Eternal Life

Chapter 1190

Chapter 1190

“Heavenly Monarch’s Corner! This Zhao Fenghua can actually make this one-corner. It’s terrible!”

“This white s horn is the evolution of the disaster Heavenly Monarch. It represents the great vitality of the Great Dao, the invincible, the invincible symbol, the rumor, the cultivation of the Taiyimen. The Great Disaster Technique, so far, no one has been able to consolidate the corner of this Heavenly Monarch. Even the Song Tengfei is not concise.”

“In the rumor, Zhao Fenghua got the inheritance of Supreme Immortal, and it seems to be true. Otherwise, how can cultivation come out of the corner of Heavenly Monarch.”

“This white se is a cultivation success. There are rumors of the sorrowful use of the gods, the power is multiplied, and the cross-border fights, no one can resist.”

“This is the one-of-a-kind symbol on the head of the disaster Heavenly Monarch.”

Seeing that Zhao Fenghua had a white horn on the top of his head, everyone was shocked. Even the Van Gogh king tightened his pupil. It seems that Zhao Fenghua was beyond his expectations.

Zhao Fenghua gave a unicorn, and the whole body Magic Force skyrocketed, not like a stranger, but a ghost. Every step out, the white horn of the head on the head and all the heavens and the earth are mutual jiao feeling, there is no gap between the heavens and the human.

The formless power in this ancient market has been thrown into the unicorn and controlled by the unicorn.

At this moment, Zhao Fenghua is the king between heaven and earth, the only hegemon in the universe.

Above the white se horn, it has formed a tens of billions of micro-xiao countries, which are either lightning or thunder, or volcanic spurts, or earthquakes, or mourning of all beings, or hell lava, or knives and mountains.

Zhao Fenghua’s strength is getting stronger and stronger. His whole body seems to have emerged with layers of white scales to form armor. Mysterious and noble, gorgeous and graceful, holy and supreme.


In the face of Fang Han, he tears his hands and goes straight into the xiong膛. He wants to tear Fang Han directly into pieces. Fang Han, but the real ji angered him.

“Heavenly Monarch’s Horn….” Fang Han looked at the one-horned horn, even though he ignored the other’s hands, but suddenly he had a big sleeve and used his sleeves to put the hands directly into the pocket.

Between his big sleeves, he covered the sky and covered the world. The power conveyed by Zhao Fenghua’s hands was close to his sleeve, and he was charged in. The power weakened a lot.

“A sleeve, can resist my Divine Fist?” Zhao Fenghua’s breath is thunderous, his feet are stunned, his eight poles are shocked, his palm changes again, and he has made a trajectory. It is actually the celestial sorcerer of the disaster. , cut large sleeves. At the same time, he kicked his foot and a tui kicked directly to Fang Han’s head.

This tui, it seems that lightning tears the night, the gods are gone, the sky is hard to measure.


Fang Han’s body receded, and awkwardly, the pair of High Grade Immortal Artifact’s wings of freedom flew out, and the wings together resisted the tui.

“The corner of Heavenly Monarch is just for my use. Zhao Fenghua, you are the outstanding son of Taiyimen, and you have received the power of Supreme Immortal. When the Supreme Immortal emperor passed it on for you, did you not think of it? Is it in my hands? Just pass the skill to me.” After Fang Han resisted the tui, the body moves towards the sky, and then the whole body shines. A book of the era appears on the top of the head. Shining through the ages.

“The gods, the buddhas, the demons, the celestial beings, the sorcerers, the beasts, the swords… all kinds of civilizations are in one.”

Fang Han was brilliant, grand, magnificent, loyal, generous, and heroic. The book of the epoch was scattered, turned into a history of civilization, and revolved around the whole body, and then he rushed down.

“What is this Dao technique?”

Zhao Fenghua was shocked: “This is a history of civilization. Can someone use the history of civilization as a weapon to attack?”

Between his shock, Fang Han has been oppressed, carrying the supreme power and suppressing it. It’s awkward! Under that pressure, his white body, the holy scales of the whole body, exploded and shattered.

Stress, can’t compete.

“How could it be so powerful? Fighting!” Zhao Fenghua was almost oppressed by the pressure, the whole body mao hole is suffocating, simply can not absorb the heavens and the earth.

He snarled with a snarl, and Fang Han was a palm of his hand. The whole body burst out of the power of destroying xing, especially the white se horn on the top of his head. Suddenly he rushed out and could wear dong. The light of the god, the body of this Fang Han, dong wear.

“Give me a break!” Fang Han descended from the sky, covered with big hands, suppressed Fang Fang, and shot the Beginning Era Divine Fist in the palm of his hand, grabbed the light of the light, and then shot another 14 times!

His shadow, separated, turned into fourteen, each with the same strength as himself, suppressed, electric stone fire, can not stop, and his power bo, scattered, that Fan Yunzong, Taiyimen In addition, the Son was forced to retreat incessantly.

