Eternal Life

Chapter 1183

“What is the means of winds? Open the topless area? Killing in the air. This is the only means that Primordial Immortal has. It has learned the way of returning to the Yuan, and the power has never been confined before it can attack at such a long distance. .”

“Have you heard the scream of the dark light in the dark emperor’s house? Is there someone who was seriously injured or even killed?”

“They underestimated the strength of the wind, they made their own decisions, and reached an agreement with the high-level members of our featheringmen. They saved them and saved them. They even dared to violate the regulations and took the shots. This has met hard ideas.”

“Yes, I met hard ideas, got a lesson, and the wind is so strong. This blood se trial, we will not lose in defeat.”

“I suspect that this wind will be able to stand out in the heavenly genius battle after the blood se trial. Get the favor of the eternal Heavenly Monarch, and step into the sky.”

“In that case, our feathering men will also rise. Even in the future, this wind has really become the eternal Heavenly Monarch, and the palms are not good.”

“Look, the Emperor Palace, the Sun God Palace, the Yan family’s Expert also shot on the wind. They are not convinced, to kill the wind.”

Fang Han directly crushed the black light, and opened the domain men in the air. The injury even killed the Expert of the Dark Emperor, so that the feathered mendisciple in the presence was too elated and the Expert was shocked.

At this moment, suddenly, the strong flame light, and the power of the soul, the Yan family’s sacred light was smothered to Fang Han.

The first to kill is the flame, the Expert of the Sun God Palace. This flame came in, and it evolved into a series of fire dragons, rushing, and among the fire dragons, there were mixed gold, suzaku, phoenix, 鲲鹏……. and so on, many fire beasts, and even some ancient beasts. They have all been transformed into fire systems. For example, the water system of Kun Peng, now completely fire, has reached the realm of the five elements of extreme changes.

“Let you save Gu Changfeng, it is already a lot of kindness and tolerance. You actually shot me. This is already the bottom line of my own, and I will stay for me.”

Fang Han faced the killing of the flame, the palm of his hand lifted, and there were thousands of turbines in the air. The sound of the rotating sucking directly absorbed all the flames. All the fire beasts screamed in the turbine and were completely strangled. Fragmentation.

“Don’t be self-sufficient, dare to contend with the Sun God Palace, dead end one!” In the flame of the gods, a big flame bow suddenly emerged, and then the flame bow was held by two strong flame giants, suddenly opened Bows and arrows, countless ray of flame condense above the big bow, forming a long arrow, screaming.


The long arrow of flame, running through time and space, dong wears the ages, rubbing the air to turn all the vitality into ashes.

“This is the sun god arrow! The bow of Vulcan!”

“Incinerating everything, there is a peerless Expert, in the depths of the depths, urging this Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact for killing.”

Some people with high eyesight are shocked.

At this moment, Fang Han pointed out, above the flame long arrow, the sun god arrow exploded, turned into many Mars, splashed on all sides, but could not be splashed on Fang Han.

Crushed long arrows, Fang Han’s footsteps curved, like a dragon, the hands are woven, and a big bow emerges from behind, the long arrow is brewing on the big bow, and the Magic Force is accumulated.

He stared at the bow, no longer spoke, his body shook, and the long arrow made an eternal light year.

Aurora tears the sky, the light is eternal.

This arrow is an arrow that can’t escape, and directly into the source of the void.


Another scream, the flames of the Sun God Palace were all extinguished, empty dangdang, only the hot Aura left on the Temple Square.


The power of the mind, as well as the power of the lead, saw such a situation, and at the same time retracted, no longer attacking Fang Han.

Fang Han is willing to let go: “Save people in front of me and don’t say it. If you don’t leave something, leave it with a wound, it will hurt my face.”

Between the talks, he did not stop, took two steps, split yin yang, evolved the map, and the body was white, and the rainbow was scattered, turning into a small sky, falling, bright hymns, self-defeating Born.

The big hands stretched out and moved towards the South and the West.

In the eyes of everyone shocked, I saw Fang Han’s left and right hands, like the claws of the ancestors, directly whistling and tearing, dong wearing to infinity.

A sky was torn, and everyone saw it. In the two big states outside of Zhongzhou, there seemed to be several figures igniting Magic Force, but the big hand was under pressure and several people were frightened and jumped. Each played a magical treasure, but the magical treasure was crushed by the big hand and shattered immediately.

Several people vomited blood and sneaked into the air, hurriedly fleeing.

Fang Han took it back, and the Scorpio slowly closed, and the blood on the palm of his hand ran down, not his own, but the Yan Family Expert and the Heavenly Heart Palace.

The blood, dripping on the square hall in front of the temple, was shocking and represented the majesty of Fang Han.

