Eternal Life

Chapter 1184

“It turns out that the sons of our feathered men are also from all directions. They are all unruly people. How can they be iron plated? It is possible that when they participate in the blood test, they will intrigue and hide in the dark. This has to be prevented.”

Fang Han calculated for a while, and recalled the scene when the feathered men of the past generations participated in the blood se trial.

He sealed the Emperor’s Son, secretly started, and used the method of stealing the sky. In fact, he has secretly stolen his many memories. Especially the scene where blood se trials.

Some of the dangers of the Taikoo Market, he is almost clear.

The grievances between the saints in the men’s school are not convincing, and he basically understands.

The blood se trial is a trial field held by the heavenly courts of many men’s sons, as if Emperor called the princes to hunt. With this meaning, the general men’s faction is not qualified to go, only closely related to the heavenly court, and the men’s faction who is in the princehood in the heavenly court can go forward.

This kind of trial is held several times a year. It is also a kind of training for each kind of talents, and it is also closely related to the means of the major men.

Because of this tempering, the men’s factions related to the heavens are becoming more and more tyrannical, while the other men’s factions are getting weaker and weaker.

And what talents are sent by each men, and Heaven will know and master this blood test.

The more Fang Han tried to figure out, the more I felt that the blood test of Tianting was really wonderful. It not only contacted the relationship of the major men’s factions, but also grasped the situation of the major men’s genius anytime and anywhere.

In the secular, Emperor convene many princes every year, and the Minister of Culture and Civility goes hunting. The same is true. The first is to contact feelings. The second is to see which one has a good angle. It is easy to promote, reuse, and of course supervised. The meaning is in it.

Of course, the Taikoo market is more than a few times more dangerous than the hunting ground. It is a patchwork of Taikoo. It has grown thousands of absolutely sturdy Demon Soul, monsters, and even exiled evil mencultivators.

There is also a name for the Taikoo Market, which is the prison of the Tianzhu prison and the place of exile.

Sometimes there are some evil mencultivators in the heavens, which are very tyrannical and difficult to destroy. They will be exiled in the Taikoo Market, and then let the sons of the major men send them to kill each year.

This time the blood se trial came again.

Moreover, this time the blood se trial was on the eve of the genius battle. The heavenly court opened a lot of dangerous places. The treasures inside, the many veins, the more noticeable, and of course the danger.

“Go, let’s go out and gather in front of the passage of the Taikoo. At that time, there will be a messenger of heaven and lead us in.”

Xu Bingqing saw Fang Han pondering and waited for a while before he started.

“Senior Sister, this blood se trial, I heard that there are so many restricted areas open, there are even some ancient spirits, there is a strong spiritual vein in it, if you are lucky, you can collect the king’s pulse, then Just get rich overnight, buy what you want to buy.”

“Yeah, I have long wanted to buy a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, Jiufeng Tianyi, but the price is too expensive, I need 100,000 first-order spirits, I can’t accumulate in my life, if I can find a Wang Shiling Pulse, then you can buy it.” Another holy nv road.

“Wang Jie Lingmai such treasure, if we encounter it, we can’t charge it, it will definitely be killed by countless Experts, and other men will not let us go.” Xu Bingqing cold and cold, and looked again Fang Han glanced at one of the following: “Of course, Fengyuan has this strength. It is rumored that he has got a king’s pulse in the tomb of Ghost Wu.”

“Yes, let’s go. If there is a king’s pulse, I still hope to collect it. If someone and us snatch this huge wealth, then the six parents will not recognize it.”

Fang Han is also a move in the heart. If there is a king-level spiritual pulse in the trial of the blood of the ancient times, he must charge it. Now the king-level spiritual vein in his body is left with a xiao and a half. It will take a long time to consume.

He is now spending too much on the spiritual pulse, exerting several times the power of the game, and screaming is the energy of more than ten first-order spirits being consumed.

“We gathered through the transmission and arrived in the ancient city of Tianzhou below the heavens.”

Dao Xushengzi face se became serious.

Between the conversations, several people entered a huge transmission array.

In the feathered kingdom, there is a transmission array that arrives everywhere. This is the treatment that the Son can enjoy. When Fang Han used to be the core seed disciple, he was only able to go to the opposite side of the ancient city.

This transmission array was left behind by the ancient feathered men’s ancestors, Heavenly Monarch. It was very fast, and it was almost half an hour before it reached the legendary ancient city of Tianzhou.

The ancient city of Tianzhou is a central location in the heavens. It is rumored to be in the ancient times, the capital of heaven. Now, above the ancient city of Tianzhou, it is the seat of the heavenly court.

This is the real Wanzhou Center.

