Eternal Life

Chapter 1216

Chapter 1 216

The surrounding Space is petrified everywhere, forming a country of stone, and it is difficult to move.

Moreover, stone gas has not only spread from Space, but many Spaces have also begun to petrify and crystallize, and have evolved into various unknown countries.

This is the great array of Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei in the depths of Space, cultivation, and arranged. As long as the Son enters it, it will be petrified. Even if there is a Divine Ability that can withstand petrochemicals, it is difficult to shuttle through the stone Space and be blocked.

Moreover, among the stone spaces, there are layers of mi palaces, which imply a mystery. Unconsciously, they will be affected by the magical mi, which causes sacredness, jing god hun1uan.

Even if Fang Han, Xiao Xinghuang, Xiao Yuhuang and others enter this stone space, there is a taste that can’t be opened and difficult to penetrate.

I can’t find the direction at all. Where can I find Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei?

This is not Song Tengfei’s own strength, but the ancient King Grade Immortal Artifact, the power of Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei in the refining and sealing stone monument. If it succeeds, the power is bigger than this, you can transform it and put the piece of life and death coffin. Space is petrified and becomes his world, his kingdom. In the stone country, no one can compete with Song Tengfei.

“Yes, he evolved the country of stone. He must figure out his true core position before he can completely kill it. Otherwise, look for this person in this layer of stone space. It is a needle in a haystack, and his tricks are in the middle. However, his Magic Force is getting deeper and deeper, and the power of the Supreme Immortal is gradually awakening. It can completely interfere with the secret, and will not let anyone calculate everything to him.”

Xiao Yuhuang has some difficulties, she also launched a calculation, but it is impossible to calculate where Xiao Shihuang is.

“I come!”

Fang Han took a step, standing in front of Xiao Yuhuang, so that the nv heart trembled, then his hands were empty, a ball appeared in front of him, in the ball, countless lights flashed, many appeared The image, the stone country of the piece, extends out. It is a tiny megaSpace of tens of billions. In that Space, there is a vaguely blurred figure. Behind this figure is a huge ancient monument. The stone gas scattered on the tablet, petrochemical everything.

This is the true form of Song Tengfei.

It was calculated by Fang Han.

“Give me broken!”

Fang Han used the peerless power to calculate the position, and could not help but hold his hands together. A force, broken up, long, general, cut through the void, began to change, and penetrated the layer of stone Space.


Just in Fang Han, dong wore a tens of billions of stone spaces. In the depths of Space, suddenly there seemed to be a forbidden art to be spurred, and a stone shield appeared.

This stone shield, big and infinite, carved with hua pattern on it, actually a bit, it resisted the power of Fang Han, the dragon-shaped True Qi jishe on the top, actually collapsed and disappeared.

“Ghosts and gods, open up the heavens and the earth, the civilization of God! The gods created the world, the gods have everything, and the gods say that they will be excavated, there will be no block.”

Fang Han seems to have known this situation for a long time. With a wave of his hand, the history of the Protoss civilization has flown out, wrapped in a great magical axe, turned into a huge axe, and it was empty. This axe is the ancestor of the Protoss, the creation of artifacts used by the Protoss civilization, and the nameless axe.

Fang Han now condenses the history of the Protoss civilization, and with the magical awe-inspiring skills, immediately unveiled the incredible development. The axe is empty, oh yeah! The gas 1ang tumbling, the notes of Creation of Gods appear in it, with the power of creation, a hit on the huge stone shield.

A loud bang, Shidun was turned into pieces, and behind the Han Han, there was a pair of wings of freedom. Under the footsteps, there was nowhere to go. The pattern of the saints day by day, between the moments, ignoring the distance, reached the broken stone shield. The place, the body flickers, enters a black dong.

“The power of this axe! Awesome! I immersed in the axe in my life, it was the reincarnation of the axe, and I am afraid that I could not wave the power of such a blow. In the rumor, the giant axe in the heavens and the earth, the only one that crossed my year, It is the giant axe of the ancestor of the Protoss of the Protoss, and between the two, open up civilization. No, for my axe, awakening the true axe of the gods in my body, I was able to ask Fang Han to ask for an axe. ”

Xiao Xuhuang was also shocked by Fang Han’s power of the axe, and actually broke the stone shield directly.

He also saw it, the stone shield is the power of Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei itself, very powerful, can resist all attacks, he must smash, must burn the life of the body, plus jing gas, three consecutive strokes, Only by breaking the thirty-sixth style can it be broken in one fell swoop, and Fang Han is easily and directly broken. This means is beyond his reach.

“The wind edge really finds the true body of Xiao Shihuang, go, let’s go in, Sun Shi painting, all the saints of your three major men’s factions, form a formation and completely unite. The strength of your unity is also equivalent. A preliminary Primordial Immortal is even more powerful, which can help us fight with Xiao Shihuang.” Xiao Yuhuang also rushed in with Fang Han.

