Eternal Life

Chapter 1176

In the history of the history of the book of civilization, a page of magic civilization suddenly appeared.

This page of the devil’s civilization completely wrapped up the contents of the Yuan Demon, and even the Great Heart Demon Technique of Three Thousand Great Daos recorded it, explaining Heavenly Demon, the demons, the demons, the demon, the Heart Demon… …numerable demon race civilization changes, and the road to future exhibitions.

The history of the civilization of the page and the history of the civilization of the Buddha confirm each other, but instead make the history of two pages of civilization more and more mysterious. More and more epic Aura.

God’s civilization, Buddha’s civilization, dragon’s civilization, immortal civilization, and devil’s civilization are becoming more and more abundant, and mutual confirmation, there will be many new things.

Fang Han went all the way, and later, more and more knowledge was absorbed. It has completely exceeded the limits of Ancestral Immortal, even the Primordial Immortal, the ancient Saint Immortal, the saints did not have much knowledge he absorbed.

And the more you go to the depths of the water month, some books are getting bigger and bigger, a book is bigger than a xiaoshan, there are strong ideas above, even the general Jinxian, Ancestral Immortal If you can’t read it, your mind will infiltrate and you will be hurt by the ideas in the book.

However, Fang Han showed his way of stealing the sky, and his thoughts turned around, and he still bypassed the layers of forbidden art and read the contents of the book.

Forbidden art The more powerful the book, the more powerful the author is, and some of the authors have even died. However, the unique edge in the book is still left. As long as people read it, they will be cut by the edge, the mind will be crushed, and the wisdom will be Kill and become an idiot.

Fortunately, Fang Han directly ate the Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, and integrated it into the 33 Skies, and turned the claw into a High Grade Immortal Artifact, which suddenly increased its power tenfold. Cracking is most effective.

Even the sky can steal, still care about the contents of a xiaoxiao book?


Suddenly, Fang Han seemed to touch a powerful book, in the sky, a sharp, flying with the sword of the saint Aura, killing the void, move towards him, and the air appeared. There is a Sword Qi river, and there are some similarities with the imaginary sword of the imaginary Elder.

But this Sword Qi is more fierce than the “big river funeral sword”, full of saints Aura, Sword Qi vertical and horizontal, directly killing the future, cutting the fate of the DC.

Fang Han was caught unprepared by the killing, and he stepped back and forth. The bodyguard Astral Qi was cut by the strip and was almost injured by Astral Qi.

With his Cultivation Base, he was almost injured. If the general Ancestral Immortal came in, he would be killed immediately.

“This is a sword score…” Fang Han saw the Sword Qi book between the two, and it was actually a sword. The sword is hidden in the depths of many books in Xiaoshan. It is a simple bamboo slip. On the bamboo slip, many sword marks are depicted. It seems that the peerless Expert is practicing swordsmanship and marking his Martial art on it.

“A good sword, so powerful. It seems that I have to observe it carefully.” Fang Han moved in the heart, and a top-level floating squad flew out of his head. He even suppressed Sword Qi and then displayed it. Surgery, when the air is caught, a bamboo slip of a green se falls into the hands.


This roll of bamboo slips and green yu drops, the upper Sword Qi edge was touched by a hand, and the Sword Qi flew out. Fortunately, Fang Han put on the Tianjia and there was no sky umbrella, which made Sword Qi unable to penetrate.

Each of these Sword Qi is almost equivalent to the attack of Ancestral Immortal’s peak.

A bamboo slip, the Sword Qi contained in it is so powerful, how strong is the book?

Fang Han’s ability to work, gradually forced Sword Qi bi on the bamboo slip to the bamboo slip, and suddenly the iron hook silver stroke, strong and powerful, the sharp 1u font appeared on it, each stroke is a trick Peerless swordsmanship.

It is an ancient fairy text carved out.

The first is a few words of mind.

