Eternal Life

Chapter 1241

On the other side of the boat.

The Emperor Wu of the Emperor of the Warrior flew in the air and looked at the Makino family in the distance.

Behind him, dozens of Primordial Immortal demons were surrendered, and everyone squandered Demonic Qi, but these Demonic Qi were just evil, seemingly washed, mellow, and warm, even There is a trace of Taoist Aura.

Obviously, the dozens of demons that followed the tyrants of the tyrants have received great benefits.

They stood quietly behind the emperor’s flying, Aura connected, so that many emperors, and other sects of the sects shivered.

Dozens of demons, all of which are Primordial Immortal intermediates, even high-order, and two peak-level existences, together with the forces, are simply equivalent to the combined strength of all the sons of the seven or eight kings.

Although the Imperial Family is like a cloud, it does not need to add strength, but suddenly there is such a strong strength, it is also different.

At the beginning, these dozens of demons could stop Fang Han, making Fang Han unable to cross the ancient demon city and grab the spirit. Or Fang Han used the power of the robbery to rush through the past.

At the beginning, the power of Fang Han was already comparable to that of ordinary half.

This is also prominent, the power of this group of demons is united, almost equivalent to a half-sacred.

“Following this tyrant, I can get a lot of benefits. I immediately wash our Aura with the Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha, and then teach us a set of combo techniques. The strength is united and perfect. It can be equivalent to half. St. Cultivation Base.” The collar of the demon, the white peacock man stood behind the emperor, and was already convinced of this new owner.

After Huangfufei surrendered to them, they did not treat them as slaves, but gave them enough benefits to wash their Demonic Qi with Buddha’s fat, expel Heart Demon, and also taught them a liberation of the royal family. Laws make their Culture Base grow and work together to make it even better.

These dozens of demons, Martial Dao, are good at combining and working together to build the Taikoo Yaozu City. I don’t know how many months, now I’m getting the guidance of Huang Feifei, Martial Dao to advance with leaps and bounds, that’s obvious. thing.

Every demon used to be a great man with great potential.

“Song brother, I am very grateful to you and our Pure Land of China, the Imperial Family Alliance.”

Huang Fufei suddenly said.

On the huge “Mountain of Redemption”, an expert was flying over. It was Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei. At this time, Aura seems to be evil and evil, like good or bad, a thought can become a demon, and a thought can also become a fairy. Become a Buddha, free to transform, disaster and salvation side by side, Yin and Yang and hun Yuan complement each other.

“Since the wind and the Makino family united, I naturally joined with the Pure Land of China.” Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei showed a smile on his face.

“Wind, this person is a brilliant wizard. I just watched the group of people who surrendered to the Xuanyuan family and the Wuyue Shenzong Expert with Martial Dao’s method. This person is a strong enemy.” Huangfu flew a faint road.

“Yes? Then wait, when the treasures of the Buddha’s treasures are opened, the emperor’s brother-in-law suppresses him, and I come to deal with the wisdom of the boxing.” Song Tengfei casually said.

“Nature, Zhichong Makino really and his jiao hands have been thousands of times, almost every time they are equally divided, he can’t help me, I can’t kill him.” Huang Fufei’s eyes swept a circle: “And he jiao Hand, nothing new, but this is a newcomer, I want to test my new Martial Dao school on his body.”

“Then I am looking forward to it.”…

When Huang Yufei and Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei discussed the big event, Fang Han also talked with Makino a few words to discuss the alliance. This wisdom boxing Makino is really a wise man. Just chatting a few words, Fang Han thinks that this person is indeed a high-intelligence, a far-sighted calculation, and his words and deeds imply a number of days. It is indeed an unpredictable opportunity.

“Wind brother, wait for the next battle for the treasure, do not know if you deal with the Xiao Shihuang or Wu Ba Huang Fei fly?” Makino really.

“No problem, I want to kill Xiao Shihuang, but I want to fly with the Emperor of the Emperor of the Warriors. It is best to come with them and see how my limit is. So, when I stop, I will stop the two. If it is not, the animal husband will come to help, if you can be enemies, then the animal husbandry will go straight to obtain magical treasure.” Fang Han proudly said.

“What? The wind brother wants to be an enemy two?” Makino and many sons were shocked: “Unless the true saint, no one can deal with both.”

“Try it. Since Makino gave me a can of Buddha’s fat, showing the sincerity of the alliance, I don’t have any magical treasure on this body, and I can’t give it back. I just have a strength.” Fang Han said very much. Cleverly, “If you can resist one or two and win time for the Makino family, then it is a repayment of a person.”

“Okay. I know that the wind brother is very strong. If you can really fight one enemy two, just drag the two Experts to breathe ten times, you can win time for my Makino family. Then, don’t say repay the human feelings, still to me. The Makino family has grace. There will be a thick report in the future.” Zhiquan Makino really nodded, but he wanted to see, Fang Han released this big words, what is the power?

