Eternal Life

Chapter 1245

Wu Ba Huang Yufei finally couldn’t stand it, and began to display the life-threatening school. He had to defeat Fang Han in one fell swoop, and entered the treasure of Buddhism, and Zhichong Makino really seized the opportunity.

When he came out of this boxing, Fang Han immediately felt the danger.

However, the danger is dangerous. The danger that Fang Han has experienced in his life is simply countless. In the face of danger, he always has a unique calm.

“The Buddha is free, the power of the treasure house.”

Suddenly, his whole person, and the Buddha’s light, merged together, and the world’s self-contained Wang Fu’s symbol. Among the symbols, a force burst out, and the treasure house of the Buddha in the distance and the senses in the distance, a majestic force, poured into the top, behind him, actually appeared again. A golden robes, a barefoot young monk, but the young monk’s eyebrows are more clear, and it seems that the worldly free buddha appeared here.


Time is the true form of the Buddha’s Buddha. Here, the Buddha’s big hand stretched out, and it was pushed to the Emperor. Hard to take a punch from Wu Ba.

Two fists collided, and suddenly the treasure house of the Buddha’s Gate seemed to have been hit by the big mountain. Actually, the voice of the singer of the Buddha of countless Buddhas was delivered.

In the Buddha’s singer’s singer, Fang Han’s face showed sneer, chou leaped, his hands waved a seal, and directly attacked the dozens of Primordial Immortal condense on the top of the Emperor’s head. .

“It is possible to use the power of the treasure house of Buddhism to manifest the illusion of the world-famous Wang Buddha. What is your treasure in your body!”

Huang Fufei absolutely did not think that Fang Han actually exhibited such a kind of school. This time, the treasure of the Buddha is to be born. Many of the Experts carry the Buddha’s treasure in an attempt to resist the Buddha’s light. However, Fang Han has such a heavy treasure, but makes everyone dumbfounded.

“He wants to seal the god of my Martial Dao and seize the control of these dozens of demons. He can’t let him succeed.” Between the tyrants of the tyrants, the murder of Fang Han’s conspiracy, the body retreats.

At the moment when his body retreats, Fang Han is chasing after him. He never gives up. It seems that he has a deep hatred and hatred. The world’s self-contained Wang Fu’s Fuhua has been urging, and the Buddha’s light power in the distant treasures of the Buddha’s treasure is more and more Absorbed over.


Thousands of Buddhas and torrents of light, turned into Buddhas with big thumbs, gathered together into a torrent of Buddha, densely packed, all into the body of Fang Han.

On the top of Fang Han’s head, he also condense a time to live the true body of the Buddha, playing the Great Karma Technique.

The fate is not out, the cause and effect are called the king.

The cause and effect were also turned into torrents, entangled in the body of the gods of Martial Dao, which consisted of dozens of demons. Immediately, the god of Martial Dao made a terrible call.

“In fact, in their bodies, the Spirit brand is planted, but I can crack it, the power of destiny, the fate of the fate.” Fang Han’s mind is moving, and the Dao technique is planted by the Emperor. Cracked, by the Buddha’s light, all fell into the time of the self-confidence of the Buddha.

Fang Han charged all of these demons.

In other words, the Emperor Wu of the Emperor of the Warrior fought hard to surrender these demons, and also gave them the mao wash, and taught the Martial Dao idea, but this time it was cheaper than Fang Han.

“Hahaha, these demons, united, are equivalent to the power of a semi-sacred, I am here to laugh.”

Fang Han once conquered these demons and immediately displayed the Buddha’s sacrificial refining, but they were not prepared for refining, because they were taught by Martyr Dao, and the god of Martial Dao is very powerful, which can enhance the civilization of Martial Dao. Chapter.

“Mr. Makino has entered the treasure house of Buddhism. I successfully stopped both of you and fulfilled the promise of the animal husbandry. I will not accompany you.”

Fang Han’s body movement, suddenly Magic Force all faded, turned into a fine light to wander around, dodging the attack of Xiao Shihuang, directly projected into the Daxiong Hall of the Buddha’s treasure house.

Originally, Zhiquan Makino really took a long time to crack the forbidden art outside the treasure house. Now Fang Han has naturally entered it. Buddha light not only can not kill him, but seems to enter him directly. In the body, for his world’s free Wang Fu, add strength.

“Damn! Actually, I have this hand, I have suffered repeatedly!”

The Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu took a big loss. He was taken away by Fang Han and lost his blood. The other party went away and competed for the treasure. Where is he willing to let go, shouting again and again, full of anger.

His body, turned into a torrent of Martial Dao, rolled into the treasure house of Buddhism, and used violence to crack the forbidden art of the treasure house.

“Huangfu brother, we have not failed, united together, and it is the key to compete for magical treasure.”

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei immediately flew to the imperial concubine. He witnessed Fang Han’s deceitful means. He was already chilling and felt that his true power was weak. If Fang Han could get the treasure of Tianzen Buddha, it is very likely In this bloody trial, kill yourself, then you are all finished.

