Eternal Life

Chapter 1246

Chapter 1 246

“Do not!”

Zhiquan Makino really saw that Fang Han directly collected the eight-cylinder St. Human Grade Buddha’s fat, and suddenly there was a heartbreaking roar and roar.

Although he is now in a state of cooperation with Fang Han, but the treasure is in the treasure, the two are in a state of intrigue.

Fang Han came in and was not squeezed by the Buddha’s light. He could even absorb the Buddha’s light into the body. This is also absolutely unexpected.

He tried hard to get the treasure near the Emperor’s corpse, but he couldn’t do anything, and Fang Han walked away and charged the magical treasure. In this way, he can’t even drink a soup.

The key is that if Fang Han collects the treasure, he can not give it to him because he has a good name. Outside, Fang Han resisted Xiao Shihuang, and Wu Ba for a long time, so that many sons were seen in his eyes. It was Fang Han who won the time for him. If he did not get the magical treasure in this case, he would let Fang Han get it. Anyone who passed it out would think that he was useless, not Fang Han. .

Thinking of this, he almost got a bit of blood to spray out.

“The light of wisdom, illuminate the future, the wisdom of the fist!”

The wisdom boxing Makino is really bursting, and the Magic Force condense of the whole body becomes a giant fist. This boxing is a fist of wisdom, full of Zen machine, and combined with Buddha light.

The majesty of the Buddha’s body felt the wisdom of this Zen machine, and there was a tendency to silently approve, which made his pressure less.

“The wisdom of Makino’s brother is so brilliant that he can be recognized by the Buddha’s Emperor. We are more than one to see who collects more magical treasures.”

Fang Han laughed, and did not stop at all. The world’s self-contained buddha’s radiance became more and more radiant and radiant, and it was just radiant. The young monks of the golden robes became clearer and clearer, and the loud singing voice resounded. .

“There is a day after the creation, and before it was created, it was only eighteen years old, and one hun was a year.”

Among the songs, the Buddha light in the treasure house of the whole Buddha, the generals of the Heiner River, listening to his command, all entered the Fuxi, and many magical treasures on the lotus platform in the center of the Daxiong Hall, all jumped up and gathered in the Buddha light, also Was charged into the symbol.

A knives for Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact.

A bunch of rosary.

A treasure building.

A pair of gold wheels.

A gourd Dan yao.

A purple gold 钵盂…

All of them were collected by Fang Han, and the Zhiquan Makino was really cracked in the liver and gallbladder, and almost all of his eyes flowed out of blood.

“Break the knife, it is close to the King Grade Immortal Artifact good quality, at least hundreds of Primordial Immortal can not be refined. The material is heaven and earth Buddha gold, a knife in hand, destroy the world. Makino is snarling in his heart. He is a great wise man. He knows a lot. He is almost a magical treasure that he does not know. He knows the origins of the Buddha and even kills many people. How many times have he experienced? He is well aware of his record.

Because of this, he was heartbroken.

However, he could not prevent Fang Han from charging the magical treasure.

“That is the Ming world rosary! It is the beads made by the innumerable bones of the Ming Dynasty. It is used for cultivation. It is simply to advance with leaps and bounds. And it can be used against the enemy, and it can evolve countless Ming Wang. Converging into a torrent Also, the Baobao is called the Qibao Golden Building, which suppresses the mountains and rivers, and has a total of seven floors. Each floor has the suppression of the Supreme Buddha. The pair of gold wheels is called Ayu Wheel, two-wheeled, and Primordial Immortal. It was strangled, and that a gourd Dan yao is a singular dan, a peak in King Grade Immortal Pill……….”

A piece of magical treasure, like a few treasures, but unfortunately does not belong to him now.

Just half a breath, Fang Han charged all the magical treasures on the lotus platform, and there were more than a dozen powerful tyrants.

The next goal, he is to collect the lotus platform, as well as the body of the Zen Emperor. Undoubtedly, the most precious and most valuable of the entire Buddha’s treasure is this corpse.

After the body of a Supreme Immortal Emperor, I was afraid that it would directly make the Eight Floats, or 33 Skies, a large-scale promotion to Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, so that the strength of Fang Han can reach the level of truly sacrificing saints. .

However, although there is a symbol of the world’s self-contained Wang Buddha, the body of the Buddha on the lotus platform is still not so easy to collect.

In the world, the Buddha light of the King Buddha is getting stronger and stronger, and the big hand is caught. On the corpse of the Zen Buddha, there is a circle of light, which is also the Great Karma Technique, which represents the light of the causal contribution.

Obviously, the body of this emperor also contains the power of the extremely sturdy Great Karma Technique.

The Great Karma Technique, when it was in contact with Wang Fuzhen, actually eroded, and actually broke the idea that Fang Han stayed in it, but refining this symbol.

This is a symbol, the instinct of the Emperor Zen of Heaven wants to get it, and even after it gets back, it can even be revived.