As for what Fang Han said, he did not believe it at all.

The powerful Expert, as long as it is not a saint, can’t resist the two people who attacked Xiao Shihuang and Wu Bahuang. A breath can’t work.

The two join hands and can kill everything that is not St. Human Grade.

Because everyone is in the pinnacle of semi-holy.

“Tian Chan Buddha Emperor…”

At this moment, suddenly the golden Buddha’s kingdom in the distance, and the temple of purple and gold, suddenly burst out of the true Buddha’s voice, in the Buddha’s voice, a huge Buddha looming.

A lot of magical treasures are shining in the sky, and it seems that they are finally unable to suppress them.

“The treasure of Buddhism is open!”

Zhiquan Makino really whole body is a shock dang, the light of wisdom in the eyes, the mind immediately passed out: “Makino family, all the Sons listen, condense central battlefield, Makino great array. Ready to compete for magical treasure!”


A roar, hundreds of thousands of Makino family sons flew together, and immediately, a semi-circular battlefield condense together, and turned into a huge ancient central battlefield, battlefield, battle flag fluttering, Jin Ge Iron horse, ancient gods descended and killed. Actually, you can compete with the boat on the other side.

The boat on the other side of the mile, and the central battlefield of Wanli Wanli, showed that the real confrontation between the Makino and Huangfu families began.

It also represents the bloodline battle between the two kingdoms of Heavenly Monarch and Huangpu.

Whose bloodline is more noble?

“Wind brothers, together, we broke into the treasure, I have a Buddha door to treasure, you can counter the ban on the Buddha.” Makino really has a bunch of beads in his hands. There are eighteen beads in this bead, and the grain is full.

“Buddha banned?” Fang Han smiled secretly. His world-famous Wang Fu’s symbol is the source of all Dao techniques. The higher his Culture Base, the greater the power of this symbol, and the more he feels The power of this symbol is simply invincible.

This treasure of the Buddha is set for him only when he has the world’s self-confidence.

In the heart, Magic Force is secretly running, and the symbol is changed by the Great Karma Technique sacrificial refining, the whole body of the crystal god, the ancestors of the sacred gods are changed to Buddha, and Fang Han does not show up. “Since there are Buddha treasures, it is good to say that we first enter the treasure house. On the road, the tyrant, Xiao Shihuang will definitely stop, I will entangle the two, and the priest will go to the treasure.”

“it is good!”

For this kind of proposal, Makino really promised that it was too late.

The two shouted and rushed to the sky.

The golden kingdom of Buddhism rushed over, and all the sons of the three sects bombarded the Magic Force against the golden kingdom, destroying the forbidden art.

At the same time, the other two shouts, also scattered from the boat on the other side.

A Aura Martial Dao skyrocketing, a stone gas can be used to petrify the world, Xiao Shihuang, Wu Ba Huang Yufei also shot. We must rush into the Buddhist temple of Buddhism and get a lot of magical treasures.

Originally, the Buddha light above the temple of Buddhism is extremely strong. Even if it is an Expert like Xiaoxuhuang, it is impossible to get close. However, these four and a half holy, each have their own ambiguity, want to take the lead and take the lead.

Everyone knows that a treasure house has entered late, and even soups may not be able to drink.

These four and a half are each reluctant.

Sure enough, when Fang Han flew out and approached the Buddhist temple of Buddhism, suddenly a strong Martial Dao idea locked himself. In front of him, a shadow stood alone in front of him, and the mighty body was very tall. There are countless Martial Dao in the eyes.

“Wu Ba, Huang Fufei.” Fang Han looked at this person and spit out five words in his mouth.

“Wind! Ascension Sect’s peerless mastery. Completed a semi-holy, do you want to compete with me for the treasure house of the Zen Buddha? If you retire, you can save yourself from death.” Huangpu Feidao: “You have been maimed in Ascension Sect.” I have a gossip old man from my family, and a princess. I haven’t found you yet.”

“It’s polite to not kill them all.” Fang Han said proudly: “Today, you and I are competing for the treasures of Buddhism. Even if you want to leave, it is useless. I will destroy all the sons of your family.” Even the ancestors of the reincarnation of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact of your emperor family, the emperor came to the other side and could not save you.”

“A big tone.”

Huang Fufei’s face emerged with a cold murder. “No one has ever dared to defile our Huangfu family. Even if it’s not in heaven, you can’t enter Heaven’s Pure Land to disturb our ancestors’ Insight. Like people, dare to talk like this, or I will let you fly away. I didn’t want to display a new cultivation of Fist Arts, but you angered me.”

Huangfu flew his body and his fist raised.

Immediately, all the scenery between heaven and earth disappeared.

“The gods are angry!”

Bang! A trick of Divine Fist, when the air strikes come.

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