Eternal Life

Chapter 1196

“Sure enough, this group of ancient devils has trapped a few sons of the big men.”

Fang Han also looked at the depths of the ancient magical army, and saw some great arrays of the saints, Sword Qi, and Divine Ability 1uan flying, in which the conflicts, but all were ancient The army has resisted going back.

This group of ancient devils, do not know how many, dark clouds, filled with the sky, reaching thousands of miles away, deep in the connection of an ancient country of God.

Among them, the ancient magic is also a lot of Expert. Attacking, tens of thousands of apes are connected to form a piece of magical treasure, those magical treasures are a dark ** ang sweep, sniper, simply can not resist.

After all, no one has the Divine Ability of Fang Han.

“The enchanted ang of these ancient magic hearts, called hun world magic bang, is a legendary supreme instrument in the ancient Yuan Dynasty, which is equivalent to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. The rumors are shattered. But these apes All adhering to the will of this magic bang, the composition of the hun world magic bang is extremely powerful.”

Sun Shi’s paintings looked far away and carefully said: “It seems to be a group of sons of the gods, and the solitary family, some people of the Spirit Passage, these men’s factions are remote, and we There is no jiao episode in Zhongzhou Yuhuamen. It is not an enemy, nor a friend. We can go far and go and find Song Tengfei.”

“Derivation of God?”

Fang Han’s heart moved, the goddess of the gods, and her and some jiao love, I don’t know if this nv was promoted to Ancestral Immortal, I have to know that I am following her way to the tomb of Ghost Wu. However, it has gained a lot of benefits, refining the van Gogh of the Van Gogh sect, and even getting himself to teach Magic Force.

“Forget it, since these men’s people are not friends or enemies, and we are now trapped in the center of the ancient magical army, I will ask xing1ang for some hands and feet and rescue them. It’s a friend of jiao.” Fang Han said: “There are many helpless and helpless. In this blood test, it’s one thing to kill the enemy against the Son, but it’s also a good idea to have some friends, so that we can feather the men. It’s not a good thing to grow stronger in the future.”

“It’s still a good idea for the wind brother, but this thing can only be done by the wind brother. The army of the ancient magic heart is not without Expert, even if I enter it, I have to be trapped, I also want more jiao. A few friends, but now if you rush into this group of troops, it is also difficult for the mud bodhisattva to cross the river.” Sun Shi painting shook his head.

“No, come with me!”

Fang Han put his hands together, and immediately on his palm, there was a dragon, all of which were rotating dragon scale runes. In the twinkling of an eye, they entered the army of ancient devils.

Immediately, there were hundreds of ancient magic hearts in the dark clouds. The army was smashed by Fang Han’s dragon scale runes, all turned into Devil Qi condense, the ancient magic line of the Yuan Dynasty, and entered the Demon of the Book of the Ages. Dao is in the history of civilization.

Gradually, on the chapter of Demon Dao’s history of civilization, there was a huge hunter-like Demon King ape, holding the hun world magic bang, running around, practicing Martial art, a set of peerless sticks appeared on it. .

This set of sticks is basically prepared for the hunter Demon King.

Every time Fang Han kills an ancient magical heart, he can get a glimpse of the Martial art from Devil Qi in their body. It seems to be the sacred school of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact.

A deficient Demon Dao Martial Arts appeared in the history of the Demon Dao civilization in Fang Han.

This menDemon Dao Martial Arts, called “Hung Demonic Art”, once it is up and running, can be transformed into a hun world Demon King, stepping on the ground, lawless.

This menDemon Dao Martial Arts, not the Three Thousand Great Daos, is more overbearing than the Great Heart Demon Technique, and with a little movement, the power is increased. Although it is the information of this menhun world Demonic art, Fang Han uses Zhou Tianyi to calculate it. If the learning of the Menhun World Demonic art is complete, it can increase the combat power by more than ten times and break through the martial arts. Hey.

Martial art of Heaven, until now, the Emperor Wushu is almost the general outline, ten times the strength of the wave, is also the limit of the general Martial art, but if this hunter Demonic art can learn, it can certainly be ten times, the difference, One of the saints, the eyes flashed, the voice ji anger, Zhang mouth squirting jing gas, burning Yuan Shi Lingmai, desperately supporting the great array.

The Son of the “Derivatives of the Gods” is also a xiao group. There are more than a dozen people, the Son of the Son, and the St. Nv are all in it, and the fish are also listed.

These saints, arranged the great array, withstood the siege of the ancient devils and the army, kept strangling their hearts, but the hearts of the outside were more and more, and they could not kill.

“We can support it for a long time, and we will combine with the people of the solitary family, the Spirit Passage, and go to meet!”

Among the more than a dozen sons of Yan Shenhoumen, an Expert is always sitting, he is a young man, looks very handsome, but there is always a heroic atmosphere between the eyebrows, on top of his head, A cloud appears, infiltrating into the great array, and the entire great array is arranged in a copper wall and a bucket.


The young man, facing the ancient magic heart outside, Zhang mouth squirted out a True Qi, True Qi, there was a flame golden knife, swept out, when the first hundred hearts were melted by the flames.

His Dao technique is actually not under the Sun Poetry, the Van Gogh King, and Zhao Fenghua, and is obviously also a leader among the Sons.

“No, the ancient magic heart, the powerful angle se, the display of cutting tactics, it is impossible to unite us with the Solitary family, Spirit Passage.”

The fisherman spoke, and she took out her own veins, began to burn, turned into power, and merged into the great array. At the same time, her hands waved and flew out, and the Sword light of the dragon snake flew out and strangled into the great array.

However, her attack was weak and a lot weaker. A magical treasure was instantly smashed by the hunshi magic bang composed of tens of thousands of hearts. It was very painful.

“Hun Demon King, come to the world!”

Suddenly, among the countless ancient devils, a long screaming sound was so fierce, sharp and fierce, and then there were millions of ancient magic hearts that formed a hunter Demon King, a portable hun world bang, A bang collapsed.

This is a bang that tears the world.

Devil Qi tumbling, it seems that the ancient Yuan Dynasty Mozong once again returned to the world.


The gang went up to the great array of the gods, and the young leader’s face was pale and spewed out a blood, and there was a fierce shout like a beast.

“Star Senior Brother!”

“Star Senior Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

Many sons were shocked. They have rushed up.

“Don’t panic, you are all here, this ancient magic is in the midst of awesome characters.” The young brother Senior Brother yelled: “Great array absolutely can’t be shattered!”

There was a huge hole in the mouth of this god.

Among these holes is a black and white picture of Taiji.

That huge mouth, suddenly countless hearts rushed over again, patched the hole, and then turned a huge body.

“Where is the great person?”

The Son of the Divine Houmen saw this scene and widened his eyes. Especially the Star Senior Brother, standing up, hands propped up a sky, “This hunter Demon King, is the connection of millions of ancient magic hearts, Magic Force is equivalent to a Primordial Immortal, there are still people who can Breaking through his body? Who is the person coming in? Is it the xiaoshihuang Song Tengfei of Taiyimen, the rainy summer of the 9th Qingtian? Is it another metamorphosis?”

He remembered many characters.

At this time, he saw a tall figure like a hegemony, descending from the sky, a large sleeve, a lot of dragon scale runes jishe out, and the hunter Demon King fighting.

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