Eternal Life

Chapter 1197

“Who is this man?”

“I can actually fight with the hunter Demon King composed of millions of ancient magic hearts.”

“The strength of this hunter Demon King can be comparable to Primordial Immortal, and it is possible to be with him. What level of strength should it reach? It is almost the same as Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei. How has this man never seen it? ”

“There are so many ancient devils, he is afraid of hard work, and in the ancient magic, there are also powerful people.”

“Look, he shot? It’s amazing!”

Many of the Sons saw the men’s shots of the ancient Emperor of the day, and the great war hunter Demon King, they all talked about it, and their pressure was relaxed.

The man of the ancient god of the gods was Fang Han. At this time, he rushed to the center of the army and saw the huge hunter Demon King. He immediately attacked. The first move made the other’s xiong mouth smash, but did not expect This hunter Demon King actually repaired again and counterattacked.

“The hunter Demon King, which consists of 1.4 million ancient magic hearts, is all condense into one. It is really powerful.” Faced with this hunter Demon King, Fang Han’s dong gods swept away, I can see clearly the changes, even some of them are clearly seen.

Among these palpitations, there is a guilty commander equivalent to the Ancestral Immortal level, Magic Force is very strong and willing.

Hey! Hun Shi Demon King portable hun world magic bang, waving again, a dull voice in his mouth: “Hung Demonic art, upside down!”

A bang squatted down and slammed to Fang Han.

Fang Han’s body is still moving, his hands are hidden to the day of True Qi, and a palm is pulled out. Immediately, a strip of dragons rises and rises, causing the vision of Wanlong to ascend to heaven. In the air.


The hun world Demon King screamed, ** ang shocked, the above actually burned out the raging magic flame, is the beginning of the magic flame, between the burning and burning, the dragon-shaped True Qi have been opened.

“Competing with me, Martial art?” In the eyes of Fang Han, there was a faint smile. When the hunter Demon King broke the dragon-shaped True Qi, his body rose and he seemed to be like this. It is a master of Martial Dao.

A boxing out.

Martial Dao’s history of civilization is deductive.

A big “wu” word appeared in the air.

This word “wu” covers thousands of miles. Each stroke is constructed by many Martial Dao Divine Ability runes. It contains a lot of Divine Ability, and every Divine Ability is extinct, including Martial. Dao’s deepest mystery.

Martial Dao is a powerful civilization among the Beginning Era Divine Fist.

Represents the strongest force.

As soon as it came out, Fang Han waved ten times more power, and the light shone, as if the day was ruined. The big day explosion of the heavens, a group of jing light bombed on the hang of the hun world Demon King.

** ang smashed, turned into thousands of Devil Qi, each of the Devil Qi, there are hundreds of ancient magic hearts screaming blood, cracks in the body, was shattered.

After Fang Han broke the **ang, he did not stop. He shot again and was a blow. He took the head of the hunshi Demon King directly.

“Feng! The water and the wind, the book of the era!”

When the head of the hun world Demon King was taken down, Fang Han’s body became a book of the era, and the chapter of Demon Dao’s history of civilization, shocked down, millions of ancient magic hearts were all included in the book. in.

A loud noise, the chapter of Demon Dao’s history of civilization actually began to cross the history of Confucianism and Taoism, and was ranked on the first page.

However, the old Confucianism in the history of Confucianism and Taoism once again emerged, and many of the scholars sang the Great Yijing together. Immediately, the white light was once again brilliant, and the Haozheng was filled with each other, and the chapter of Demon Dao’s history of civilization was suppressed again.

Fang Han does not care about this, the more the battle is going on, the book of the era is becoming more and more tyrannical.

The history of major civilizations, preferably between each other, has produced spirits and struggles. That will add fuel to the fire, and the era of the era will be transformed into a new brilliant peak.

The hun world Demon King was absorbed by the book of the epoch, Fang Han once again restored his body, strolling in the whirlpool of clouds, surrounded by scattered ancient magic hearts, began to 1uan, fled, but have been inhaled.

In the distance, suddenly a more fierce embarrassment transmitted from the kingdom of God, suddenly, many ancient magic hearts and squadrons, have retreated, and entered a different space.

Fang Han did not pursue it, because he felt that in the deep space of the space, a pair of eyes stared at himself, very evil.

“Really retreated.”

The saints in the three great arrays also saw the appearance of Fang Han, who slammed the ancient magic hearts and sighed with relief and eased the tension.

However, they did not remove the great array, but they were prepared to know that the sons of the three great arrays were also afraid that Fang Han would kill others.

The blood se trials not only kill many of the devils in the Taikoo market, but also prevent the killing between the saints.

“Who is this person? Such a powerful force has never been heard?” Yan Shen Houmen, Solitary Family, Spirit Passage The Taoist Son of the Taoist sects the Si language.

