Eternal Life

Chapter 1189

Van Gogh’s arrogance and arrogance, the gas behind the golden se seems to be burning in flames, showing unparalleled power and momentum. He is also the reincarnation of the ancient saints, and seems to understand the true meaning of the saint, which appears in the Dao technique. Looking down on the celestial beings, mastering the vast land, the sun and the moon.

With his one-person Cultivation Base, it seems that all the feathered men who are present can be eliminated.

Everyone has a feeling like this.

Not only the “Van Yunzong” discipline, even the “Taiyimen” many sons, are very admired for this Expert, he is the master of the vitality, True Qi, Astral Qi, the founder of Immortal Qi.

Feel free to move, the sky is falling apart.

“Also, the brother of the Vatican is trapped in Sun Shi’s paintings first. We have cleaned up the other feathered men.” Zhao Fenghua did not look at the other sons of the feathered men. The people present were only grandchildren. Poetry and painting have received a lot of attention for him. After all, Sun Poetry is also a reincarnation of saints.

As for Fang Han, it is just a fledgling genius.

“Vatican King trapped Sun Poetry, I personally came to kill the fledgling xiaogenius wind, you shot separately, and shot the other Son St. Nv. Remember that the imaginary cloud is the body of yu bone ice muscle, first do not Killing, but imprisoning her, waiting for Song Tengfei Senior Brother to promote to Primordial Immortal, find his own body seal stone monument, and then offer him as a gift, let him enjoy, and, Xu Bingqing, also proud snow The god body, the same as the Song Brothers Senior Brother as a gift, remember?”

Zhao Fenghua ordered.

“Song Tengfei Senior Brother can’t enjoy two gods, so that the vain cloud is left to the Lower Song Senior Brother, and this Xu Bingqing is left to me.” Fan Wang Wang proudly said, the big hand waved, the air bloomed out the road gold The 昙hua, fleeting, as if the human life was short and immediately faded.

“Well, the Vatican King, you have this Yaxing, I am naturally perfect. Anyway, this time we cooperate with the Fan Yunzong, kill all the sons of the feathered men, wait to kill this batch of sons, and A few batches of powerful ones, such as Zhu Chongyang, Wan Xi’an, and Hua Zhentian, are the enchanting enchantments of the resurrection of the ancient saints. In the future, there will be hopes to become saints, even the seedlings of the Supreme Immortal emperor, one by one, and the feathers are also It will be replaced, and when the old antiques will die in the future, the feathers will not be picked up, and it will naturally be completely ruined. Can those old antiques really think that they can cultivate Heavenly Monarch? Now that the times have changed, Heavenly Monarch can no longer be built, reaching the royals. Supreme Immortal has stopped here.”

Zhao Fenghua and Fan Shiwang and other saints explored in the air, and Fang Han and other people as goods, randomly distributed, seems to have fixed these people.

Indeed, the strength of the Vatican King is still above Sun Poetry, and it is the reincarnation of the ancient saints, who will not be afraid of anyone. Zhao Fenghua knows that “wind” has genius, but he is completely confident to pack it down. As for other disciplines, the one son of Sanyi, the sons of Fan Yunzong are all jingying, squatters, quantity and quality. They all have an absolute advantage and will certainly succeed.

He also calculated very well. The Van Gogh King can only trap Sun’s poems and paintings. It may take days and nights for the two to win the game. However, he can succeed in dealing with the “winds” and then go back and kill. The other Son of St. Nv can be completed in an instant. Finally, working together to deal with Sun Shi’s paintings will definitely succeed.

The Sons are the Culture Base of Ancestral Immortal, but Ancestral Immortal also has three or six, etc. He is the supreme enchanting metamorphosis of the kind of Ancestral Immortal, killing the ordinary Ancestral Immortal Son, effortless.

“Sun poetry painting, come out!”

After the Vatican King spoke, he hooked his finger.

“Wind, the situation is urgent! Your degree is very fast, immediately lead these people to escape. Call us to feather the other son, this time, abandon the former suspicion, take care of the overall situation, unite together, spend this time no wonder, I am here After the break! They can’t help me, I can escape!”

Sun Shi painted his face with an abnormal dignity, shocked the body, protected everyone, and passed on the mind of Fang Han.

“Be sure to stop Song Song from finding his own stone monument, and also prevent him from being promoted to Primordial Immortal. This ancient market is very large. If all the sons of my feathered men are united and hide, still Can survive for seven days.”

“Sun Senior Brother, these people are coming to you, after we break, you go!” Xu Bingqing, in the face of the crisis of life and death, she also showed calm.

“Your strength is weak, it is far from the Van Gogh King, Zhao Fenghua’s opponent. And the two men’s hands, there is extremely fierce Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, can not resist, only I can handle, I This time, even if you lose half of your life, you should stop them. Wind, you take them away!”

Sun Shi painting roared.