“There is a sword in your hand. It is better to have a sword in your heart. There is a sword in your heart. It is better to have no sword, no sword and no sword. It is better to bury a sword. The heart is like a sword, you can bury the sword. The soul of the sword is long. The funeral sword heart. The old man with the sword stay……”

This sword, called “The Funeral Sword”, is left by an expert called the Old Man of the Sword. The old man of the burial sword does not know who the character is. What is the Culture Base, leaving this sword, but it is obtained by the Expert of the feathered men, and stored in this “water moon dong day”.

“Good swordsmanship!”

Fang Han read this burial sword one by one, and the texts above all seem to be a long Sword in the sniper, in the wash, in the point of killing, every sword and sword, all go through the hot things. Recruiting lives.

After reading it, the swordsmanship was changed again. In order to steal the rain, Xia Lei, Qiu Shuang, Dong Xue and other swordsmanships were even more wonderful.

Fang Han read this sword score, but it took half a hour to finally understand it. Suddenly, the book of the epoch was a shock, and it was a chapter of civilization, which appeared in the pages of the book.

It is the “civilization of kendo.”

The civilization of the sword.

After reading this “burial sword”, it will actually create a new civilization. Fang Han is also incredible, knowing that this sword is not the same, so he waved his hand, swept a place, and then played the law. Hey, he used a five-line jing gas to practise an altar, and placed this bamboo sword in a respectful manner on the altar. Then he took out some Buddha’s fat and turned it into a lamp oil to sacrifice this bamboo sword.

It is strange to say that this bamboo slippery sword seems to have a spirit, and it has been sacrificed by Fang Han. It is quiet and enjoys the power of the burning of Buddha’s oil.

This sword score is a peerless kendo Expert.

“Don’t.” Fang Han walked through the sword and walked again to the depths of the water. Reading this sword score, although the civilization of the sword was brewed in the book of the era, it also consumed a lot of time.

He only has three days, and after three days, he will go out.

In the depths of the water moon dong days, there are many “Tianshu” left before the epoch, who can’t understand, and those words have been lost. However, Fang Han was able to use Zhou Tianyi’s calculations to figure out something. Great for the Beginning Era Divine Fist.

It is necessary to read as many pre-ecological things as possible within three days.

He flew up and, regardless of other books, flew to the depths of the water. He has gradually gained experience, some powerful books, Aura is also very strong, some are written by Primordial Immortal, and some even Saint Immortal, even the Supreme Immortal royals wrote.

The rest of the weak xiao classics, even if he read it, he can’t absorb any knowledge, so he doesn’t need 1ang to spend time.

All the way to the depths, the gods swept away, countless powerful books were peeped by him, stealing the heavens, knowledge absorption. In particular, many Martial Dao jinghua, after being transformed by wisdom, actually condense out the most powerful page of civilization in the book of the era.

Wuzhi civilization.

The civilization of Martial Dao.

This page of civilization is a condense, the strength of Fang Han’s body is once again elevated. Every crystal of the godland is filled with Aura of Martial Dao. It is much stronger, the true meaning of Martial Dao, the Aura of Martial Dao, in every country of God. All of the crystals have been raised. Fang Han seems to feel that as soon as she moves, the whole body’s crystal of the gods will be turned into a respected warrior, killing and killing all kinds of peerless Martial art.

“Well, Martial Dao’s civilization is formed by a condense. My Beginning Era Divine Fist is really a powerful force. With a shocking killing trick, it is no longer a prototype, but an achievement. Fighting with people is no less than Martial art of the Emperor. Spend more than ten times the power.” Fang Han sneaked in his heart.

In general, the Martian art of the heavens, the records in the emperor’s martial arts, are at most ten times more powerful. Of course, except for 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, it is the unique Martial art.

But now, with the condense of the Martial Dao civilization chapter of the Epoch Times, Fang Han feels that he can swing eleven times the force and break through ten times. Even in the future, the chapters of Martial Dao’s history of civilization are becoming more and more abundant, and the fighting power will be bigger and bigger.

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