Fang Han’s heart is moving, and the history of countless civilizations in his eyebrows jumps. He feels in a twinkling of an eye. In the body of the Zen Emperor, he has a very secretive curse that is closely related to the symbol of the self-propelled Buddha. If he is not Enough enough, I am afraid this symbol will be charged.

This is the case, under the erosion of the Buddha’s light, Fang Han feels that the symbol is as heavy as a mountain, and it has some difficulty in using it.


Just between Fang Han’s counterbalance, the outside trembled fiercely, a stone gas, a tyrant Aura, descended into the Daxiong Hall, was blocked by the Buddha light, and immediately stopped.

Actually, Wu Bahuang Huang Feifei, Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei two overlords, finally came in.

“No, he has to collect all the treasures. The most valuable of this treasure house is the body of the Emperor Zen. If he is charged by him, refining in the future, I am afraid it will become a great scourge. , just around the corner!”

As soon as I came in, I saw that Fang Han received the body of the Emperor of Heaven, and Wu Ba, Xiao Shihuang were shocked.

This is simply intolerable. Now Fang Han is good enough. After getting this treasure, what else? It is simply no one can restrict.

At the moment, Xiao Shihuang, Wu Ba, and the two, together, Xianli communicate, a vast river like the light of the past.

Zhiquan Makino did not stop, but leapt to the side. He could not attack Fang Han, but he could not resist Fang Han. Of course, he hoped that Xiao Shihuang and Wu Ba injured Fang Han. So that he could not collect the body of the Emperor Zen.

“You two, can’t help me, many treasures, give me out! The god of Martial Dao!”

At this time, the benefits of the magical treasure that Fang Han had just collected, and the dozens of Primordial Immortal demons that had surrendered, appeared. A god of Martial Dao rises up, with more than a dozen powerful magical treasures, spinning around the god of Martial Dao.

This was just charged by Fang Han. It was refining and reincarnation in the twinkling of an instant. It changed into its own treasure. All of them were given to those demons, and a strand of crystals was poured into the bodies of these demons, making them Power is stronger and the law is tougher.

The gods of Martial Dao, composed of these demons, played the history of Martial Dao civilization, and they even resisted the impact of Xiao Shihuang and Wu Ba.

“Tian Chan Buddha, I am the Buddha of Allah, the world’s free Wang Buddha’s thoughts, all the power, blessing me, the Buddha’s birth and death, are between my thoughts, surrender, and a glimmer of life! Six-character mantra, 唵Well, what about Philip?” Fang Han sang the six-character mantra, and every word shook, and the Aura of the Emperor was weakened.

After all, this Buddha is not a true Supreme Immortal emperor, but a corpse, and one percent of the power in front of him is not. Otherwise, killing all the people is easy.

“Don’t let him collect the corpse of this Buddha’s Emperor, Makino really, you still don’t shoot! He uses you, you can’t get the treasure of First Star at half point, it’s better for us three people to join hands, kill him, and divide the treasure! “Huangfu flew a thought, passed into the real mind of Makino.

In an instant, Makino really has some intentions.

“not good!”

Fang Han felt a huge crisis in his heart. He was smart and clear. When he thought a little, he immediately understood the cause and effect. If Makino really joined this time against his own industry, he would like to capture this treasure.

At the moment, he immediately decided.


The boundless power exploded from his body. In the twinkling of an eye, he slammed thirty-three times more power, 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist.

Among the entire temple of Buddhism, the space of the Great Hall of the Great Hall is all his shadow, destroying the power of xing and smashing everywhere. At this time, he is a semi-sacred Culture Base, and can even hurt the real saint. How powerful is the 33-fold battle? It is equivalent to thirty-three semi-san at the same time.

“Retreat! What strength is this, if I encounter it, I am afraid I will die immediately!” That Zhichong Makino really felt the danger, his face changed quickly, his body could not help himself, and he retreated.

At this time, Fang Han had already turned around and flew to the Emperor Wu of the Emperor, and Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei attacked.

“You two, really looking for death, thinking that my strength will stop there? Now let you see, what is called the real Martial Dao.”

Fang Han between killing, powerful ideas, a bo one bo.


Wu Ba, Xiao Shihuang, at this time, his head was blank, and he saw Fang Han pointing to the ground, rolling in, unstoppable, they immediately ran out of the maximum strength, hard fight Fang Han punch.

Xiao Shihuang burst into a full 13 times of combat power, while Wu Ba broke out fifteen times the combat power.

The power of the three Experts, the whirlwinds generally collide together, the plaque of the entire Daxiong Hall is blown up into pieces, and the temples of purple and gold are showing cracks everywhere.

Hey! Hey! Two consecutive sounds, Xiao Shihuang, the shape of Wu Ba, was actually shot by Fang Han, and went out from the entrance of the temple, squirting blood in the air, and the two lost.

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