Eternal Life

Chapter 1240

“Ah! What is going on here, why is Zhichong Makino really killing the Son of the Five Sacred Gods? What is the situation?”

“How could this be? Chen Zhuyang was pinned to death by him. The real bones are gone, and the gods are gone.”

“Chen Zhuyang is not a reincarnation of saints and emperors, but there are so many fortuitous encounters. The penance has reached the realm of Ancestral Immortal. Soon after, it will be promoted to Primordial Immortal. It is a talent among the sects. It’s pinched to death. The wilderness True Qi is coming in, it seems to be looking for the trouble of the wind, but suddenly turned the direction, what is this going to do?”

Seeing that Zhiquan Muye really shot, and pinched the son of the Wuyue Shenzong, Chen Zhuyang, everyone was shocked.

Everyone can guess what the great wise man is doing?

“Well, Makino is really a wise man, know when to choose?” Fang Han saw this scene, laughing, very happy.

Although he had killed the Makino family before, but it was in the grave of the ghost Wu Shengjun, then the situation hun1uan, no one knows who killed it. From the frontal conflict, the Makino family is with him. There is nothing too much for the holidays.

As for the secular, fighting with the Makino family’s Expert, that is the identity of Fang Han.

Now he is “wind”.

The status has really been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no one will doubt him. Almost now he is the old son of Ascension Sect.

“The presence of such a horrible temperament as the brother of the wind, the success of the saint, Supreme Immortal, is a matter of iron and iron, and may even be a succession to Heavenly Monarch. How can I really want to fight against you for the sake of the district? As you said, it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy.” Makino really smiles, and no one can guess what is in his heart at the moment.

“When the priest brother is good for me, he killed a saint of the Five Sacred Gods? Isn’t this a hatred with the Five Sacred Gods?” Fang Han asked.

“I am doing this for the Five Sacred Gods. I believe that some of Elder’s sects will understand. Of course, no one will say this today.” Makino is still smiling: “Of course, who is the friend?” To put it another way, in my mind, you are much more important than the allies of the Five Sacred Gods.”

“Mr. Makino is a confidant.” Fang Han smiled again: “It seems that Makino is going to cooperate with me to get the treasure of this Buddha’s Zen King?”

“That is of course, in the treasure, we are divided into five or five. However, there are the most powerful opponents here, the imperial family of Shenzhou Pure Land, the strength of the Wu Ba Huang Fei Fei is not under you and me.” Zhi Quan Makino: “Fortunately, now we can join hands and we can restrain this person.”

“If this is the case, then as Mr. Makino said, I will divide the treasure together! But I heard that Makino brother attacked the Buddha’s treasure and got a lot of Buddha’s fat. I just lacked it. I want to cultivate a True Qi. I don’t know Makino. Can the brother divide me, I will buy it from the king.”

Between the words, Fang Han’s hand appeared a number of xiao xiao’s veins, these spirits have the king Aura, between the squirming, swallowing the beginning of the air.

“There are so many kings and spirits.” Zhiquan Makino’s eyes flashed and seemed to be thinking about something: “It seems that the wealth of the wind brothers is very much, but since the cooperation with the door, I will not be jealous, so I There is a jar of Buddha fat, which was left by the Buddha of St. Human Grade and was presented to you.”

As soon as the hand turned over, a purple-washed Buddha jar appeared on his hand and was thrown to Fang Han.

When Fang Han came over, he saw the Buddha’s pot, which was filled with pure saints, and the powerful saint Aura brewed in it. You can see a Buddha saint up and down in the Buddha’s oil.

“This, this is the Buddha’s fat of the peak!” Fang Han was secretly surprised. He bought a lamp oil in the Temple of Heaven and Earth, but the Buddha is only the fat of the primary saint Buddha, the quality is fundamental. Can not be compared with the current Buddha fat.

This Buddha fat can match the 10,000 drops of the Buddha of the primary saint.

Such a jar, worth a lot, initially estimated a little, no three or five king-level spiritual veins can not be purchased.

Fang Han’s eyes trembled a bit. I really admire that Makino really has a big hand. This person is trying to win over himself, and he is willing to give up the blood. It is really a wise man. He eats a short mouth and takes a soft hand. After that, Fang Han is also embarrassed to tear his face.

However, this kind of gift is not taken, Fang Han smiled, put the Buddha jar into the bag, and then began to calculate with his own crystal god country, Zhou Tianyi secretly observed, there is no hand and foot in the present, then thrown into In the Tiantian furnace, it turned into True Qi.

Makino is a wise man, and he can’t be prepared for every move. But if he is ignorant, Fang Han doesn’t believe that this person will be stupid enough to do something in the gift, but he will never let go of any one. The details of the things, it is necessary to make people take advantage of the fact that they are truly perfect and impeccable.

