Eternal Life

Chapter 1215

“Stone gas.”

Fang Han blinked at first glance, the stone gas showed a gray color se, old, simple, mottled, after the vicissitudes of life, there is a kind of sea sangtian taste in it, not evil, in the stone, some Micro xiao particles, like the dust of history. Give people endless sighs.

These stones are diffused from a distance.

Some of them are also infiltrated from the void. Although there are ancient vicissitudes of Aura in it, they are very overbearing and full of invincible domineering.

Fang Han saw it with his own eyes. A fierce beast that was equivalent to the primary Primordial Immortal, violently roaring, and escaping from the void, he himself had a god country, but under the erosion of the stone, the god country Actually, petrochemicals began, and it was not for him not to rush out of the kingdom of God to see what happened.

However, this fierce beast has just rushed out, roaring again and again, the body is contaminated with some stone gas, immediately out of the causing roar, the whole body law flashes, to force the stone gas, but he just reminded Magic Force, the stone gas penetrated into its body, making it begin to petrify.

No more than three breaths, the body of the entire beastmaster, can not move, fell to the ground, actually completely petrified, like a vivid statue of sculpture, but there is no life, is the general stone sculpture.

“The Way to Fossils!”

Xiao Yuhuang was shocked: “These stones are scattered by Xiao Shihuang. His Divine Ability has begun to sway the greatest power. He must have been practicing Primordial Immortal. This stone is overbearing. In the rumor, when the stone monument was born, it can turn everything into a stone, making all matter, the void, into a stone. This is also the King Grade Immortal Artifact, the power of the stone monument. He must have The Fengshen stone monument has been integrated into one’s own body, and its strength has increased greatly.”

“Hey! Let me see, what is the power of this fossil road!”

Xiaoxuan Huangxuan smashed the cold snort and reached out and grabbed it.

Awkward, Space’s large piece of stone was drawn by his Magic Force, reaching in front of him and wrapped around his palm. Kā chā kā chā , almost no suspense, these stone gas penetrated into his blood rou, out of the sound of stone condensation.

His palms began to petrify immediately, and the petrochemicals continued to spread. After a while, his entire arm and even his shoulders began to petrify.


Xuanyuan broke out a roaring shock dang: “Great, mother, this fossil road is really powerful. I can’t resist it, damn it! Give me death! Expel.”

In his body, a huge force began to explode, countless axe, from the inside of the body, and shocked on the arm, to force the stone into the body.

However, this is not useful, but it delays the spread of stone gas.

“The strong man broke his arm!”

Seeing this can’t be done, Xuanyuan burst into a big surprise. If the stone is spread, I am afraid that the whole person can’t keep it. It is completely petrified and seriously injured. He is absolutely not thinking that this stone is so tyrannical.


He showed a kind of anti-day means. The whole arm that was contaminated with stone gas exploded and burned out a blazing flame. In the strong explosive force, the stone gas disappeared and disappeared in the air.

Xuanyuan broke into a one-armed brawny.

“Awful, it took me a lot of jing blood, I have to work hard for hundreds of celestial years to be able to cultivate.” Xuanyuan broke his face and shocked, the arm began to grow out of pieces of blood rou, bones, and finally actually derived from the body. A hard, thick, rib-like arm.

The ribs of the ribs are more powerful than the original.

When I arrived at Xuanyuan to break this realm, I was able to regenerate the broken arm long ago. I don’t know how many times stronger than the Undying Body. At least it consumes some energy.

However, this is also his powerful and profound realm. It is the reincarnation of the Supreme Immortal of the emperor. Otherwise, it is impossible to react. The whole person is completely petrified and turned into ashes.

“Everyone is ignorant, this stone is very powerful. It may be that Xiao Shihuang is in the depths of the cultivation. The great array is arranged. As long as it is close to him, the Expert who tries to be against him will be attacked by this stone. Turned into a stone.” Fang Han immediately made a decision, and he suddenly reached out with lightning, grabbed the rolling stone, and pulled down the petrified murderer.

Under this hegemony, it is a huge turtle like a beast, full of fangs, screaming like thunder, full of xiaoshan big xiao, after being petrified, but the signs of life disappeared, completely become a stone, even the law is turned into stone law.

Fang Han’s grasp, the palm of the hand is also entwined with a lot of stone gas, began to spread, into the crystal god country, which also makes his palm, began to build a hard shell of stone.

However, he just smiled coldly, his arm shook, and he showed the realm of heaven and earth. The stone shells that had condensed on his arm fell, and the original white skin and soft luster appeared.