“That is the person who hates the men, the painting of Sun Shi. The painting is reincarnation. He is one of the strongest sons of the feathered men. How can it be like a class, completely following the discipline?”

“We don’t have any hatred with Yuhuamen, they won’t start with us.”

“Did he save us?”


The fisherman called out. She only sees it now, the comer is Fang Han.

“Bi fish, who is the person?” Star Senior Brother saw the fish surprised, immediately asked.

“He is the genius of the feathered men, the one who left the young master of the Nangong family on the ground for a long time. At the time of Jinxian, Ancestral Immortal could not help him.” Biyuer said: “I entered with him.” Ghost Wu Shengjun’s tomb x, has a lot of benefits. He got the inheritance of the bone saint. The bone saint between the temporary, all the Magic Force, passed into his body.”

At the same time, the fisherman also lie, because Fang Han’s thoughts entered her mind, silent, this great array can not resist Fang Han’s stealing.

“You, you are safe, I have already broken up this group of ancient magic hearts, I will not come again, you can let go of the great array, rest and rest.”

Fang Han’s big sleeves, the three great arrays actually collapsed.

Star Senior Brother face changed, he felt that Fang Han in the big sleeve sniper, in the midst of a mysterious idea, directly cut into the gap of the great array operation, making the great array silent Disintegration, this strength, even the Primordial Immortal did not.

“How far has this person arrived?”

“Ha ha ha ha.” The painting of the reincarnation of Sun Poetry smiled and said: “Xingyuehua brother, how are you so rude? We have saved you, even if you don’t even call one, and there is a lonely brother. ?Spirit Passage Do you like a Taoist? Let’s get together.”

Sun Shi’s paintings are very famous. After all, he is a reincarnation of ancient paintings. He has participated in many blood testes, and he has a great name among many men’s factions.

This time, Fang Han rescued the sons of the three major men. He naturally couldn’t let the three men’s people go so far. It’s inevitable that they will pull on the jiao and let the other person lack one.

“Many thanks to the help of the friends of the feathers, there will be post-reports in the coming days.” The young man of Xingyuehua looked at Sun Shi’s paintings and finally fell on Fang Han’s body. Unconsciously, he felt His own temperament is shorter than that of Fang Han, formless, knowing that he is far from Fang Han’s opponent.

“Wind brother, this is a friend of Xingyuehua Road. It used to be a reincarnation of the Stars. It was also a saint in the past. Dao technique is a sacred one. It is one of the best of the gods.”

“Well, the reincarnation of Xingsheng is really a character.” Fang Han nodded. “I have a deep love with the fish. I can’t think of it. She is promoted to the Son, and she also participated in this blood test. I saw that you were trapped in the konjac and shot and killed.”

“Senior Brother, your Magic Force has reached this level.” The fish came out and bowed: “There is a lot of danger here. If you can communicate with the Senior Brother, you must be able to save anything.”

“This time, I am trying to deal with a demon head. The devil’s head is the one of the xiaoshihuang Song Tengfei. He is the reincarnation of the King Grade Immortal Artifact. As soon as he becomes a Primordial Immortal, he will kill all the men. Son, practicing a kind of Demonic art, makes it completely restored to the peerless power of King Grade Immortal Artifact, so we must help each other and kill the enchanting Xiaoshihuang.”

Fang Han’s opening is the news of the stone breaking.

“What? Really?” Xingyuehua whole body trembled: “I know that Song Tengfei is a reincarnation of King Grade Immortal Artifact. This time I entered the Taikoo’s blood test, I was looking for my own body and shocked Primordial Immortal. The realm, but how can he kill all the sons of the Men’s faction? Do you want to be the enemy?”

“Yes, Song Tengfei’s ambition is not xiao.” Sun Shi painting also helped Fang Han: “No matter what, these blood se test the presence of such a character, it is really disturbing. So we unite together, put He figured it out and prevented his promotion.”

“Oh!” Suddenly, a cold snort was heard in the distance. One of the leaders of the group spoke. “Sun poetry, you don’t want to open your mouth. This time, your feathered men happened to enter the ancient magic heart, but it happened. Dispelling the devil, saying that it is to save us. But this we don’t say much, just take your love, after going out in the future, my solitary family will give the feathers mendisciple some convenience, in return. But you want to take us It’s impossible for the Solitary family to get involved in the battle of Taiyimen. Everyone knows that you are a feathered man and a Taimen, and this time you say that Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei wants to kill all the people? How can I believe that? It is almost the same to kill all the saints who have feathered the men. We are not willing to participate in this battle. You and the Taiyimen are fighting.”

“Go, let’s go!”

This group of sons is the Expert of the Solitary family.

They are going to fly away.

Everyone is united and rises to the sky.

“Want to go? It’s so easy, so ungrateful, I saved you, but you left.” Fang Han yelled.

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