“It’s too strong, is this still human? Previously, this wind has suppressed Xiang Yizhen, Gu Changfeng, Xinhuang Shengzi, Yanxi to these four people, and some old saints are not convinced, now see In this scene, I am afraid no one will come out and challenge him.”

“This is no longer a human being. What kind of fortuitous encounter? Is it that Bone St. has passed all the skills to him?”

“He will at least be a saint. Even more horrible.”

“The people under the dark emperor’s palace, the emperor’s palace, the sun shrine, the Yan family have all suffered a big loss. I know the windy person, I don’t know if I will give strength to Xiang Yizhen and others after returning. revenge?”

“Hey, look at the bears of a group of people, even if it is a million years of refining, it will not be an opponent of the wind. How do you look at the wind?” The nvdisciple of a feathered man shines, I can’t wait to express myself to Fang Han’s love.

Deep in the heavens of the feathers, on a mountain, several bodies seem to blend in with the rules, looking at the front of the temple, and also a few mysterious sons in the feathered men.

“Su Xiaoxing, how do you see the strength of this wind? Are you not saying that you have to wait for him to come out and compete with him?” A man emerged.

“Hey!” Another son, cold snort, didn’t speak.

“Wang Daoguo, you don’t want to say anything cool. I can’t think of the strength of this wind, it has reached such a terrible degree. Although we have people on the scene, although there are cards, but in the end, really no one can beat him. ”

“That said? We will lose this person in the genius battle held in heaven this time?”

“That is not necessarily, we still have the opportunity to hold blood test before the genius battle in heaven. The sons of the various men’s factions gather, the wind is so arrogant, and will definitely be the expert of the major men. Stare, kill him and then fast. We can take the opportunity when we arrive…”

“Hey! It’s true that being a man can’t be too arrogant.”

“being targeted.”

Several Magic Force’s deep old-fashioned Son is talking, and Aura disappears. At the same time, many mysterious characters have also retreated. Prepare for a new big event. Because the blood se trial is about to begin.


A few shadows descended in the air, it was the Tao Xuzi, the illusory cloud. There are also a few sons who seem to be very good with the Son of Dao. These few people came together, and in addition to the imaginary cloud, there are several St. nv, one of which is as cold as frost, as if proud of a peacock’s holy nv power is the most tyrannical, and even more than the heart of the Son .

This St. Nv, dressed in a robes of brocade, has a slender figure, and the skin is like snow, with a soft luster, which is more chic than the icy ice muscles.

“This is another kind of god, proud of the ancient pulse.” Fang Han swept away, and saw that in this day, read a lot of classics, some of which are also recorded about the ancient veins.

“The Junior Brother, this is a St. nv, Xu Bingqing Senior Sister.”

Dao Xu Shengzi introduced.

“This is the Junior brother.”

“Well.” Seeing the wind, the frosty Xu Bingqing, the holy nv, nodded and nodded, and fell his eyes on the palm of Fang Han’s blood, and the mouth of the sand opened. “The wind is so good, the wind is strong. Strength.”

According to Xu Bingqing’s holy nv’s xing grid, they are all refused to be thousands of miles away. For anyone, it is not fake, but Fang Han’s behavior is too dazzling, and it is very hot. The heart of the imperial palace, the dark emperor’s palace, the sun god palace, the Yan family Expert, is simply invincible, even if it is cold, people can not be moved, after all, heaven is a world of strength.

“Well,” Fang Han glanced at the big sleeves, nodded, and the people next to him didn’t dare to say anything. There were also several St. Nv who felt that he was majestic and his eyes were slightly bright, but no one felt that his attitude was big. This is the majesty that brings the item to the truth, the Emperor and the Son of the Emperor.

With this strength, there is this momentum.

“Senior Brother, so powerful, this time we went to the Taikoo Market, blood se trials, you have to protect us.” A St. nv even the Senior Brother called out, these saints nv than Fang Han into Men have been for many years, but they dare not call the Fang Han Junior brother.

Even Xu Bingqing did not dare to call the Junior brother casually.

“Yeah, Senior Brother Dao technique, I don’t know when I can teach us one or two hands and give pointers to us?” Another Saint nv pleaded.

“No problem, I have a lot of time in the emergence of men, and I have the opportunity to cultivate together later. This blood se trial, go to the Taikoo market, is it just a few of us?” Fang Han looked away, “not our feathering men all Are you going to go to the Son of God?”

“The Holy Son of St. Nv, also divided into xiao groups, we are usually a group of mutual trust, so together. In front of the Taikoo Market, all the sons of the feathered men will gather.”

Xu Bingqing explained: “In the future, I entered the Taikoo Market. It is also divided into many xiao groups for treasure hunt. After all, we have a lot of saints, and we are not a piece of iron.

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