This hand is revealed. Fang Han’s Cultural Base is completely smashed by Xiaoxuan Huangxuan. “This is a beast, but it has a relationship with me. It is equivalent to the realm of primary Primordial Immortal. It is a big assist. Just remove the petrochemical for him.” Just now, Shiqi entered the body. He used Zhou Tianyi to continue to calculate, and he calculated all kinds of restraint methods.

A palm in the air, hehe! The slap in the body of the petrified turtle like a beast, immediately Naha under the whole body dang picked up a layer of water bo, and then the petrochemical melted, and showed the real blood rou skin.

Hey… This fierce tortoise is recovering from the fierce beast. The eye 1u is fierce. The first time I face Fang Han, I bite it. The sharp teeth make up a great array, like dozens of Ancestral Immortal Expert’s flying sword great array, violently jumped up, turned into a wrong country, the whole body of Fang Han was crushed, thoroughly ground into powder, turned into powder.

Fang Han had already prepared, punched it out, and suddenly all the edges were broken. The tortoise-like beast-like beast was ruptured and turned into pieces. Fang Han did not stop, and his hands made a seal, directly The tortoise was completely sealed, and then the dragon gas was poured into it, and its intelligence was extinguished, and then a little light emerged from the body of the tortoise.

This group of auras is a meta point, flashing and eternal.

This is the eternal light.

A little Primordial Immortal rule.

After the cultivation of Primordial Immortal, you can turn all the rules into an inexhaustible aura, a little aura, illuminate the future and the future, and the power is great. Condensed can be turned into a meta point, any magical treasure, one hit broken.

However, Fang Han did not refine this light to himself, but instead entered Zhou Tianyi.

Now, 33 Skies, the whole change to High Grade Immortal Artifact, can be further promoted. The possibility of further promotion is to transform into Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, which is a qualitative leap from High Grade Immortal Artifact to Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. Fang Han just calculated that the complete fall of Heavenly Monarch was not calculated. Instead, it was countered by the other side. If Zhou Tianyi is Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, you can get more clues.

This tortoise-like savage beast does not know how long it has lived in the space of this life-and-death coffin. Even in ancient times, it received some Lord’s instructions, and now it has become a primary Primordial Immortal. On top of Fang Han, you can only meet the metamorphosis of Xiao Shihuang, and meet Fang Han. In the twinkling of an eye, you will be plundered away from the Primordial Immortal rule, the invincible light.

Zhou Tianyi got this principle of Primordial Immortal. The immortality of the inspiration was ten times faster. The surrounding Zhou True Qi also began to crystallize, but it has not yet reached the Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. The status of Peerless Grade.

33 Skies, the more you arrive, the harder it is to advance.

Fang Han doesn’t care about it anymore. One day, one day, cultivation will succeed, and he will catch it. With a bang, the rou body of this tyrant was defeated, turned into the temper of True Dragon, swallowed the entry into the civilized chapter of the beast.

In the chapters of the beastly civilization, all of them are the heads of the beasts.

“The stone gas can actually let the wind brothers break it. It doesn’t take a little effort. It seems that this time, Xiao Shihuang didn’t rely on it, and Xiao Shihuang arranged this stone to block the entry of many sons. We can easily enter it and kill him. He is self-restraint.”

Xuanyuan broke and laughed.

“Yes, I can completely crack this layer of stone, causing everyone not to be petrified.” Fang Han said: “Small stone is indeed self-contained, thinking that even Primordial Immortal can not resist his stone, but do not know me. The realm of heaven and earth, specializing in restraining the stone monument of King Grade Immortal Artifact.”

Fang Han talked, Zhang mouth a suction, those stone gas, long whales generally put their own body into the water, actually swallowed, digested, nourish themselves.

There is a channel in front.

Fang Han walked in one step and everyone followed. Then I saw that all of the Spaces were stone, with stone men, stone mountains, stone walls, stone pillars, and even Space was transformed by stone. A stone world.

These stones are very hard and almost indestructible. Xuanyuan breaks axe and smashes up, a stone wall, and the stone mountain explodes and smashes, but in the deeper space, it is still a layer, the first layer of heavy stone walls, actually Endless, I don’t know where Xiao Shihuang is hiding.

That Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei, the space is petrified, just to protect themselves, in the core of the cultivation cultivation peerless Divine Ability.

“We want to break through the wall and find Xiao Shihuang. It is too difficult. It is worse than the wind. You figure out the specific location of Xiao Shihuang. He seems to be petrifying the space of the whole life and death coffin.”

Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu Road.

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