“Where there is so much nonsense, killing these people directly will not be finished.” Fang Han stepped out and said proudly: “Kill these people, find what Song Feifei, take him out, also If you kill it, you will be finished?”

“Wind! You!”

Sun Shi painting was also unexpectedly not expected, and Fang Han did not listen to himself, and immediately stood up. And also to say such arrogant words, he has a tendency to hurry up.


Seeing Fang Han stand up like this, Van Gogh, Zhao Fenghua, and Fan Yunzong, all the sons of Taiyimen, bowed and then laughed.

“This person is scared crazy? Kill us all, haha! This is the best thing I have heard this year.”

“Get out of heart, crazy, he thought he is who? Heavenly Monarch reincarnation? Hey! He thought he was arrogant in the men’s school, can he be invincible? He is in the men’s faction, the victory is only a little low Just waiting for the goods se, far from here and we are arrogant.”

“Just kill him. I was the first to see such a arrogant person, Zhao Brother, Senior Brother Hua, still not killing him, but when?”

Fan Feng Wang and Zhao Fenghua also laughed aloud. “It’s very arrogant, very arrogant. We were prepared to kill you straightforwardly, but now we change our minds, we won’t kill you, but we will take you When you are imprisoned, you will try to torture you every day. Let you know what it means to be arrogant.”

Between the talks, Zhao Fenghua walked over step by step.

“This year, there are so many people who want to die, you can take it together!” Fang Han held his hand, facing the “Vatican King”, and some Van Gogh, too one of the discipline’s discipline: “Save me trouble, I am also afraid that when you are a bird and beast, I will chase you.”

“court death!”

Finally, Zhao Fenghua couldn’t help it, “The Hand of Disaster!”

His broad palms shook, and an overwhelming catastrophe filled the air. In the air, he turned into a catastrophe of Heavenly Monarch, splitting yin yang, against 1uan, and each finger was hundreds of millions. Dao Daxian was concise and condensed, with a total of 500 million Daxian techniques, concise into a single, covering Fang Han.

This palm, there is also the power of Brahma’s palm, so that Fang Han can’t escape, and it is inevitable.

Fang Han stood still, letting the hand of the disaster hit it down, and the sound of the dang shattered everywhere, and there was a crack in the sky. His face se has not changed in the slightest, and it is still an unchanging face.


From the top of his head, there was a Sword light, countless swords, swords, and turned into a long river. It seemed that the sword was buried in the sword, and the hand of the disaster that came down was directly cut.

This is the history of civilization in Kendo.

Since the condensed book of the epoch, Fang Han has stopped sticking to Movement or Xianju. Attacking the enemy is directly attacking with the history of civilization. The more the scope of all the sacred tricks, the idea is to dissolve everything.

Think about it, is there any Dao technique that can match the vastness of a civilization history?

“What sword technique is this? Funeral sword trick? No, this is much more powerful than funeral swordsmanship. I feel that I have reached the vast history of kendo civilization.”

The hand of the disaster was smashed, and Zhao Fenghua was shocked. The body retreated backwards and again, and countless disasters collapsed. The 500 million Daxian dynasty collapsed and the sides splashed.


Fang Han’s step, spanning the distance, came directly to Zhao Fenghua’s face, and the palm of his hand was launched. The palm of the whole body rushed into the sky. It seemed to penetrate the seal of the ancient market and directly reach the heavens. A big day running through the heavens.

Behind him, there appeared the history of civilization of Confucianism and Taoism. Astral Qi, filled with heaven and earth, a respected old Confucian saint, talked about justice, salute, and great order in the history of civilization.

Bai Hong Jingtian, jiao woven, the latitude and longitude between the heavens and the earth, were replaced by Fang Han’s white rainbow.

As soon as he shot, he shot the most sturdy history of Confucianism and Taoism in his current book of the era.

Between the white and the rainbow, the catastrophic catastrophes were disintegrated and melted into the white light. Fang Han became a Confucian men’s Heavenly Monarch, and he suppressed Zhao Fenghua with a masculine history.

“Confucian menMartial art! No wonder so arrogant!” Zhao Fenghua is not a good class, his eyes open, the momentum is steep, his head has actually grown a white se horn, the whole body is taller Zhang Duo is two or three heads taller than the average person. The white horn is the same as the one-of-a-kind head of the disaster Heavenly Monarch. It represents a disaster in front of the disaster.


The white se horn on his head scatters a circle of ru white se, and actually forced Fang Han’s Astral Qi.

He punched Fang Han with a punch, and in the middle of the collision between the two men, there was a huge field, and all the power was distorted and sucked in.

Zhao Fenghua is physically strong and has a horn on his head. It is just Demon Soul.

The heavens and the earth were opened with a gap, and the white se horn on his head absorbed all the jing. In the midst of it, I don’t know where the power comes from, and the topping of it makes the Astral Qi around him stronger and blows Fang Han’s clothes.

“You are compelling me to show the corner of Heavenly Monarch, die under my fist, and be proud!” Zhao Fenghua’s voice is cold.

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