In the crystal god country, the sky furnace floats on the infinite cloud, and the can of Buddha is injected into it, and it immediately begins to boil. It turns into the Tianhe general Tian Qi, the whistling in the furnace, and the dragon yin tiger The sound of whistling, which constantly illusion came out of Xuanwu, White Tiger, Qinglong, Suzaku, Qilin and other sacred beasts, as well as the Buddha saints in it.

A crystal fog rises up, and True Qi is no longer a stream of air, but a crystal of the sky. These crystals are individual particles that appear to condense into crystal stones in the future.

“Fang Tianshi Stone!” Fang Han was shocked and knew that if True Qi could really condense into crystal stone, it would really turn into the legendary stone. As long as there is one in your mouth and against the enemy, the enemy cannot destroy your body.

The resilience of the Stone of Heaven is several times stronger than that of True Qi.

Even if it is now the sky fog, it is already stronger than the True Qi.

“Unfortunately, this 33 Skies is not a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. Otherwise, it can be directly turned into a little bit of a heavenly stone. In that case, I can protect the xing life from being destroyed by the enemy. Fang Han shook his head and thought in his heart: “In the treasure of the Buddha’s door, if you can have the fragments of the artifact, there are enough rules, I can all refine it. Of course, there is no artifact of the artifact, killing xiao.” It is also possible for Shi Huang to obtain the stone monument.”

He has already calculated it. In this ancient market, there is a faint creation of Aura, which must be left behind by the fragments of the artifacts, but he is not sure where he is.

“Look! Extreme Unity Sect has appeared! It is the mountain of redemption, a powerful force, and there are also obvious semi-Saint Aura. Is it that Xiao Shihuang has become a half-scent?”

Just when Fang Han refining the Buddha’s fat and turning it into a mist of the sky, suddenly there was a shock in the distance, and a huge mountain of redemption appeared here. On the mountain of redemption, a god of redemption with a thousand eyes stood tall. Everywhere, I grabbed photos, and countless Spaces broke down. Many of the saints here felt a wave of souls.

” Xiao Shihuang finally came out again, did not let me down.” Fang Han faint.

“How? Wind brother and the xiaoshihuang have hatred?” Zhiquan Makino said: “Oh, I forgot, Extreme Unity Sect and Ascension Sect have a lot of hatred, this hatred is the disaster of Heavenly Monarch and Hua Heavenly Between the Monarchs, many years ago, when the sacred king ruled the heavens, the disaster Heavenly Monarch and the Chinese Heavenly Monarch were all assistant ministers under the sacred king of the king. But unfortunately they had a disagreement.”

“That’s the way, the hatred of Extreme Unity Sect and Ascension Sect has continued for generations to come.” Sun poetry painting netbsp at this time; “I and Xiao Shihuang Jiaoo, he repaired a semi-san, but I was defeated, It’s not my opponent. But there is some trouble in killing him.” Fang Han said quietly: “This person has collected a corpse of Demon Dao’s Seven St. Clan, refining with the magic of redemption. It is also very tyrannical and very lovable.”

“Senior Brother, the Redeemer Mountain and the boat on the other side are together. Extreme Unity Sect is actually united with the Emperor’s family.” A son of the Makino family.

“This is also very necessary. The wind brother is making a big noise here. The Emperor Feifei on the other side of the boat definitely knows all. Extreme Unity Sect has hatred with the wind brother, and the two are combined. That is inevitable.” .

“The guess is good, it is a wise man.” Fang Han took the eyes of the god and looked at the huge boat on the other side. He saw the light and shadow. After the mountain of redemption flew in, some tyrannical gods read it. The most intense one of them, Aura, is Xiao Shihuang’s Song Tengfei. Compared with his own jiao hand, he has a lot of tyranny, apparently refining the evil body.

Other cultivate Dao people got the evil corpse. After refining, it will definitely be Qi Deviation, but Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei will never, because the disaster redemption of Heavenly Monarch is the most wonderful technique in the heavens and the earth. The rumor is the gift of the sacred king, the soul that saves all suffering, and the eternal life in redemption. The evil corpse can also be refining and redeeming.

Although Cang Sheng is powerful, it is no match for the redemption of the holy law.

Apart from this, there is also a tyrannical Martial Dao Aura, crouching on the boat on the other side, Fang Han feels the Aura of this Martial Dao, a little bit running, the Martial Dao civilization history of the book of the epoch is actually stupid. The feeling of moving and flying out is obviously that the civilization of Martial Dao feels a huge addition to himself.

“That is the martial arts emperor flying? The people of the emperor family, do not know what the bloodline looks like?” Fang Han thought: “Their ancestors, is a Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the avatar of the netg, called the emperor The descendants of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the bloodline in the body must be with a treasure, if refining these people, it can be of great benefit to the magical treasure.”

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