“True Qi United!”

Wu Ba Huangpu flew a Martial Dao idea, directly into the body of Xiao Shihuang, the two Dao techniques communicated with each other, suddenly joined forces, completely dong wearing Buddha light. Rush into it.

Their ideas, locked in Fang Han.

“All the Sons listen to the order and immediately attack the treasure house!”

At the same time, the Emperor Wu of the Emperor Fei Fei, Xiao Shihuang and two people moved the order.

Immediately, Extreme Unity Sect, Shenzhou Pure Land, and even another thousand cultivators, all launched. The celestial sensations of the roads merged into a torrent, rolling and impacting, and all the Buddha’s light were blasted.

In the sky, there immediately appeared a dang that destroyed the xing, and a circle of Magic Force bo moved outward.

Although the treasure house of this Buddha is powerful, but suffered so many impacts of the Son, it began to slowly rotate, and the outer layer of forbidden art was completely consumed.

“We will enter first, and we will also get a share of it.” Xiaoxuhuang, Xiao Yuhuang and others smashed into it.

The illusory clouds, the paintings of the reincarnation of Sun Poetry and so on, are secretly united: “We don’t have to fight for treasures, and the Senior Brother gets a treasure, and naturally we have one.”

They quietly stepped back, stayed away from the battlefield, and protected their own life.

Many of the experts present were crazy. In the face of the Buddha’s treasure to be born, everyone is desperately attacking, trying to break the Buddha’s light and rush into it.

Magic Force’s high son, who is thin in the light of the Buddha, can rush outwards. The magical son of Magic Force can only unite and attack forward.

For a time, the scene hun1uan, countless magical treasure brilliance collided, between heaven and earth, bursting out of gorgeous hua.

Just a moment ago, Fang Han has entered the “Daxion Hall”.

Originally, among the Daxiong Hall, the Buddha light chao rushed, and it was difficult to walk. He saw the wisdom of the boxing, and urged the Buddha, in the face of the Buddha light, approaching the center of the main hall of Daxiong, in front of a statue of Buddha, and obtained a huge cylinder in front of the Buddha statue. .

In the Daxiong Hall, there are oil lamps on all sides. Among the huge cylinders, all are Buddha fat, and the Buddha from the Buddha of St. Human Grade has a total of 18 large tanks. In the center of the big tank, A huge wick that is as thick as an arm, with the Buddha’s fat, burns a rolling flame, urging the power of forbidden art.

Each tank of St. Human Grade Buddha’s Buddha’s fat is simply worthless. Fang Han’s slightly calculated calculations, a tank of Buddha’s fat, at least need the value of ten kings.

Of course, this is not the case. The most noble thing is the huge Buddha statue in the center.

This statue of Buddha, dried up, seems to be a legacy of a Buddha’s life failure. His hands formed a weird law, and in the center of the law, it became a curse of the Taikoo.

The lower body of the Buddha statue is a Qibaoliantai. There are knives, beads, treasures, relics, and yao on the lotus table. Each of the various magical treasures of Buddhism, each with a powerful Magic Force, actually pieces The pieces are Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, and the quality is good, not at all compared to the general Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact.

Especially the Qibaolian Terrace below, it is simply the power of the Half Grade Immortal Artifact.

However, the most noble thing is the Buddha body. Fang Han is still not close, and there is a burst of majesty, which makes him shudder in the depths of his soul.

This is actually the body left behind by a Buddha of Supreme Immortal. Although he has already died, Yu Wei still shocked the Kyushu Wanfang, and the heavens and the earth are planted. Even if it is Fang Han, Zhiquan Makino is unable to get close.

The body of the Buddha in this hall is obviously the body left by the Buddha of the Buddha.

The body of a Supreme Immortal! Although the law dissipated, the power is still tyrannical.

Zhiquan Makino really looks at this Supreme Immortal Buddha, full of greed, wants to get it immediately, but unfortunately how to advance, can not get close to this statue.

When Fang Han came in, he was taken aback and shouted: “Wind, are you not blocking the two? How come in?”

“I saw the animal husbandry entering the hall and delaying enough time. The two men were desperately desperate, so they came in.” In the strong Buddha light, Fang Han waved his sleeves and displayed the symbol of the world’s free Wang Buddha. The Buddha light seems to have encountered the nemesis, and they all poured into it. Even sitting in the center, the body of the Zen Buddha was changed. The Aura on the body showed a kind of awe.

“Give me a charge!”

Fang Han seized the opportunity and exerted all the power. The incarnation became a long river of destiny. The Great Karma Technique was circulated among them. The civilization history of Buddhism rises and falls in the long river. The shadow of the world’s self-propelled Buddha is in the middle of the river. Sit, big hand move towards four Mondays to catch.

Hey, hey……. There are so many tanks of Buddha’s fat, all of them fall into the hands of the self-propelled Wang Buddha.

The eight-cylinder sage Buddha-level Buddha’s fat, all collected by Fang Han, each tank Buddha fat, are worth more than a dozen king-level spirit!

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