend” of his own, with the blessing of the treasure, between the moment, change to Peerless Grade.

The eight bas-reliefs, with the blessing of the treasure, also began to change in size, reaching the peak of the Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, the eight major .magical treasure, the ray of light, the dragon’s dragon’s dragon interest is even more boundless.

A piece of dragon scale rune, which constitutes a great array, seems to re-condense into a dragon.

Apart from this, those dragon scale runes also form the dragon scale sword, the dragon scale knife, the dragon scale axe… many weapons, a little rotation, thousands of weapons will be shot out, like a weapon tower.

The weapon tower was spinning around, slowly suppressing it, and it appeared everywhere to break the majesty of the heavens and the earth.

The eight floats have once again changed.

“Yellow Springs Diagram, now is your turn to be promoted!” Fang Han moved around and put a lot of “petal” into the Yellow Springs Diagram. Immediately this picture was promoted and incorporated into a large number of After the law, it also became a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact.

“It seems that 33 Skies is still a treasure, you still need to make artifacts of the artifacts to be promoted, apart from this, all magical treasures can use the treasure to temper.” Fang Han secretly nodded, although did not promote 33 Skies, but put another All magical treasures have been promoted.

This is also a huge gain, especially the promotion of “Wings of Liberty”. Afterwards, the flight is faster and the changes are more unpredictable. Even if it is a saint’s hand, it has to be scrupulous about this unpredictable degree.

The promotion of “The Legend of the Legend” also brought him a lot of power.

What’s more fortunate is that he can use the various magical treasures such as “the treasure” sacrificial refining “totem pot” and “ghost martial arts map” to restore their power in the heyday.

The “Totem’s Can” is Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, and now the power is almost equivalent to King Grade Immortal Artifact, but unfortunately it is not one in ten thousand in the heyday.

The Ghost Wu Statutory map is only one percent of the time of its prosperity. This requires a hard sacrificial refining, which is nourished by the vitality and collects materials before it can be promoted.

The same is “King Grade Immortal Artifact”, Fang Han knows that the “gun of judgment” “the spear of revenge” and “the sword of loss” is much more powerful than the ghost figure.

The gap between King Grade Immortal Artifact is also divided into three or six.

“When the whole body is full of power, it’s really enjoyable! Now, it’s the turn of this illusion that it’s completely dead and killed by me.” From the illusion of the body, the secret of this Divine Ability is captured, and Fang Han will never stay. He, his hands condense into dragon claws, grabbed it, displayed the book of the era, began to plunder his vitality.

“No, don’t kill me! I am willing to surrender. I am willing to be your slave. As long as you don’t kill me, I am an ancient saint. It is not easy for me to be in such a realm. I don’t want to die, I can still live 100 million heavens. year!”

Fantasy finally felt the catastrophe of its own extinction. At this critical juncture, he actually asked for mercy. Anyone in front of death is very vulnerable, especially a strong existence, and cherishes his life.

It is a pity that Fang Han is ironic and wants to refine him and kill him. He is not merciless at all, but it is even more motivating the power of the book of the era.

“Great Karma Technique, Capricorn.”

He even provoked the imperial curse that the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor taught him to attack the soul directly.

This is the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. The last scream of the sacred sacred, the soul consciousness was completely refining by Fang Han, and all the memories were poured into the book of the era, all kinds of experiences and experiences. Born, the number of robbers who have reached the ancient saints, all the great luck, all appear in Fang Han’s mind.

Fang Han has no joy and no sorrow. At this moment, he not only accepted all the Martian art of the ancient saints, Divine Ability experience, but also his whole body Magic Force and Divine Ability.

The law of Saint Immortal in the Tianhe River rushed into the body and entered every crystal god country. The ancestors of the gods were turned into a saint.

At the same time, in the end, the body of the Miracle has left a magical treasure sac.

In this magical treasure sac, a sacred Aura is born in it. Fang Han’s eyes see through this holy spirit. It is a holy dragon, squatting in the void, where the sacred Aura is the king’s pulse. of.

“The Holy Spirit is alive! Unfortunately, it is too little! I want to be promoted to a saint, so a little bit of the Holy Spirit is not enough.”

Fang Han shook his head and incorporated the elementary Aura of this Holy Spirit into the body and stored it. This is a huge wealth, although it is a vitality, not a complete holy order, but it is also equivalent to dozens of kings.