Sun Shihuan and others have long been prepared, and the three sons of the Sanmen, each looking at each other, spewed out their own magical treasure, the vitality True Qi connected together, communicated with each other, screamed: “Together in the same boat! ”


A three-headed giant, slowly condensing in the air, these three giants, like a god, with six arms, is the common guardian king in the heavens.

In the heavenly court, there are many formations, the spirit of the giant spirit, the Magic Force is strong, comparable to the Primordial Immortal, and even the saint, called the king. This menDivine Ability is called the Heavenly King. It has been widely spread. Now the sons of the three major men’s factions can learn this menDao technique, and the power is also great. The three men’s people communicate with each other and form a “King of Heaven” that can rival the first-class Primordial Immortal.

The king of the sacred law, three heads and six arms, a condensed form, this “Heavenly King” arrogance, huge body, wearing a blood se cloak, six arms respectively with the formation of the spirit of condensation, the demon sword, the diamond scorpion, the pagoda, Rope, sharp knife.

Three heads, one kind, one fierce, one of them is expressionless.

After the condense is formed, the degree is fast and flickering. Actually, it is comparable to Xiao Yuhuang and Xiaoxu.

The emergence of men, the gods of the gods, the Spirit Passage, the three men’s factions, there are dozens of saints, the “Heaven” god, the power is definitely not ordinary. Can play a vital role in the battle with Xiao Shihuang. No longer one by one.

Fang Han broke the stone shield, and in a moment, he entered a black dong, truly locked the void, and saw the existence of Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei.

His eyes, a fierce pupil tightening, saw a scene. In a stone temple, Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei stood, just in front, the huge stone monument shrinks, slowly entering his body.

In this stone temple, there are nine rivers flowing on the ground, as if they are divided into Kyushu.

These rivers are actually a series of king-level spiritual veins. They were suppressed by the Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei with the supreme Magic Force on the ground of the stone temple. It seems to be marking this pattern. The pattern is actually the ten division of heaven. Wan Dazhou graphics, this 100,000 big state, lifelike, what Zhongzhou, Shenzhou, Tianzhou, Quanzhou, Xuzhou… one by one, it seems that it is really condensing the 100,000 states that divide the heavens.

Song Tengfei looked at the pictures on the ground and fell into meditation. He did not feel that Fang Han flew in and entered the stone temple.


Fang Han was down to earth and landed in the middle of the stone temple. He felt that under the stone temple, it seemed that the huge Devil Qi was born, and what was suppressed by Song Tengfei.

“Unexpectedly, among the feathered men, actually came out such a character, Fengyuan? I originally thought that Zhu Chongyang, Hua Zhentian, Wan Xi’an are the giants of the feathering men. If it is the talent of these three people, then I don’t have much to worry about. But even if you are a fan of this kind, I have to pay attention to it.”

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei still does not look up, slowly looking at the floor of the hall, nine kings of the spirit of the fine outline drawing, his tone is slow, heavy, there is a stone hun sound.

Shuā shuā shuā !

Another three Daoist shadows appeared in the stone temple.

It is the autumn of Xiao Yu Huang Xia, Xiao Xuan Huang Xuan smashed, and many of the Sons of the Holy Spirit.

“Okay, very good, Xiao Yuhuang, after you were defeated by me, you still didn’t give up, but you still have to die. It’s really confusing, but now that you are looking for death, you can’t blame me. Also, Xiaoxuhuang, Xuanyuan broke, you Xuanyuan family and I are too one, and there is no festival, why did you choose to die? Do you want to be stunned? Is it because of the wind? You admit the mistake, I will let you step out of this stone temple, no longer die. As for the other people, this is the sacred man, the Spirit Passage, the sacred son of the Taoist priest, don’t think about going out. I want to consolidate the stone monument and restore the original glory. The power of King Grade Immortal Artifact is positive. I want your soul and jing blood to sacrifice.” Xiao Shihuang still did not look up.

“Hey! Admit mistakes, quit?” Xuanyuan broke cold snort and said: “What do you think of me as a singer? You are Xiao Shihuang, I am Xiaoxuhuang, we are on an equal foot, you are King Grade Immortal Artifact reincarnation, I am the reincarnation of the supreme Supreme Immortal. I have always heard that you brag, you are the first Expert among the many saints, but I am not convinced, I will come to compare with you today, let you know what is called an axe stone.”

“Heavenly, you can do it, you can’t live, you can’t live.” Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei sighed with a sigh: “Xuanxuan broke, you are so stubborn, then you can’t blame me. Today, you one, you can’t step out of this. Stone temple.”

“Do not talk nonsense. Are you too sons of a man? Call them all out. You Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei and they work together. I will destroy all of you.”

Fang Han said.

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