Fang Han came out from the transmission array and saw the tall city walls, the grounds of various crystal stones, the pavilions and the high-rise buildings that emerged from the cultivation, but unexpectedly, this ancient city is very quiet, and no one is there. There is no cultivator in the past.

“This ancient city of Tianzhou is a forbidden place in the heavens. It is strictly forbidden to enter the cultivator of each school. Otherwise, you can’t talk about it. If you look at the top of the sky, it is the location of the heavenly court.” Dao Xushengzi pointed at the sky.

On top of the sky, Fang Han saw a gap in the yin yang.

Apart from this, everything can’t be seen. In the chasm, there seems to be a tall palace. The majestic gods are in it, but let you feel that you can’t touch it at all.

Fang Han’s mind can’t penetrate into it.

Or it is said that his god can not reach heaven in heaven, and heaven seems to be the height of the day with the heavens.

In the gap, the Aura passed down is suffocating and cannot be resisted. With Fang Han’s current Culture Base, he can only worship.

This is the most powerful strength of heaven, heaven.

Thousands of absolutely kings, the master of the king family. Although there is now a tendency to become decadent, no one can overthrow the heavens until there is no such thing as a character in the heavens.

“Tianting, only by being summoned, can we enter. We can only enter Tianzhou and wait for the advent of the heavenly messenger.” Xu Bingqing said: “Look, this is a large number of transmissions in the ancient city of Tianzhou. Those big men The Son of the Son also entered here one after another. The other Sons of our feathered men also joined here.”

Waiting for a while, this empty dangdang in the ancient city of Tianzhou, the sound and brilliance of the transmission array are everywhere, many powerful Auras come across time and space, Fang Han sees it, in some distant transmissions, the major The sons of the men’s school have come out of them. Some of them have sent sons, and they are arrogant, flying, and the world is male. Some of the saints are worried, some are full of hope, and some are murderous.

Many of the brilliant people are peerless genius, all kinds of natural gods, and the Eucharist has appeared.

In the past, Fang Han has seen at least hundreds of powerful gods, including the body of the “Spiral Bone Gold Medal”, the “Star King Dragon xue” body, the “Indestructible Skin” body, and the “Supreme The sacred body”………Every god, the Eucharist is very powerful, genius overflows, each piled up in the city of Tianzhou, gathered together and became one group after another.

Most of them are a men’s school, can become the saint’s corner se, are level fierce person, calculate jing indeed, have the atmosphere, the existence of great wisdom, now so many sons gathered in the ancient city of Tianzhou, but let Fang Han has some feelings of dizzying.

There are some saints, and the body contains a kind of power that is not human. It also makes Fang Han feel very shocked. It can be seen that some of these saints are the reincarnation of Lord.

Some of the saints contain the core will of the ancient saints, and some even have the sacred gods of Supreme Immortal, which are 100% saints and reincarnate. Instead of Fang Han, this fake “bone heritage”.

These people, although temporarily only the Culture Base of the Son “Ancestral Immortal”, can really have the power of Ancestral Immortal because they have the power of “Saint Immortal” and “Supreme Immortal”.

“terrifying! Every big men’s faction has the existence of such a powerful angle se. It seems that this blood se trial can’t be ignored.” Fang Han is secretly vigilant, although he is powerful, but his fist is hard to beat. The hand, the tiger can not help the wolves, if there are some saints, the reincarnation of the Son to unite to kill him, he only escapes, not to mention, these saints also contain a powerful magical treasure.

He couldn’t be invincible to sweep all the sons of the great men.

This time, I came to participate in the “blood se trial” kings, the big family, thousands of people, each of the men’s sons are also very much, united, unless it is Heavenly Monarch, or no one dares to say that they can Sweep.

The sacred son of the feathered men gradually came out of the transmission array. They gathered on the street where Fang Han was located. The streets of the ancient city of Tianzhou are very wide, ten times more spacious than the ancient city of Zhongzhou. The houses are all like the Heavenly Palace.

Therefore, although this “blood se trial” of the major men’s sons, although there are many, but it is not likely to be overcrowded.

The ancient city of Tianzhou is rumored to be forged by the ancient kings.

The son of the feathered men came out of the transmission array in threes and threes. They talked on the street and gathered together into one xiao group. Some of them also saw Fang Han, which was very taboo. After retreating, I was afraid of annoying this Demon Soul, and some of the Sons came over and shouted “Senior Brother”, with a close-up look.

Fang Han looked at the past, and now there are more than a dozen xiao groups, not close to each other, but gathered together, the leaders of these xiao groups are also extremely powerful Expert.

Vaguely, there are several deities in the body, but also the imprint of the gods of the ancient saints, no doubt the real reincarnation of Saint Immortal.

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