A complete holy order, equivalent to the gathering of hundreds of kings, is boundless, if the Holy Spirit can be shaped, it is equivalent to Life as Heaven and Earth, the supreme king of Supreme Immortal.

Ascension Sect’s holy thread never shows people. Even if Fang Han is promoted to a saint now, he can’t come up to train him, but he knows that now the emperor is testing himself, as long as he passes the test and becomes the feather emperor’s discipline. Only then will you enter the cultivation of the Holy Spirit and advance to the realm of the saint.

How majestic is a saint? It belongs to the real decision-making level, and naturally it will not be cultivated at will.

The magical sacred real death, in addition to leaving the magical treasure sac, a vitality of the Holy Spirit, Fang Han also got a powerful Dao technique from his body, “The Magical Emperor turned into a big robbery” Once it is displayed, it seems to be illusory, the color is empty, and there is no way to distinguish it. It is a very high Divine Ability among the emperors.

In addition, some of the great great immortals, but also the number is not clear, there are some of the five sacred Shenzong some of the bottom of the box of the magic, such as Wuyue Town, the gods kill the empty channel, the gas number of heavenly skills … are all made by the saints, now all Cheap Fang Han.

He has integrated these celestial techniques into the “Chapter of Civilization of Immortal Dao”.

Without a few breaths, the magical sanctuary disappeared completely into the whole world, and from then on, it became history.

“Fantasy, an ancient saint, was killed by him. I can’t believe it. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. Many of the emperors of the Five Sacred Gods know, will they vomit blood?”

“It is sure to vomit blood, a saint, how difficult it is to train. It is the decision-making level of the martial art. It is now dead.”

“The wind is just a half-sacred, how can you swallow a complete saint? Is he not afraid of exploding and dying?”

“Look, he seems to be consuming the sadness again.”

“Mom, what did this person change? Even if it was an ancient swallowing behemoth, it would not be able to accommodate so many laws of vitality? What did he want to do? Want to live to death? Do not want to include three saints. body.”

Some of the Experts in Perak, the Sons in Ascension Sect, all trembled, and the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples, the whole body trembled, there were several disciples like earthy, double tui tremble.

Everyone was straight tingting and watching Fang Han refining the magical sacred, and then sorrowful.

“Wind, spare me, I will give you boundless power, I assass you to enhance the realm, but also make you a saint, a true saint.” Sadness knows the big disaster, and quickly calls.


Fang Han answered him with a punch and shattered. All of them were energetic and directly absorbed. The Immortal Dao civilization on the book of the era began to flash, and the absorption was much faster than this.

Without ten breaths, Sadness came out with the last scream of hysteria, turned into powder, and was completely absorbed by Fang Han.

“There was a lot of magical treasures, a vitality of the Holy Spirit.” Fang Han grabbed a magical treasure sac and earned it in the body. He only felt that his body was full of vitality, and his crystal god country showed Aura of the king. It seems to be turned into King Grade Immortal Artifact.

Now his body is also equivalent to a magical treasure.

Once promoted to a saint, his body is similar to King Grade Immortal Artifact.

“And swallowed an ancient saint.” Fang Han finally faced the “Baosheng” Wei Zongshi: “Wei Zongshi, you know now, I dare not kill the saints of the Five Sacred Gods? Your Supreme Wanbao Dashengzhen It is very useful for me. I can communicate with the treasure world and borrow treasure. It is no wonder that you are a master of refining treasure. Unfortunately, the title of the master of refining treasure is now given to me.”

“Wind, you will not die, I am waiting for you in hell.”

Wei Zongshi did not ask for mercy. The ancient saint looked at Fang Han with a gaze of the same kind, and made a vicious curse: “I will die if I die, but I will also curse you through the world.”

“Yes? You are swallowed by me, will not go to hell, will disappear completely, even the reincarnation is impossible. And I will not die.” Fang Han punched and bombarded into the body of Wei Zongshi, his cultivation The rune of “Supreme Wanbao Dashengzhen” was also smashed out, and then the hands were caught, the flames were entangled, and the fire of Wei Zongshi was sizzling, which made him unable to survive and could not die.

“It’s cruel…”

“This is too lawless.”

“Even the ancient saints dare to kill refining, and they can kill us.”

In the distance, some people were hidden. It was Zhu Chongyang, Wan Xi’an, and Hua Zhentian. After seeing this scene completely, I was scared to almost collapse.

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