“Good strength.”

“I didn’t read it wrong? Fourteen figures, that is fourteen times the strength of the battle, between the heavens and the earth, where is there Martial art that has so much effort?”

“The most combat power is ten times the strength of the Emperor Martial art recorded in the Emperor’s martial arts.”

“No, we can’t get close to the battlefield.”

“The impact! Zhao Feng Senior Brother Hua and the wind edge pair together.”

Taiyimen, the son of Fan Yunzong, at this moment, roared and wanted to be close to the battlefield, but he could not get close.

The change of the face of the Vatican King was a chase, but Zhao Fenghua and Feng Feng finally slammed together and burst into a shock. They dispersed out as the center of the two people. Cracks, countless tangible and formless monsters are dead.


A scream was conveyed, and everyone saw Fang Han’s big hand, directly caught on the top of Zhao Fenghua’s head, and pulled out the unicorn from Zhao Fenghua’s head.

Zhao Fenghua had a big bloody sputum on the top of his head. The inside of the mad spray blew out blood and dyed the sky.

He immediately covered his big hole in his head with his hands and hurried back: “Vatican brother, save me! Blessing brother, save me!”

“How could this be!”

Sun Shi’s paintings are also straight.

Not only he, the various sons of the feathered men, almost suffocated and fainted, this contrast is too big, know that Fang Han is very strong, but it is strong enough to make such a point, so that no one can expect.

“Zhao Fenghua, who has the corner of Heavenly Monarch, is still above me. Even Primordial Immortal can’t beat him. He can compete with the primary Primordial Immortal great war for three days and three nights. It was defeated by the wind. Is the wind more powerful than Primordial Immortal?” Sun Shi’s paintings hysterically yelled.

“Want to run? Not so easy, leave me!”

Fang Han is awe-inspiring, holding a white horn in one hand, and the white se horn is still jumping in his hand, but he can’t be fooled by him.

In the face of the retreating Zhao Fenghua, his other hand volleyed, and a huge force flew out and turned into a hand of God, to take Zhao Fenghua in his hands.

Zhao Fenghua was born by Fang Han and pulled out the monocular on the top of his head. His power was greatly reduced. The whole body jing was mad, and the attack on the hands of the gods could not be resisted.

The Van Gogh King finally got started.

His body moved, gold se big handprint, volley flying, slamming Fang Han, at the same time, in the air changed a series of shadows, wrapped Zhao Fenghua wrapped in it, guarding, a relic-like clear light, put each other The big hole on the head was blocked, and the clear light melted, preventing the jing gas from leaking out.

The injury was actually repaired.

“Wind, let me see you xiao 蝼 ants, can turn up what big 1ang.” Fan Wang Wang angered and stunned.

Fang Han’s hands were up and changed to Beginning Era Divine Fist, which implied the mystery of 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, colliding with the gold se big handprint.


The gold se large handprint was actually shaken away.

Fang Han rushed out of the broken gold se cloud. As Heavenly Monarch came, the god of war took blood. He grabbed the white se horn in one hand, and made all kinds of sacred marks in one hand. There was a sacred school of the Protoss, the mantra of the Buddha, the sorcerer’s The evil spirits……. are all in it, bombarding the past against the Vatican King, and at the same time those laws and seals have blocked all the surrounding spaces, and do not let the Van Gogh King escape.

“I am Xiao ant? I can kill you with one hand.” Fang Han’s eyes are murdered: “With your words, I will be the face of everyone today and kill you alive.”

“Brazil god palm!”

The Van Gogh King played the palm of his hand. Every paw print was a bsp of pure gold; Fang Han shouted, the wing of freedom opened, and the pace of the walker broke out, breaking through the madness chao, infinitely close to the van Gogh king There were eight floating sects on the top of his head. The power of the eternal ancestors came down in the sky, and many of the heavens and the earth changed into a rune of dragon scales.

“Eight Buddhism!”

Fanshi Wang looked at Fang Han’s fierceness, and when he hit it, his whole body would turn into True Dragon and fly out. He was shocked and rolled back Zhao Fenghua.

At the same time, there was a moonlight-like blade glow on his body. The blade glow was inflated. The runes with various elements on it were actually a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, which appeared quietly in his palm. The shock dang cut, forming a sharp rune, and actually cut the dragon scales in the air to the article, killing to Fang Han.

“This is Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, Van Gogh!”

Sun Shi’s paintings shouted loudly and reminded Fang Han.

Fang Han did not change the se, single-handedly pressed up, even with the rou palm, hard to poke this Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, cutting the Van Gogh knife of all things.

“I don’t believe, you can resist my Van Gogh!” Fan Wang, facing the rushing Fang Han, was furious, the blade glow changed, the concentrating was swallowed, the sharpness was suffocating, and a set of ruined days was displayed. The knife of the ground.

The palm of the hand collides with the blade.

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