Eternal Life

Chapter 1177

?? Very good, I have captured your jing gas, so that you can no longer be the dong of the disaster. “Fang Han grabbed a big hand, between the five fingers, jishe out of the dragon shape True Qi, in the twinkling of an eye, the dong wore this Demon Dao great array, the group of books and demon were blown out of 1uan flying, turned into a roll of Iron book, screaming.

“Want to return to the Yuan, give it to me!”

Fang Han stood still in the air and hit the road True Qi. Immediately all the book demon irons were hit, and they fell to his side. They were swept by his big sleeves, and the shadows of the strips were forced from the books. Chou took it out and directly went through his True fire and refining it on the spot.

These magic shadows are very powerful, especially carrying the knowledge of the Dark Lord. Demonized by Fang Han, the civilization chapter of Demon Dao in the book of the era is once again enriched. In the history of Demon Dao civilization on that page, there are all powerful magic shadows. It seems to jump out from the book and create a human being in the world. The kingdom of the devil.

Since entering this “Water Moon dong Day” and practicing “The Book of the Ages”, Fang Han feels that his power is condensed into one, and will never disperse 1uan, and there is a relationship between the hands and the feet. Divine Ability of Wanjie, all his studies, are all integrated into the Book of the Ages. Even the sacred fate is a chapter of fate at the end of the book of the Era.

On the strength, Fang Han was “one” before entering the water moon dong days, and now it is “two” or even “three”, which is three times stronger.

His Ancestral Immortal rule has not increased, but wisdom, the realm of the mind, and the derivation of power are almost perfect. Every time I absorb some knowledge, the book of the Era has evolved into a new chapter, and all his crystals of the Kingdom of God will be reorganized and transformed in a new way.

After entering this “water moon dong day”, he has changed a total of hundreds of times.

“If I go out now, it is really the pinnacle of Ancestral Immortal, and I should be able to compete with Primordial Immortal.” Fang Han calculated his strength, but he did not have to work with the real Primordial Immortal jiao.

“I don’t know if I went deep into the depths of this water moon, I found the ancient books that were left before the last epoch. Will I raise the Culture Base again and reach the realm of Primordial Immortal? This degree of cultivation will really let People are shocked? But it should not be possible, promoted to Primordial Immortal, the need for the beginning of the gas, I am not enough now.”

Fang Han wants to be promoted to Primordial Immortal, but this is just a luxury. Now he has a half-length of the king’s spirit, which is far from enough for promotion.

What’s more, his realm has not arrived.

The promotion of such a person requires huge savings and does not know how many kings are spiritual.

Hey, hey.

After collecting this group of books, they left the iron-book magic books. After reading the above knowledge, Fang Han threw them into the long river of books. A crisp, falling water sound.

“Good tyrannical people! How can the sacred son who came into the feathers come out so strong? The books of the black demon sects are directly obliterated. We have to be ignorant and not to be obliterated by him.”

“The more tyrannical, the more I like it. I have practiced in this book for millions of years. I finally met a powerful Expert, looking for a chance to take his soul away and occupy his powerful body. I can See you again.”

“The son of the feathered men has come in a lot, but it has never been so tyrannical.”

“He seems to want to enter the depths, do you want to meet those old enchanters? Those old enchanting, is the book demon born in the last era of the book, tyrannical, do you want to surrender them?”

“No matter what, the black magic sects of the waste book demon, but also dare to kill this person, refining is a normal thing, my ancestor I am different, you can definitely kill this person.”

“The book of despair, let’s take a shot, suppress this child, take away his rou, and see the sky again.”

“it is good!”

Just in Fang Han, I suppressed a group of book demons of the “Black Demon”. In the depths, many hidden book demons were scattered with ideas, some marveled at the power of Fang Han, and some wanted to secretly calculate. Take away the body of Fang Han, there are some powerful old enchanting, it is stupid, to directly shoot, kill Fang Han.

Feathering the sky, though, is extremely dangerous. Among the many ancient books, the old enchanting book demon is born. They inherit the jinghua of the ancient book writers of the ancient times and have strong strength.

Fang Han continued to fly, crossing a tens of thousands of pieces, thousands of miles, completely covered by books, suddenly, a mountain explosion, many books flying, rolling, a circle of ten miles, as if the books appear in the sky It was covered with dark clouds, and an old enchanting cockroach appeared in it. The eyes were green, the evil light was faint, and the singer laughed, and a palm hit Fang Han.

“The book of despair?”

Fang Han glanced at the clouds and saw the big book of the day. It was a book written in Taikoo Essay. It gathered the desperate atmosphere of countless creatures, and the text of one piece showed despair. Aura.

“A good and powerful book is much more powerful than that sword, and the burial sword. The book demon that was born is indeed tyrannical.”

Fang Han saw the old enchantress in The Book of Despair, a black coat, a green flame entwined around, a face seyin horror, a toothy sensation, a very long fingernail, and a look is a peerless old demon.

“A good peerless enchanting! I want to create a demon civilization, this old enchanting is just for my use.” Fang Han is not shocked, but in the face of the old enchanting attack, his body suddenly disappeared, let the old enchanting Thumped out.

“what happened?”

The old enchanting whole body black cloud gathered, empty dangdang standing in the air, looking around, but can not see Fang Han’s body.

“Where did this person go?” His gods went out to look for it. At this moment, suddenly the sky above the head collapsed, a large sleeve swept across, landed between him, and his entire body and his body swept in.

The huge book of despair was also gathered together.

Fang Han appeared in the air, and there was a group of glazed brilliance on the palm of his hand. The flames boiled, wrapped in the old enchanting and the book of despair.

“Let me open, let go of me. I have a dark calculation, not reconciled! If you let me go, you will be given the boundless demon mystery, assist you condense the demon sacred.” The old enchantress cried in it: “This The book of despair is written by a saint of the Yaozu. You don’t know the ancient demon, I can translate it for you.”

“It’s really not a big head. I refining you and consuming your memory. I don’t understand the characters of the Yaozu? The book of despair written by the sage of the Yaozu is very good.”

Fang Han turned the palm of his hand and spurred Divine Fist. True Qi pressed it down and squashed the old enchanting scorpion. It broke into the book of the epoch, and immediately a page of the book of the epoch, Demonic Qi boiled, rising into the sky. Turned into a new page, the demon civilization.

History has opened a new page.

All the memories of the old enchanting, Divine Ability, Dao technique, were all integrated into Fang Han’s mind, and immediately understood, then Fang Han understood some of the sly words in the book of despair.

Taikoo demon.

The demon’s civilized chapter is concise, Fang Han’s realm is once again improved, Beginning Era Divine Fist is more powerful, and the multiplication of combat power seems to break through again. As long as you get some strong demon books, the knowledge is supplemented, making the demon’s civilization more enriched. The strength of Beginning Era Divine Fist is likely to exceed eleven times and reach twelve times.

“Oops, the old enchantress in the book of despair is suppressed this time. Fortunately, I didn’t shoot.” In the distance, the same old enchantress in several Shushan mountains trembled and stunned the attack that had just come out. Go back.

However, this is completely hidden from the eyes and ears of Fang Han.

“You old books and demon, don’t want to live, actually dare to besiege me, all give me out?” Fang Han was empty, several Shushan suddenly exploded, three identical books flew out, respectively The demon code, “The Wan Yao Jing”, “Group of the demon record.”

Among them, three old book demons were panicked among them.

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